Legendary Hero

Chapter 153 Start building territory

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Rowling went to the Lord's Castle with Langdon. Along the way, he was taciturn, his brows were always furrowed, and he was a completely different person from before.

"Hey, Rollin, what happened?" Langdon couldn't help asking, he had endured it for two days, and Rollin didn't speak until today.

"Oh, it's okay." Luo Lin responded casually.

"You seem to have suffered a major blow. I'm someone who has experienced it. The way you look now is similar to when I lost Lianna." Langdon is not easy to fool.

"……I do not want to say."

"Okay, whatever you want. But I still have to say something more, you have a great future, women are everywhere, there is no need..."

"Can you put Lianna down?" Rollin interrupted Langdon.

Langdon was silent immediately. After a long time, he patted Luo Lin's shoulder heavily, and sighed: "I didn't feel it at all when others used this sentence to comfort me. There is always such a person in this world who can Let you do everything for her. Well, don't think about it too much, time will dilute everything and it will be better."

"Well, maybe." Luo Lin nodded.

At this time, they took the carriage and turned to the Garden Avenue in front of the Lord's Castle. This place is already very, very lively. On both sides of the avenue, there are a bunch of big bonfires at intervals. While dancing, the festive atmosphere is so strong.

The carriage did not stop, because they were the lord's distinguished guests, and their destination was the inner garden of the castle.

Passing through several thick city walls in a row, the front suddenly opened up, and an extremely spacious garden appeared. A bunch of bonfires were still burning in the middle of the garden lawn. The flames that sprang up were nearly ten meters high, and you could feel it from a distance to the heat it exudes.

Compared to the outside of the castle, the people walking around the lawn are much more reserved. They are all gentlemen and celebrities, wearing exquisite and luxurious dresses, holding a crystal cup in one hand, and holding a young and beautiful female companion in the other, talking politely.

"Oh, Rollin, what a mistake, we should have brought the beautiful girl with us." Langdon stroked his forehead and sighed. The two of them got out of the same carriage, what a matter.

Rollin didn't respond. He didn't seem to hear Langdon's words at all. He kept looking at the parking lot outside the car window. There, a low-key carriage had just stopped, the door opened, and Vianna and Dai Wei walked out of the carriage.

Luo Lin's eyes were completely attracted, he only had Vianna in his eyes, and he was deaf to everything around him.

Vianna also saw him, but she just took a glance and then turned her gaze away. The look in her eyes was like looking at a stranger. Luo Lin's heart twitched fiercely when she saw him, and she could hardly breathe.

"Why didn't she react at all? Could it be that she really hates me?" Luo Lin was very worried.

Langdon soon realized that something was wrong, turned his head to follow Luo Lin's line of sight, and couldn't help laughing: "Look, isn't that Dai Wei? Is she the one you like? Are you having a fight?"

He thought so a long time ago, and looking at Luo Lin's eyes now, he should be right. As for Archmage Vianna, he didn't even dare to think about it.

Luo Lin was startled awake, looked away, and smiled noncommittally and bitterly: "Let's go, the lord is coming soon."

The two got out of the car and waited on the lawn like everyone else.

About 20 minutes later, Lord Primo in full costume appeared on the wide balcony on the second floor of the castle as scheduled. He laughed and said, "Ah, my friends, welcome to my castle. I announce , the Midsummer Ball begins, let's all have fun."

The wonderful music played immediately, and the guests on the lawn each found a partner and began to dance around the big bonfire. If you can't find a dance partner, you can sit at the table on the side and enjoy the food.

Naturally, Luo Lin didn't look for a dance partner, he couldn't dance, and he didn't have the heart to learn. Langdon didn't know where he went, and Rowling ignored him. He found a corner by himself and poured himself a glass of wine until the glass was dry, just like drinking water.

In just a few minutes, he drank a bottle of high-alcohol coconut wine.

Of course one bottle was not enough, I didn't feel anything at all, I asked the waiter to take another bottle, and started to drink again, I don't know how long it took, when Luo Lin opened the fourth bottle, a voice rang in my ear: " Oh, my friend, you look very unhappy."

