Legendary Hero

Chapter 504 Master, the intruder's territory is in turmoil

Woods east of the Temple of Life

There was a dull sound of "bang", and a tall halfling was hit by an iron rod in his hand, and at the same time, a burst of smoke and dust erupted on a boulder two hundred meters away.

"Quick, go and have a look."

Several emaciated halflings immediately ran up to check, among them was Arrowin.

When they arrived in front of the rock, they saw a hole the size of a teacup appeared on the rock, and there were cracks around the hole. Ai Luoyin measured it with a wooden ruler. The hole was ten centimeters deep, and at the bottom of the hole was Embedded with a flat piece of iron.

Such a small piece of iron caused such a huge damage, Eroin and the halflings around him exchanged glances, seeing ecstasy in each other's eyes.

It worked! At least powerful enough!

Several halflings ran back to the halfling warrior in charge of the experiment, and said, "Keep firing and see the accuracy."

The halfling warrior respected these saints very much, and continued to shoot after hearing this. The iron ball of this gun is still front-loaded, and so is the gunpowder, so it takes at least half a minute to fire a round.

"Bang... bang... bang" After ten shots, seven or eight minutes later, three iron balls hit the three-meter-high and two-meter-wide stone 200 meters ahead. However, the other seven flew to nowhere.

This result made Eroin very dissatisfied, the accuracy and attack speed of the flamethrower were too poor.

But that's just his idea, for an experimental halfling warrior with a flamethrower, this iron rod is nothing short of a magic weapon! The huge power contained in it gave him the illusion that he could use it to deal with the giant beast of the abyss.

"My lord, if you let me shoot something within 100 meters, I guarantee that I will hit every shot!" The soldier patted his chest to promise, and after shooting ten shots in a row, he had already felt something.

Ai Luoyin's heart moved, and he said: "Try it for me. Here, shoot that tree five times."

"No problem." The halfling warrior began to reload, while Eroin watched carefully, thinking about how to improve this process.

"Bang!" The halfling warrior fired, hitting the trunk of the big tree accurately, and peeling off a large piece of bark from the tree.

"Not bad." Ai Luoyin praised, waiting for the soldier to continue shooting. He didn't have to worry about the overheating of the iron pipe, because the fire magic pattern on the flamethrower had a cooling effect and would not make the iron pipe overheated.

The halfling warrior nodded excitedly and continued to reload. His movements became more and more proficient, and it only took about 25 seconds to reload once.

"Bang... bang... bang... bang", four more shots were fired. Except for the last shot that missed, the other four shots hit the big tree.

The accuracy within 100 meters is acceptable. Presumably, when this soldier becomes more proficient in using it, he should be able to be more accurate.

At a distance of one hundred meters, against giants, with the power and precision of the flamethrower, they should have the upper hand. The only problem is that the launch speed is still too slow.

For a hundred meters, an ordinary giant can run in seven seconds, and for two hundred meters, it only takes less than thirteen seconds. That is to say, the flamethrower can only fire one round.

Obviously, one round couldn't kill all the giants. Once the giant rushed in, it would be a disaster for them.

"No, it has to be faster, the sooner the better!" Ai Luoyin fell into deep thought, and the other halflings didn't dare to disturb, so they could only wait on the side. The halfling warrior, on the other hand, loved the flamethrower in his hand and kept fighting non-stop.

Fortunately, Ai Luoyin soon came to his senses. He didn't have a clue, so he said, "Let's go back first. The flamethrower can already be produced on a large scale."

Although the firing speed is slow, this shortcoming can be made up for by quantity. With their current conditions, they can produce 50 flamethrowers a day, and there are more supporting flame potions and iron beads. As long as one month is given, it is enough for halflings to arm themselves. A team of flamethrowers. They also have trebuchets, and they should have the strength to fight against the giant's frontal attack.

Production of the flamethrower began, and the next day the finished thing was in the hands of the head of the Free Brotherhood.

The leader of the brotherhood is called Alvin, a very strong and tall halfling, with a height of 1.6 meters. Among the thin halflings who are generally only 1.5 meters tall, he looks very powerful.

After getting the flamethrower, he immediately began to test the power of this thing. After the test, he sighed: "It's really a magic weapon! This time, you don't have to be afraid of those giants!"

No matter how powerful a giant is, it's still a body of flesh and blood, and it can't stop this flamethrower.

"Boss, isn't this speed a bit slow? It takes half a minute to load the bullets." Although a soldier next to him was satisfied with the power of the flamethrower, the leader said that this thing is a magical weapon, which is a bit too much.

