Legendary Hero

Chapter 121 Carefully subdued

The wind in the mountain forest was blowing, and the bonfire made a 'squeaky' sound, and the flame flickered on and off.

Atromand and his two friends looked at the group of mercenaries and powerful warriors appearing in the forest, feeling uneasy in their hearts, not knowing how this group of people would deal with them.

Especially the soldier in front of him is even more frightening, because he actually made a deal with a dark creature just now, and this kind of thing is often only done by evil wizards.

This warrior is really weird.

"What on earth do you want?" Atromand asked loudly, only in this way could he suppress the fear in his heart.

He thought the warrior was an associate of the evil wizard. At this moment, his mind was full of horrible scenes haunted by all kinds of evil and dark magic, curses, and witchcraft. But if he were to tell what black magic it was, he didn't know anything about it, but it was precisely because he didn't know that it seemed terrifying.

Luo Lin chuckled. From the cold sweat dripping from his clenched fist and forehead, he could read the fear in his opponent's heart. These guys were terrified.

This animal trainer is an excellent talent, so he might have left a bad impression on him. Luo Lin waved to a mercenary and ordered, "Except for that bear, untie the ropes on them."

"Yes, my lord." The mercenary immediately complied. Luo Lin's powerful strength had given him infinite confidence before. He believed that in front of the lord, even if these three people regained their freedom of physical movement, they would not have any chance to fight back.

After the three of them were unshackled, they immediately stood together instinctively, looking at Luo Lin with fear, but also with a trace of doubt. They couldn't figure out what this warrior who was turned into an adult by the mercenaries wanted to do.

Rollin took off the magic steel battle helmet and handed it to the mercenary beside him. The mercenary hurriedly took it and held it carefully. Then he smiled gently at the three of them, and first introduced himself: "I am Lord Rollin, this land It’s very strange that the three of you appeared here in the middle of the night. So I need to know your purpose.”

His tone was very gentle and calm, but he intentionally made his eyes a little indifferent. The cooperation of the two actions did not make people feel uncomfortable, but also did not lose majesty. The image of the noble lord.

Luo Lin is well-informed and has seen many lords. In the previous game, he could see small lords like the Lord almost every day, so the imitation is very successful now.

Among the three, the magician was the first to heave a sigh of relief. He took a step forward, saluted Luo Lin first, and then said, "So it's my lord, I misunderstood, I misunderstood. My name is Feido, and I am a magician. His name is Ronkana, his name is Atromand, and he is my friend."

Although his magic achievements were low, he had also been in and out of high society. When he saw Luo Lin's words and deeds, he was exactly like those nobles, and most of his doubts disappeared immediately.

In any case, those evil wizards have absolutely no temperament.

The magician broke the deadlock, and the next step was much easier. The warrior named Longkana continued: "I am from Gaoshan Town, and I am a... warrior in the town. The thing is like this, there is a hunter in our town who came from The hill came back and said that he saw a wizard in the basin casting evil black magic, so the three of us were going to come and kill the evil."

"Evil black magic? Tell me more clearly." Luo Lin took on a slightly commanding tone. This can show the majesty of the lord without feeling oppressive.

The reason for doing this is because he is now the lord, and he seeks to do something in his position. First, he will show the commonality of the lord, so that people will naturally accept his identity. After no one can shake him, he will have room to display his personality. At that time, as long as he doesn't go against the law, he can do whatever he wants.

This is a smart upper-level strategy.

For black magic, the magician Phaedo is obviously the most clear, he explained: "It is sacrifice, this is the most evil magic!"

Luo Lin didn't know much about magic. Looking at Dai Wei, Dai Wei understood and stepped forward. She stretched out her hand first, and a light shone in her hand, and a small spinning puck appeared. This is the way for mages to show their identity. Then she said: "I am Dai Wei, the magician of Vendome, a disciple of the great mage Vianna. I know that there are many kinds of sacrifices, including living sacrifices, corpse sacrifices, and livestock sacrifices, you know Which one exactly?"

When the magician Fei Duo heard that Dai Wei was the disciple of the Archmage, he immediately respected Dai Wei, saluted Dai Wei again, and explained: "In the vague description of the hunter who escaped by chance, there was a miserable scream, There is a human body with blood, and a big hole is broken in the chest of the human body. I can infer that this is most likely the most evil and darkest living human heart sacrifice!"

Dai Wei frowned and pondered for a while, then turned around and nodded to Luo Lin: "I probably know that this should be an ancient blood sacrifice, an evil ritual used to worship the angry demon god Urossis. From this point of view, There should be a demon altar in the basin."

"It's another member of the Destruction God Cult. Their power is really omnipresent." Luo Lin looked solemn. Of course, most of this was a disguise, because he knew about it a long time ago.

"It seems that we have something to do on this trip. Usually the altar of the demon god is guarded by very pious believers, and the power of these believers cannot be underestimated." Dai Wei seemed very calm. After going through so many things, her determination Has been honed out.

Luo Lin nodded and looked at the group of three in front of him: "As the owner of this land, I will never allow such dark and cruel things to happen in my territory, so I am going to enter the basin to eradicate this altar. Yours Thoughts?"

