Legendary Hero

Chapter 489: How Halflings Kill Abyss Beasts

Siegforth, School of Truth.

Although it is a college, it is actually just a large courtyard surrounded by a circle of bungalows next to the Temple of Life. The courtyard is circular with a diameter of more than 50 meters, and there is a statue of the Goddess of Life in the middle.

At the top of the courtyard, there is a stone hall called the Hall of Knowledge.

The hall is full of tables and chairs, and this is where the classes are held. On one side of the hall, there is a door leading directly to the Temple of Life. Whenever the teaching starts, the beautiful and holy envoy will come out of this door to explain the so-called truth to the 43 halfling apprentices.

Every time at this time, it is also the moment when the halfling Arrowin feels the happiest. He is fascinated by the knowledge explained by the angel, and he feels that his life is being illuminated by the brilliance of these knowledge bit by bit. The dark ignorance in his mind was constantly expelled.

This halfling cherished every day in the academy, and greedily absorbed the knowledge imparted by the envoy. For this reason, he was almost crazy and only slept for four hours a day. As long as he is awake, his mind is filled with all kinds of whimsical ideas ignited by knowledge.

This morning, as in the past, half an hour before the start of class, halflings had already filled the hall, waiting patiently for the arrival of the envoy.

Of course they were not just waiting. During the waiting time, everyone was quietly discussing the knowledge they had learned these days.

Sitting next to Eroin was a friend he had known these days, a halfling who was only slightly taller than him, and they were also talking.

Ai Luoyin carefully wrote on the corner of the clean sheep skin with a fine charcoal pen, and said softly: "I have been thinking about the principle of leverage mentioned by the angel these days, and I came up with a brilliant idea, look at this .”

He lightly drew a complicated wooden frame on the animal skin. The technique must be light, otherwise the charcoal will seep into the sheep animal skin and it will be difficult to clean. This animal skin is very precious and cannot be wasted.

Monjika looked at the numbers marked on the wooden frame, and he understood it immediately. His eyes lit up: "It's a very ingenious design. With this method, the stone can be moved at a very high speed without much effort." Throw it out, and we only need to gently pull the rope here, and the big rocks that are falling objects will fall freely, eh~ let me see and calculate the power of this thing, um~ if it is smooth enough here... ...Forget it, it’s too complicated to calculate.”

They have just learned it for less than two months, and they have just been enlightened. Most of them can't handle such calculations, but not including Eroin.

The fine charcoal pencil in Ai Luoyin's hand was dexterously jumping on the animal skin, listing out the calculation formula line by line: "In fact, this is not difficult. If the resistance of the rotation axis and some small wind resistance are ignored, an ideal model can be established. , using the law of energy conservation and the principle of mechanical conversion, when a 300-kg stone falls from a height of 5 meters, it will be able to push the 50 kg to fly out at a speed of 40 meters at an elevation angle of 45 degrees, and will be able to fly to 160 meters away."

The halfling's friend Mengjika looked at the jumping truth on the animal skin, and couldn't help admiring: "Eroin, you are really amazing."

Ai Luoyin didn't take this admiration seriously at all, waved his hand and said: "It's nothing. The preparation work for this thing is too long, the distance is too close, and the power of the thrown stones is too small, so it can't deal with the abyss at all. Behemoth."

Monjika's eyes widened. He really wanted to see what his friend's little head was thinking. Such a little guy tried to use such a wooden frame to deal with the giant beast of the abyss. Isn't his brain broken?

"I must say, Arrowin, you are crazy," he commented.

"Why not?" Ai Luoyin asked back: "The envoy said that as long as there is a fulcrum, with this kind of leverage, it can even move the whole world. What is an abyss giant?"

"...That's something that can only be done by divine envoys. We are mortals, no, just thin halflings." Monjika felt that his friend was a little unreasonable.

"There is no difference between gods and mortals in the truth. It is hidden in the mist, but as long as you find it, it can be used by you." Ailuoyin retorted, and then added: "This is what the envoy said personally. .”

Monchica was speechless.

At this time, the conversation between the two attracted a halfling next to him. He looked at the blueprints and calculation formulas written on the skin of Eroin, and his full attention was immediately attracted. After a while, he introduced himself to Ai Luoyin: "My name is Albert, I just heard that you want to use this thing to fight against the abyss monster?"

"It's just an immature idea." Ai Luoyin nodded shyly. Although he has been here for two months, he doesn't know people very well. at will.

But I didn't expect this halfling named Albert to be very familiar. He sat next to Ailuoyin, took his own animal skin, spread it on the table, and said with a smile: "I overheard you just now. If you say that throwing stones is not powerful enough, then, if we don’t throw stones, how about throwing this?”

Albert spread out the animal skin in his hand, and a round sphere was drawn on it, and it could be seen that there was something inside the ball: "Look, this is a clay pot filled with that kind of black oil that will burn. It throws it. You see, I got a flint here, and when the clay pot gets smashed, it catches fire and sets the black oil on fire. You know, the black oil that seeps out of the ground The fire was very violent. I think, according to what you said, 30 kilograms of black oil was set ablaze, and it should be able to make the abyss monster feel pain."

"It's just pain?" Monjika was a little disappointed, he thought he could kill the giant beast with one blow.

But Ai Luoyin didn't think so. His eyes were bright, and his heart was pounding: "If there is pain, it means that the other party is injured. If it can be injured, then it can be killed. We can look for more powerful oil and make a throwing If we can throw the wooden frame farther away than one kilometer, we can use the curve of the parabola to throw the kerosene into the giant beast’s lair across a mountain. Those stupid guys definitely don’t know who is hitting him!”

