Legendary Hero

Chapter 155 Return of the Elves

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The light in the tent was extremely dark, only a few strands of hair-like starlight penetrated through the gaps.

A faint black shadow walked over quietly, its footsteps were as silent as a cat's. As the black shadow continued to approach, Luo Lin smelled a fresh fragrance in his nose, which was very faint, pleasant and familiar, but he Can't remember where I smelled it.

Luo Lin's hand grasped the hilt of the sword instinctively, but he didn't have much killing intent in his heart, more just curiosity.

Finally, the black shadow approached, stretched out his hand, and gently touched Luo Lin's face.

In the middle of the hand, Luo Lin caught it. In Luo Lin's feeling, this hand felt cool to the touch, very smooth, as soft as boneless.

"Who are you?" Luo Lin asked in a low voice, the sword in the other hand vibrated slightly, and made a soft 'ding' sound, which was a warning.

His answer was a chuckle, the sound was crisp, like a string of wind chimes made of air.

Hearing this laughter, Luo Lin suddenly understood: "Lu Fei, it's you, why are you back?"

It turned out to be the elf Lu Fei who was sent back to the Moonlight Continent by him back then!

"Why, do I need your permission to come back?" Lu Fei's voice was mischievous and provocative.

"No, no, I'm just surprised." Luo Lin immediately put down the sword, got up and fumbled to light a candle.

With the dim light of the candle, he could clearly see the appearance of the elf.

Her lavender lustrous long hair was tied up in an extremely complicated but also very beautiful hairstyle, an elegant ivory white crown was worn on her forehead, and she was wearing a dark green delicate leather armor with silver silk patterns, showing off her brilliance. A slender and perfect figure.

On her back was a bow tangled with unknown green vines and a quiver. Inside the quiver were some elfwood arrows with tender green leaves as tail feathers.

If Lu Fei in Moonlight Town was an elf under the moonlight, lonely and helpless, then the current Lu Fei is truly an elf royal family, her eyes and face are full of confidence and peace.

"Why, don't you know me?" Lu Fei couldn't help smiling seeing Luo Lin looking at her all the time.

"That's not true, I was just thinking, why did the beautiful elf princess appear in my tent, am I dreaming?" Luo Lin laughed.

Lu Fei blushed slightly, and said nothing, her eyes suddenly fixed on Luo Lin's chest. On the chest exposed under the loose pajamas, hung a silver pendant, which was her spirit heart.

This discovery made Lu Fei feel extremely soft in her heart. She stepped forward and stuffed the exposed elf heart into Luo Lin's pajamas again, then stepped back to the edge of the tent, waved her hand outside the tent, and smiled softly: "Wear it." Good clothes, come with me, and I will show you my companion."

"Wait a minute." Luo Lin was already getting dressed, and he followed Lu Fei out of the tent after tidying up.

The sky was full of stars outside the tent, the light was not too dark, and the road could be seen in front of him. Luo Lin followed Lu Fei all the way, and soon came out of the tent area, and arrived at the small woods beside him.

With a light wave of Lu Fei's hand, the branches and grass moved aside according to her wish, showing a smooth path: "Come." Luo Lin followed.

After walking in the woods for about five or six minutes, after walking about hundreds of meters, a spacious open space appeared, no, it is not an open space, it should be regarded as a tree house.

The dense trees and weeds formed an almost impenetrable wall, and the canopy spread out, covering the sky and forming an arched dome of green leaves. Several light clusters exuding cool starlight were 'sticky' among the leaves, illuminating the sky. Light up the whole tree house.

There are two people standing in the tree house, no, to be precise, they are two female elves. One of them was dressed similarly to Lu Fei, and was also a leather armored longbow, but it could be seen that the bow on her back was much stronger than Lu Fei's.

"This is Selena, the archer of our clan and my good friend. She is responsible for protecting me." Lu Fei introduced.

While speaking, the female elf named Selina stroked Luo Lin's chest and saluted: "Thank you for saving Princess Lufei, human."

Luo Lin returned the salute. In his eyes, this elf was an elite archer up to level 35, very powerful.

"Her name is Ottolia, uh~ the elf is just her incarnation, her real identity is..."

Without Lu Fei's introduction, Luo Lin has already seen that the real body of this middle-aged elf woman in a robe should be a giant dragon, because her eyes have faint golden lines, which is not a color that ordinary people can possess.

"It's an honor to meet you, Legendary." Luo Lin saluted.

Ottolia nodded gently, with a peaceful face, she smiled and said: "Mortal, I can feel the breath of my kind from you. It seems that what Lu Fei said is true."

She looked at Lu Fei: "Then I have to go to Vendôme now, and I must confirm this Vianna's origin as soon as possible. During this time, you should first talk to him about cooperation."

"Okay, Ottolia." Lu Fei nodded.

As soon as the sound fell, Ottolia's body turned into a small bird, fluttered its wings and flew into the sky, before disappearing.

"She came here mainly to see Vianna. Luo Lin, come and sit down." Lu Fei greeted.

Luo Lin was puzzled, but he believed that Lu Fei would give him the answer, and he was not in a hurry, so he sat down in front of a tree table made of big tree stumps.

Lu Fei and Selena sat on the other side. After sitting down, Selina said, "Rolin, I came to the Starlight Continent with Lu Fei this time, first of all to thank you for saving Lu Fei, this pair of elves It is a great kindness. Your behavior has also changed the impression of the human race within my family."

While speaking, Selena took out a small box, opened the lid, and inside was an emerald green orb the size of a quail egg, and pushed it in front of Luo Lin: "The ripe fruit of the tree of life contains a strong life force. This is a gift from my family."

