Legendary Hero

Chapter 223 Grand Duke Lehman

Since Grand Duke Lehman is affectionate, Rowling bid farewell to the glorious knights from Santos, boarded the carriage, and headed for Grand Duke Lehman's castle.

Compared with Lord Vendome, Grand Duke Lehman's castle is much inferior in refinement, and the details are completely incomparable. The only advantage is that the style of the castle is very grand, and the gate alone is more than 30 meters long. It is high, more than twenty meters wide, and a row of decorative columns beside the gate is more than two meters in diameter. The main hall behind the gate is also extremely magnificent, with a depth of nearly 100 meters, surrounded by huge statues, and at a glance, an eloquent atmosphere blows across the face come.

This is the Hall of Heroes. The statues in the hall are all heroes who have made great contributions to the survival of the Principality of Lehman, and almost all of them are legendary powerhouses.

If the Red Moon Juggernaut dies, his statue will also appear here. Because of this, it is also called the sleep of the saints.

The carriage did not stop here, but entered the hall all the way, then went around behind the huge statue that was nearly 40 meters high at the top, and passed through a gate before entering the Grand Duke's Castle.

Here is a wide garden, the road is designed to slow down the jumping stones, the carriage is a little bumpy, beside the road is a very flat green lawn, and outside, there are bright flowers, and in the distance, there is another There are thick old trees and clear streams, which can't be seen at a glance.

After continuing along the winding road for more than ten minutes, the carriage finally stopped in a large castle.

On the steps at the gate of the castle, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a housekeeper was already waiting. When Luo Lin got out of the carriage, he extended his hand to invite: "Your Excellency, please follow me. The Grand Duke is already waiting for you."

Luo Lin nodded, followed the butler all the way into the hall, went up to the second floor, and finally arrived at the study of Grand Duke Lehman.

The butler made an inviting gesture, and Luo Lin entered the spacious and bright study room.

There were only two people in the room, one standing and the other sitting. The standing one was wearing battle armor and had a straight face. This man was the chief disciple of the Red Moon Sword Master, the commander-in-chief of the Principality, the great knight Di Xinsi, who was as famous as the southern knight Ben.

Of course, knights are now a thing of the past, so Di Xins can almost be said to be one of the most powerful knights in Starlight Continent.

Of course, this is the opinion of ordinary people, mixed with many factors of fame, but the real power ranking is really hard to say. For example, the current Luo Lin, he and this Di Xinsi, it is not clear who is stronger and who is weaker. Only after that can we find out.

More importantly, Luo Lin is only in his early twenties, and from the perspective of the game, his level is only 34, and he still has a lot of growth potential before being promoted to a legend. And Di Xinsi is already at level 39, and he is in his early forties this year. In five or six years, he should also be promoted to legend, but compared with Luo Lin, the judgment is judged.

The person sitting there is about thirty-eight or nineteen years old, about forty years old, with a fat body and excellent maintenance. He is wearing a gorgeous robe and a simple jeweled crown on his head. He is Grand Duke Lehman.

Seeing Luo Lin come in, he smiled: "There are still five days before our agreed date, and you are very punctual. Are you done with everything?"

Luo Lin nodded: "It's over, and I have broken away from Lord Primo."

The Grand Duke smiled even more intensely, and said repeatedly: "Okay, that's good. Since you're back, we won't waste any time, and the viscount canonization ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow."

Luo Lin expressed doubts appropriately: "Viscount?"

"Yes, Viscount. Parasan thinks you should enjoy this honor. During this time, I also know more about your deeds, including during the Battle of Vendome, you led the cavalry to raid the orc army and severely injured the orc king's body." So I agree with Parason's statement." Grand Duke Lehman smiled slightly, his eyes were very warm, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Luo Lin was not surprised. Two months had passed since he killed the Vampire Duke in the cave. He did not deliberately hide this matter. :"Thank you so much."

"You deserve it." Grand Duke Lehman smiled: "The ceremony will not be held until the day after tomorrow. You have worked hard all the way here. You don't need to find another place. Just rest in my castle for the next two days."

"I am very honored."

Luo Lin had just arrived and had nothing to say. After answering a few questions from Grand Duke Lehman, he left and followed the housekeeper to the arranged room.

When Luo Lin left and his figure disappeared, a servant closed the door of the study room. The smile on Grand Duke Lehman's face suddenly faded and became serious. He looked at Di Xinsi: "What do you think of this man?"

The last time was in a hurry, and Luo Lin's story hadn't spread yet, so although the Red Moon Sword Master was involved, he didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was just an ordinary genius. There are not many such geniuses, but they are not rare either. Di Xinsi and Zacrow were both such geniuses when they were young.

