Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 844 The story behind the case (Part 2)

Chapter 844 The story behind the case-Part 2

When making counterfeit banknotes, the most important thing is quality control.

Whether it’s electronic printing, paper, ink, or watermarking, you can’t do it casually or carelessly. You must do your best.

These are the technical aspects of making counterfeit banknotes. In addition, the location of the counterfeit banknote factory, the personnel who make the counterfeit banknotes, the plan for selling the counterfeit banknotes, and the identity of the buyers of the counterfeit banknotes...

These require careful consideration and investigation. Every step must not be careless. Only by being cautious and cautious can we get to the end. These are also quality control.

Considering that only one counterfeit note was lost, and that Susan and other subordinates opposed the relocation of the factory, Herman thought for a long time and finally chose to compromise.

Facts have proven that lax quality control can cause big problems.

Benson didn't recognize the twenty-dollar bill as a super fake at first, so he went shopping with it.

In the end, it was the banknote detector in the mall that found something wrong with the twenty dollars, and Benson realized it.

In addition, Susan and others went out to buy things every once in a while, and mysteriously did not go out at all other times. Their schedules were very regular, and Benson instantly realized that there was something wrong with that warehouse.

Based on the total amount of food Susan purchased, Benson guessed that there were about 10 people in the warehouse.

He originally planned to find time to find out, but Leon said it was time to go out to sea to hunt for treasure. Benson had to put the matter behind him for the time being and follow the fleet to sea.

Benson and others' treasure hunt went very smoothly. It didn't take long before they found the sunken SS Central America, and even managed to get some gold coins and gold nuggets from it.

Because the ship was not big enough and the equipment was not complete enough to continue diving, Benson, Leon and others decided to temporarily return to the shore and find a larger ship to go out to sea to fish for gold.

As soon as Benson, Leon and others docked, the covert behavior of some people in the team while holding boxes attracted some people's attention.

A technical worker took advantage of the situation and asked some information from a crew member.

Three and a half minutes later, most of Atlanta's underground world knew about it.

A certain crew member: "..."

They robbed a bank some time ago and had nothing to do recently. The Vasseur-Vinny team also learned the news. After some discussion, they decided to make extra money and set out that night to start the gangster operation.

Most of the treasure hunting team dodge and are slaughtered. Only Benson, Leon, and Anatoly, who is not mentally normal, survive.

The three of them fled all the way. Seeing that he could not get rid of his pursuers, Benson chose to drag the others into the water and persuaded Leon to drive the car towards the warehouse in the suburbs.

Benson remembered that there were about ten people there, and they should be able to delay some time.

"Benson and Leon are bastards raised by two cousins."

Having said this, Herman's face was full of anger, he hammered the interrogation table hard, and said angrily:

“We were working overtime to print counterfeit money, and before we could react, they drove into the factory with a group of people.

We fired wildly and fought back, and there was a fierce battle. Susan and the others died in that battle, and Vassell and Vinnie also suffered heavy losses..."

In order to prevent the news of the counterfeit banknotes from leaking out, Hermann had no choice but to light a fire and prepare to burn everything.

The fire devoured the counterfeit banknotes and turned into a raging flame, quickly burning 90% of the items in the warehouse. Months of hard work by Herman and others were destroyed in one fell swoop.

"I thought at the time, this was the most tragic thing in the world."

Herman let out a long sigh and whispered:

"I never expected that Vassell Vinny and Goldtooth Vernon were fine, and they even held us hostage."

There were only five survivors of the fire:

Vassell Vinny, Goldtooth Vernon, Benson, Herman, and another helper from Herman's counterfeiting team.

Among them, Benson's body was severely burned, and Vasseur-Vinny was very kind. After asking for clues about Anatoly, he raised his pistol to help him eliminate the pain.

As for the helper of the counterfeit banknote team, he was seriously injured in the previous gun battle. Anatoly was kind-hearted and could not see the other person suffering, so he took the gun again and sent the other person into a deep sleep.

At this point, the three-party melee ended, and the only survivors were Herman, Vassell Vinny, Goldtooth Vernon, and the mentally disturbed Anatoly.

Among them, Anatoly took a bag of counterfeit banknotes and gold coins, and followed Benson's instructions before his death, all the way to New York.

Vassell Vinny and Goldtooth Vernon needed to watch over Herman and it was inconvenient to arrest him, so they used some means to find Klaus and asked him to lead the team to capture him.

After Anatoly arrived in New York, he showed Benson's half-brother Campbell-Hank the counterfeit money and gold coins.

Drug addict Campbell-Hank hid the gold coins, but used counterfeit bills to deceive others into buying a lot of flour, and sold the remaining counterfeit bills to gangsters.

Luo An and others destroyed the gang and accidentally discovered counterfeit banknotes, and then began to investigate...

Chenier, who recorded the words of the interrogation, nodded slightly. At this point, the context of the entire case was clear, and the development of the matter was clear and clear.

"And one more thing."

Luo An shook his head slightly, clapped his hands to attract Chenier and Herman who bowed their heads in silence, and asked:

“You just said that Campbell-Hank and Goldtooth Vernon never killed you after they captured you.

Even in the face of your provocation, Campbell-Hank suppressed his anger. What's going on? "

If Campbell Hank wanted to salvage gold, there was no need to be so nice to Herman. Anatoly, who had mental problems, was his best candidate to recruit.

"Campbell Hank wanted me to make counterfeit money for him."

Herman sneered and did not hide this matter. He replied:

"I don't know the purpose of this guy making counterfeit money.

But this guy has asked me many times how big the difference is between the counterfeit money I made and the real money, whether it can be mistaken for the real thing, and even asked me if the bank can find it..."

Hearing Herman's subsequent description, Chenier frowned, and suddenly her face changed slightly and she thought of a certain word: stealing and replacing the pillars!

Thinking of the wealthy Harrison Hamid... Chenier swallowed her spit and whispered to Roan:

"Roan, Herman is not going to use fake money to replace real money, is he?"

"It's possible."

Roan smiled. Using fake money to make a plan to rob a bank sounds a bit fanciful, but if there is an insider to help, the success rate is not low.

Without dwelling on this topic too much, Roan asked briefly for a while, figured out some details of the case, and led Chenier out of the interrogation room.

"How is it? Did Herman say anything?"

As soon as the two walked out of the interrogation room, Lacey quickly came up to them. Roan stuffed the interrogation record into her hand, then walked to Mona and asked:

"What's the situation at the IRS? Did they call?"

"Director Elmer did call you just now."

Mona handed the phone to Roan and said:

"But he didn't say the specific details, just asked you to call him back when you have time."


Roan took the phone and walked aside. At the same time, Winslow also came to Lacey and asked with a smile:

"What's in the interrogation record?"

"Roan is very good. Herman said everything he should say."

Lacey replied casually, and after quickly flipping through it for a few seconds, she asked:

"Chenelle, where is the gold?"

Chenelle spread her hands:

"The ones on the bottom of the sea are still on the bottom of the sea. As for the few pieces that were fished out, only Campbell Hank knows where they are."

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