This time, Luo Lin also knew the benefits of this thing without using his brain to search his memory.

The tree of life is the holy tree of the elves, and its fruit is very rare. After eating, the body's vitality is greatly increased.

The information given by the brain is more specific.

Fruit of the tree of life.

Legendary item.

After eating, the vitality is permanently +100, and the vitality value increased by +1 when the level is upgraded.

Vitality represents a person's comprehensive quality such as endurance, body immunity, toxin resistance, magic resistance, etc. Naturally, the higher the better, the better.

Since it was a gift, of course Luo Lin would not refuse it. After thanking you, he took the fruit and threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times before swallowing it, and immediately felt a rush of heat rising from your stomach, spreading in your internal organs, Walking through the limbs and bones, the whole person is suddenly full of energy, and the energy is so diffuse that it almost explodes.

Looking at his current physical statistics, vitality has leapt to become the number one attribute, reaching more than 230 points. Luo Lin estimates that his natural lifespan will increase by several decades.

"According to my understanding of human beings, I thought you would pretend to refuse." Selena smiled.

"It helped me a lot, and I really wanted it."

"You're very straightforward." Selena turned her head to Lu Fei who was beside her and said, "Okay, at least I don't have a bad impression of him now."

The trace of worry on Lu Fei's face disappeared immediately, and she said with a smile, "I told you all, you just don't believe me."

Selina shook her head dotingly, then turned her head to Luo Lin and said, "Our elves have always lived in the Moonlight Continent. Regarding the humans on this continent, there have always been two voices in the clan, and one party suggested to stay away and isolate them completely. , one side prefers to communicate. Because of Lu Fei's incident, the former had the absolute upper hand. After Lu Fei returned, the situation changed. A large part of the elders think that communication and understanding with humans is necessary Yes, my mission is to conduct a preliminary investigation of the human world. During this time, I hope to get your help."

There are too many dangers for elves to walk on the human continent. Without a trustworthy human to take care of them, it is absolutely impossible to move forward, even a sharp archer is useless.

For Selena's request for help, Rowling did not hesitate at all. After the orc invasion, human beings need the assistance of elves, and this visit is an excellent opportunity for communication.

"No problem. I am now the lord of this land, at least in this land, I can still be the lord. But for safety reasons, you still have to carefully hide your identity. We need to discuss these details."

"No problem." Selena nodded. She was an actionist with high efficiency, and immediately started discussing a specific action plan with Rollin.

"First of all, you have to appear reasonably, at least with a reasonable identity, such as exiled mercenaries who escaped from the war-torn north."

"Write it down. Are there any details needed to play the mercenary?"

"The life of mercenaries is hard. They run around here and there, and they have experienced vicissitudes. It is absolutely impossible for their skin to be as good as yours, and their bows are not so delicate. Therefore, your appearance, clothes, bows and arrows must be changed to make them rougher."

"Take note. Any more?"

Luo Lin thought for a while, and added some inconspicuous but easily exposed details. After confirming that everything was safe, he nodded and said: "If you can do these things, then basically there is no problem. Let me remind you one last thing, thousands Don't underestimate anyone, always pay attention to the details, under the current situation, the blatant appearance of elves in the Starlight Continent will definitely cause an uproar. Even if I am now, I may not be able to protect you."

"Remember it." Selina nodded solemnly: "The last question, as far as I know, in the human world, an elf can be sold for 10,000 gold coins, and you are currently building a territory, very short of money, and usually, humans Your morality can be easily trampled by interests. How can I guarantee that you will not hit our minds?"

"Selena!" Lu Fei called out dissatisfied.

"Lu Fei, people's hearts will change. People of different status think differently. This has nothing to do with personal morality, and I must ensure our safety." Selena said earnestly.

Luo Lin was not surprised by this. The elves can entrust this task to this archer. Of course, this elf has the ability to match it, and her suspicion is justified.

He turned to Lu Fei and said: "Selena is right. But what I want to say is that the basis of our cooperation is mutual trust. The process of building trust requires risk. You have your risk , I have mine too."

"I don't see where your risk lies?" Selena said seriously.

"I know that." Lu Fei interjected, "The risk of Luo Lin is that if our identities are leaked, he will have to do everything to protect us from leaving safely, just like he did to protect me last time."

Selena was silent for a long time, and finally nodded: "Well, given your past behavior, I think this risk is worth taking."

"Thank you for your trust." Luo Lin also heaved a sigh of relief. This Selina is much more rational and calm than Lu Fei. If it weren't for Lu Fei's presence, the elf would be hard to persuade: "Then if it's okay, I have to go back, lest My subordinates are suspicious."


After Luo Lin left, Selena immediately said to Lu Fei: "Come on, let's follow quietly and see what he is doing?"

"Why? He is my friend, he will never betray us!" Lu Fei opened her eyes wide, very dissatisfied with Selena's decision.

"Yes, he is your friend, and you gave him the elf heart, right? But I have to be responsible for our race, don't be self-willed, Lu Fei, follow me."

Selena left the tree house first, and Lu Fei had no choice but to follow with great reluctance.



That night, Vianna welcomed a special guest. The moment she saw Ottolia, she couldn't help being surprised: "Why are you!"

She didn't know this middle-aged green dragon, but the blood inheritance of the dragon clan told her that this fellow clan in front of her had an extremely unusual relationship with her.

"It's me, I didn't expect you to be alive, oh, that's great." Ottolia sighed. (The novel "Legendary Heroes" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search public Number "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)

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