But when the details of the Battle of Vendome came out, the Grand Duke Lehman was really surprised. This lord was able to surprise the orc army with 700 cavalry, and severely injured the orc warrior, forcing the orc army to retreat, thus saving hundreds of thousands of people. life!

That's the orc warrior! Still under the protection of the army, this young man was able to defeat him and was seriously injured. This force is a bit terrifying!

Di Xinsi considered his tone: "This Luo Lin is indeed very strong. If I fight with him, the victory or defeat will be difficult to predict. However, I have some doubts about his ability to defeat Wusheng. My mentor has already met him. He's sure the man hasn't been promoted to legend."

"Perhaps with the help of some potions. You know, Vendome's Archmage Vianna is actually an emerald dragon. It should be possible to temporarily increase his strength, right?" Archduke Lehman asked.

Di Xinsi nodded: "If you say so, with his martial arts, if the Beastman King is contemptuous, then this result is possible. But no matter what, this man is a rare martial arts genius, Worthy of a big win."

Grand Duke Lehman nodded, but for some reason, there was some sadness in his brows: "You are only in your early twenties, and you have achieved such an achievement. Even if you look respectful on the outside, you must be proud in your heart. The future achievements will be incalculable, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to get along with you." .”

He said it tactfully, but of course Di Xinsi could understand, the Grand Duke was afraid that he would not be able to control this person.

This is a common problem of those in power.

Weak, useless, not easy to use. But it is too strong, but I dare not use it, for fear of hurting myself. For example, a character like Luo Lin is a double-edged sword. If one is not used well, let alone assisting the Principality, if it strengthens the Principality, it will cause a catastrophe.

Di Xinsi recalled the words of the Red Moon Sword Master, and repeated: "Grand Duke, my mentor believes that there is sincerity in this person's heart. If you can treat each other with sincerity, even if you can't help, you will never retaliate. He suggested to the Grand Duke You treat him with sincerity, don't think about control, and don't care about the gains and losses of the moment. This can be seen from the Primo family in Vendôme. Since he can desperately rescue the descendants of the Primo family, if the Grand Duke is right He has kindness and will definitely reciprocate in the future."

As soon as these words came out, Grand Duke Lehman fell into deep thought. After thinking about it, his eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly: "Parason can still see clearly. My eyes are always blinded by power. Like this Such a character, I still want to control it, it's a bit arrogant."

If he is an ordinary person, Duke Lehman's family has a big business, so of course he has to control it, but Luo Lin is so talented that everyone wants to recruit him. He has so many choices, and the Duchy of Lehman is unhappy and depressed , ran directly to the Aoraki Kingdom next door, and he had no place to cry. So what he has to do is to make this person feel relaxed and happy, and happy to stay in the Principality of Lehman.

After thinking it over, Grand Duke Lehman felt relieved, and a smile appeared on his face: "I have three sons and one daughter, and my daughter is already eighteen, and it's time to get married. I intend to get married, what do you think?"

Di Xinsi didn't bother to take care of this matter, and directly refused: "Grand Duke, this is your family matter, you decide it yourself."

The Grand Duke laughed out loud. He just liked Di Xinsi's attitude and never meddled in his own business: "My daughter is beautiful and talented in swordsmanship, she may not be worse than this Luo Lin. But I don't force it, I will give it a try. "

If his daughter concentrates on practicing with the Red Moon Sword Master, after more than ten years, a great knight's strength will definitely not be able to escape. It is a pity that she is a daughter after all. But it is definitely not enough, after all, there is no way to achieve great success, so the Grand Duke has no expectations for this daughter's achievements, as long as she is happy.

"Grand Duke, there is one more thing." Di Xinsi spoke again.

"you say."

"These days, our old neighbors have also heard the news and started to feel restless. There are a few powerful assassins in the city. I think their target should be Luo Lin."

"Assassination or kidnapping?"

Di Xinsi nodded: "According to some clues, the people who came were members of the Iron Hand Brotherhood, so they should be assassinated."

Brotherhood of Iron Hands, a semi-official assassin alliance of the Aoraki Kingdom, among which the assassins are famous for their insidiousness and cunning, but there are also some real masters. It is said that its top executives have the power of great knights, equipped with extremely professional assassination methods, legendary strong They all frown.

"Hehe, this guy Paimont is still young, and he only knows how to move back and forth. Then I will work hard for you in the past few days. Find these mice as soon as possible and kill them."

Paimonte is King Aoraki, who has just been on the throne for five years and is only 30 years old this year. He has great ambitions but lacks strategy. Just like this time, as soon as he heard that Grand Duke Lehman had acquired a talent, he sent assassins, he just wanted to eliminate his opponent, and he didn't think about turning his head at all, and he didn't think about secretly wooing him.

Grand Duke Lehman looked down on this guy very much, but he was very fortunate. Everyone hoped that their opponent was a pig.

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