Legendary Hero

Chapter 238 Angela's First Actual Combat

The speed of the frost giants was very fast. When they took a step forward, they were at least five meters long, and there were a lot of them. It seemed that there were more than forty heads, and they just rushed over.

As for their opponents, there are only two people, one is Rollin and the other is Angela.

This time, Luo Lin was not going to fight these giants in close quarters. He turned to Angela and said, "Go and experience the real battle of life and death. I will watch you from behind."

Angela took a deep breath and nodded. She rolled over from the horse and rushed towards the Frost Giant.

In the past six months, she feels that she has made rapid progress, her strength has greatly increased, and her swordsmanship has improved. Although the Frost Giant looks terrifying, she is still full of confidence. What's more, Luo Lin was watching behind him.

Therefore, at this moment, on the eve of the battle, she had no fear at all.

Luo Lin sat on the horseback and slowly paced up, keeping the distance between himself and Angela within 30 meters. This distance was the field control range of his elemental combat skills.

"Your strength is no match for them, don't confront them head-on." Seeing Angela's fearless face, Rowling reminded her.

"Understood." Angela responded, she had already rushed in front of the Frost Giant, and the guy roared loudly, and the big wooden stick in his hand fell on her head.

Angela took a step sideways to avoid it.

"Boom!" The wooden stick hit the ground, the ground trembled, the strong wind blew, and the mud splattered. Angela felt that she couldn't stand firmly, and her face was hit by mud spots many times. Dare to open your eyes wide, for fear that mud spots will fly into your eyes.

This unexpected situation made her panic. Although she stabbed instinctively with the sword, she knew it was going to be bad when the sword was halfway through.

Her sword didn't show her usual level at all, not to mention the sword move, it was just a random stab, probably less than one-tenth of the usual power, and the force of the water drop was basically not used.

The 'Puff' sword pierced the Frost Giant. The giant's thick fur blocked most of the force. The sword only pierced less than an inch, barely piercing the skin.

"Roar!" The Frost Giant roared, the pain drove him crazy, and the wooden stick in his hand swept across towards Angela's waist.

It's not working properly! The self-confidence in Angela's heart melted away like ice and snow. Looking at the opponent who was approaching crazy, the bloody mouth with fangs, the pungent stench, and the strong wind like a tsunami, Angela felt a little panicked. .

She had never encountered such a situation, and she didn't know how to deal with it at once, and she couldn't do anything except keep backing and avoiding.

At this time, none of the abilities acquired during sword practice have been fully utilized. Even her special talent, the ability to react faster when she concentrated, didn't show up, all washed away by the panic in her heart.

There is not just one frost giant here, but more than forty ones. Seeing Angela dodging, another frost giant leaped over, jumping up to a height of more than three meters, raised a thick wooden stick in its hand, and slammed at Angela's head. Smash it down.

Under attack from both sides, Angela had nowhere to hide, and suddenly felt cold hands and feet, and despair rose in her heart: "Am I going to die?"

As soon as this thought flashed through her mind, Angela saw a golden point of light flying over, hitting the Frost Giant jumping next to her. Then, the giant turned into a fireball and flew out.

It was Luo Lin who made the move, followed by his voice, which was calm and without any emotion: "Continue!"

Only then did Angela remember that Luo Lin was still behind her, and she felt relieved, and her panic was reduced by more than half.

Nodding her head, Angela dodged the Frost Giant's wooden stick again, and then took the opportunity to charge in, stabbing out with another sword.

This sword is only at the level of training, of course, not all of it, but at least 60% of its power, and the sword is full of water drops.

The 'Pu Chi' sword stabbed the opponent.

The Frost Giant's body shook violently, the wooden stick in his hand came out, and a mouthful of blood was spurted out of his mouth. He looked down at the little guy in front of him, and then at the small wound on his body, his eyes were full of disbelief.

He staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground with a 'bang'. He had already exhaled more breath and less intake.

With one sword, Angela's confidence increased greatly, and she rushed to the second frost giant. Rowling still backed her up.

Five seconds later, the second Frost Giant fell to the ground. He was worse than the first one. He was stabbed in the heart, and he didn't say a word. He was punished on the spot.

Then Angela rushed to the third, fourth, and until the fifth, she found that there was no opponent in front of her.

Turning his head, he found that the forty or so frost giants were all lying on the ground. Except for the five she killed, there were more than thirty others, one in the east and one in the west, all lying around Luo Lin. All have died.

Obviously, when she killed five frost giants, Rollin had already killed the rest of them. He was sitting on the horseback alone, not a single drop of blood was splashed on his body, and he did it easily.

