Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 122 Stop and stop, think and think

"Chutian is dead. From today onwards, my name is Lin Xuan. Please meet me later. Don't make a mistake."

Under the bright sunlight, Li Qingshan's mind was in a trance for a moment, recalling the last words of that man named Chu Tian in the dark underground palace.

Is Lin Xuan a name he made up? Still the original name. He didn't know, but he knew that Qian Rongzhi was in trouble this time, and she would be a more terrifying enemy than Si Qing Edan.

All the Patriarchs gathered together and looked at the undulating water surface. Because the original water moon disk was taken by Beiyue, the monster, so the water mirror used to observe new students was cast by Li Qingshan, who is best at water spells.

Li Qingshan leaned against the window, lazily looking at the sparkling Longsnake Lake. This peaceful life was really long gone for him. There was a feeling that every bone was dismantled and relaxed.

In fact, during this period of time, he was not idle. He went to Tianlong Temple and reported his current cultivation level to Monk Bunu. What is condensed is the sea pearl, not the Buddhist relic.

Then Monk Bunu agreed for him to enter the seventh floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower, and he took every step of the way. After a hard fight, he finally came to the seventh statue of Demon Suppressing and comprehended the seventh "Illustration of Demon Suppressing". And this is also thanks to the fact that he can now be demonized freely, disguised as a demon, and will not be attacked by demons.

His cultivation base has also improved further, and the demon heart has become more and more brilliant. After being demonized, it is enough to fight against the monks in the middle and even late stages of Jindan. But I couldn't see Xiao An, whom I wanted to see the most. I only heard that she was cultivating in the Bodhi Court and didn't talk to anyone.

With a little unwillingness. Li Qingshan left Tianlong Temple, before he left, Bunu monk warned him: "You are all too fast, it is time to stop and think about it."

After Li Qingshan thought about it, he took it for granted. It took him only a decade or so to reach his current level from a young man who didn't even know how to do it. And Xiao An is similar. From a brat who is afraid of wind and light, to now killing corpses is as handsome as butchering dogs.

No matter how talented you are, it will take a certain amount of time to settle down. It is difficult to become a strong practitioner quickly, so Brother Niu will give him 10,000 years.

The power of the Phoenix and the Turtle. Maybe it's not that they can't be compatible, but that they have invested too little time and energy, always thinking about solving the problem once, and their cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds. Now it seems that it is not that simple. Since there is no shortcut to Nanshan, let's climb up little by little!

This moment. He sat lazily upstairs, but his mirror image clone was deep underground, soaking in the earth fire magma,

Suffering from the burning fire. On the verge of collapse at any time, he must constantly mobilize the monster energy to repair it in order to maintain it.

After surviving the second catastrophe. A deeper understanding of the avenues of heaven and earth and the mysteries of nature, and the way of harmony of water and fire. He also gradually found some ways, no longer as confused as before, not knowing what to do.

"Qingshan, after the end, how about going to the ** building for a few drinks together?" Wei Yangsheng said suddenly, although the expression on his face was not flattering, it also contained deep awe.

In fact, although Li Qingshan was careless, he was always the focus of everyone's attention. Even Han Tieyi, who was as cold as iron, looked at him very differently after receiving a faint hint from Han Anjun. The only one who doesn't take him seriously is Ru Xin, the doctor and patriarch, at least it seems so.

"Okay, isn't the door closed yet?" Li Qingshan readily agreed, he is not the kind of ascetic monk, how could he refuse the opportunity to drink fine wine.

"The centipede is dead but not stiff, let alone such a huge sect, but it seems to have been troubled a lot recently. After all, it has lost its roots. Qingshan, you might as well take over." Liu Changqing accepted the words with a smile, and suggested to Li Qingshan.

After Grandma You was killed and Qiu Haitang disappeared, the ** sect has no leader. Not only is it internally disintegrated, but there are also many crises externally, and it has become the target of many forces.

Liu Changqing originally wanted to take the opportunity to annex it, but after much consideration, he gave up. Li Qingshan took a great risk to help Qiu Haitang get out, but let himself take all the benefits in the end. With the status of the magistrate, the ** building was maintained as it is, so that it will not disperse, and no one can succeed.

"Me? Let me think about it!" Li Qingshan originally wanted to say, what's the use of that thing if I want it, but after another thought, this is Qiu Haitang's sect after all, if there is a chance in the future, it would be nice to return it to Qiu Haitang.

Various exams were carried out in an orderly manner. In the end, this handsome young man named Lin Xuan easily passed the exams, joined the Taoist school, and became a Taoist priest. It made Wei Yangsheng, the Confucian patriarch, feel very sorry, and it also made many people unable to understand. Since the death of Juechenzi, the Taoist school has been in a state without a patriarch, relying entirely on the chief disciple and a few professors to preside over the situation and pass on the Taoism. No one can make the decision to give him any extra benefits, but Wei Yangsheng offered quite good conditions.

