Legendary Hero

Chapter 120 Beast Tamer (Part 2)

The confrontation in the forest only lasted for a moment and ended.

The mercenaries were originally planning to block the three of them from retreating, but seeing the situation settled in a blink of an eye, they emerged from their hiding places one after another, stepped forward, tied up the three of them, and carried them into the camp.

As for the war bear, it was knocked on the head by Luo Lin, and it remained dizzy. The animal trainer called out to it, and it moved in a daze, and followed its master to the camp staggeringly. When it reached the place, it fell to the ground and continued to rest. It seemed that it was hit hard by the shield.

As soon as he returned to the camp, Saledo ran over excitedly. When he saw Luo Lin, he immediately shouted: "Master, master, look what I have summoned! Oh, God, thank you for your generosity !"

Rollin looked over and saw a strange creature following Saledo.

This guy is about two meters tall, with a head, a body, and a snake tail. The upper body stands upright. When walking, it relies on the snake tail to wriggle. Her upper body is similar to that of a human woman, but she has three pairs of arms from top to bottom. Her head is also similar to that of a human woman, but her eyes are pure black without a trace of white. Just looking at it makes people feel a bad breath.

"This is..." Luo Lin asked knowingly. He actually knew that it was a multi-armed snake demon. The stronger this kind of alien creature, the more arms it has, and it can reach the level of six arms, which means that she is already close to level 30 in level, and she still has elite physical fitness kind of.

From this point of view, the dwarf summoned such a powerful helper for him, not bad, very good.

Saledo quickly introduced: "The six-armed snake demon...ah no, she is a warrior of the six-armed Mansha tribe. Her name is Narosa. She is very good at archery. She..."

This point is obvious, the snake demon holds three full bows in his hands, and carries a large stacked quiver on his back, which is filled with bone arrows.

But obviously, Saledo's control over the snake monster is not very strong. Before he finished speaking, his body was pulled aside by the snake monster, and then this alien creature named Narosa wandered leisurely Coming up, he looked down at Luo Lin, narrowed his sharp black eyes, and said coldly: "This dwarf said that as long as I sign a loyalty contract with him, I can get more life crystals, but he obviously lied. Me, so what should I do?"

Luo Lin didn't know if the words were true or not, so he turned his head to look at the dwarf. The dwarf lowered his head and said nothing, as if he felt that Luo Lin was looking at him.

Come on, what the snake demon said should be the truth.

The so-called contract is also graded, the higher the grade, the stronger the binding force on the obedient party. The so-called loyalty contract can almost be said to be the weakest binding force. Its only constraint is that it cannot harm the initiator of the contract, that is, the dwarf Saledo. And Saledor could not restrain any other behavior of the Basilisk.

In other words, as long as the dwarf doesn't die, the snake demon can do whatever he wants.

This kind of contract is a relatively fair transaction, giving the snake demon life crystal, and then the snake demon will work for the dwarf.

"Quickly answer me, I know you are the owner of that dwarf, if he can't fulfill his promise, then you have to be responsible!" The snake demon's voice revealed a lot of impatience, waving a bow and arrow with his arms, as if he would strike if he disagreed .

"Narosa, our agreement is that you can get the life crystal after you complete one thing. This matter must be made clear, because you haven't done anything yet." Saledo on the side weakly opened his defense.

"Well~" Narosa's arrogance subsided a little bit, but then she found a new reason: "Deposit, I need a deposit, it takes a lot of energy to travel through the plane, I must give me some rewards, don't you want to Lied to me?"

Seeing this, Luo Lin has roughly figured out the character of this snake monster. It is greedy and shrewd, but very short-sighted and has a violent temper. This kind of person looks difficult, but it is actually very easy to control.

He thought for a while, took out the second life crystal, and threw it directly to the snake demon: "Take it, this is your deposit. From now on, every time you help me kill an opponent I admit, I will How about a crystal for you?"

The snake demon took the crystal, put it to her nose and smelled it, with a satisfied smile on her face, she opened her mouth wide, threw the fist-sized crystal into her mouth, and swallowed it.

During this process, there was no pain on her face, but a look of joy and enjoyment.

After the crystal passed through his slender neck and entered his stomach, the snake demon spoke again: "An opponent, a crystal, yes, yes, very good. I like you kid, you are much more generous than this dwarf, I I'm following you."

Luo Lin nodded and smiled: "I have no opponent tonight, you and this dwarf go to rest first, when I need you, I hope you can help with all your strength."

"I, Narosa, will never disappoint my employer. Don't worry, little man." After finishing speaking, the snake monster twisted its tail and returned to the tent where she walked out before. Stretching out his hand, he lifted the dwarf up: "Little thing, you will follow me from now on, so that you won't be hurt by someone killing me."

The loyalty contract requires her to protect the safety of this dwarf. If the dwarf dies, although she will not be punished much, she will be repelled by the power of the plane immediately, and she will not be able to earn crystals. Not what she wanted.

It wasn't until Narosa disappeared into the tent that Dai Wei, who had been silent at the side, came up and whispered softly: "Luo Lin, the instructor only gave you three, this..."

The rest of the words are very clear, the life crystal is very precious, there are only three, if Luo Lin can't afford it, and the snake demon is furious, the consequences will be very serious.

Luo Lin smiled slightly, leaned over to Dai Wei's ear and said, "Don't worry, I have a solution."

He didn't say much, but alien creatures like snake monsters looked scary, but he happened to know some of their weaknesses. To subdue her, all you need is a simple and novel potion.

Of course, although the method of control is simple, it requires some skills to implement it. I can't say it now, otherwise it won't work if it is heard.

Hearing what Luo Lin said, Dai Wei was relieved. She believed that Luo Lin would not do anything unsure. Since they met, Luo Lin has always been reliable.

After dealing with the snake demon, Luo Lin looked at the beast trainer and his party again.

At this time, the three had almost recovered, and the violent giant bear was basically unharmed, but its legs and feet had been tightly bound by a large number of vines by the mercenaries, and it was lying on the ground unable to move, losing its threat.

Luo Lin walked up to the animal trainer, leaned over and asked, "Tell me your name."

"Adromand." The animal trainer said angrily. There is nothing to hide, and there is nothing to hide.

"What did you say?" Luo Lin was startled. Why did he feel that the name was very familiar? Just as he was thinking about it, his brain had already given the answer.

"Dark Tamer Atromand."

Leader level animal trainer.

The leader of the Beast Army, the Fifth Legion of the Destroyer Legion, when the Orc Legion destroyed Vendome, Atromand went straight north and led the Beast Army across the Nordrin Sea for three days, and raided Hego Fortress in the south of the Principality of Lehman. Next, after the fortress was breached, there were countless ferocious beasts eating people, which was called the "tide of ferocious beasts" in history. Afterwards, Atromande quickly went northward, winning successive battles, and reached the Ur River in the southern part of the principality. In the Battle of the Riverside, he was beheaded by the legendary Grand Knight of the Principality, Fried. "

Well, it turned out to be one of the leaders of the Legion of Destruction in the future, but that is in the future. At present, Atromandel looks like just an immature young man, without the strength and majesty of a leader at all, and his army of beasts has no shadow. None, only a raging giant bear with him.

Oh...wait, listen to the previous conversation between the three of them, this time they entered the basin to deal with evil wizards, and the basin is where the Altar of Destruction is located, and those so-called evil wizards are followers of the Cult of Destruction God.

Well, that is to say, the current Atromandel is on the eve of being corrupted by darkness. In the original history, he should have fallen after entering the mountain this time.

But in this life, at this critical moment, he met Luo Lin.

This is a rare talent! How could Rowling let it go.

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