Rowling looked up, and it was Bernard. He was wearing an exquisite black dress, holding a wine glass in his hand, and there was a blond stunner beside him, looking extremely chic.

"Oh, it's you." Luo Lin responded casually.

Bernard whispered a few times to his female companion, sent her away, then sat across from Luo Lin, and asked with a smile, "You didn't come here just to drink, did you?"

Luo Lin was startled, and suddenly came to his senses, what is he doing? Who will show such a sad spring and autumn? It just makes people look down upon.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin cheered up, and a smile appeared on his face: "Haha, you are really right, this wine is rare, I have never drank it, so I drank more."

Bernard is a shrewd person, of course he can see that Rowling has something on his mind, but the other party didn't plan to say it, and he won't get to the bottom of it, so he smiled along with the situation: "Haha, Rowling, you are really a straightforward person."

After taking a sip of his wine, he continued: "I heard about the dock, I heard that you got a huge reward?"

Luo Lin was taken aback. He still owed Bernard 10,000 gold coins, and he didn't want to pay it back, so he immediately stopped, "Uh, yes, but I've already spent it, and it's all used to buy supplies."

"Haha, my friend, you underestimate me. I don't mean to withdraw the investment. I just want to remind you that Huo Mlin has been desperately collecting goods recently, and even collected a lot of contraband, which may cause some people's attention."

This is indeed a problem, and Holmlin cannot be blamed, because it is required in the material list listed by Rollin, which contains a large number of steel ingots, because this thing is a necessity for forging equipment weapons, and he must gather strength. It takes a lot of steel ingots to build equipment to arm his future soldiers.

"What suggestion do you have?" Rollin knew that Bernard would not aim at nothing.

"In this regard, I can help. You know, I'm the commercial and tax supervisor in the business district, and I know a lot of people, some of whom specialize in smuggling those... well, those good things that don't comply with the law, but everyone likes. "Bernard smiled, and when he spoke, he looked around carefully, fearing that he would be overheard.

Luo Lin understood and lowered his voice: "Then what do you want?"

He doesn't believe in a free lunch, especially for someone as smart as Bernard, he must want to gain something.

"It's a pleasure chatting with you, Rollin." Bernard smiled. He dipped his finger in some wine and wrote a word on the table: "Protection."

"You want me to protect you?" Rowling asked.

Bernard nodded: "My family seems to be prominent, but in fact it doesn't have much power to protect itself. Especially at this time, the darkness is gradually filling. I can say that it won't be long, maybe a few months, maybe in half a year, Wang There must be upheaval in Dom. I must find the strength to protect me and my family."

"As far as I know, many people in Vendome have more power than me..."

"But they are all living in a beautiful dream woven by prosperity. They are all drunk and can't see anything, can't they? Even the knight Ben and even the lord's eyes are full of fog, isn't it?" Bernard looked at those The men and women who enjoyed singing and dancing carnivally had the corners of their lips slightly raised, showing a trace of contempt.

After experiencing the last incident, Bernard has completely regained consciousness.

Luo Lin nodded: "Deal."

The smile on Bernard's face deepened, he filled his and Rowling's glasses with his own hands, and said in a low voice, "Cheers."

At this time, after a dance was over, Lord Primo, who was sitting on the balcony overlooking the crowd, reached out to stop the musicians at the side, then stood up, and said to his subjects: "I have something to announce today."

While he was speaking, an attendant quickly ran out of the castle and ran towards Luo Lin. When he reached Luo Lin's side, he said out of breath, "Your lord, the lord please go over, please follow me."

Knowing that Primo was about to announce the reward, Rowling nodded to Bernard and followed the attendants.

The lord also saw Luo Lin, grinned at him, and then continued: "In Vendome, there are two young warriors. They are very powerful. They defeated the terrifying Cyclops, killed the evil magician, and defeated A large number of warriors. They were very loyal and took back a huge amount of wealth for me without asking for anything in return. But as a lord, I must reward such an outstanding young man!"

Rollin had already reached the balcony, and he found that Langdon was also there. The three magicians, Vianna, Disentas, and Rafebel are also there. The three knights, including the knight Ben, were also present. The lord's wife, Liv, is also there.

