Legendary Hero

Chapter 107 A Great Victory

Ertu was a little dazed about what happened to him, and at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Close the net!"

Following the sound, Ertu felt a large net under his body suddenly tightened, restraining his body, hands and feet.

He moved his hands and feet, and found that his hands and feet were a little weak, and these nets were also very strong, and he couldn't break free for a while.

"Cast the net!" cried the voice again.

Ertu saw a few soldiers dragging a net over his head, and then tightened it to bind his upper body.

I don't know what this net is made of, not only entangled his body, but also entangled the sword in his hand, making it impossible for him to swing the sword to cut them.

"Coward! If you have the ability to fight me dignifiedly!" Ertu knew that he had stepped into a trap, and was furious, and began to struggle hard.

"Crossbowman, shoot!" During the struggle, the voice yelled again, and then he heard the wind of 'chi chi' again, followed by, he felt a tingling pain continuously coming from his body, as if being caught It was as if a poisonous insect had been bitten severely, but when he looked down, he saw many thin iron thorns on his body.

Ertu recognized this thing, this is a crossbow, a weird thing that humans came up with. He wasn't interested in this weird thing, but he was very angry because it hurt his body.

"Hey~ You actually hurt my noble body, you have completely angered me, go to hell!" He struggled suddenly, wanting to escape from the net.

In fact, he did it. He could feel that the curved hook sword in his hand cut several net ropes, and the restraint on his body was also reduced a lot, and he was about to break free.

"Change the poisonous arrows, shoot!" The nasty voice sounded again, and there was another burst of strong wind, and another stabbing pain in his body.

This time it was a little different, he not only felt the tingling pain, but also felt the burning of the wound, as if something was constantly drilling into the depths of his body, constantly drawing his strength.

"Coward! Despicable! You actually used poison! You have completely pissed me off!" Ertu shook his head. He felt his head dizzy. At the same time, he felt an unprecedented anger rising from the bottom of his heart. To break out and destroy all enemies.

"Dead! Die! Die!" He struggled frantically, waving the hook sword in his hand, the net rope was cut continuously, and his body became more and more free. Finally, he felt that he was no longer restrained, and his feet stepped on the bottom of the pit, and he tried hard to jump out of the pit.

But when he was halfway up, he saw a small figure rushing towards him quickly. This person was surrounded by fiery red light, which looked a bit dazzling, but he still recognized his opponent immediately. This is that commander!

"Good job!" The curved hook sword in his hand slashed towards the opponent.

"Dang!" With a piercing sound, the curved hook sword slashed on the opponent's shield, splashing out a large puff of snow-white sparks, and the light illuminated the night sky in an instant, like lightning.

The commander was struck by his sword and flew back, rolling on the ground.

"Hahaha, reptiles are reptiles... Uh~ damn it!" Ertu immediately found himself falling back into the pit, and what was even worse was that the group of reptiles threw another net into the pit, throwing him again. body was entangled.

"Warrior, block the lizardman. Archer, target the lizardman! Crossbowman, keep shooting this big man!" The nasty voice sounded again, still full of energy, without any sign of weakness.

Ertu saw that the lizardmen behind him were all blocked from the camp by the shield warriors, unable to break through, let alone rescue him.

The next moment, Ertu felt more iron thorns drilled into his body, he was poisoned more and more, his head became more and more dizzy, and he saw things with double images, he felt that his strength was He disappeared quickly, but he was still struggling, but he also knew in his heart that this time, he might not be able to get out of this pit.

Ertu felt that he really couldn't stand it anymore. His eyes turned black, his feet were weak, and he could hardly stand up.

After struggling for a few minutes, he finally fell to the ground, and let out a last breath: "Mo... ant... I shouldn't die in this dark pit...you...you are too... despicable~~ "

After speaking, he fell down in the pit, motionless, his body was full of crossbow bolts, he was hit by at least a hundred of them, almost turned into a hedgehog.

Luo Lin glanced at the Lion's Mane War Demon lying in the pit, and was sure that he was indeed finished, and he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

This guy's level is as high as level 30, but he is still an elite monster. If no traps were set today and this guy was allowed to rampage in the camp, he might even be wiped out.

Fortunately, although this guy has a tyrannical body, he has a pig's head.

He didn't delay here, and immediately turned around to support the shield fighters, shouting at the same time: "Kill, kill these monsters, don't leave a single one behind!"

Without the threat of the war demon, these lizardmen are nothing!

Luo Lin immediately rushed to the shield warrior array in front of the team, and at the same time ordered loudly: "Soldiers, follow me, block them! Archers, shoot!"

The shield warriors immediately followed behind their commander, forming a solid line of defense together, like a city wall, firmly blocking the lizardmen from the outside of the camp.

The archers and crossbowmen were on the inner circle of the flesh and blood city wall, shooting arrow after arrow, concentrating on killing these monsters from another world.

The number of lizardmen is decreasing rapidly, they are almost collapsed, but they can't retreat, because they are summoned creatures, bound by a contract, they must strictly fulfill the summoner's orders, even if they are as strong as Ertu, they can only It's just a matter of fighting for some initiative in some details.

But Ertu jumped into the pothole and never came out again, as if he was dead. This... How can they fight Lizardmen?

Outside the camp, Saledo, who was invisible, looked at the battlefield in front of him, and he was also horrified. He didn't expect that his strongest ace, Ertu, would be defeated, and he was shot quickly without killing any enemies. Killed, the whole process took less than a minute, as the summoner, he didn't have time to rush to the scene and send him back to the alien plane!

It was a real blow.

The current situation is very obvious, he has failed... No, no, Saledo was astonished, and suddenly saw the target standing at the front of the team.

Yes, he still had a chance, and that was to kill the commander who stood in the front, that guy was his only target for this operation.

Thinking of this, he cheered up again, and with the help of the invisibility technique, he approached quietly until he was less than 50 meters away from Luo Lin before stopping, then raised the staff in his hand, and chanted a spell, The magic started to work, and the target was the commander.

He is about to cast a powerful curse, a curse that represents doom and death, as long as this curse hits the opponent, the opponent will surely die.

The magic power was running very smoothly, and the spell was about to be completed. At this moment, Saledo felt something was wrong, and a strange magic power suddenly appeared, blocking the operation of the magic power.

His magic power was originally running very smoothly, but because of this interference, it suddenly fell short. Not only did the curse fail to complete, but the magic power that had just gathered also collapsed, causing him to fall into a turbulent flow of magic power, and he was unable to cast spells again in a short time .

"No, I was hit by a counterspell!" Saledo turned pale with fright, and immediately knew that he had been hit by a battle mage. If a warlock cannot cast spells, then he is basically no different from an ordinary person. In this case, He can only run.

He did exactly that, turning and running without hesitation.

But it was too late, a terrible voice sounded behind him: "There!"

Although it was a woman's voice, to Saledo's ears, it was no different from the death sentence.

"Swish, swish, swish~" Several loud sounds appeared almost at the same time. They were sharp arrows. One of the arrows flew past Saledo's body, but the other two hit Saledo's back accurately. Directly shot him out of stealth.

"Plop~" Saledo rolled to the ground, he was not shot in the vitals, so he didn't die, but the iron arrow entered his body, and the arrow was smeared with poison, which drained all his strength.

He fell to the ground, motionless.

"Scout, catch him." Luo Lin also saw his opponent and ordered loudly.

He was extremely happy in his heart, this time, he won a complete victory!

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