Legendary Hero

Chapter 154

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It was already after seven o'clock at night when Luo Lin arrived at the Wild Bear Hill in Gaoshan Town, a little later than he expected.

However, he found that after only a week of not seeing each other, some changes had already taken place on this hill. One side of the hillside was covered with flames.

Looking along the firelight, Luo Lin found many temporary tents under the hills. There were people coming and going near the tent, talking loudly from time to time, and listening to the voices, they were basically young and strong men.

From a rough estimate of the number of tents, there are at least seven or eight hundred people here. Luo Lin was very satisfied with this, and Atromand and the others had a good efficiency.

"Hey, look, it's the lord!" Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, and Luo Lin turned his head to look, and saw a mercenary from the Sword and Rose Mercenary Corps looking at him excitedly, Luo Lin was recognized.

Soon, Horn, Louisa, the housekeeper Kanado, the animal trainer, and a large number of familiar people rushed over.

"Come on, let's talk in the tent. I need to know the details." Luo Lin smiled.

Everyone entered the tent, and Horn reported the specific situation to Luo Lin, and Luo Lin listened carefully.

Sure enough, the people here are all workers hired from Gaoshan Town. They are now logging to open a road to widen the road into the basin. Although there is already a mountain road, the hills are really steep in some places. Horn estimated that it would still take two months to widen the roads in and out of the basin, even with the help of dwarf explosives.

Hearing this step, Luo Lin raised his hand to stop the report: "Stop, stop building the road, just use the current mountain road."

"But my lord, if there is no good road, the speed of transporting supplies into the basin will be several times slower." The butler Kanado looked puzzled, and the others were also puzzled. I don't know why Luo Lin ignored this obvious. reason.

"I know, but we don't have time to waste it. Tomorrow, tomorrow we will enter the basin and start burning forests!" Luo Lin made a final decision. He couldn't afford it for three months, and he didn't use this place as a base for long-term development, so there was no need to invest too much manpower and material resources on the road.

Well, since the lord said so, and the money and materials are all provided by the lord, of course he has the final say.

Everyone was puzzled, even Horn. They all looked at Rollin, waiting for his explanation.

"I know everyone has doubts." Luo Lin looked at the crowd, and he saw a look of disapproval from everyone's face: "But what I want to say is that we probably don't have much time."

The people in the tent were sensible and trustworthy, and Rowling didn't mind speaking his mind.

Horn interrupted: "My lord..."

"Call me Rollins."

"Okay, Rowling, I know you're worried about destroying the sect, but there are some things that can't be rushed." Horn knew that the matter of destroying the sect was serious, but he didn't expect the orc invasion at all.

In fact, no one in this era expected it. Just like Rowling's hometown Earth, before the outbreak of the First World War, no Europeans who had enjoyed peace for hundreds of years thought that the war would come so fast, so fierce, so sudden and tragic.

Luo Lin couldn't say it outright, he could only express his worries as much as possible: "This time in the cave by the sea, I once again saw the power of this sect. They collected more than 300,000 spell crystals, huge financial resources Their terrible strength has been exposed. I think what we know so far should only be a small part of this sect. Their real power has been unimaginably huge, perhaps so huge...that it can overthrow the entire Vendôme !"

"Hiss~~" Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

"It's impossible!" Louisa shook her head: "Vendome's power is so great, and there is an archmage in charge, how is it possible?"

"There are things I can't say because I have no real evidence. All I can say is that strong castles are often breached from within. Believe me, my friends, there are many signs I have found that tell Vendome There are doom believers in the castle area, and they are even in high positions. There are signs that they are carrying out this big plan. Therefore, we don't have much time. My prediction time is six months or even shorter in the future , there will be a drastic change in Vendome!"

Everyone at the scene was very smart and rational, and they all admired Luo Lin very much. They knew that he would never jump to conclusions. Seeing that he was so sure, everyone was terrified to hear it, but they already believed it in their hearts. Eight points.

If other people, such as celebrities from Vendôme, would not believe what Luo Lin said, they would even regard Luo Lin as a lunatic, and even Vianna would not believe it, because it was too shocking.

"But what power can do this?" asked Atromand the Beastmaster.

"They are collecting a large number of spell crystals. I feel that they should be building a giant magic circle. Atromand, Caronna, remember the orcs we met in the basin?" Rollin asked.

Both of these two had dealt with orcs with their own eyes, and they were close to death, how could they forget.

"What do you think will happen if there are 10,000 or even 100,000 orcs like that?" Luo Lin continued to ask.

"...I don't know." Fear appeared on Atromande's face. He couldn't imagine that scene. If that happened, he thought that Rollin's prediction was still optimistic, and it wasn't just Vendome. Not a catastrophe, but a continent-wide one!

