Legendary Hero

Chapter 224 Castle Beauty

Although he was staying in the Grand Duke's castle, Rowling didn't feel any restraint. Wherever he wanted to go, as long as he didn't go to the bedroom of the Grand Duke and his family, he was free to go anywhere else without any hindrance. This made Rowling feel Very comfortable.

Of course, Luo Lin didn't have much curiosity about this castle. In the middle of the game in his previous life, he often came to this place to wander around. He was very familiar with this castle. Know.

After coming out of the Grand Duke's study, after a short rest, Luo Lin asked his attendants to take him to the martial arts training ground behind the castle, where he began to practice martial arts.

Daily exercise will also generate experience points. Of course, it is not as fast as doing tasks, but at this point, tasks are basically triggered randomly, unstable, and training is still reliable.

In fact, Luo Lin suspects that the reason why the intelligence brain releases tasks one after another is most likely because the energy collection speed is too slow to give rewards.

In order to advance to the legendary realm as soon as possible, Luo Lin practiced his martial arts meticulously and focused on them wholeheartedly. Usually, after a few moments of such concentration, he would have fun and forget that time was passing.

It was the same today. Although he moved to an unfamiliar place, Luo Lin didn't feel uncomfortable at all. After a few minutes, he was completely immersed in it, and his mind was fused with the sword and shield in his hand.

When Luo Lin practiced martial arts, every move was very clear, all of them were basic moves, and there were never any gorgeous big moves.

His speed is not too fast, even ordinary people can understand it. If someone who didn't know him came to see him, he might think he was a beginner because of his young age.

The reason for this is very simple. Luo Lin in his previous life was already a legendary powerhouse, what big move can't? But the more he practiced, the more he felt the importance of basic moves. Any complicated and gorgeous moves can evolve from these foundations.

Of course, this is not a natural talent, but a truth that has been realized after time has passed.

When he first entered the game, Rowling also used whatever was gorgeous and what was exciting. But when he reached the stage of great knight and great samurai, he restrained himself and began to move cautiously. He didn't practice any big moves during practice, and focused on self-cultivation. When he stepped into the realm of legend, he only had basic moves like 'stab, slash, slash, chop, collapse', etc. when he practiced, and the more he practiced, the fewer and fewer moves he practiced, and the simpler he practiced.

A while ago, he had comprehended the water drop combat technique on the battlefield, and there were only nine tricks left in practice.

For these nine tricks, adding one point would be too much, and subtracting one point would be insufficient. This is already the limit of Luo Lin's current ability.

Just these nine strokes, practice back and forth, and practice tirelessly, so that the meaning of the water drops in each stroke can reach the point of pureness and flawlessness.

The so-called return of ten thousand laws to the clan should be what he looks like now.

Just when Luo Lin was practicing raptly, he suddenly felt a sword stabbing towards him. The strength of the sword was not strong, about the same as that of a 20th-level sergeant major, but the position of the stab was very good, and it happened to be him in the defense gap.

"Huh?" Luo Lin's heart moved, he didn't feel any killing intent, he knew that the other party should just be fighting, the shield in the other hand immediately moved as he wanted, and with a slight deflection, it blocked the path of the incoming sword.

The sword immediately changed with the situation and pierced another gap.

Luo Lin became interested, and turned the Soul Refined Sword of Opening Heaven in his hand slightly. Of course, he didn't use much force, and at the same time restrained all the force of the water droplets in the sword.

The sword was blocked, but when the block was blocked, the opponent's sword immediately slashed down his blade, cutting off his fingers. Luo Lin's sword trembled, turned around, and swung the sword away with the force of the roundabout, and then stabbed forward.

This move was very clever, usually the opponent would have to retreat to avoid the sharp edge, but this time, the situation was beyond Rowling's expectation. The opponent's sword was indeed swung away, but it stabbed at Luo Lin's neck.

In an instant, Luo Lin estimated that if he used his current strength, his neck would be pierced before he stabbed the opponent, because the distance traveled by the opponent's sword was shorter than his sword.

"It's really good to besiege Wei and save Zhao. The reaction is also very fast, which is beyond the limit of his strength." Luo Lin didn't back up, and turned his upper body slightly.

The opponent didn't seem to be wearing battle armor, so facing this sword, he finally had to retreat.

As soon as he retreated, Luo Lin gained the upper hand and followed closely, one sword after another, continuously.

This man was also strong, he actually blocked Luo Lin's nine swords in a row, and finally he couldn't resist, and Luo Lin's sword pointed to his throat.

"I lost." A voice came over, the voice was very soft, but there was firmness in the tone.

Luo Lin's heart moved, and he woke up from the trance state of sword practice before, only then did he notice that the person he had been fighting against was a woman.