The scene was unusually grand.

The lord continued: "They are the pride of my Vendôme, and they are the best of the younger generation. They are Lord Langdon and Lord Rollin. Today, here, I will award them the Tulip Medal!"

"Wow~" The crowd suddenly became noisy. The Tulip Medal is the highest honor in Vendome. The person who wears this medal will be able to walk freely in the castle area, freely enter the lord's castle, and freely participate in the lord's ceremonies held in the Zenith Garden. Banquet eligibility.

In short, for the upper class of Vendome, this medal is a coveted thing, a symbol of status.

Langdon looked very excited, his body was straight, his head held high, and he was full of energy.

For Rowling, this medal is indeed a good reward, because it brings him a great reputation, and it also provides him with a very convenient opportunity to contact the famous people in Vendome. It is very useful, but it is exciting , but none at all.

However, in order to satisfy the lord's vanity, Luo Lin still showed a grateful look.

His face was flushed (drinking), his body trembled slightly, his lips wanted to speak but he couldn't speak, and he didn't know where to put his hands, which was more than Langdon's agitation.

Lord Primo laughed triumphantly, and his impression of Luo Lin became better and better. He patted Luo Lin's shoulder again and said with satisfaction: "Young man, I appreciate you more and more."

"Thank you Lord Lord for your generous reward!" Luo Lin expressed his gratitude "excitedly".

On the side of the balcony, the archmage Disentas looked at the vigorous Luo Lin in front of him, and couldn't help frowning slightly. The wife of the lord, Liv, also looked very cold. She wrung her hands unconsciously, and almost tore the handkerchief in her hand. .

The two of them didn't expect that Vianna who was smiling all over their faces could see their expressions, but Vianna didn't respond at all, and the smile on her face was as decent as ever, as if she didn't see anything.

She looked at Luo Lin again, and she could see through at a glance that Luo Lin's excitement was fake, but the lord didn't realize it, and was played by this young man.

This discovery made Vianna feel a little uncomfortable: "He is always good at acting, maybe he is also acting in front of me, maybe I was deceived by him too."

Thinking of this, Vianna's heart hardened again: "Who knows if he just showed me drinking on purpose, maybe just to soften my heart, hmph!"

Luo Lin didn't know what Vianna was thinking, he had already been dragged by Lord Primo to the square in front of the castle to have fun together.

It's been a crazy night.

The next day, when Luo Lin got up, it was already high in the sun. He found himself sitting in a speeding carriage. He was puzzled. He opened the front window of the carriage and saw that the driver was a wild wolf.

When the wild wolf heard the movement behind him, he turned his head and smiled: "Master, you are awake."

Luo Lin felt some pain in his head, patted his forehead, and remembered that after he came back from the lord's castle last night, he asked Langdon to send him to the mercenary garrison. The wild wolf happened to be there, and then he insisted on letting the wild wolf drive overnight Went to Gaoshan Town.

"Where are we now?" Luo Lin asked. While speaking, he saw the battle armor and weapons in the carriage, and he felt relieved. Fortunately, there was no drinking.

"There is still about half a day's journey, and we should be able to reach the ground at night." Wild Wolf said.

"That's good." Luo Lin nodded, it's fine to leave, stay in Vendome, he always thinks about Vianna, he can't do anything well, it's a good idea to stay away from her for a while.

He began to think about future plans.

There is still half a year left before the orc invasion in memory, to be precise, five months and twenty-three days. During this time, he must muster a well-trained army!

Thinking about it this way, Zhinao immediately gave the task.

"Ding, the main task: develop the territory and build your own army."

"The first step of the mission: build a primary territory."

"Reward experience: 10000"

"Reward: Shield Skill: Undefeated Barrier."

Undefeated Barrier: Gather the power of anger and cover the whole body and shield, perfectly block physical attacks or intermediate single-target magic that is not higher than 150% of its own power, consumption potential value: 50.

This shield skill came just right, he was lacking a powerful defensive combat skill. (The novel "Legendary Heroes" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search public Number "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)

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