Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 123 Emotional, False, Transformation

In the depths of the deep lake, lake waves are rippling on Begonia's head. She sits still, with long eyelashes, a slightly raised nose, rosy lips, and a head of cloud-like black hair that is uncombed, like a waterfall. It hangs down to the waist and hips, charming and colorful.

After a while, she opened her eyes and sighed faintly. Before she knew it, she had stayed at the bottom of the lake for so long, and she had never been closed for such a long time, as if she had been forgotten by the world.

Of course, only one person knew he was there, and that person had apparently forgotten about it, these damned heartless males!

She has built the foundation for many years, and her foundation is not shallow. After transforming the cultivation method into "Rouge Dyeing the Heart Method", relying on Grandma You's "Rouge Heart", she has already broken through to the late stage of foundation building, but she has not yet fully refined it. , there is still some distance from the peak.

It is not easy to take that step and form your own "rouge heart". She didn't have the "Yuan Ling Pill", so it was too difficult to break through with her own strength, so she got up and wandered back in the cave.

Without the rapid improvement of her cultivation base, she almost doubted whether she could stay here for so long. Although she was tired of the hustle and bustle, but after being lonely for a long time, she realized that living alone is not that simple.

Pulling her long black hair back to the side of her face, although she is a practitioner, she firmly believes that the meaning of life is not just cultivation. She couldn't let her face wither silently in the long river of time, all her practice was just to find a beloved man, and then cast the secret technique of "lovesickness dyed red thread".

Since people's hearts are changeable, then bind them with a red thread and bind each other. Who will that person be?

First I thought of Hua Chengzan, but immediately rejected it with a smile, even though I loved him so much that I would give up my dignity. However, I don't want to force it to this level. If the other party is ruthless, what's the point of maintaining affection purely with a spell?

Then the face with fiery red hair and wicked smile appeared in front of his eyes, and he muttered, "Beiyue... bastard!"

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, there was a knocking sound above her head, Qiu Haitang raised her head, and saw a familiar smiling face outside the crystal wall.


Li Qingshan stepped into the cave at the bottom of the lake. This cave has not changed much from when he left. Although it has undergone a simple layout, it is still empty and boring like a prison. Compared with her original luxurious and beautiful cave, it is like heaven and earth.

"It's hard for her to stay here for so long!"

Look at the begonias again.

Li Qingshan couldn't help but move his heartstrings. At this time, she was wearing a plain and indifferent dress, with a kind of beauty washed away. Her skin was like snow. Maybe it was because she stayed at the bottom of this dark lake for too long, her complexion appeared pale. A white color. Standing there gracefully, a pair of charming and beautiful eyes looked over, and at the same time revealed an indescribable strange charm.

From Qiu Haitang's point of view, his changes were not small either. It was a little less flamboyant and wanton, and more stable and quiet, and he was very satisfied with the way she looked at her. But thinking of the intimacy of the past, it is still like yesterday. There was a wave of waves in the sea of ​​hearts. I can't help myself.

She remained calm, serving tea and water. He was polite but distant, and blamed him for being neglected for so long.

Li Qingshan asked: "You are about to go through the second catastrophe!"

"Yes." Qiu Haitang cherishes words like gold.

"Here." Li Qingshan threw a brocade box to her.

Qiu Haitang took the brocade box, opened it, and whispered, "Yuan Ling Pill."

Li Qingshan put his hands in his pockets, turned around and left, leaving the cup of tea untouched, the smoke curling up.

"Wait! Are you leaving now?" Qiu Haitang didn't expect him to leave as soon as he said it, without any hesitation, and there was a trace of panic in his heart.

"Otherwise, what else can you do? I don't think you want to talk to me very much."

Li Qingshan turned his head and said, if people don't show good looks, he doesn't want to make fun of himself, of course, if he uses force, Qiu Haitang will naturally be unable to resist, but he is not a lecherous ghost, so he wouldn't come here to do this kind of thing.

"You are so cold and heartless!"

Qiu Haitang said angrily, his contemptuous and senseless attitude immediately angered her.

Li Qingshan said with a smile: "If the sky has love, the sky will be old, and you are also a practitioner. I think with your talent, if you don't think about love and love, you will have survived the second catastrophe long ago."

