Legendary Hero

Chapter 108 Cowardly as a Mouse

The dwarf warlock was defeated and was seriously injured to death, and the binding force of his summoning contract on the summoned objects was reduced to the minimum.

The lizard people who were his summons had long been beaten without fighting spirit, so they felt that the power of the contract was weakened, and immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

The scouts quickly brought the dwarf warlock to Rollin.

Luo Lin checked the warlock's condition, and couldn't help laughing: "Heh~ this guy is really lucky, the two arrows didn't hurt his vitals. Come here, give him the antidote, and don't let him die."

While speaking, Luo Lin pinched Saledo's mouth open, and carefully examined his teeth. After watching for a while, he suddenly reached out and pinched one of the teeth, and with a sudden force, directly pulled out the tooth.

Poisonous fangs, a common method for destroying sect members to commit suicide, Luo Lin has experienced too much, and he will not let this guy commit suicide.

The orderly also brought over the antidote, and Luo Lin took the medicine and poured it directly into Saledo's mouth.

Saledo coughed weakly a few times, moved his throat slightly, and swallowed the medicine.

Dai Wei came over and handed another bottle of potion to Luo Lin: "Forbidden potion, let him drink it too."

Forbidden magic potion, as the name suggests, is to prohibit the operation of magic power, which is a necessary means to imprison a magician. Luo Lin also poured the bottle of dark gray potion into Saledo's mouth.

After finishing this, Luo Lin said to the orderly on the side: "Tie him up, watch him, and let me know when he wakes up."

"Yes, sir."

"The rest of the people, repair the camp!" This camp is their biggest support in the face of sneak attacks, no one knows if there will be accidents in the second half of the night, this is just in case.

"Caution is an essential quality for a commander. Any thought of light waves and luck may lead one's army to perdition." This is what Luo Lin read on the front page of one of the books on military affairs. It was written thousands of years ago in this world. Said by a famous general.

Rowling deeply agrees.

Because the battle went smoothly and ended in just ten minutes, the damage to the camp was not serious. After more than an hour, the temporary camp was restored to its original state, and Luo Lin ordered the soldiers to rest.

Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, at dawn, the orderly ran over and reported, "Sir, the dwarf is awake."

Luo Lin was overjoyed: "Bring him here!"

The orderly led away, while Luo Lin walked towards Dai Wei's tent, and shouted outside the door: "Dai Wei, are you awake?"

"Wake up. Wait, I'm getting dressed." There was a rustling sound from inside the tent, and after a while, Dai Wei, who was fully dressed, came out.

Luo Lin frowned slightly, and suggested softly: "I don't think there is any need to take off your clothes when you rest at night during the march. We may encounter accidents."

Dai Wei blushed slightly, lowered her head: "I know, I will pay attention."

Luo Lin nodded, but when he thought about it again, he felt something was wrong. Dai Wei slept with her clothes together a few nights ago. Today...he glanced at Dai Wei suspiciously, and felt that her face was a little unusually rosy.

Taking a closer look, Luo Lin noticed that her neck and face seemed to be cleaner than last night. With a thought, she realized that when he came over, Dai Wei should be wiping and cleaning it in the early morning when everyone was resting. Body. Thinking about it, Dai Wei used to live in the manor, where servants boiled hot water for her to take a bath every day, but there was no such condition in the military camp. Even if she often changed clothes, she must be very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin felt very guilty. As his battle mage, Dai Wei suffered.

"What's the matter, why are you in a daze? This dwarf has already been brought here." Dai Wei asked a little strangely seeing that Luo Lin suddenly fell silent.

"Oh, it's nothing." Luo Lin came back to his senses and looked at the dwarf warlock who was being held up by the soldiers.

This guy looked sluggish, his face was as pale as a dead man, his body was still weak and weak, he couldn't even stand up, he could only sit on the ground.

His eyes were slightly open, staring at Luo Lin, his eyes contained hatred and fear, which were very complicated.

"Then you are Warlock Saledor?" Rollin asked with a smile.

"It's me." The dwarf's voice was hoarse, he coughed lightly a few times, and spit out blood-clotted saliva.

"Someone told me that you are the main person in charge of collecting spell crystals in your sect, but that's all he said, and I want to know more things, such as where the crystals are hidden, how much they collected, and are there any other members? What is the purpose of collecting crystals, etc., I want to know, can you tell me?"

Rollin's voice was gentle, and it sounded like he was chatting with an old friend, but Saledo wouldn't be so naive as to think that this was the guy's real face. Beforehand, he knew all the news about this person and knew that this guy was very difficult to deal with. He even killed the leader's disciple Valos.

In short, this guy is very scary. What is scary is not only his force, but also his brain. He seems to have extremely keen insight and can always find the truth among a bunch of messy clues.

