Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 842 Interrogation

Seeing that Luo An was not panicking at all, Winslow and Lacey looked at each other, smiled and put down the heavy stone in their hearts. They simply packed up and went to the hotel to rest with Luo An.

Everyone was really tired after a hard day's work. It wasn't until about ten o'clock in the morning that the group of people walked into the temporary office again without any hurry.

Not long after everyone arrived in the office, a white man in a suit, wearing glasses and with neatly slicked back hair, who looked to be in his forties, walked in.

"Hello, Captain Greenwood."

The man smiled and stretched out his hand towards Luo Anshi:

“My name is Ilhan, and I’m Mr. Vassell-Venney’s lawyer.

I will be with Mr. Vassell-Venney for the rest of the interrogation process, and I hope Team Leader Greenwood doesn't mind. "

The federal law does exist for lawyers to accompany suspects for interrogation. Luo An was not surprised by this and just stretched out his hand to shake the other person's hand:

"Hello, Lawyer Ilhan."

Lawyer Ilhan chuckled and asked:

"Then when do we start the interrogation?"

"There's no rush, we still have some work to do."

Luo An took a deep look at Lawyer Ilhan, then waved his hand and said:

"Winslow, treat this lawyer Ilhan well."

"no problem."

Winslow grinned and walked up to lawyer Ilhan:

"Please follow me, Mr. Lawyer."


Lawyer Ilhan was half-invited and half-coerced by Winslow and taken to another room far away to wait. Luo An poured a cup of coffee and said:

"Mona, I remember you found out before that Vassell Vinny's gang was related to several bank robberies in Georgia, right?"

"That's right."

Mona added:

"The Atlanta police found many suspicious clues, but they have never been able to find the key evidence."


Luo An thought for a moment and whispered:

"Mona, Michelle, please investigate the situation of this lawyer Ilhan, see who are the shareholders of his law firm, and then carefully investigate his interpersonal relationships."

"no problem!"

Mona and Michelle took the order and started busy. Lacey raised her hand and asked:

"What about me? What do I do?"

Luo An thought for a while and said:

"Lacie, Chenelle, go to Vassell Vinny's residence and search it carefully to see if you can find anything useful."


Lacey and Chenelle nodded, simply packed up their things and turned to leave. Luo An was silent for a moment, took out his cell phone and walked to the corner where the water fountain was, found a phone number and called:

"Good afternoon, I'm Luo An."

Time moved forward minute by minute, and soon it went from 10:30 in the morning to 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Lawyer Ilhan had been sitting in the room waiting, but Luo An refused to bring Vassell Vinny to trial.

When Lawyer Ilhan looked for Luo An, he found Luo An slumped in a chair to rest out of boredom. He even yawned when he saw him.


Lawyer Ilhan was very helpless, but he could not interfere with Luo An's work without interrogating him, so he could only choose to continue waiting.

Time continued to move forward. At seven o'clock in the evening, lawyer Ilhan left the FBI building and went out to have dinner. As soon as he reached the door of the restaurant, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, Lawyer Ilhan."

Luo An on the other end of the phone chuckled:

"I want to interrogate Vassell Vinny. You are his lawyer. You can come with me."


Lawyer Ilhan's eyelids jumped. He took several deep breaths to suppress the negative emotions in his heart. He left the restaurant and drove back to the FBI branch building.

Twenty minutes later, in the interrogation room, Lawyer Ilhan sat on the same side as Vassell Vinny, and Roan and Chenelle sat across the interrogation table.

Lawyer Ilhan looked at Roan with a displeased face, while Vassell Vinny looked up at the ceiling with a blank expression, not bothering to talk to Roan and Chenelle at all.

Luo An took the coffee and tasted it slowly, not paying attention to lawyer Ilhan's eyes. Chenier was arranging the documents by herself, without saying a word. There were four people in the interrogation room, but the air was very quiet.

A few minutes later, Chenille finished sorting and nodded to Luo An. Upon seeing this, Luo An put down the coffee cup, took the first document, coughed and said:

"Wasser Vinny, did you kill Goldtooth Vernon?"

Vassell Vinny turned to look at Lawyer Ilhan. Lawyer Ilhan sat upright and said in a solemn voice:

"Team Leader Greenwood, please show me specific evidence.

My client has the right to refuse to answer such leading questions without evidence. "

Chenelle frowned. This was why she didn't like lawyers. It was too much to cover up criminals' accusations and betray their conscience.

Luo An smiled and seemed unconcerned. He put down the first document, picked up the second document and said:

“Wasser-Vinny, apart from Herman, is anyone else alive in the counterfeit banknote team?

Who is left alive in the treasure hunting team that you took advantage of? How's Benson doing? Where are others?

Were you the one who started the fire in the warehouse..."

Luo An asked dozens of questions in a leisurely manner. For some questions, lawyer Ilhan still refused to answer because he said there was no evidence. For some questions, Vassell-Vinny prevaricates casually, and even answered a few "I don't know" questions. .

Chenier's face became increasingly ugly, but Luo An remained very calm.

“In other words, Benson of the treasure hunting team was severely burned due to the fire, and was shot by Goldtooth Vernon to relieve the pain.

As for the counterfeit banknote team, two people survived, and one of them was killed by you. Herman was very useful, so you kept him until now. "

Luo An nodded and summarized the answer he had just asked. Vassell Vinny looked at Luo An in disbelief, really not understanding what was going on.

Lawyer Ilhan looked at Vassell Vinny's expression, and then at Luo An, who had a calm face. His face suddenly became ugly, and he said in a deep voice:

"Leader Greenwood, please don't make nonsense without evidence. The FBI cannot slander federal people."

"There is no slander. Vassell-Vinney himself knows whether the matter is true or false."

Luo An closed the document, turned his gaze to Lawyer Ilhan, and said:

"As for you, Mr. Lawyer, breaking the law is not a good thing."

Lawyer Ilhan frowned, and just as he was about to speak, there was a knock on the interrogation room door. Luo An stood up and opened the door, and two white men in suits and ties walked in.

"Hello, Captain Greenwood."


Luo An smiled and reached out to shake hands with the two of them, and exchanged a few words. The two men in suits took out an ID and placed it in front of lawyer Ilhan without any nonsense, and said:

"IRS-CI, Mr. Ilhan Zorro, you have some problems with your financial situation. Please come with us."


Lawyer Ilhan stood up instantly and his eyes widened in disbelief:


The two men in suits were too lazy to talk nonsense and directly opened their clothes to reveal the pistols inside:

"Please come with us."


Lawyer Ilhan was breathing rapidly and his chest was heaving wildly. Suddenly he turned his head and stared at Luo An, and said angrily:

"It's you! Leader Greenwood, you are too..."

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence, Lawyer Ilhan, be careful if I sue you for defamation."

Luo An smiled, and Lawyer Ilhan was silent for a long time. Finally, he snorted and had to leave the interrogation room with IRS-CI.

Vassell Vinny looked at this scene in surprise. He didn't realize it until Lawyer Ilhan closed the door and left. Just as he was about to speak, Luo An smiled and said:

"Wasser Vinny, Herman has already explained everything, how do you choose?"

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