Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 403: Celebration banquet

On July 3rd, the "Police Story" celebration party was held in the waters of Repulse Bay in Hong Kong.

The crew of "Police Story" felt accustomed to being late for the celebration party. After all, this is a precedent, and the director has too many things.

But everyone knows that this "Police Story" celebration party will definitely be held. First, the Hong Kong box office of "Police Story" reached 30 million Hong Kong dollars. This is an important milestone in the history of Hong Kong film and is currently the highest-grossing film in Hong Kong. , And this record is estimated to be difficult to break.

Why do you say that? The director of "Police Story" was named Li Zhiwen.

The name Li Zhiwen may not have any outstanding results in the film industry, only the "Happy Ghost" shot two years ago.

However, the name Li Zhiwen can definitely give a thumbs-up in the business world. It may not be very effective elsewhere. However, it is terrifying that there are two or three hundred thousand people directly and indirectly relying on Li Zhiwen to eat in Hong Kong.

When "Police Story" was released, Li Zhiwen's various industries and groups organized employees to go to the cinema to watch "Police Story" to support the boss's new film. Of course, the money was paid by the company.

Li Zhiwen was not so stingy. He organized employees to go to the movies, but the movie ticket money actually needed employees to buy, which was somewhat inappropriate.

Of course, the filming of "Police Story" was good enough. After these employees watched, many employees chose to take their families to the cinema to watch the movie. In addition, during the same period, there was no other theater that could play. Therefore, the "Police Story" of Universal Cinemas 》The field is full.

This led to a box office record of 30 million Hong Kong dollars for "Police Story", and according to Li Zhiwen's estimation, this box office record can last at least five years.

And the box office of "Police Story" is so explosive, the crew of course are looking forward to the celebration party. There is no need to consider whether to do this kind of thing, but to consider that the bosses have time to participate in the celebration party.

After all, Li Zhiwen is so busy, the crew wants to hold a celebration party depending on the boss's time.

It's not that these crew members have not participated in the celebration banquet, but because the boss will participate this time. If they are valued by the boss, it will skyrocket. In an instant, the status will not only be improved, at least it will be more than doubled.

So everyone is looking forward to the announcement of the "Police Story" crew.

After all, Li Zhiwen's debut work "Happy Ghost" was held only four months after reaching a box office of tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

When Li Zhiwen came to the Universal Group to learn about the situation, Huang Xizhao mentioned the incident, and Li Zhiwen remembered the celebration banquet.

Fortunately, the yacht transported from Italy was also in place, so Li Zhiwen moved the celebration banquet to the yacht anchored in Repulse Bay.

There are two yachts moored in the waters of Repulse Bay, one of which is a large Sanlorenzo yacht with a total length of more than 50 meters, and this is the place where the "Police Story" crew celebrates their feast.

The other is the Riva Luxury Yacht. This yacht is 25 meters long and is an exhibit of the yacht manufacturer when Li Zhiwen purchased Riva Yachts.

This exhibit is a new type of ship newly designed by Riva Yacht Factory. As a result, Li Zhiwen was instantly attracted by it when he received it at Riva Yacht Factory.

Apart from anything else, I directly rowed this yacht under his own name and transported it to Hong Kong by sea this time, and this yacht was a place where few people stayed.

After all, although this Riva yacht is not as long as the Sanlorenzo yacht next to it, its cost is twice that of the Sanlorenzo yacht.

Just like the last time "Happy Ghost" held a celebration banquet, directors and artists of the Universal Group, etc. heard that the "Police Story" held a celebration banquet, and they came in abruptly.

It can be regarded as a meeting with artists of the Universal Group. "Police Story" such as Chen Long, Lin Qingxia, and Zhang Manyu mainly appeared on the Riva Yacht.

Zhang Guorong, Zhou Runfa, Hong Jinbao, Wang Jing and others are also on the Riva Yacht.

As for the other lesser-known and low-status yachts on the Sanlorenzo Yacht, everyone did not feel any anger. After all, the identity is there, and there are still entertainers who can’t get on the yacht, so the Sanlorenzo Yacht As soon as the people think so, they are relieved, just want to work hard to try to appear on the Riva Yacht next time.

"Hua Zai, stare at the sea, what to see, so many beautiful girls, it's a pity that you have such a beautiful face if you don't go to hook girls!" Liang Jiahui said two goblets filled with red wine as they walked to Liu Dehua's side.

Liu Dehua saw that it was Liang Jiahui, so he naturally took the red wine that Liang Jiahui handed over, and then said: "It's Brother Hui, how can I be so beautiful, but Brother Hui, the image of a tough guy with a face is much more popular than me, Hui Why doesn't brother hook the girl?"

Liu Dehua and Liang Jiahui are classmates of the 2nd Global Television Artists Training Class, and they are naturally familiar with each other.

In fact, it is said that it is an artist training class, which is actually similar to an artist training school, except that there is something unknown.

The reason why GTV is only setting up artist training classes, rather than establishing an artist training school in one step.

The main reason is that the Hong Kong government has very strict control over the establishment of schools.

The artist training class of Universal Television has a one-and-a-half-year period. In the first year, students learn performances and other knowledge in the class, while the remaining six months are sent out for internships.

Of course, it is not for students to practice blindly. Many actors in the movies and TV series that Universal Television and Universal Cinemas participate in will be selected in the training class, so this is their place of internship.

After half a year, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The training class test will be scored based on the internship performance of these artists. A good score can naturally get a good recommendation for a good role, while a poor score can only start from the dragon actors. .

Of course, not all actors in the dragon set have no chance of success, but they need more effort than the students with good grades.

Therefore, all the students in the training class are struggling to get a good role, a good score, and a higher starting point for graduation in the future, rather than a dead end.

"Brother Hui, how about your internship this six months?" Liu Dehua turned the subject away.

"Don't mention it, the characters I get are all pretending to be dead bodies, or there are no lines, and I don't use what I learned in school."

"But Huazai, you are much better than me. The director will never let you be so beautiful to pretend to be a dead body!" Liang Jiahui joked.

"What's the use of a few lines? When can they be the same." Liu Dehua said while looking at the Riva Yacht parked aside.

And Liang Jiahui glanced at Liu Dehua's eyes, was silent for a while, and then said: "There will be such a day."

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