Legendary Hero

Chapter 237 The law does not blame the public? No!

The scout went to investigate once, feeling very tired, and the job was extremely dangerous. At this time, he heard Luo Lin's order, but he didn't act. He hesitated for a while, and said: "My lord, I don't have enough horsepower, I'm afraid I can't go to investigate again."

He was talking nonsense. Luo Lin arranged for the scouts to be a bloody black rock horse with full endurance. With such a short journey, there might be a problem of insufficient horsepower.

In this army, if it was the former leading officer, the scout would let him rest for a while after saying so. Everyone knew each other. The family members were all famous people in the county. Maybe they were related. It is absolutely impossible to turn around.

But now the commander-in-chief is Rollin.

Hearing this, without saying anything, he whipped the whip in his hand, and with a 'slap', the scout was thrown off the horse's back, and fell to the ground, rolling and moaning continuously, which seemed extremely exaggerated.

This is a soldier who has never fought a tough battle, but he is very good at how to deal with the chief and escape punishment. If the chief is angry, he has to give a big response, so that the chief will be satisfied and the punishment will be reduced.

But this scout was also unlucky. He met Luo Lin. He didn't know that his tricks didn't work on Luo Lin. Luo Lin never took pleasure in punishing soldiers. He did it for one reason. The other party didn't obey his orders.

In wartime, there is only one voice in the army, and that is the army commander. The commander's will must be implemented 100% immediately, and this scout started to bargain with him, so he happened to be the first bird.

Looking at this tired guy, and looking at the soldiers around who seemed to be respectful, but actually resisted faintly, Luo Lin felt angry in his heart. Such soldiers, with such strength, are simply a bunch of garbage!

He galloped over, looked down at the scout rolling on the ground, and said coldly, "Is the rolling over? Stand up!"

With that whip just now, he knew that with the strength he used just now, it would hurt for a while at most, and there was absolutely no such exaggerated damage.

The scout moaned a little lower and stopped rolling, but he was still lying on the ground and couldn't get up. He was still yelling, resisting the order again.

Luo Lin watched this scene with cold eyes, and then looked around at the soldiers around him, especially the three knights.

Knight Grayman, the son of the governor of Levin County, sensed Rollin's gaze, but he would have misunderstood it. According to him, the lord should have wanted him to stand out, so that there would be a step down and let this matter pass. So he stepped forward, picked up the whip and lightly whipped the scouts on the ground, and angrily said: "Still standing up, didn't you hear the lord's words?"

The scout just got up with a wheel, rested his head, and stood in front of Luo Lin without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, this made Luo Lin even more furious. Well, my earl's words are useless. A knight whipped you, but you moved very fast. Who is the commander of this army?

Originally, Luo Lin's purpose was to bring the army over, face the Frost Giants, and then cause a big rout, so that he could have an excuse to disarm when he went back. As for how these soldiers behaved, he didn't bother to care.

But he is also a human being, and he was really annoyed when faced with such a lazy and slippery dog. He was so despised by people as a dignified earl and lord. It seems that he was too kind to these people before, so he didn't show any With cruel means, when these people go back, they might think that he is weak and can be bullied!

His face was as gloomy as water, and he asked the scout in a deep voice, "Do you know where you went wrong?"

"Report the lord, the horse is indeed tired and can't run anymore." The scout protested with a bitter face.

Luo Lin suddenly had murderous intentions in his heart, squinted his eyes, looked at the knight under him, and asked, "Hovtan, what do you think is wrong with this scout?"

Along the way, Luo Lin was more talkative, which made the soldiers and knights feel contemptuous. Knight Hoftan thought for a while and said, "Lord, right or wrong, he shouldn't object to your order."

"Huh? You also think that the horsepower is insufficient?" Luo Lin's voice was faint, and no emotion could be heard.

"Yes, I think so too." Hoftan felt the pressure and insisted.

Luo Lin continued to ask: "You mean, my order was wrong, right?"

"I didn't mean that, my lord." Hoftan said bravely. He felt that there was something wrong with the lord today. His voice was too cold, like the snow and ice in winter, which made people panic.

Luo Lin looked at the other fighters again, raised his voice and asked, "Does everyone have this opinion? Whoever has a different opinion, stand up."

There was a commotion among the soldiers. At this time, they didn't know that the lord was really angry, but the law does not blame the crowd. With so many soldiers, what can he do if he is angry? Is it possible to kill everyone?

So no one said anything, and all the soldiers were silent, acquiescing to Luo Lin's statement.

Angela was beside Luo Lin. She didn't speak, but watched from the beginning to the end.

Under normal circumstances, when encountering such a situation, the commander of the army will choose to compromise, and then deal with it softly. In the end, the matter will be left alone, because if this situation is not handled properly, the army will mutiny, and the commander will face this huge Psychological pressure, dare not take risks.

