Legendary Hero

Chapter 109 The Gold Mine in Mire Town (Part 1)

Abandoned Gold Mine in Miretown.

The soldiers had already entered the mine to explore, while Luo Lin and Dai Wei were waiting for news outside the mine. Taking advantage of this time, the two discussed their future plans.

"Saledo told me that there are a total of seven connectors, distributed in various regions of Vendome. Should we go and eliminate them now? Or go back to Vendome and report to the mentor?" Dai Wei asked.

Luo Lin had already considered this issue, and went straight to the suppression, and could easily capture one or two connectors and make more meritorious deeds. But Destroying the Jiapai is not a vegetarian, they will react quickly, and then they are very likely to send some powerful people who are difficult for them to resist, then they will fall into an extremely dangerous situation, and may even be wiped out.

Obviously, this is not wise.

"Go back and report," he replied.

There is another reason he can't say, that is, he knows that the level of those connectors is similar to that of the soldier he captured in Hidden Stone, and they are all subordinates of Saledo, and it is actually useless to capture him.

The important thing now is to tell Vianna everything here, and then he can follow the known clues and reveal to her as much information as possible about the Destruction Sect.

"But if we set off now and catch more contacts by chance, maybe we can find deeper clues." Dai Wei has another opinion.

During this period of time, she has experienced many things, and these things are conveying a message, that is, there is a terrible dark force in Vendôme, a cult of evil gods that is growing.

From the assassin's assassination of her, to the fall of Valos, to the appearance of the dark warlock, it all illustrates this point. She felt a deep fear of this power, and she felt she had to figure these things out.

"It is indeed possible. But our supplies are not enough, we must go back."

"But..." This place is still in Vendome, and the surrounding towns can pick up supplies.

"The enemy is in the dark. We don't know who will attack us next time. Dai Wei, we are not prepared enough. It is too risky to just go and eliminate them like this."

This convinced Dai Wei, she nodded: "Well, what you said makes sense."

At this moment, in the mine, the adjutant Hansen trot out holding a torch, saw Luo Lin, stood still and saluted, and reported loudly: "Sir, we found something amazing in the cave, I think you must come Have a look."

Luo Lin and Dai Wei glanced at each other, seeing interest in each other's eyes, Luo Lin said, "Lead the way."

The three entered the mine together.

The soldiers had already placed torches on both sides of the mine wall, so the mine was fairly bright, and the passages were intricate, just like a maze. However, the soldiers left people at every corner of the passages to guide them along the way, so they were not worried that there would be trouble. get lost.

The few people walked all the way in for about ten minutes. When they reached the depths of the mine, the originally narrow and low passage suddenly became open and became a spacious underground hall.

This hall is about five meters high and has an area of ​​hundreds of square meters. The surrounding walls are inlaid with luminous crystals, and there is a breeze blowing from time to time, bringing fresh air here. In a corner of the hall, there was a pile of crate boxes neatly arranged. There were fifteen of them. There were seals on the boxes. One of the boxes had been opened with the seal torn off.

"Sir, come and take a look." Adjutant Hansen's tone trembled, as if there was something extraordinary in the box.

Luo Lin already had a premonition, he could guess what it was, so he stepped forward calmly, took a look at the box, and immediately saw the crystal bright light in his eyes.

Sure enough, this box, no, it should be that these fifteen boxes are all spell crystals. Judging by the luster, it should be a rough crystal that has not been refined.

"Oh, God~" Dai Wei also saw it, and she let out a low cry with a look of shock on her face.

As a magician, she is very aware of the value of spell crystals. It is the most important material for magicians to cast spells. Crystals can be used to create magic tools and serve as the magic power operation nodes of magic circles. The walls of a city, the fortress of a lord, and a magician Towers need a lot of spell crystals, but spell crystals are extremely rare. They are associated with various precious metal mines, such as silver mines. It takes about one ton of iron ore to mine a fist-sized spell crystal.

For a lord, spell crystals are an important strategic resource.

The extremely low amount of mining is doomed to the high value of spell crystals. A refined spell crystal can be exchanged for ten times the weight of gold. Unrefined rough stones are cheaper, but they can also be worth at least four times the value. There are fifteen boxes of rough stones here, and just looking at them makes one's heart beat faster.

In short, this is a fortune enough to make people crazy.

Luo Lin could feel that everyone's eyes in the hall were attracted by these boxes, and the soldiers around were all staring at this side. Adjutant Hansen's face was full of secret excitement, as if to say : "Sir, shall we divide it?"