"It's a bit slow, but it's not a big problem." As soon as Erwin saw the flamethrower, he thought of how to use it, as if it was born for him.

He waved the flamethrower in his hand fondly, and explained to the soldiers around him: "Look, the blacksmith shop in the city can produce 50 a day. When the number is too large, we will arrange the soldiers to work one by one. Shoot. After a group of soldiers finished firing, they squatted down to load the iron balls. Another group of soldiers continued to shoot, and when they finished firing, the next batch continued. Wait until the first batch of soldiers were loaded. You can keep shooting, haha."

There is nothing else in his halfling clan, but there are so many people, even if they are used in batches, they can still cause huge attack power.

This method is very simple, the soldiers around him thought about it for a while, and were immediately amazed: "Chief, this method is really wonderful!"

The leader, Alvin, waved his hand: "I'm just a little clever. Master Arrowin, who can make this flamethrower, is the real great wisdom."

At this time, a scout came over. When he got close, he reported the latest situation in Leonardo Tower City: "Boss, there is a big movement in the city of giants. Those giants seem to be preparing to charge us!"

"What?! So fast!" Alvin was taken aback. This speed was somewhat beyond his expectation. Originally, according to his estimation, it would take at least half a month before the giant really started to move.

After thinking for a while, he whispered to his deputy: "It seems that the plan has to be advanced. You go to inform Gogolo, let him speed up, and let those giant prisoners of war reach the North Wind Valley in two days, let the wind out, Let the giants save people!"

"Yes!" The adjutant set off.

The purpose of this plan is to delay. The halfling leader Alvin and his adjutants have already made it up, just to wait for the flamethrower of Aroin and others. Now, the flamethrower is already there, and it has begun to be produced at a considerable rate.

As long as the time drags on, the more flamethrowers there are, the more favorable the situation will be.

Just delaying is not enough, the leader Alvin said to his other aides: "The production of the flamethrower must be faster, we can't do other things, but we must ensure a sufficient supply of raw materials!"

"Yes, leader!"


Just when the halfling and the giants were about to fight, Babar watched all this quietly. He hid in a wooden room in Leonardo Tower and watched all this as a bystander.

During this period of time, he saw the fierce conflict between the halfling and the giant, and saw the giant go from anger to frustration, and finally to the present madness!

These guys actually began to disregard the authority of the Temple of Life, preparing to march eastward and directly attack the holy city of Siegfors, the largest gathering place for halflings.

"A god can't restrain his believers and let them attack the Holy Land. This so-called Goddess of Life is indeed an evil god." Babar thought disdainfully.

But it was just as he thought. Holding the dagger given to him by his master Hircine in his hand, he prayed softly: "My honorable master, the territory of the invaders has fallen into turmoil. Giants and halflings fought fiercely, but their gods were powerless Restraint. Now, the giant leader is forming an army and preparing to attack the most central holy place, what should I do? Should I continue to kill the giant leader or watch him act?"

There is no need to choose. After a while, Hirsing's thoughts came from the dagger: "Let him live for a while, and let these corrupted and fallen people die in the war!"

"As you wish, my master." Babar smiled. It seemed that this operation was not as dangerous as imagined.

He began to report to the demon god about the instigation of the giant Vorecha: "Master, another servant of yours, Vorecha, has already entangled a group of giant warriors, the number of which has reached two thousand. These warriors are hidden in the mountains. As long as you It can be used by you with a single call. What should I do?"

"You have done a very good job, my loyal servant, and I am very satisfied. I allow you to command these soldiers on my behalf, so that they can exert the power to change the key at critical moments!"

Demon God Hirsing's tone seemed very cheerful. He didn't expect things to go so smoothly. The damn invader's territory turned into chaos by itself. This is really asking for a dead end.

In the temple eight thousand miles away, the demon god Hircine thought about it and began to make his preparations. He began to summon the warriors who obeyed his orders.

Although the number of these fighters is not large, and there are no powerful abyss behemoths, it should be enough to use these fighters to deal with the intruders who have been severely injured after the turmoil!

"Assemble, my warriors! Assemble, your master is calling you!" Waves of thoughts spread from the temple.

In the thousands of miles around the temple, hunters in the middle of the abyss, such as lizardmen and faceless men, began to respond to the call and rushed to the temple.

"Goddess of Life, even if you are a great immortal, in this land of white mist, you will be defeated by me, Haircine, hahaha!"

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