Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 402: analyze

After sending Liu Xiaoli away, Li Zhiwen entered into a stressful job. Of course, because of guilt, Li Zhiwen had rain and dew on all the women, and was afraid that they would learn about Liu Xiaoli's pregnancy when they had an accident.

The job is mainly to count the available funds on hand to prepare for the next Sino-British talks.

And because of the Battle of Falklands, John Bull’s victory was easy and happy. John Bull’s military strength gave Ms. Margaret a lot of confidence.

So Ms. Margaret can’t wait to solve the Hong Kong problem, so she has scheduled a visit to the mainland on August 20, and a visit to Hong Kong on August 15, a full month earlier than her previous life.

So this is another important reason why Li Zhiwen can't wait to return to Hong Kong.

Not much to say, in the early morning of June 25th, Li Zhiwen came to the main battlefield of this battle-the Hong Kong Kowloon Stock Exchange.

The reason why the Kowloon Stock Exchange will become the main battlefield of the battle is that Kirin Securities is headquartered here.

This is not Li Zhiwen's blind arrogance, but the fact that it will indeed be the case.

In the process of this rapid decline in the stock market, it is unlikely that Li Zhiwen alone will benefit from it.

Li Zhiwen has never looked down upon people. He can do all of this by himself. It can be said that he relies on some memories from his previous life.

But people like Bao Yugang, Lin Baixin, and Li Jiacheng don't have any memories of past lives, but they can still do so well, which is very good.

Of course, some of these people did not agree with Li Zhiwen, but they cannot deny their wisdom.

Therefore, Li Zhiwen has made a lot of preparations for this Hong Kong stock market crisis, not only with huge funds, but also with personnel and news.

I am afraid that although Li Jiacheng, Lin Baixin and others can see the huge opportunities in the stock market this time, it is impossible to see that someone has calculated them in this crisis situation.

Li Zhiwen has a mental arithmetic and unintentional, and this can't be won. Li Zhiwen, a traveler, is really embarrassed.

Walking into the headquarters building of Kirin Securities, Li Zhiwen saw where Liang Botao was already waiting.

As a key force in the Li Zhiwen industry, Liang Botao understands the importance of Kirin Securities. Liang Botao understands that as long as Li Zhiwen returns to Hong Kong, the first stop will definitely be Kirin Securities. Therefore, Liang Botao will wait for a while in the lobby on the first floor every morning.

"Boss, you are welcome to learn about our work at Kylin Securities!" Liang Botao said.

"Bo Tao, let's go up and say!" Li Zhiwen said.

"Yes, boss!" Liang Botao followed Li Zhiwen's footsteps to the boss's office.

Li Zhiwen took a seat towards the boss, and Liju naturally picked up the tea set on one side to make tea.

"Bo Tao, tell me the story of my absence in Hong Kong in the past few months!" Li Zhiwen said.

"Boss, although the stock market has not fallen sharply, the entire Hong Kong stock market is in a downturn."

"On the one hand, the issue of ownership has caused Hong Kong people to panic. Many people are planning to move abroad to live!"

"Secondly, it may also be due to the crisis of trust caused by the strong selling of various stocks by the boss at the beginning of the year!" Liang Botao glanced at Li Zhiwen, saw Li Zhiwen expressionless, and continued.

"Because the boss sold a lot of stocks at the beginning of the year, and many stock prices on the stock market fell sharply. Although there have been increases afterwards, there is still a certain gap compared with the previous stock prices."

"In addition, I analyze that there are still major shareholders in the market slowly dumping stocks, which is very suspected of running away."

In fact, because of Li Zhiwen’s sell-off at the beginning of the year, it has triggered a crisis of trust among many small shareholders. I feel that such large shareholders are selling off. Obviously, there may be something wrong with this company.

Although these shares were absorbed by major shareholders such as Li Jiacheng and Jia Daoli, the stock price has stabilized.

But Li Zhiwen's sell-off also made many people doubt the continuity of the Hong Kong stock market.

After all, Sino-British talks are just around the corner, and Li Zhiwen’s previous actions are obviously not optimistic about the continued development of the Hong Kong stock market.

And Li Zhiwen has been doing great in the Hong Kong stock market over the years, and even big men like him have sold, and the small investors are also looking down on the Hong Kong stock market.

Therefore, Li Zhiwen's sell-off is also one of the reasons for the downturn in the Hong Kong stock market.

"What is the share price of Lai Sun Group and Hutchison Whampoa?" Li Zhiwen asked.

"According to yesterday’s closing price, Lai Sun Group’s share price was 3.5 Hong Kong dollars per share, which was a 5% drop from the lowest price last month. Hutchison Whampoa’s share price was 11.7 Hong Kong dollars per share, compared with the previous month’s lowest price. The monthly lowest price dropped by 3%."

"Moreover, according to my analysis, Lai Sun Group and Hutchison Whampoa stocks have been shipped recently." Liang Botao added.

When Li Zhiwen heard Liang Botao's words, he did not continue to speak, but rather pondered there, wondering if Lin Baixin and Li Jiacheng were selling their shares.

"How many shares does Li Jiacheng hold in Hutchison Whampoa now?" Li Zhiwen asked suddenly.

"Boss, Li Jiacheng personally holds a total of 25% of Hutchison Whampoa shares, an increase of 2% compared to last month."

"But boss, you also know that this cannot be all the shares of Hutchison Whampoa held by Li Jiacheng in total. Maybe he also holds some shares of Hutchison Whampoa through various methods and personally, but the number of shares has not reached the consensus! "Liang Botao said.

What Liang Botao said is indeed very reasonable. According to Li Zhiwen's memory, his previous life, Li Jiacheng, directly or indirectly held 45% of Hutchison Whampoa's shares at the end of 1981, so 25% of the shares are obviously not the total.

However, Li Zhiwen believes that Li Jiacheng's holdings of Hutchison Whampoa stocks in this life are definitely not as much as 45% of the previous life. After all, Li Zhiwen will disrupt the situation again in this life. In addition, Li Zhiwen raised the shares of Hutchison Whampoa at the beginning of the year and pitted Li Jiacheng.

Coupled with the fact that someone has been selling shares of Hutchison Whampoa at this time, Li Zhiwen fully believes that this person is very likely to be Li Jiacheng who is directing and acting himself.

On the surface, Li Jiacheng’s own Hutchison Whampoa stocks were added to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but secretly, they were selling indirectly held stocks.

Obviously, Li Jiacheng was half-believing about Li Zhiwen’s perception of the Hong Kong stock market crash, but he absolutely believed Li Zhiwen’s words after Li Zhiwen’s performance at the beginning of the year.

Thinking of this, Li Zhiwen no longer hesitated, and directly arranged: "Bo Tao, now re-purchase the shares of Lai Sun Group and Hutchison Whampoa, this speed does not need to be too fast, take it slow, we have plenty of time."

"But one thing is, try to let these two companies discover our actions as late as possible. Of course, it is best not to be discovered. For this reason, we also have to direct and perform ourselves, buy in and buy out!"

"Boss, according to my analysis, there will be major changes in the Hong Kong stock market in the near future. Will it be inappropriate for us to buy the shares of Hutchison Whampoa and Lai Sun Group at this time?" Liang Botao hesitated.

Although Liang Botao said very tactfully, Li Zhiwen understands that Liang Botao believes that there is absolutely a risk of loss in this move, and the risk is great.

"I understand, you can arrange for someone to do it!" Li Zhiwen said.

Li Zhiwen didn't explain anything, there was no need, he was the boss, just gave orders.

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