Faced with such an opponent, Saledo didn't know what fate he would face.

He was silent, not knowing how to answer Luo Lin's question. Although he knew the answers to these questions, he couldn't say that he couldn't betray his master, otherwise he would face terrible punishment.

But if he didn't say anything, what method would this Rowling use to deal with him? He didn't know, his heart was up and down, and he was extremely nervous.

Luo Lin has been observing him, the dwarf's eyes are flickering, and the fear is hidden on his face. He grasped this point keenly, and smiled secretly in his heart. He originally thought that this dwarf would be a tough guy, but he didn't expect that he was actually a coward. That would make things easier.

The best way to deal with a coward is, of course, to make him feel afraid.

Seeing that Saledo remained silent for a long time, the soldiers on one side took a step forward and were about to go up and slap him on the mouth, but his movement was stopped by Luo Lin.

"Soldier, stop, his body can't withstand our tossing, he might die if he hits him."

"Yes, sir." The soldier backed away.

Then, a warm smile appeared on Luo Lin's face, and he said to the orderly: "Go, cook some delicious food for our captive so that he will be full. Only when he is full can he have the strength to speak, ha ha. How about this, didn’t you bring a pheasant yesterday? Let’s cook half of it.”

The orderly was a little puzzled, but he still carried out the order meticulously, and turned to prepare food. After ten minutes, he brought up a bowl of delicious chicken soup.

"Feed him." Luo Lin ordered.

The soldier complied and scooped up the thick and delicious soup with a spoon to feed Saledo.

Saledo didn't dare to eat it, he took a few short breaths, and shouted bravely: "Luo Lin, don't be hypocritical, if you have any tricks, use them against me! I'm not afraid of you!"

He didn't understand what Luo Lin wanted to do, but he knew that this guy was definitely preparing to deal with him, and the method must be very vicious, he couldn't eat his food, he fell for his tricks!

Luo Lin still smiled, took a step forward, pinched Saledo's chin, pried his mouth open, and ordered: "Feed him. Be careful, don't burn him."

The soldier scooped up the soup and blew it to cool before pouring it into Saledo's mouth.

Saledo struggled desperately, trying to break free. Luo Lin ordered to the soldiers on the side: "Come here, hold him tight, don't let him move, it won't be good if you break the wound on your back."

The soldiers stepped forward, and five of them grabbed Saledo, making the dwarf warlock unable to move at all.

Under such weird circumstances, the orderly fed Saledo all the chicken soup.

"Let go of him. Let him rest for a while." Luo Lin ordered again.

The soldiers let go, Saledo took a few breaths, coughed a few more times, looked at Luo Lin in fear, and hissed: "What are you trying to do, stop torturing me, give me a good time!"

Dai Wei on the side was also very confused. She didn't know what Luo Lin wanted to do and wanted to ask, but seeing Luo Lin winking at her, she knew that he must have other plans, so she didn't say anything.

Hearing Saledo's almost collapsed words, Luo Lin laughed: "Give you a good time?

No no, how can there be such a good thing. I have prepared a lot of torture. As long as you don't say it, I will use them on you one by one. Of course, I have to take good care of you beforehand, so that you can hold on, right? "

Saledo's face was ashen, his hands and feet were trembling, he was really terrified, he often tortured people himself, and it was interesting to watch from the side, but if these punishments were used on himself... That's no fun at all.

Luo Lin struck while the iron was hot, and smiled at Dai Wei: "Hey~ I remember last time we caught a prisoner, how did we punish him? Let me think about it... Oh, that's right, I asked someone to cut him with a knife Only cut a little bit of meat at a time, let him keep alive, watching his body become less and less, less and less, until he became a skeleton, he was still alive, haha, it’s really interesting.”

"I said!" Saledo suddenly roared: "I said, I said! Don't say it! I say it!"

He thought he used punishment without authorization, but compared with what Luo Lin said, it was nothing compared to what Luo Lin said, and it was not at the same level at all. God, a living skeleton, how painful this must be!

Luo Lin chuckled: "You are very witty, Saledo."

What a coward.

Next, Saledo spit out everything he knew intermittently, in a rambling almost whispering tone.

From the whereabouts of the magic crystal, to every contact person he knew, etc., as long as he knew, when Luo Lin asked, he said everything.

His mental defenses have completely collapsed, and even he himself doesn't know what he said. In short, everything has been explained. When the soldiers dragged him down, he was already paralyzed, and all he thought about was how to deal with it. Master's punishment.

Luo Lin received much more information than he wanted, and ordered: "Let's go, let's go to the mine."

According to Saledo, Mire Town is not actually their meeting point, but the nearby abandoned gold mine is their real hiding place, because the passages inside are intricate, as long as they hide in the depths of the mine, no one can find them They are very safe.

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