Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 301: Zhang Zhongmou

"Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon (

At a coffee shop in the beautiful city of Dallas, Texas, Li Zhiwen finally met the well-known Zhang Zhongmou.

I saw Zhang Zhongmou wearing a suit and leather shoes, meticulously dressed, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

When Curatos Blanc saw Zhang Zhongmou entering the coffee shop, he immediately waved his hand, and Zhang Zhongmou walked over after seeing it.

"Mr. Zhang, meet again!" Curatos Blank said.

"Yes, I met again, Mr. Blank, but I don’t think we need to meet anymore. I have made it very clear. I have no plans to leave Texas Instruments for the time being. It’s just politeness to come here this time. Say it again." Zhang Zhongmou said rudely.

"Mr. Zhang, I am not looking for you this time, but our boss. Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Li Zhiwen, my boss." Curatos Blanc pointed to Li Zhiwen and said.

Zhang Zhongmou looked at Li Zhiwen up and down. Li Zhiwen is very young. Sometimes this is a weapon to make others despise him and get what he needs, but sometimes it is also a hindrance, such as at this moment.

"Chinese-American?" Zhang Zhongmou said in confusion, and stretched out his right hand over and over.

"No, I grew up in Hong Kong since I was a child, but I joined an American citizenship not long ago, so it can barely be considered a dual citizenship." Li Zhiwen also stretched out his right hand and shook it heavily on Zhang Zhongmou.

"Hongkonger? Which wealthy son or agent are you from?" Zhang Zhongmou continued to ask.

"Mr. Zhang looks down on me too much. I am not a son of a wealthy family, nor is it someone's agent. I am me, the rich generation." Li Zhiwen said sonorously.

Zhang Zhongmou was still a little unbelievable, and Kuratos Blank said: "Mr. Zhang doesn't have to worry about this. No matter what our boss is, his talent should not be underestimated. Let's talk about the immediate matter."

"Indeed, I was blindfolded." Zhang Zhongmou said with a smile.

"This is not Mr. Zhang's problem. After all, I am relatively young. Let's talk about business. Mr. Zhang is also very clear about our purpose. We want Mr. Zhang to be the president of our semiconductor company." Li Zhiwen said.

"What does your company currently have?" Zhang Zhong asked rebelliously.

Li Zhiwen spread his hands and said with a smile: "At present, we have nothing, equipment, factories, or even qualifications, and this company is still in my mind."

"Mr. Li is joking, why should a company like you invite me to be the president?" Zhang Zhongmou said irritably.

"Mr. Zhang, I am not joking. It is true that our company currently has nothing, it is a blank sheet of paper, but it is precisely because of this that we can let Mr. Zhang do whatever he wants. As long as Mr. Zhang is here, we have to People give people, ask money for money, if the factory laboratory, I have a piece of land in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong, and there is already a machinery manufacturing company there. As long as Mr. Zhang agrees to my request, I will immediately establish it next to the company here. New plant." Li Zhiwen said.

"Ask for money? I don't know how much money Mr. Li can give?" Zhang Zhongmou said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang thinks how much money is needed to build a world-leading semiconductor company." Li Zhiwen did not answer the question directly, but instead threw the question to Zhang Zhongmou.

Zhang Zhongmou thought for a moment, and then said: "The initial investment is at least 100 million U.S. dollars, and the later period depends on the situation."

In fact, Zhang Zhongmou believes that with 50 million US dollars, the semiconductor project can be launched. Here, the more than 50 million US dollars is just to increase the difficulty and let Li Zhiwen retreat.

"Mr. Zhang, I will satisfy you with this requirement. I will give you an investment of 150 million US dollars in the early stage. I can do it at any time if I need to add it." Li Zhiwen said.

Zhang Zhongmou's wretched pupils re-examined Li Zhiwen, and Li Zhiwen was fearless and faced Zhang Zhongmou's examination.

"The funding problem has been solved. What should we do about the talent problem? We must know that the semiconductor industry is a high-tech industry and needs a lot of talent support." Zhang Zhongmou said.

"In terms of talents, on the one hand, you need to rely on Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang has spent half his life in the semiconductor industry. He must have a lot of human resources. I can hire them at a high price. On the other hand, I have to start with some universities in the beautiful country. Local universities can also train some for us." Li Zhiwen said.

Li Zhiwen's meaning is very clear. Since Zhang Zhongmou has been with Texas Instruments for so many years, there must be some followers, and Li Zhiwen asked him to bring some.

"I can recommend some to Mr. Li, but they are not willing to go to Hong Kong, after all, Hong Kong is too far away." Zhang Zhongmou said.

"This problem is also very easy to solve. I can set up a laboratory in beautiful country for scientific research, and the production will be placed in Hong Kong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Zhiwen said.

Li Zhiwen's remarks solved many problems, and Zhang Zhongmou was moved, but Zhang Zhongmou was still a little hesitant.

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhongmou said, "I hope Mr. Li will give me some time and I will think about it. After all, I have been doing very well at Texas Instruments. It is indeed a bit difficult for me to leave now."

"Mr. Zhang was not very happy at Texas Instruments. After all, at this time, Texas Instruments focused on the field of consumer electronics. Semiconductors have been stagnant. This makes Mr. Zhang completely useless instead of staying. Texas Instruments is squandered, it is better to come out and start a business on your own. In addition, I give Mr. Zhang a 10% option. After the company goes public, the company can buy back these options." Li Zhiwen said.

Zhang Zhongmou was silent for a while, and then said: "Mr. Li is indeed very sincere, but this matter is not anxious. I really need to think about it carefully. Please forgive me."

"I understand. After all, this is a major event and needs to be considered. In this way, I will be in Dallas for some days. Mr. Zhang can contact me directly after considering it. This is my business card." Li Zhiwen said.

"Thank Mr. Li for his understanding." Zhang Zhongmou said.

"You're welcome, so let Kuratos talk to Mr. Zhang for a while, and I will go to the bathroom." Li Zhiwen got up and said.

"Mr. Li, please do it yourself!" Zhang Zhongmou said.

Li Zhiwen left the table, but Zhang Zhongmou did not observe a very sturdy man with a hat and a hat beside the dining table not far away and took a few photos with his camera.

Li Zhiwen returned from the bathroom soon, and then chatted with Zhang Zhongmou for a while, and then let Zhang Zhongmou leave, while he and Kuratos Blanc continued to stay where they were waiting for the next wave of negotiations.

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