Albert's heart was surging, and he couldn't help laughing. He patted Arroin on the back vigorously: "Hey, what a brain you have. This is indeed a brilliant idea!"

Ai Luoyin's mind is still clear, he shook his head lightly and said: "Although the principle is very simple, it is very difficult to make it. For example, I don't know any wood that is strong enough to withstand the huge force in it. "

"How about Black Reef Steelwood?" A new halfling joined in and made his suggestion.

"Black Reef Steel Wood? It should be strong enough, but how to make it into the desired appearance?" Ai Luoyin said, he knew this kind of wood, it was very hard. With the strength of a halfling, even a sharp stone can't break the bark of this steel tree.

The halfling just laughed, and he took his own animal skin, which had a strange model on it: "I call it a saw, and it is pulled repeatedly by two people one after the other. The saw blade is stronger than steel and wood." It is made of hard dolzeite flakes, believe me, it can definitely cut through steel and wood. Before I came to the academy, I tried it with my own hands."

Everyone was gathering firewood, and the method of using the trebuchet to fight against the abyssal behemoth that Eroin came up with gathered the best halflings in the entire academy together.

The weak halflings use the knowledge taught by the angels to fight against the most terrifying creatures in the abyss. Just thinking about it makes people feel crazy, but it makes these halflings inexplicably excited.

When Allen walked to the entrance of the hall, her divine sense showed her that the halflings in the hall were gathering together to discuss something forgetfully, and each halfling was filled with an indescribable vitality.

She didn't make a sound, just stood outside the door and listened quietly. After listening for a while, a smile appeared on her face. She did not expect that some of the basic knowledge she taught would bear fruit so quickly.

Use the fire bombs from the trebuchet to kill the abyss monster? These little ones really dare to think, but I have to say that if the fire bombs are powerful enough and the trebuchets have a long enough range, it is not impossible to safely kill the abyss giant beast.

After listening outside the door for a while, Allen heard the crux of the problem, that is, although these halflings had good ideas, they lacked a key material. This material made them encounter great difficulties in the process of manufacturing the trebuchet. Although it cannot be said that it is completely impossible to solve, the efficiency of the solution is very low.

For example, using a piece of cloud blue stone to saw off the black reef steel wood, with the strength of a halfling, it will take half a month to saw a half-meter-thick steel wood, which is simply a kind of torture.

After thinking about it for a while, Allen already had an idea in her mind. She walked into the hall, and when these panicked half-lings returned to their seats anxiously, she showed a gentle smile on her face and said softly: "Today's The course is: Alchemy. That is, how to use fire to extract wonderful stone spirits from natural stones."

While speaking, an ordinary steel dagger appeared in Allen's hand. She took the steel dagger and lightly slashed it on the wooden table. With a sound of "噗", the steel dagger cut off the corner of the wooden table, and the cut was smooth. , while the steel dagger remained intact.

"Oh~" This exquisite weapon and its powerful power aroused the half-lings' amazement, and they had an extreme desire for the so-called 'alchemy' knowledge in their hearts.

There were keen halflings, like Arrowin, who already sensed that this might be the high-strength material he'd always wanted.

There was light in his eyes, and he was concentrating, never letting go of a word or an action that Allen said.

Fire appeared on Allen's hand again. This fire was condensed by divine power, but its shape was exactly the same as the flame from burning wood. But after the flame wrapped around the dagger, the dagger began to turn red, then white, and finally, the halfling With an exclamation, it melted, and the molten fiery liquid, emitting heat waves, flowed into a clay bowl on the table.

"What will happen?" Allen asked his apprentice.

"What will happen?" The halflings had the same question in their minds, their eyes fixed on the clay bowl for a moment.

Under the halfling's attention, the so-called 'stone spirit' in the clay bowl began to cool down, and its color changed from white to dark red, and then steel gray. At the end, Allen picked up the cooled clay bowl and knocked it on the ground. The clay bowl was broken, but the stone spirit inside was intact.

"Pick it up and take a closer look." Allen laughed.

The nearest halfling immediately picked up the iron block, looked at it carefully, and bit it with his teeth, almost knocking his teeth. Soon, the halflings gathered around, looked at this magical stone spirit, and sighed in admiration, as if seeing a divine weapon.

Ai Luoyin also touched this thing, and immediately, he knew that this was the material he dreamed of.

At this moment, God made Alan's voice sound again: "Fire, some alchemy materials, can help you extract stone spirits from specific stones. And this stone spirit in your hands, I call it 'iron'. The knowledge I want to pass on today is how to identify stones containing iron essence, how to extract iron from these stones, and finally, how to make this iron better."

These words drew out the curiosity in every halfling's heart at once, and a raging flame of seeking knowledge was ignited in everyone's heart.

For them, an indescribable door is slowly opening in front of them, and just a gleam of light leaking from the crack of the opened door is enough to make people intoxicated.

"Behind the gate, there must be the kingdom of God!" Ai Luoyin's blood boiled with enthusiasm.


While the halflings in the Academy of Truth were greedily absorbing the knowledge of God, the guardian of the Holy Land, Luo Lin, was patrolling the sky outside the Holy Land.

He looked at the dark abyss outside the holy land. About a hundred kilometers away, the expanded holy land would touch the territories of three tyrannosaurus-level abyss lords on the same day. At that time, three abyss behemoths will attack the Holy Land at the same time.

Luo Lin narrowed his eyes slightly: "The period of peaceful development is coming to an end, and the real test is coming soon."

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