"Let's go! You don't need to come again!" Qiu Haitang threw the Yuanling Pill back forcefully.

"You're not blaming me for not coming to see you, are you?" Li Qingshan took the Yuanling Pill, and with a flash, he came behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and whispered in her ear.

"I don't care, let me go!" Qiu Haitang snorted coldly, struggling hard.

Li Qingshan could feel the rubbing of his plump buttocks, and looking down, the snow-white ravine was violently rippling:

"Then I want to explain briefly. I have practiced for a while, fought with Si Qing and the others twice, killed Edan, and have been hunted down by his master recently. Have you heard of his master? It's Longzhou Wanshou Villa Yes, what is it called Beastmaster, that is very powerful."

What he said was extremely relaxed, but Qiu Haitang could hear the thrillingness in it, how could Evil Pill be so easy to kill, let alone "Beast King", for a foundation cultivator, he was a powerful figure in legends, and he Chasing and killing must be a narrow escape.

While she was practicing peacefully in the secret cave he built, he had forged a terrifying and powerful enemy because of her, and went through a dangerous battle outside. He has been silently giving, he could have done whatever he wanted, but he never asked her for anything.

In her mind, indifference immediately turned into silent commitment, and she felt very guilty.

"I don't know... I should have thought that after killing so many disciples of Edan, he would not let it go. It's great that you are fine."

"This is not good news for you. My enemy is your enemy. After all, everyone knows that you are my 'woman'."

Li Qingshan lifted Qiu Haitang's chin, she raised her head to meet his gaze. Knowing that he was angry because of his neglect, he couldn't help smiling.

"If it wasn't for you, I would be dead, I'm afraid this is my fate."

Qiu Haitang sighed softly, feeling a little helpless, but not much sentimental, her eyes were shrouded in a hazy mist, making her heart more touching.

"I don't believe in fate, it's man-made!"

Li Qingshan stuffed Yuanling Pill into her hands, and let her go with some reluctance, if he kept this posture again. He can't promise anything. Seeing you again this time, he had an inexplicable feeling that he didn't want to offend too much, maybe it was because he wasn't drunk this time!

"Can you tell me in detail what happened outside?" Qiu Haitang turned around, she was eager to know what happened to him.

"All right!"

Li Qingshan narrated Beiyue's adventures, and there were some false elements in it, to fill in some gaps and modify some flaws, and the most false part was all about Qiu Haitang. For example, "I was thinking about you all the time!" or, "Since I knew that Edan was rude to you, he was the one I had to kill, even if I got into any beast king."

His character is like this, Qiu Haitang loves to ignore him. He didn't bother to say a word of nonsense, but she was subdued, and he was willing to say something nice to make her happy. I have to say that this is quite difficult. When Li Qingshan said these words, he felt a little uncomfortable, and his acting skills were far from the normal level.

Qiu Haitang is an intelligent woman who is very good at observing words and expressions. He should have seen through his clumsy lies at a glance, but even though he said: "I don't believe it!" There was a shy smile on his face, and his eyes were even brighter afterward. The appearance of being moved, and the trace of tenderness in the eyes continued to expand.

Let Li Qingshan understand why it is said that female monks are the heaviest in love, and they cannot be easily contaminated. See how happy she is from the bottom of her heart. It is simply radiant, exuding an unparalleled charm. So his sweet words became smoother and smoother, and even he almost took it seriously.

"Well, at that time, I might have really thought about her, but I had to kill him first because I was interrupted by that fellow Evil Dan's strange cry!"

At this time, his hands and feet were very regular, he just held her jade hand and rubbed it lightly. Because appreciating the beautiful radiance she radiates at this time and appreciating the affection flowing in her eyes is a kind of enjoyment far beyond desire. Shy smiles, concern, coquettishness, all kinds of changes in expressions are all very moving, if you want to show off your siblings, it will damage this beauty.

Qiu Haitang's eyes were full of smiles: "You really let him call you Ah Yue!"

"Yeah, I'll call him Ah Qing, and Ah Dan Ah Zhen, you should have seen the expressions on their faces at that time."

"You are really bad." Qiu Haitang laughed and trembled, "Why don't I call you A Yue from now on!"