Relatively speaking, Dai Wei is the calmest. She comes from a wealthy businessman family and has seen the world. Apart from being surprised at the beginning, she quickly calmed down.

But the mentality of the soldiers made Luo Lin feel worried. He could sense that if one of them was not handled well, this huge amount of wealth might bring about a catastrophe.

Luo Lin remained calm and asked first, "Apart from these spell crystals, have you found anything else, such as gold coins?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Hansen with burning eyes.

Hansen hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Sir, I found some, about 800 gold coins, look, it's over here."

Luo Lin looked over, and saw a delicate wooden box, which contained about half of the box of gold coins. Judging by the number, there were indeed so many.

But Luo Lin keenly noticed a trace of guilt on Hansen's face, his eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to meet Luo Lin's eyes.

Luo Lin immediately understood that the real gold coins found must be more than this, but these soldiers have secretly divided some.

'Heh~' Luo Lin didn't feel angry, at least these soldiers left him 500 gold coins for the commander, which is not bad, but he was just a little funny.

He thought for a while, then walked back to the crate, closed the lid with a bang, covering the brilliance of the magic crystal, then he lifted the wooden box slightly, weighed it, and estimated: "Probably There are 100 kilograms, 15 boxes, which is 1,500 kilograms, roughly 60,000 gold coins, yes, this is a rich harvest."

Sixty thousand gold coins! Luo Lin saw that many soldiers were secretly swallowing, and one soldier even showed greed in his eyes. He continued: "It is indeed very rich. When we bring this batch of crystals back to Vendome, the lord will be very happy, and he will definitely not be stingy with rewards."

Then, he turned his head and ordered to lieutenant Hansen: "Hansen, listen to my order."

"Yes, sir."

"Move all these crystals out of the cave, and we will set off immediately to bring these things back to Vendome. Be careful! Not a single rough stone can be moved. Anyone who dares to move will be killed!"

At the beginning, Luo Lin's tone was quite normal, but after speaking, his expression became extremely chilling, full of cold murderous aura.

Money touches people's hearts, these crystals are enough to induce the original sin of greed in anyone's heart, he must use strong means to dispel all these thoughts.

This was the first time that Luo Lin showed such a cold attitude. Even Dai Wei, who was familiar with him, felt his heart tremble and his scalp explode. Adjutant Hansen was even more shocked, the little thought in his heart was frightened and disappeared, he hurriedly gave a military salute, and shouted: "Yes, sir!"

He immediately turned around and loudly ordered the soldiers to start moving the spell crystals out of the cave.

The surrounding soldiers also heard Luo Lin's order. They were already in awe of the officer. Now that he had issued a strict order, they were all silent, not daring to vent their breath, and silently carried the crates. .

There are not many crystals, and they will be moved soon. Luo Lin pointed to the box containing the gold coins, and said to Hansen, "These gold coins are also spoils of war. You can arrange them and share them. I don't need to share them."

"Sir, what?" Hansen was a little surprised. They had already taken their share. These gold coins were reserved for the two officers, Luo Lin and Dai Wei. This is the default rule in the army.

Luo Lin smiled meaningfully: "Don't talk about it, I know it all. Go share it."

"I don't need it anymore." Dai Wei is also a smart person, and she has already figured out the purpose of Luo Lin's doing so. Before the strong order set up a minefield, she now used gentle means to show her favor. In this way, because of the huge amount of spell crystals The possibility of civil unrest will be minimized.

Hansen understood what Luo Lin meant, his face brightened, and he saluted, "Yes, sir!"

Then he called the soldiers to start distributing the gold coins. Every soldier distributed at least four more gold coins, and all of them were filled with joy. Today's income is equivalent to half a year's military pay.

At this time, the scout leader hurried over from a mine and reported, "Sir, we found a secret room, but we can't open it."

"Lead the way!" Luo Lin became interested.

The scout captain turned and returned to the passage, followed by Luo Lin, Dai Wei and a few soldiers. After passing through a tortuous passage, they finally found a stone door at the end of the passage.

The stone gate is very secretive, almost integrated with the passage, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

"This is a camouflage rune." Dai Wei stepped forward and reached out to gently touch the lines on the surface of the stone gate. These lines did not appear to be chaotic at first glance, but under the tracing of Dai Wei's fingers, a clear pattern appeared.

"It's a Myrth rune lock. It's very difficult to crack. It can't be opened without the corresponding rune key."

Luo Lin turned around and beckoned to a soldier, and when the soldier came over, he ordered: "Go and bring that dwarf here."

The dwarf must have the key.

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