"Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon (

"In addition, what's the situation with Zhang Zhongmou, the senior vice president of Texas Instruments I asked you to meet?" Li Zhiwen asked.

"Boss, I still want to stay at Texas Instruments for the last fight, and I don't want to come out to do it." Kuratos Blank said.

"This deadly ass!" Li Zhiwen cursed secretly, and then continued to say to Kuratos Blank: "Kuratos, you can ask me about him, and I will talk to him."

"Okay, boss!" Kuratos Blank said.

Li Zhiwen wanted to find an entry point to enter the semiconductor industry last year. Today, Micron Technology is an accident, and Li Zhiwen looks at Texas Instruments Zhang Zhongmou.

You may not know Zhang Zhongmou of Texas Instruments, but you may be familiar with Zhang Zhongmou of Wanwan Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Zhang Zhongmou was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang. In Li Zhiwen’s opinion, Zhang Zhongmou is a uniquely intelligent person. He entered Harvard University from the age of 18 to study. There are more than 1,000 freshmen in the school. Zhang Zhongmou is the only Chinese. Transfer to MIT.

After obtaining a master's degree in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Zhang Zhongmou worked as an engineer in the semiconductor department of an electrical company near Boston.

Later, he moved to Texas Instruments and was the first Chinese employee of Texas Instruments. At that time, the annual turnover of Texas Instruments was less than 100 million US dollars.

Since then, he has been working for Texas Instruments, and received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University.

Zhang Zhongmou contributed all the way and eventually became the third person of Texas Instruments in 1972, second only to the chairman and president. At that time, Texas Instruments had become the number one in the world.

But around 1977, Zhang Zhongmou had a strategic conflict with Xia Bai, then president of Texas Instruments.

At that time, Intel was invincible in the memory field, and President Xia Bai emphasized consumer electronics products and was unwilling to increase investment in semiconductors, while Zhang Zhongmou was too strong and unwilling to compromise. He clamored to increase investment in semiconductors on different occasions inside and outside the company.

Zhang Zhongmou's actions aroused hostility from Xia Bai's family. Xia Bai wanted to kick Zhang Zhongmou out several times. However, Zhang Zhongmou's position in Texas Instruments was no less than that of him, and he has never had a chance.

After receiving Li Zhiwen’s advice, Curatos Blank met with Zhang Zhongmou several times, hoping that he would resign from Texas Instruments and Mars Capital would hire him to build the world’s top semiconductor company, but Zhang Zhongmou was still not disappointed with Texas Instruments. He did not agree to Curatos Blank’s invitation, and still dreamed of persuading the chairman and president of Texas Instruments to increase semiconductor investment.

And Li Zhiwen wants to intervene in the semiconductor industry. Zhang Zhongmou is the handsome man selected by Li Zhiwen. Li Zhiwen comes from later generations and knows the direction of future generations. Semiconductors are the lifeblood of many high-tech companies. Li Zhiwen does not have it himself. It is easy to be caught by the bald eagle. Semiconductors are what Li Zhiwen must do.

Zhang Zhongmou agrees to Li Zhiwen’s invitation, and everyone is happy. Li Zhiwen’s semiconductor journey is easier. If Zhang Zhongmou disagrees with Li Zhiwen’s invitation, semiconductors must naturally be pursued.

Kuratos Blank went down to deal with the task assigned by Li Zhiwen. Li Zhiwen was not interested in staying in his office, so Li Zhiwen was going to leave Mars Capital. Anyway, the most difficult things have been handled, and the rest is for Kuratos. Blanc will do it.

As soon as Li Zhiwen came to the company lobby, he was stopped by a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man opened his mouth awkwardly: "This gentleman, can you sit down and talk?"

Li Zhiwen looked up and down the middle-aged man, then spread his hands and said, "This gentleman, you should be seeking venture capital from Mars Capital. Then you should go directly upstairs to the investment department, and tell me what is the point? ?"

"My project is a bit anxious, I don't know how long it will take to reply to the investment department, and this gentleman, you should be the important leader of Mars Capital." The middle-aged man said.

"Why see?" Li Zhiwen glanced at the middle-aged man with interest.

"I just saw you walk out of the president's office, and President Blanc was still in the office just now, so you are the only person in the president's office, and the person who can make President Blanc so trust, isn't the person at the top of the company? "The middle-aged man said.

"Sir, your analysis is very good, the opportunity is for those who are prepared, so, I still have 20 minutes of free time, is 20 minutes enough?" Li Zhiwen looked at Patek Philippe on his wrist and said.

"Enough, enough, gentleman, thank you for listening to my project." The middle-aged man said crampedly.

"I hope your project can impress me. The coffee opposite is very good. I invite you to drink coffee." Li Zhiwen walked towards the Starbucks coffee shop opposite Mars Capital.

Li Zhiwen didn't even think that the business of Starbucks coffee shop has been done here. It seems that Howard Schultz has done a good job.

The middle-aged man followed Li Zhiwen into Starbucks and ordered himself a cup of American style, and the middle-aged man also ordered the same cup of coffee.

Li Zhiwen said: "This gentleman, you can introduce it." Li Zhiwen asked.

"Hello, sir. My name is John Warnock. I am the founder of a software company called Adobe. Our company mainly produces some software for computers. At present, the company has a software called AdobePostScript, which mainly uses To print text and images on paper..." the middle-aged man continued to introduce.

Even though Li Zhiwen was holding a coffee cup at this time, the stormy sea had already risen in his heart. Li Zhiwen never expected that he would meet a fat man casually, but he was bored to pass the time, and in the end he encountered a treasure.

Adobe is not well-known in later generations of China, but this does not mean that this company has no potential ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the contrary, it has great potential. Many people have used this company's software, and it is often used in later generations. Software Photoshop, PDF format, etc. are all designed by this company, and its company name will be added in front of the name of these software.

"Sir, sir!" John Warnock shouted twice.

"Sorry, I'm distracted, have you finished the introduction?" Li Zhiwen said.

"Yes!" John Warnock was a little frustrated. He thought that he had failed this time. If he succeeded, the gentleman would not be lethargic, but John Warnock couldn't help asking: "Mr. , What do you think of our products?"

"Your product" Li Zhiwen frowned, then continued: "There is still a certain desirability, so let's go to Curatos Blanc with my business card, and he will arrange it."

After Li Zhiwen finished speaking, he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to John Warnock.

John Warnock reached out his hands to take the business card, and took a look at it. There was nothing superfluous on the card, only one name and one phone number.

However, the more such a business card, the more John Warnock felt that Li Zhiwen's identity was not simple.

So John Warnock stood up and bowed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li."

"No, it depends on what Kuratos Blanc means." Li Zhiwen said with a smile.

"Thank you!" John Warnock bowed again and then took the briefcase on the table and left Starbucks.

When John Warnock left Starbucks, Li Zhiwen went to the front desk to grab the phone and call Curatos Blank, telling Curatos Blank that Adobe must invest. As for Li Zhiwen’s hesitation just now, it’s just a pretense. For John Warnock, after all, no one would refuse to get the most shares with the lowest investment.

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