The woman was eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing leather jacket and leather pants, wearing moccasin boots, and holding an ordinary steel sword in her hand. Hmm... she looks very beautiful, it complements the spring flowers blooming in this prosperous month, and her figure is also very good, especially a pair of slender breasts, which are tightly closed without any gap, which is better than that of Horn's wife Lu Isa's legs are even more beautiful. Uh, Luo Lin is a little ashamed, thinking that thinking about the legs of his friend's wife is not something a gentleman should do.

In terms of beauty, among the women Luo Lin has seen, probably only the elf Lufei can compare with her, and she is similar to Vianna, each with its own characteristics.

Well, Lu Fei is as gentle as water, and Vianna has a strong personality and is superior, which has nothing to do with her strength, but this girl looks a little arrogant, with a ponytail tied behind her head, shaking her head.

"But just now, you blocked my sword with your battle armor, so it's not your real ability." The girl looked unconvinced, her rosy lips pouted slightly, as if she had the ability to take off her battle armor and compete again. ah.

Luo Lin smiled and waved his hand: "For a sparring like this where you restrain your strength, it's enough to do it once. It's boring if there are too many."

He admitted that this girl's sword skills are good, and her reaction speed is also very fast. This seems to be one of her talents, but her strength is too weak.

He didn't dare to use the water drop combat technique just now, otherwise, as soon as the swords of the two sides came into contact, the steel sword in the opponent's hand would not be able to withstand the sudden burst of cohesive force, and it would break every inch of it. Also seriously injured. It would be a shame to vomit blood from such a big beauty.

Obviously, these words made the girl unhappy. She curled her lips and said softly: "Sure enough, the more famous you are, the more arrogant you are? Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. My name is Angela, Grand Duke It's my father."

Luo Lin knew her without her introduction. The only daughter of the grand duke, he had read her love letter. It was written to a knight whom he had a crush on. Of course, it should have been three years ago, and that love letter It was never sent out.

"It's an honor to meet you, Miss Angela." Etiquette still needs to be mentioned.

Angela should have forgotten the previous unhappiness. She looked at Luo Lin with interest, and to be precise, it was the sword in his hand: "Your sword seems very good. Is this a legendary weapon? Can you show me?"

"Of course." Luo Lin handed over the sword.

Angela wanted to pick it up with one hand.

"If you don't want to get hurt, use both hands." Luo Lin reminded that although his sword is a one-handed sword, it is made of Serkin and some unknown meteorite iron. It weighs far more than ordinary weapons, at least ninety kilograms, isn't it? Ordinary soldiers can use it.

This time, Angela didn't dare to be negligent, and took it with both hands instead. As soon as she took the sword, her hand sank. She was obviously very surprised by the weight of the sword, since she saw the man holding it with ease just now.

Well, she admitted that the other party did keep his hand just now, otherwise, relying on the weight of the sword, and stabbing with all her strength, no matter how she blocked it, she would be like a mantis arm against a cart, and she would be finished with one sword, let alone any exquisite sword Recruited.

Holding it in her hand and stroking it for a while, Angela sighed with regret, and returned the sword to Luo Lin: "It's really a good sword. The dwarf's craftsmanship is really amazing. It's just too heavy to use."

Luo Lin withdrew his sword, and was in no mood to continue training, so he asked, "Miss Angela, is there anything else? If it's okay, I'll take my leave first."

There are too many beauties in this mainland, if you want to read all the beauty, then this is a holy place, but he already has Vianna in his heart, no one can feel it. So no matter how beautiful Angela is, it has nothing to do with him. Moreover, this kind of young aristocratic lady has a willful personality, so he keeps a respectful distance.

"..." Angela felt a little uncomfortable at once. She had never been so neglected by anyone before. Angela, who lives in the moonlight, is not used to it.

Seeing that Angela didn't speak, Luo Lin bowed again, then left and walked towards the castle.

Angela stood alone in the martial arts field, and it wasn't until Luo Lin's back disappeared around the corner that she realized that she had received an unprecedented cold reception.

"What a weird person. Could it be that he likes men?" Angela was not angry. She was often flattered because of her beauty, but her temper was not too bad, and she was not spoiled and arrogant to the point of unreasonable , she just doubted the love of Luo Lin's partner.

You know, Fire Lion City is a big city, and all kinds of weird things happen there, and love with a broken back is naturally not a strange thing.

"But to be honest, this man's martial arts are indeed very powerful, much stronger than those nobles and even regular knights I've seen. It's good to be able to compete with him from time to time."

After practicing a few hands with Luo Lin just now, Angela felt that she had gained a lot, and lost interest in the previous swordsmanship training partners in an instant.

When her father arranged for her to get close to this person, she thought it was a hard job, but now it seems that this matter is quite interesting.

"But this person looks like wood, and seems to be very impatient with me, what should I do?" Angela frowned and thought hard.

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