"Okay, all of this is still unknown, but we must be prepared. By the way, where is Narosa?" Luo Lin found that his snake demon slave was not there, which was really strange.

"I don't know where she went. She entered Gaoshan Town that day, which caused panic in the whole town, and even frightened an old woman into a dementia. She has been avoiding us for several days. But I know she's around, and she's been seen coming back for food, huh, Horn?" said Atromand.

"Yes, I only saw it once. In fact, she looks a little weird." Horn spread his hands, he had no problem with the existence of Narosa, especially after listening to Atromand's battle strength. After describing it, he felt that Luo Lin's approach was very wise, they needed this kind of powerful fighter now, as long as they were under control, there would be no problem.

"What kind of weird method?"

"I don't know, she seems... She seems to be shedding her skin, just like a snake." Horn described.

"Oh." Luo Lin thought for a while, and couldn't quite figure out what happened to Narosa, but the contractual relationship between them was still very strong, so it shouldn't be a big deal after all, so he said, "That's fine, don't worry about it for now. She is gone. The matter of road construction is settled like this, and the follow-up materials will be delivered soon, all of which need to be organized, Kanado, please give me some pointers on specific things."

Canardo is very capable, but he is Bernard's servant, so he can't rely on him to do things, he can only rely on his experience.

"No problem, my lord." Butler Kanado took off his top hat and saluted Rollin.

"Okay. Now we have to discuss a specific regulation, and we will act according to the regulation from now on." Luo Lin patted the table and said to everyone.

He wants to complete the task of building the territory issued by Zhinao. He can't do it alone. Everyone can gather firewood to make a fire. Of course, it depends on the collective efforts of these partners.

Everyone nodded.

"There is a river in the basin, it is a source of water, and a hydraulic mill can be built, so the territory must be built near it."

"Before setting fire to the forest, we have to cut out a firebreak to prevent the fire from spreading. This route should be well planned."

"I have been in the basin, the land in it is fertile, do we need to reclaim the land?"

"The fog in the basin is very problematic, and we have to find a way to dispel it."


During this discussion, everyone forgot the time. Everyone, you perfected the territory construction plan without saying a word. Until the middle of the night, a detailed preliminary plan was freshly released.

"Okay, that's all for today. Let's stick to this plan first. If we encounter problems, we will discuss improvements. Everyone, go and rest." Luo Lin said with a smile.

Everyone said good night to him, and turned to leave. When Horn arrived, Luo Lin called him.

"Is there anything else, Rollins?"

Luo Lin took out a sapphire the size of a pigeon egg from his pocket and threw it over. This thing was worth at least three hundred gold coins: "Yesterday was the Midsummer Fire Festival, and I'm sorry for delaying your wedding with Louisa. The gem represents my apology."

Horn took the gem, tossed it up and down, and said with a smile: "It's okay, the wedding is just a situation. It's okay to be late, anyway, we've already lived together. Also, thank you for the gift."

He turned to leave, but stopped halfway and turned around: "Also, Luo Lin, I think you must find a wife as soon as possible. You are a hereditary lord, and you need an heir to your title and territory."

Luo Lin was startled, and smiled bitterly: "I'll talk about that later."

Horn is such a careful person. Seeing Luo Lin's appearance, he thought for a while and said, "It seems that your pursuit of the Archmage is not going well. Does she have a crush on you?"

Luo Lin was startled: "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Haha, it's nothing." Horn smiled: "Okay, you are really asking for trouble. I can only say that you are the most daring person I have ever met. I hope you can succeed."

Luo Lin smiled wryly. He knew that Horn had already seen it. This man was worthy of being the commander of the Allied Forces. His vision was really extraordinary, and he couldn't hide anything from him.

"When did you know?"

"The other day we went to the Tower of the Archmage. When you looked at the beautiful Archmage, I felt it. I didn't think much about it at the time, but until I met Louisa, I fell in love with someone myself. , After thinking about it carefully afterwards, I really discovered the meaning of your gaze." Horn said.

"Okay, it's fine if you know it, but don't say it, it will damage her reputation." Luo Lin instructed.

"Don't worry, I know the seriousness. But I still want to advise you, give up when it's time to give up, don't hold on."

After speaking, Horn turned and left.

Luo Lin smiled to himself, he never thought of giving up, now it's just a low point, it will get better, it will definitely get better.

Trying not to think about it, he crawled into bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, and while he was sleeping in a daze, he heard something moving around him, his heart moved, his eyes opened, and he saw a vague black figure walking towards him.

Yes, it came with two feet.

"Who is this? Why didn't Zhinao call the police?" And he didn't feel any danger. (The novel "Legendary Heroes" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search public Number "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)

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