Legendary Hero

Chapter 288 Changes in the Situation

Five days later, Grand Duke Lehman received a letter from Maple Leaf County.

When he received the letter, he was having a headache about the southern border. Those damned undead didn't play their cards according to common sense. Many undead climbed over the mountains, and just bypassed the Davik Fortress and entered the Principality.

The number of these undead is not too many, but there are not many. Judging from the number of undead found so far, there are at least 50,000 low-level undead, and about 3,000 high-level undead. were attacked, and some were even massacred to death.

Of course, the Principality also sent troops to encircle and suppress them, but these undead were too scattered, and they could hide anywhere. During the day, they hide in deep mountains, old forests, stinky ditches, or even at the bottom of rivers. You only need to put a cat inside, and then stay still and don’t need to breathe. Even hunting dogs can’t smell them. It’s very hard to find them. .

So the encirclement and suppression has not had much effect so far.

These undead are not a serious problem at the moment. What worries Grand Duke Lehman the most is whether an army of undead will come over the mountain one day and attack the Davik Fortress back and forth. That situation is unimaginable!

In this desperate situation, the Grand Duke saw Luo Lin's letter.

The letter was written very euphemistically, saying that it was to stay with Angela to play in the territory, but who is the Grand Duke, I understood the meaning of the letter at a glance. The evil fire that had been smoldering in my chest for these days finally couldn't bear it, and suddenly broke out. He picked up a potted plant on the desk and threw it out.

There was a loud 'crash', and the precious Jianshan bonsai fell to pieces, and the attendants around were completely silent, each and every one of them wished that they would become invisible, so as not to become the next target of the Grand Duke to vent his anger.

Grand Duke Lehman suppressed his anger and continued to read the letter. The letter mentioned that Luo Lin was very dissatisfied with his skeptical behavior, but when the continent is in crisis, personal grievances should be put aside first, and the grain and grass will still be transported to the Davik Fortress in full. servant.

Seeing this, Grand Duke Lehman's face brightened a bit. He looked up and saw the knight delivering the letter was still standing in front of him, so he asked, "Bolani, tell me carefully what you saw along the way."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Bolani began to tell what he had seen and heard in Levin and Maple Leaf counties. All he saw was living and working in peace and contentment. He also said the scene in Maple Leaf County. After describing it, he concluded: " Your Majesty, Maple Leaf County hasn’t changed much on the surface. But I secretly observed that the residents in the city must use the honorific title when they mention the Earl, and their faces are solemn. If someone insults or even just despises the Earl, the people around will attack in groups, either with words or with fists. The streets and alleys are like this, whether they are market drivers or gentlemen with small assets. These residents are all smiling, and most of them have one or two pieces of exquisite jewelry. The shops on both sides of the street are almost You can buy everything you want. The street is also very clean, horse manure and human urine are cleaned up by a dedicated person, even in the slums, there is not much smell..."

Grand Duke Lehman listened carefully until Bolani finished speaking. He let out a sigh of relief: "Earl Maple Leaf is a man of great talent in governing the country. It's a pity."

It's a pity that it's not loyalty that matches this great talent for governing the country, but burning ambition.

The Red Moon Sword Master once said that this man has sincerity in his heart, and this cannot be wrong. From the food that is still being transported to the fortress, it can be seen that this man is not impulsive, and has a clear view of the overall situation in his heart.

But the Juggernaut overlooked one point. In the eyes of the Grand Duke, sincerity is the character of this person and his most powerful weapon, which makes everyone trust him without knowing it, be persuaded by him, and finally follow him wholeheartedly.

This kind of temperament, combined with the ability to govern the country, and the almost unparalleled personal force, and the age of only 25 years old, can only be described as a generation of genius... The Grand Duke no longer dares to continue to think about the future Condition.

In his heart, this Earl of Maple Leaf is ten times more terrifying than the young king of Aoraki Principality!

After a long silence, Grand Duke Lehman said to the clerk beside him, "Record my words."

After the clerk arranged the pen and paper, the Grand Duke began to dictate a reply: "Count Rollin de Swart."

After taking a sip of water, the Grand Duke continued: "I am very pleased with your letter. You are Angela's mentor. I have nothing to worry about when Angela is with you. The undead in the south are very powerful, and I am trembling and worrying every day. , I am afraid that the undead will break through the fortress...Now there is an army of undead going up the mountain to the north, killing everywhere, I would like to ask the solution?"

The letter didn't contain much content. In the end, Grand Duke Lehman asked Luo Lin for advice. Of course, he didn't expect to get any useful answers. He just hinted to the other party that we should stop making trouble and take it easy. The matter of the undead is the most important thing.

After writing the letter and handing it over to the courier, Grand Duke Lehman put the matter aside for the time being. He believed that as long as Luo Lin didn't move, the Fex Island at sea would not be an obstacle to him.

