Legendary Hero

Chapter 289 Going south to Baiyun City

North, Maple Leaf City.

Angela has been staying here for more than ten days, and the upper part of her left arm is almost healed. Although the sword pierced through her arm back then, it didn't hurt any bones or muscles. Feng cleverly passed through the muscle gap, otherwise it would not be possible to heal in such a short period of time without any sequelae.

The mentor had a big hand at the time, and Angela was well aware of that.

These days, she is not restricted in her freedom, as long as she does not leave the city, she can go anywhere, so she wanders around the city every day.

Every time she went to the city gate, she had the urge to run away, but every time this idea appeared, the wound on her left arm would ache, reminding her to be cautious and careful, if she escaped and was caught, she couldn't imagine How the mentor will deal with her, just like she didn't expect the mentor to attack her at the beginning.

So, every time she held back.

After more than ten days, most of the anger in Angela's heart subsided, and her heart became calm. Although she still couldn't let go of her mentor's betrayal of the Principality, she understood a fact that with her strength, she could not change this situation at all. The will of a deeply scheming Earl who won the hearts of the people.

She knew that she was not at the same level as the other party in terms of force, will or strategy, just like a fox and a lion, there was no comparison at all.

That being the case, it is better to be silent.

These days, the tutor seems to have been very busy, dealing with various official documents in the study every day. Angela dismissed this, needless to say, he must be fighting with his father.

That day, when she just came back from the city, the butler Jonny found her: "Your Highness, the master invites you to the study."

"Oh, I see." Angela responded, and walked towards the study on the second floor of the castle.

There were two guards standing at the door of the study. Angela could feel that the force of these two men was quite powerful. If she didn't use the power of water drops, she would probably be able to draw with them. The guards glanced at her and didn't stop her, allowing her to enter the study .

The study room is very large, with floor-to-ceiling crystal windows on one side, and a large balcony on the outside. The balcony is full of bonsai flowers, and golden sunlight shines in, illuminating the whole room. On the left side of the study is the fireplace, it is only late autumn now, of course there is no fire, and on the other side is a large red cedar desk with a stack of official documents on it, not too many, pitifully few compared with his father.

Her mentor, Earl of Maple Leaf, a young man who was less than five years older than her, was sitting on a chair behind the table. looking at her.

Seeing him, Angela thought of her father's white-haired busy desk, the pile of official documents, and the couriers, officials and generals coming and going in and out of the study. Compared with the two, she felt angry for no reason. Sarcastically said: "Teacher, you really know how to enjoy life."

"I take this as a compliment." Luo Lin smiled, then picked up the wine bottle on the table, poured half a glass into the crystal square glass, swirled it lightly, the amber wine swirled around, and threw it at Angela. In the past: "Young people, don't be so angry, come, sit down, drink a few sips of wine to calm the fire."

Angela took the wine glass, sat on the chair, took a sip of the golden wine, tried to calm herself down, and then asked, "Mentor, what do you want from me?"

Luo Lin smiled and said: "That's not bad. Remember, to be in a high position, you must be able to have a calm heart and a calm face. Of course, this is only the minimum requirement."

"What is the highest?"

"Never let a storm appear in your heart. Just like a river, the faster the current, the shallower it is. Shallow water can't support big fish." Luo Lin laughed.

"So did you do it?"

"Most of the time, I did it." Rollin smiled.

"So, what exactly are you looking for? You didn't want to give me lessons, right?" Angela didn't practice enough, and it didn't take long for her to show her true colors, and her tone of voice showed a trace of dissatisfaction.

Luo Lin smiled, and flicked a document on the table with his fingers, and the thin page immediately spun and flew towards Angela like a piece of wood.

"look carefully."

Angela was already familiar with her mentor's methods. She couldn't understand the ingenuity in it. She only knew that the other party's martial arts had entered a new level. After getting the document, she looked down. After a while, she I couldn't help but screamed out: "Baiyun City has been broken!"

As the daughter of the Grand Duke, she is very aware of the dreadful loss of Baiyun City. This is equivalent to disrupting her father's layout, and the entire Principality will enter an unprecedented dangerous situation.

"How could this happen?" Angela couldn't believe it.

Baiyun City is one of the largest cities in the south of the principality, and it is also the largest contributor to the principality's finances. Because it is so important, it also has the largest number of defenders, 15,000 people. The city wall is also very strong, with a width of ten meters. Thirty meters high. Because of fear of being ostracized, Baiyun City has always been directly under the Lehman family, and the city lord directly under the jurisdiction of the Grand Duke, and will be replaced every five years.

