Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 843 The story behind the case (Part 1)

Chapter 843 The story behind the case-Part 1

Eight o'clock in the evening, Columbia City, FBI branch building, an interrogation room.

"Herman has already explained everything, how do you choose?"

Hearing Luo An's question, and then thinking of the scene where lawyer Ilhan was taken away just now, Vassell Vinny's face changed slightly, but he quickly thought of something again, and he snorted coldly and said:

"To be honest, Team Leader Luo An, your joke is boring."

Luo An chuckled and shook his head slightly, patted Cheniel on the shoulder, stopped talking, and left the interrogation room directly.


The moment the door to the interrogation room was closed, Vassell Vinny's expression instantly became gloomy, and beads of sweat slowly formed on his temples.

At the same time, in the corridor outside the door of the interrogation room, Winslow and Lacey looked puzzled. Seeing Luo An and the others walking out, Lacey immediately came up and asked in a low voice:

"Luo An, what happened to those two IRS-CI agents just now?"

"Both detectives said there were financial issues with the lawyer Ilhan."

Luo An smiled, but Lacey was still full of doubts. At this moment, Mona walked over from the office area, pushed a folder to Lacey, and said with a smile:

"Luo An asked me to investigate Lawyer Ilhan's interpersonal relationships before, and I found some clues."

Lacey opened the folder and found that Lawyer Ilhan's interpersonal relationships were very complicated. Ordinary people, company bosses, and criminals of all kinds... all had his friends.

Lawyer Ilhan also knows many people in the business and political circles. The difference is that most of his friends in the business and political circles are people from the upper middle class and below the rich level.

"The status of these people is not low, but they are still far from the top bosses."

Michelle also came over at this time, and she explained seriously:

"According to normal circumstances, Lawyer Ilhan has such a wide network of contacts. If he meets friends through friends and works hard to cater to him for a few years, he should soon be able to reach a higher level.

But Lawyer Ilhan has none of that. He has never expanded his network in the past ten years. This is not consistent with common sense at all. "

Winslow's eyes moved slightly. He suddenly remembered a case he had experienced several years ago, so he guessed in a low voice:

"There is someone behind Lawyer Ilhan. Is this guy a white glove?"

"It should be said that he is the guy responsible for cleaning the gloves and improving the life cycle of the gloves."

Luo An took the folder in Lacey's hand, turned to the last page and found a circled name, and said:

"Harrison Hamid, an ordinary billionaire.

After cross-reference, it was found that there was no direct connection between him and Lawyer Ilhan, but with a few detours, every time Lawyer Ilhan took over the case, he would always be more or less connected to him.

The same goes for this guy Vassell Vinny. "


Lacey was a little surprised:

"Wasser Vinny is a bank robber, how can he be associated with a billionaire?"

"It's really possible."

Michelle found another folder and handed it to Lacey, whispering:

“Those bank robberies in Georgia happened at different banks.

But if you compare the accounts of these banks, you will find that these banks are all related to the private equity funds of certain subsidiaries under Harrison Hamid, a certain parent company. "


Lacey frowned. She felt that Michelle's words were a bit convoluted. She thought carefully for a few seconds before clearing her thoughts, and then said in surprise:

"You mean, the reason why Vassell Vinny robbed the bank was actually to help Harrison Hamid, a billionaire, clean up his accounts?"

Michelle looked at Luo An, who shook his head slightly:

"It is unlikely that the accounts will be settled. There should be other stories behind it."

Lacey was stunned for a moment:

"what story?"

Luo An spread his hands:

"have no idea."

Lacey's head was suddenly filled with black lines. Luo An chuckled, put the folder back into her hand, and said:

"Because I didn't know, I called IRS-CI."

IRS-CI, the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division, has the highest priority among various law enforcement agencies throughout the federal government.

Vassell Vinny is a bank robber, and he is related to the rich man Harrison Hamid. It sounds like he knows that the things behind him are complicated and difficult to investigate.

In this case, it is better to go directly to IRS-CI (Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division). They are not interested in the case itself, but the money in the case is very worthy of their attention.

IRS-CI has the power to arrest people first and provide evidence later. Even if Harrison Hamid is a rich man, he cannot openly resist the other party.

"There's no need to rush here, Vassell-Vinny. Once the investigation results from Lawyer Ilhan come out, he can just settle it here."

Faced with Vassell Vinny, who refused to give in, Luo An decisively chose to use the secret skills of people off the court and asked IRS-CI supervisor Elmer for help.

Director Elmer was also very happy about this. There is no doubt that Luo An gave him another big achievement.

The corner of Lacey's mouth twitched. Vassell Vinny in the interrogation room clearly knew nothing, but still felt that I had the advantage. In fact, Luo An had already arranged everything...

After a moment of silence, Lacey then asked:

"So, what do we do next?"

"Next, let's go talk to Herman."

Luo An stretched his waist and said with a faint smile:

"He hasn't been in the sea water for a long time, so his brain shouldn't be damaged. He can distinguish between good and bad, advantages and disadvantages."


"I'll tell you everything."

Five minutes later, in another interrogation room, Roan and Chenier had just sorted out the documents. Before they looked up to ask, Herman said with a serious face and very proactively:

"The guy with the gold teeth in his mouth was killed by Vassel Vinny."

Chenier was stunned by Herman's cooperative attitude. Roan laughed, reached out to pour Herman a cup of coffee, and then asked:

"What happened to the fire?"

Herman paused in taking the coffee, and was silent for a few seconds. He took a sip of coffee and said:

"I set the fire."

Herman said that he had to set the fire.

Before the fire started, Herman and his men had been living in a warehouse in the suburbs of Atlanta, living a boring life of eating and drinking to relax, and printing several large cardboard boxes of counterfeit banknotes every day.

"Susan is my... uh, friend."

Facing Chenier's slightly contemptuous eyes, Herman smiled awkwardly and continued:

"More than a month before the fire, when Susan went out to buy food, two drunk guys came up to cause trouble."

The drunk guys in Herman's mouth were two people in the treasure hunting team.

That day, Herman happened to go out to buy food with Susan. Seeing this situation, he immediately stepped forward to stop them. The two drunks got angry and started fighting, and Herman fought with them.

In the middle of the fight, someone came out to stop the fight. The other party was the boss of the drunks, named Benson.

Compared to the two drunks, Benson's attitude was much better. He apologized a few times and took people away. Herman was taken back to the warehouse by Susan. When he was packing up, he suddenly found that the counterfeit money he used to show to customers when doing business was lost.

Herman immediately realized that the counterfeit money might have been taken away by Benson and others, and hurriedly drove back to the place where they fought, but found that Benson and others had already left, and Herman couldn't find them at all.

Herman planned to lead everyone to evacuate the warehouse, but was rejected by Susan and others because the equipment was large and difficult to move. It would be very troublesome to move to a new place to start work again, which would waste a lot of time.

"I should have forced them to leave at that time."

Herman smiled bitterly:

"If quality control is not strict, there will be trouble. This sentence is indeed true."

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