Legendary Hero

Chapter 490 Let those little guys toss

Leonardo's residence is not a short distance from the holy city of Siegforth. For some unknown reason, as the leader of the giants, Leonardo instinctively liked to stay away from the Holy Land.

Maybe it's because in the Holy Land, there is a god envoy who speaks for himself. Whenever he faced that envoy, Leonardo felt that his majesty as the leader of the giant tribe was completely illusory under the glance of the other party's eyes that could look directly into people's hearts.

Because he is the leader of the giant clan, a new city has been extended from his residence. This new city is called Leonardo Tower after the name of the giant leader.

Now the holy land has been expanded for half a year, and the range of the holy land has reached 300 kilometers. Because of the protection of the holy land, those weak abyssal creatures dare not go too far into the holy land, otherwise they may be purified to death.

Not all abyssal creatures can be purified, some have been corrupted so deeply that there is no room for recovery.

Powerful abyssal creatures, such as abyssal behemoths, have guardians to deal with them. Therefore, Leonardo Tower, the city of giants located in the center of the Holy Land, is safe.

The giants became more and more leisurely, and apart from occasionally dealing with the abyssal creatures that broke into the small border villages and towns, they had nothing else to do.

In fact, Leonardo, who is the chief, and a group of his cronies have not experienced any battles in the past two months, and their daily chores are handled by their own halflings.

Leonardo became the first batch of 'nobles' who were completely out of work in the Holy Land.

Of course, as a big leader, this giant still has some foresight, and he is not obsessed with it. He still trains his fighting skills every day, and he also pays attention to the events that happen in the Holy Land.

On this day, when he was training martial arts in the flat ground in the backyard of his home, he suddenly heard a loud bang. Hit ' a bit, he felt a palpitation.

"What's going on?" Leonardo asked the giant guard beside him majestically, his expression was still calm, he calmly put away the solid stone spear, and at the same time took the cloth towel handed over by the halfling servant and wiped the pimple on his face. sweat.

The guard also looked puzzled, he shook his head, with a trace of horror on his face, he guessed: "Boss, could it be a giant beast coming?"

Abyss giant beast, that is everyone's nightmare. Only Guardians can stand against those terrifying behemoths.

"Giant beast? No, the voice came from the Holy Land. You go to inquire now and tell me the truth at night." Leonardo felt a little uneasy in his heart, he was worried about what happened to the Holy Land.

"Yes, leader." The guards ran to the animal pen, pulled out a pack animal, mounted it and rushed to the Holy Land.


More than 20 kilometers away, on a mountain beside a valley outside the Holy Land.

A group of halflings were staring dumbfounded at the white flames billowing like a sea of ​​fire in the valley. After a long time, the halfling Albert who was the instigator of all this murmured: "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, this is terrible. I cast a big demon!"

More than a month ago, his idea was to use black oil as an incendiary agent to make the simplest incendiary bomb, but because of the inspiration of the alchemy taught by the envoy and some coincidences, he extracted it from the root of the flame grass The white powder mixed with the juice of sun berries made a new kind of burning fire oil.

This kind of kerosene is yellow in color and looks very cute, just like cream. But it is this lovely thing, as long as a drop is hit with a hammer, it can immediately make a deafening noise, and at the same time, it can blow the hammer out of your hand.

Halflings who stumbled upon this at the time were dislocated by the shock. Because of this, this kind of fire oil was named "Destruction Thunder" by Albert.

So, Albert made ten kilograms of this kind of burning kerosene, poured it into a clay pot, installed an excitation device, and then carefully transported it to the top of the mountain, and then threw the pot into the valley from here As a result, this horrible shock was caused.

It took more than a minute for the flames in the valley to completely dissipate. When Albert looked over, he saw a large pit with a width of more than ten meters in the valley. The deepest part of the pit was at least three meters.

"Come on, let's have a look." Albert wiped the sweat from his forehead. He decided to continue to improve this Destroyer Thunder, of course not to reduce its power, but to increase its stability, otherwise it will appear during transportation in the future. An accidental explosion would be a disaster.

At the bottom of the valley, Albert was the first to rush into the big pit. The ground is still steaming, and the stones on the ground are almost all crushed. Suddenly, Albert's gaze was fixed on a small piece of iron, which was very precious and was used by him as a trigger.

He walked over and found that the iron was deeply inserted into a rock and sunk in. A halfling servant next to him followed his gaze and saw the iron piece. He knew how precious this thing was, so he reached out to pick it up.

But the piece of iron got stuck in the rock, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it out.

Albert fell into deep thought: "This iron has such great power under the explosion of kerosene. If I deliberately add many sharp iron pieces to the kerosene, then when it explodes, the iron pieces inside may be broken." Being able to get into the body of a giant beast, the power is terrifying! "

Albert's eyes brightened. He could almost imagine the scene of such a powerful thunderbolt exploding on the abyssal behemoth, and he wanted to try it right away.

He is making brand new powerful fire bombs. In a large courtyard in the east of Siegforth City, there is a huge object made of black reef steel wood and refined iron that is constantly taking shape.

The swing arm on this thing is 20 meters long, and it is composed of three steel-wood frames wrapped tightly with iron sheets. This is Eroin's catapult.

What's even more genius is that more than 30 logs appeared on the ground below this giant, these are the most primitive wheels. When rolling, the log behind will continue to move to the front, pushing the steel giant forward.

The halfling Arrowin directed the newly trained halfling craftsmen to build the catapult, and occasionally wrote and drew various symbols on the animal skin frantically, and occasionally he He would also stretch out his hands and pluck at the few hairs on his head, frightening the craftsmen on the side to look at him in awe.

He muttered in his mouth: "The iron is still not enough. This is not strong enough, and the swing arm will break when launching. How to strengthen it? Add a pillar here? Uh~ the rotation shaft is still not smooth enough, hey~ you , must remember to oil the shaft!"

In his design, the catapult should be able to throw a 50-kilogram boulder at a speed of 100 meters per second, so that the maximum projectile range is just one kilometer.

However, there still seemed to be flaws, and Eroin started to check the behemoth again, and then went back to calculate and perfect it, going back and forth like this, sweating profusely while being busy, but enjoying it.

The halfling didn't have any idea of ​​keeping secrets at all, because the essence of imparting knowledge in the temple was to share, so the giant guards easily inquired about the information Leonardo wanted to get.

In the evening, he returned to Leonardo Tower on time and reported the situation to his leader. He said: "It's the ghosts of those halflings in the academy. They are making something called 'destruction thunder' , The whole holy city was taken aback, jumping like crazy. That reckless halfling apprentice was severely reprimanded by the envoy, and was almost expelled from the academy."

The guard's words were true and false, the former was true, but the latter sentence about the apprentice being reprimanded was completely imagined by him, and he didn't see the envoy at all this trip.

That said, it was purely for the favor of the leader.

Leonardo breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that something would happen to the Holy Land, now that everything is safe and sound, he is also relieved. As for those halflings? Let's not mention those cowards.

"Destroy Thunder? The little guy's tone is quite loud. Hehe, let those little things toss." He was eating dinner. At this time, the Holy Land was safe and sound, and he was happy in his heart, so he called the guards: "You are tired too, Sit down and eat with me."

"Yes, leader." The guard sat down happily, grabbed a piece of roast pork on the table, and ate it with relish.

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