Although Angela knew that Luo Lin was very strong, but this time, she felt particularly strong, because she had personally fought against the Frost Giants and knew how terrifying these guys really were.

Seeing Angela looking over, Luo Lin put on a smile on his face: "As a rookie, your performance is very good."

It's really good to be able to adapt to the battle so quickly.

Angela was a little ashamed. If Rowling hadn't been watching, she would have died at least three times just now.

At this moment, she admired those soldiers who returned from the battlefield from the bottom of her heart. Those people are the real strong.

"I didn't perform at my best level just now, at most 70%." Angela was ashamed. If she had the strength she showed in normal training, she shouldn't be in such a mess.

Luo Lin laughed: "You are too greedy, Angela. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. On the battlefield, recruits can only display 30% of their usual training strength. Veterans can generally only display 60%. It's very good...”

With the support of special talents, it does have a great effect.

"Then how do I feel that you can fully exert your strength in battle? And I can easily see that the moves you use are basically the same as those in normal practice." Angela asked curiously.

"Me?" Luo Lin smiled: "When you reach the peak of water drops, you will be like me. As for now, you are still far away."

It is the realm of a great master to be able to go from complicated to simple and do whatever one wants. It is estimated that the entire principality is only the Red Moon Sword Master who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Luo Lin. This Angela is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

"Oh, then I will work hard." The ignorant girl said seriously. Today's actual combat, although the time is short, she has benefited greatly, no less than months of hard training.

"I like you." Luo Lin encouraged, and then said: "Get on the horse, let's go back."

The two got on their horses, turned back, gathered deserters all the way, and after a long time, they regrouped these guys.

These guys are all deserters. If they follow the military order, they will definitely be killed. Obviously, these people themselves knew that they had committed a serious crime, and followed Luo Lin one by one, with their heads downcast and their spirits gone.

This time when I went back, no one complained of suffering or tiredness, either because they didn’t want to, or because they didn’t dare.

They could see the military power of the Earl. So many frost giants were almost killed by him alone. This military power is unimaginable, as powerful as a god.

Because of this, after four days, the army rushed back to Maple Leaf City.

At the gate of the city, Luo Lin ordered the army to stop, then turned around, and in front of the civilians walking in and out of the gate, he said to the thousands of deserters: "Okay, stop!"

The soldiers stopped, panicked in their hearts, they knew that the Earl was going to deal with them.

The civilians at the gate of the city also looked around curiously, not knowing what happened, but seeing the gloomy expression on the earl's face, it was probably not a good thing.

Luo Lin said: "This time when you went north to clear the Frost Giants, all of you became deserters and did not show the slightest courage. I don't need such soldiers. I am ashamed of such knights. I declare now that you All of you have been dismissed, go back. And the three of you, you have all abandoned your courage, you are not worthy of being knights, go back too, do something else, do business, farm, whatever, but don’t join the army!"

"..." The civilians onlookers were in an uproar. They didn't know what happened. Even their knight titles were cut off. Everyone was extremely curious about what happened.

The soldiers were all downcast, without any morale. They were deserters, and they were really ashamed.

The faces of the three knights were even paler. Being deprived of their titles as knights was more uncomfortable than killing them, but no one could say no to them, because they were deserters, and they abandoned the commander and ran away directly. In desperation, the coach alone killed all the opponents who scared them away.

Luo Lin didn't speak, and turned back to his castle. After he and Angela disappeared, the gate of the city 'exploded' immediately.

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

"A deserter? Has the Frost Giant been wiped out?"

"Oh, my God, look at Hoftan and the others, I feel like they will be beaten to death by their father when they go back."

The city gate was in a mess, and in the chaos, the truth slowly surfaced.

Facing the frost giant, the knight turned around and fled with the soldiers. The Earl and Miss Angela killed all the giants. As punishment, all knights and soldiers were dismissed!

"Oh, the Earl is right. These soldiers are really a disgrace to Maple Leaf County!" Someone was filled with righteous indignation.

"Your Earl is so brave!" Someone praised.

This matter spread quickly, and within half a month, everyone in the territory knew about it, and those deserters were scolded bloody, and it is said that after returning, one tenth of them could not bear the huge pressure and eventually committed suicide. Many of their elders, those officials and eminent people, also resigned, even the Sheriff of Levin County also resigned.

This is not a protest against Luo Lin, but really shameless.

In this situation, Luo Lin promulgated two decrees, one is the call-up order for soldiers, recruiting warriors with enviable and generous salaries. One is the official recruitment order, recruiting capable people to fill those vacant positions.

For a time, the respondent was like a cloud.

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