Now that such a strong city is captured, all the rich supplies in the city will belong to the undead, even the people in the city. Undead is equivalent to obtaining a solid rear base in the Principality, which can develop unscrupulously. If we cooperate with the offensive of Davik Fortress and attack on both sides, the result is unimaginable!

It's just too scary.

"Look at the details." Luo Lin flicked another page of paper to Angela. It was a very detailed account of the destruction of the city sent back by the spies he arranged in the south after a narrow escape.

"Before the city was broken, the son of the city lord got married and was holding a banquet in the city lord's mansion. Many important officials and generals were in the mansion. A terrible undead suddenly appeared. Its force was so powerful that no warrior present could block his sword. In a few minutes, he slaughtered all the living people in the wedding banquet venue, and the city was in chaos before the undead took advantage of it."

Luo Lin's voice was faint, but with some detailed descriptions on the paper in her hand, Angela seemed to have seen the bloody night, the chaos and despair in Baiyun City that night, her body couldn't help trembling slightly, speechless.

After a long time, she said, "Who is this terrible undead?"

Luo Lin continued: "In this world, there is only one undead with such terrible force, and that is the former Full Moon Sword Master Moro Wogan. I think he will not only kill Baiyun City Lord in this way, but also To assassinate the commanders of Swan Castle, Lakeside Fortress and Clearwater City, someone must stop him."

Angela raised her head in surprise: "Mentor, are you going to stop him?"

"Yes!" Luo Lin smiled faintly. The last time he fought against Moro Vaughan, he was promoted to level 39 again. The legendary heart in his body was almost formed, and he was only on the last line.

This is the last threshold for him to break through the legend. He needs a real battle, and the strong pressure brought by the fierce battle will help him advance to the legendary realm.

Obviously, Moro Wogan is the best sharpening stone!

"I'm going south to Clearwater City, and I'll take the army from my territory with me. You also have to go with me. I need you as an intermediary, so that the defenders don't trust us."

There are more than 3,000 soldiers in his territory, more than 1,000 are in the open, and more than 2,000 are in the dark. After more than a year of training at almost any cost, the average level is now 25, and most of them are elite.

Although this army is small in scale, it has extraordinary combat power. As long as it has been baptized with blood a few times, it will be an iron-blooded army!

Anyway, the Grand Duke already knew that he was not loyal, so Luo Lin didn't have to hide it anymore.

But now, the south urgently needs the support of powerful forces, otherwise the first encirclement of Baiyun City is broken through, and the entire continent is very likely to collapse.

This is the perfect time for his army to show its strength and step onto the mainland stage!

This time, Angela was not confused and nodded heavily: "I will go."

"Okay, time is very tight. Go get ready and set off this afternoon!" Luo Lin said.

Angela was speechless for a while, since he was leaving in the afternoon, why did this person have the time to drink just now?

Seeing her doubts, Luo Lin smiled: "Lesson 3, don't let people know what you want to do."

Things are certain, Luo Lin will not delay. When Angela put on her battle armor and arrived outside Maple Leaf City under the guidance of the soldiers, she saw that Luo Lin was fully armed, and he said that the army had assembled at the gate of the city. There were nearly 3,000 people in distinctive armor. , Standing imposingly in a neat square team.

Angela gasped when she saw it, because she found that every soldier in this army was very powerful, just like the guards at the door of the study room, without the force of water drops, it was a tie.

There are 3,000 people here, more than 3,000 soldiers whose strength is close to that of the knight captain, this force is already terrifying.

At this time, Angela realized how ridiculous the previous plan to assassinate the mentor was. If the fifty knights she brought before really killed Earl Rollin, then they would not even think about leaving Maple Leaf City!

"Mentor, did you want to betray the Principality from the very beginning?" Angela asked softly. It is absolutely impossible to build these 3,000 warriors overnight, and it must be the result of long-term planning.

Luo Lin smiled slightly: "No, I just wasn't optimistic about the war between the Principality and the undead from the very beginning, so I made some preparations."

Angela had nothing to say, and suddenly asked: "Teacher, what about your shield?"

"No need." Luo Lin said, having defeated Moro Vaughan in an upright manner, he had unprecedented confidence in his sword. He had a sword in his hand and a sword in his heart. He believed that his sword could remove all obstacles for him.

"And what about that woman?"

"She's gone to the extreme north." Luo Lin said vaguely, then raised the cloud pattern sword and roared: "Let's go!"

This time, with the nearly 570 strength brought by his 39-level legendary physique, and the 9,000 potential accumulated by his hard work these days, plus these three thousand iron-clad lions, it is hard to believe that Morowan will not be able to keep his old life !

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