But in this way, this army will be abolished, and even the will of the commander cannot be implemented. Don't expect this army to fight.

But Angela knew that Luo Lin would never compromise, because she knew him well, and she knew that this man's will was as tough as steel after getting along with him in the past few months.

In the south, with 700 warriors, he dared to attack the orc army, and he also successfully injured the orc warrior. The commanders who can do this are all iron-blooded people.

So Angela looked at the scout with pity.

In the silence, Luo Lin steered his horse forward. Amidst the dull sound of hoofbeats, he walked to the front of the army, turned around, looked at his army, and sneered: "Today, now, I want to tell you one thing."

At this time, Luo Lin was about fifteen meters away from the scout. He slowly drew out the Soul Refining Sword, but no one thought that Luo Lin would attack the scout. They were too far away.

The soldiers thought it was normal for Luo Lin to wield the sword in his hand to increase the weight of his words. So when Rowling spoke, they listened.

Luo Lin continued: "In my army, my orders are the only voice. Whoever disobeys will have only one fate: die!"

While speaking, the sword in his hand flashed sharply, and a flame slashed, a little golden light rushed out, crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and rushed into the body of the scout.

The scout shook his whole body, looked down at his chest, and then there were flames rushing out of his mouth, nose, and eyes, and amidst an incomparably mournful howl, the scout became a burning man.

As soon as he was dead, he began to struggle crazily and screamed hoarsely in front of all the soldiers. The scene was extremely terrifying.

For three full minutes, the scout screamed for three full minutes before finally losing his life. He fell to the ground and became a burning corpse.

During the whole process, Luo Lin's face was tense, indifferent. Angela's face turned pale. She was prepared in her heart and was also taken aback by the tragedy.

All the soldiers, some were silent and silent, some were lying on the ground, some were sweating profusely, some had dull eyes, all were terrified by Luo Lin's methods.

"Knight Greyman, what do you have to say about my punishment?" Rollin asked the knight in a calm voice.

Greyman's forehead was covered with cold sweat. When Luo Lin asked, his whole body trembled violently, and he shook his head hastily: "No, I have no objection. You are right."

Only then did he realize the power of this lord lord. This man is a powerful man who is knighted by force. His strength is indescribable. Maybe all the soldiers here are no match for the other party. Just now they were thinking Forcing him, this is simply asking for death!

"Where are you two?" Rollin looked at the other two knights.

Both knights shook their heads frantically.

"What about all of you? Did you understand what I said?" Luo Lin asked with a slightly raised volume.

"Understood!" Everyone responded immediately.

"Very good. You, you, and you, go investigate the details." Luo Lin pointed to the other three scouts.

These scouts ran out without saying a word, rushing to the front to investigate.

"Check the armaments and weapons on the spot, and prepare to fight!" Luo Lin ordered again.

The soldiers followed suit and began to check their equipment, but the quality of these soldiers was really poor. Although they were holding on to their weapons, their faces were still filled with horror. Many of them were still trembling, and they hadn't recovered from the previous shock. come out.

Angela stepped forward and said softly, "These people are no match for the Frost Giants at all."

"I know." Luo Lin nodded slightly: "I will recruit new soldiers this time when I go back."

Angela agrees with Luo Lin's approach. These soldiers are really outrageous, and it's annoying to watch.

Time passed minute by minute, and the soldiers checked their equipment at least one way or another, set up formations, and prepared for possible battles.

These soldiers have never been on the battlefield, and their strength is ridiculously weak. There is panic in the eyes of every soldier, which is the horror of the unknown future.

Such an army, I am afraid that as soon as the Frost Giants attack, they will collapse. It is a joke to rely on them to defeat the Frost Giants.

Luo Lin knew the result, but he still led the army to move forward.

But at this time, he just needs a big defeat, to justify and get rid of these wastes who have taken up his conscription quota.

After walking for about half an hour, I saw scouts covered in blood rushing back, galloping wildly, shouting frantically: "The giant is coming! The giant is coming!"

Needless to say, the figures of frost giants have already appeared behind him. These guys are at least two meters tall and weigh at least three hundred kilograms. They are as thick as adult thighs,

Brain news

frost giant

Level 23 elite fighter.

Strength estimate: 260.

Estimated number, 98.

A level 23 elite, and his most powerful knight is a level 15 ordinary warrior. Although there are a thousand people, if the frost giant is allowed to rush into the army, it will undoubtedly be a massacre.

When the frost giant rushed to a distance of 100 meters, an accident happened, and someone shouted: "Run!"

Then the soldiers behind Luo Lin started to turn around and run away. This has not been fought yet... This was expected by Luo Lin, but it was far beyond Angela's expectation.

"This... these soldiers are ridiculous!" That was all she could say, and she thought at least there was going to be a fight.

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