The three of them looked at each other, and they all saw the movement in each other's eyes, but they also hesitated. The reason was very simple, because there was a dark alien creature in this camp, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

The three of them exchanged eye contact for a while, and finally Feido came out, saying cautiously: "My lord, we are very willing to follow you, but we must learn more about the truth."

"If you want to know anything, just ask." Luo Lin said.

The magician nodded, with some hesitation on his face: "The dwarf and the snake demon?"

"The dwarf used to be a follower of the demon god. He was captured by me and became my slave. I can take his life at any time. The snake demon is just a summoned creature of the dwarf, so there is no need to worry about her."

If the snake demon had any ideas, he could kill the dwarf immediately, and let the power of the plane repel the snake demon.

In this world, unless the power is promoted to the level of a demigod, you can't even touch the power of the plane, let alone fight against it, so this snake monster is nothing to fear.

Feido was still worried: "Forgive me for asking one more question, but you are here late at night... Ah~ I didn't mean to offend, I hope the lord will not blame me."

Luo Lin waved his hand without any anger: "Your doubts are natural. I have no intention of hiding it. I just became a lord and I only arrived at this land today. I found that my territory is so barren, the only one that is slightly fertile There is only this basin. For future development, I must understand this land, so I am here."

This explanation is reasonable. Although Phaedo is still not fully convinced, he has let go of most of his doubts.

The words of this group of people may be false, but their demeanor and tone of voice are extremely difficult to disguise, especially this warrior and magician, with their extraordinary temperament, they are not simple characters at first glance.

More importantly, if these people really belonged to the group of evil wizards, if they wanted to harm them, they could have been killed directly before, so why bother to explain it to them.

Apparently, all three of them had thought of this, and after making eye contact for a while, Fei Duo said, "Lord Lord, we are all willing to follow you."

"Very good!" A moderate smile appeared on Luo Lin's face, showing his inner joy, but also conveying a faint meaning: "I am very happy that you join me, but if you want to leave, I don't mind, you guys It's not really that important."

This is the experience of Luo Lin's previous life. In the later stage of the game, he opened a studio and became the current boss. He has read a lot of management books and added his own understanding. The sincerity must be moderate, otherwise it will give the other party the illusion of excessive expectations, which is not conducive to the future development of the relationship.

Luo Lin is very caring about the animal trainer, so he seems to be indifferent, but actually pays attention to every detail.

"Beast trainer, are you sure you can control your bear? He looks like a big guy, I don't want him to mess with me." Luo Lin looked at the giant bear who was tied up on the ground, and deliberately brought a hint of anger in his tone. Some mistrust.

The beast tamer Atromand immediately assured him: "Absolutely not, my Misha is very smart. In fact, she can help us a lot."

Luo Lin nodded, and ordered the mercenaries to untie the giant bear, and at the same time gave a stern warning: "Beast Tamer Atromand, from now on, as the master, you are responsible for all its mistakes. If it messes with me Trouble, I'll kill it and execute you! This is a military operation, and I'm talking about military orders, do you have any objections?"

He had already demonstrated enough strength before, so Atromandel did not have the slightest doubt about his words. Hearing the awe-inspiring voice, he couldn't help standing up straight, and promised loudly: "No, my lord, I will do everything for Misha Responsible!"

"Okay." Luo Lin slowed down his tone: "Today is also very late, you all go to rest, I hope you will cheer up tomorrow and follow me into the basin."

Luo Lin has always used a high-ranking command tone, which is very in line with his status as the lord. The longer the communication time, the less doubts in the hearts of the three of Atromande. Up to now, the three of them have obeyed him unconsciously. Order, said in unison: "Yes, my lord."

The three resigned and were taken by the mercenaries to a tent to rest. The bear in Atromande gave a soft growl to Luo Lin, with a hint of timidity in his voice, the two of them were not acquainted with each other, and then she followed the master away, and finally stood at the door of the tent. Lie down to rest and act as a guard.

Soon, the camp returned to calm.

Dai Wei hadn't gone to bed yet. Seeing that everyone was resting, she said softly to Luo Lin, "You looked very impressive just now. I even suspected that you came from a noble family."

Luo Lin smiled and shook his head: "Noble family? I don't yearn for that. But the natural majesty brought by noble blood is very good. I want to have a similar identity sometime."

Being of noble birth, he can naturally make people obey, and can help him quickly become the leader recognized by everyone. For example, the prince, even if the prince himself is a bastard, but because of such an identity, he is born to inherit the throne.

This thing is very useful, Luo Lin thought that he must put a similar halo on himself.

Dai Wei was startled when she heard that, she quickly understood what Luo Lin meant, that he was actually planning to pretend to be of a noble background.

Dai Wei couldn't help but laugh at Luo Lin's thoughts. This guy's thoughts are peculiar. He doesn't seem to have a sense of awe for anything, and any routine doesn't have the slightest binding force on him. How can there be such a person in this world? This person left a deep mark on her heart.

"Go and rest too. We'll be busy again tomorrow." Luo Lin finally said.

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