"Then I'll call you A-Tang?" "No, it's awful, just call me by my name."

Li Qingshan then said affectionately: "Begonia."

"Huh, it's too nasty." Qiu Haitang frowned, but felt a strange tremor in her heart, and two blushes appeared on her face.

"Si Qing has arranged so many women for you, why don't you touch them? You are still lying to me!"

"I swear to God, this is absolutely true, just because they are compared to my begonias, just like fireflies are to the sun and the moon, I am really not interested."

"When did I become your woman?" "Didn't you already accept your fate?" "It's up to you, but you said it." "I regret it." "Hee hee, it's too late."

Of course, there are many loopholes in these words. For such a long time, if he really missed her as he said, wouldn't he really be able to spare some time to see her?

But she automatically ignored all of them. Even if she thought about it, she felt that he should not only cultivate but also fight against powerful enemies outside. If she blames him for this kind of thing, then she is simply the kind of woman who doesn't know what is good or what is bad.

She is not stupid, just too infatuated. Hua Chengzan has never talked to her like this before, and she doesn't look down on other men. This is the first time in her life that this woman who has longed for affection has heard such sweet words. .

It's not that she can be fooled by some sweet words, otherwise it would not be Li Qingshan's turn to say these words. All along, his help and care for her are not fake, and he has already touched her heart, and buried her in her heart. A seed, these words are just an opportunity to germinate the seed.

Li Qingshan pondered, if he could see the data such as favorability, he would definitely see that her favorability has risen a lot now. Sure enough, an unknown hero is not enough, just practicing and not talking about stupid tricks. He practiced what should be practiced, said what should be said, and with such a result, it was as natural as flowing clouds and flowing water.

In the end, the tenderness and concern that naturally overflowed from her eyes almost melted her heart, and the low tone of "Ah Yue" shyly made him half-crisp.

When it was time to part, Qiu Haitang was reluctant to leave, Li Qingshan suddenly asked: "Haitang, do you have money?"

Up to this sentence, if a modern person listens to this sentence, he will definitely regard it as a column drama of emotional deception.

"It's like a bank note."

Li Qingshan further explained that he vaguely remembered that when he handed Grandma You's treasure bag to her, there were a lot of bank notes in it.


Qiu Haitang would never have imagined that the driving force behind his coming to find her was these banknotes that were of little use to practitioners. However, if these banknotes are all put together, they cannot be exchanged for a Yuanling Pill.

Li Qingshan said: "I have some uses."

Qiu Haitang took out all the bank notes, but it was far more than what Li Qingshan had imagined at the beginning. She had been the head of the ** sect for many years, and she was in charge of the accumulation of the ** building for many years. She didn't take it too seriously, and she still kept it.

Before leaving, Li Qingshan said: "Haitang, don't rush to take Yuanling Pill, if you fail to pass the tribulation, I will be sad!" This is not a lie.

"Well, I'll be careful." Qiu Haitang said in an unprecedentedly docile manner, but also a little coyly: "From now on, if you have nothing to do, come and sit down!"

"I will." Li Qingshan smiled, pecked lightly on her lips, turned around and walked away.

Qiu Haitang stood still, touching her lips, the touch of this light kiss was far greater than being taken advantage of by him in the past.

After a while, I came back to my senses, opened my arms and spun around on the spot, feeling extremely happy, and my steps became light, as if the gloomy cave at the bottom of the lake also had sunlight shining in.

After finally calming down, I began to look forward to the next meeting again, looking at the Yuanling Pill in my hand, I had to step up my practice. No matter what he said, she believed that there was a destiny in the dark.

Li Qingshan left the bottom of the lake, but he was wondering whether what he did just now was right or wrong, but he quickly put this thought behind him, it is not so easy to tell right from wrong in the world, just do it, it doesn't matter I'm so sorry.

So he handed over the silver ticket he got to Sun Fubo, and went to the banquet in the ** building in the evening, formally pocketing the ** family, and obtained a source of income. The novelist's century-old plan was vigorously carried out. To Li Qingshan, this was not a big deal. Even if it is a big event, the Dayan God Talisman is not very important. It is barely the least important of his several paths of practice, but it has really affected the fate of thousands of people.

Li Qingshan's life suddenly calmed down, but something changed unconsciously.

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