Li Qingshan knew in his heart that he probably chose Taoism just because he didn't want to be paid special attention to by someone, and he would become the Patriarch of Taoism in a short time. Not only does he have powerful skills and practice experience, Ruxin also promised to provide him with sufficient resources to practice in exchange for the detailed teaching of "Cloud Furnace Dao Technique" and "Cloud Furnace Dao Technique".

The rise of a new star is already foreseeable.

Liu Chuanfeng sighed: "Unfortunately, it would be great if this son could join my novelist."

"Junior brother, don't wishful thinking. Although the novelist is much better than before, a true genius will not take this path." And for this opening examination, Sun Fubai also came back specially to accept the novelist as a novelist. There are more than a dozen disciples.

Li Qingshan said: "If it wasn't for Zhou Tong and that guy who bullied people, I wouldn't be reduced to a novelist."

Sun Fubai said with a smile: "This is God's will and luck. I will try my best not to disappoint you Qingshan, and I will explain it to you carefully when I go back. Novelists have a lot to do!"

Bringing the new disciples back to Yunxu Island, the three of them each said some words of encouragement, explained some novelist rules, let them wander around, and then returned to the bamboo building to discuss matters.

More than a dozen new disciples, the oldest was twenty years old, and the youngest was only nine years old. After the three of them left, they all breathed a sigh of relief. The breath made them dare not breathe.

The oldest young man said excitedly, "It's really him!"

The youngest nine-year-old child tilted his head and asked in puzzlement, "Who is it?"

"The one who spoke last, who is the tallest one, is Li Qingshan, Uncle Li! You must have heard of it!" The young man lowered his voice, looking as if you were too ignorant.

"Of course I've heard of it! The Red Eagle Commander of the Qinghe Mansion, he was originally just a cowherd. Breaking through the Golden Core Realm, it is our Qinghe Mansion, no, the most powerful genius in the entire Ruyi County!"

A young girl said immediately, proudly as if she was talking about herself, her eyes full of admiration.

The young man sighed: "Oh, I don't want anything else, as long as I can build a foundation before the age of thirty." The power is infinite.

Although Li Qingshan is still some distance away from the fame he pursued, his fame in Ruyi County is not a problem at all, and he has unknowingly been tainted with the color of legend.


In the bamboo building, the three of them sat facing each other, Li Qingshan picked up the teacup, and said to Sun Fubo: "Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Fu, Qingshan replaces wine with tea, I respect you a toast!"

Liu Chuanfeng also brought tea and expressed his gratitude to Sun Fubai. Without him running around, Yunxu Society would never have achieved such success.

Sun Fubai responded with a smile, "It's me and my junior brother who want to thank you. Qingshan, do you still have any money?"

"Money? Are you talking about Lingshi?"

Sun Fubai smiled wryly and shook his head: "No, it's money, real gold and silver."

Originally, for practitioners who have reached their level, gold and silver are almost as meaningless as scrap iron. However, in order to expand the Yunxu Society and implement Li Qingshan's plan, Sun Fubai set up free private schools in various parts of Ruyi County to teach children from poor families to read and write, so as to expand the foundation of novelists, but he found that the money is really not spent.

In Ruyi County's vast territory spanning thousands of miles, it would cost hundreds of millions of gold and silver just to build these private schools, plus the cost of recruiting personnel and maintaining operations, it would be an astronomical figure.

Sun Fubai does not lack the means to make money. He already has a lot of saltworks and gold mines in his hands, which are full of wealth. However, there is still a big gap in the implementation of such a grand plan.

After listening to Sun Fubai's explanation, Liu Chuanfeng said: "Since there is no money, then develop slowly, why rush for a while?"

Sun Fubai shook his head: "But that would be too wasteful. It's like a barren land. The more seeds you plant now, the more grain you will harvest in the future. If you cultivate one year later, you will lose one year of harvest. So the investment now The more the merrier."

Li Qingshan searched in the treasure bag, and found a lot of silver bills, as well as gold bars and silver ingots, worth tens of millions of taels of silver.

"Then I'm not being polite, it would be great if there were more."

Li Qingshan pondered: "General sects don't accumulate too much gold and silver, but there are no exceptions. The Grand Tower welcomes visitors from all directions, and most of them are mortals who use gold and silver. The Grand Sect should be quite rich!"

As soon as Li Qingshan told Liu Changqing's suggestion, Sun Fubai immediately said: "This idea is very good, one real estate is better than ten banks!"

"Okay then, I'll go tell Zhifu Liu." Li Qingshan said, it's been a long time since I haven't seen Qiu Haitang, and I don't know how she is doing now.

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