What's more, all his forces are now in Davik Fortress. Regarding the matter of Fex Island, he can only send six ironclad warships to threaten, but he can't make a real move. He doesn't have the financial resources and energy to fight on both sides.

In fact, the letter from Fakes Island has been sent back, and the situation is not bad. The Primo family has declared their surrender and attached a compensation clause. million gold coins.

The other party didn't make any tricks, and the first batch of compensation had already been shipped out from Fikes Island, which was all the grain harvested in the past, and the portion was very large. There was no delay in the gold coins, two hundred thousand gold coins were shipped along with the first batch of food.

The matter did not become a big deal, and the strong support was obtained out of thin air, which made Grand Duke Lehman heave a sigh of relief, and the anger in his heart finally went smoothly.

Throwing out the bad thing of treason, both Fakes Island and the Earl of Maple Leaf gave him great support, and the support was far more powerful than other noble lords.

Thinking of this, Grand Duke Lehman couldn't help sighing, with a hint of understanding in his heart. If he is a lion, then the nobles of the Principality are wolves, but now, the Earl of Maple Leaf is a tiger. Ligers and tigers are incompatible. Regarding the matter of the undead, I'm afraid the two of them will have to compete this time.

Just after writing the letter, another messenger came in and delivered an urgent letter. Grand Duke Lehman opened it and almost fainted.

Three days ago, Baiyun City in the southeast of the Principality, the port city on the coast that once accepted the refugees from Vendôme, was attacked late at night by an army of undead flying. The city owner was first assassinated by a terrifying undead. When the high-level undead entered the city, there was a burst of slaughter, and Baiyun City almost became an absolute territory. Less than one-tenth of the nearly 300,000 people escaped.

Baiyun City is the largest port city in the Principality, and it provides the Principality with a huge amount of wealth every year. If this city is gone, the Principality's financial revenue will be reduced by at least one-third.

It’s okay to have less money, and what’s even more frightening is that the whole city will be slaughtered, and there will be hundreds of thousands of undead in the principality, enough to form a terrifying army.

The problem is that he can't spare much strength to fight against this army now, if he doesn't block this army, no, if he doesn't destroy this army. What's the point of defending Nadavik Fortress?

This matter is too terrible. Compared with it, the matter of Fix Island and Earl Maple Leaf is nothing at all.

Grand Duke Lehman hurriedly asked the messenger: "Have all the cities near Baiyun City received the news?"

The courier nodded: "The surrounding lakeside fortresses, Swan Castle, and Clear Water City have all gone to the courier, and they have begun to build defenses."

The Grand Duke was familiar with the map of the Principality to the bone. As soon as he heard these three places, he knew that the three places were located in a very good position, forming a semicircle, blocking Baiyun City by the sea.

But the location is good, but the number of troops is insufficient. The lakeside fortress is in the early 1000s, and the same is true for Swan Castle. The city of clear water has more, but only 3000. There is no way to fight against the undead army, and they must be supported immediately.

Where there is support, we can only find a way from the defenders of the Davik Fortress. After gritted his teeth, Grand Duke Lehman issued an order: "Notify Marshal Zakro of the fortress, and immediately dispatch... 20,000 defenders Go to Clear Water City!"

20,000 is already the limit, there can be no more, the Davik Fortress must not be breached, otherwise the undead will go straight north, there are countless cities along the way, and the undead will become stronger as they fight. At that time, not to mention the principality, even the entire human race will be destroyed Facing doom.

After issuing the order, Grand Duke Lehman felt a splitting headache and pulled his hair hard. He suddenly felt a pain in his head. He looked down and saw that there was a strand of hair on his hand. It was only gray at first, but now it was completely white. .

These days, bad news came one after another, and he was exhausted physically and mentally. Seeing this strand of white hair, he could only smile wryly.

The support of 20,000 yuan was still not enough, the Grand Duke thought about it again, and said to the clerk: "Write it down, Your Majesty King Aoraki..."

Things have come to this point, the Grand Duke no longer cares about face and feud, he must seek help from the Aoraki Kingdom.


North, Maple Leaf City.

When the south was inevitably falling into the flames of war, Maple Leaf City was not affected much, and people did not feel much of the crisis of the undead invasion. The undead in the south are, at most, just the talk of the peddlers after dinner.

But this of course does not include high-level personnel such as Rollin.

Almost at the same time, Luo Lin also received the news that Baiyun City had been destroyed.

In Rowling's view, undead is like a drop of ink dripping into clear water. If you don't scoop out this drop of ink immediately and let it develop, then the whole glass of clear water will soon turn black.

This situation has already happened once in the south, and now it appears in Baiyun City. If the undead are not killed immediately, they will soon spread, and the southeastern part of the principality will quickly rot, and finally spread to the entire principality.

After thinking for a few minutes, Rowling made a decision: "It's time to act!"

If he really sits on the mountain and watches the tiger fight, when the undead tiger wins, he himself will be eaten by the tiger.

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