Legendary Hero

Chapter 505 The First Powerful Virtual Soul: Eve

Temple of Life.

There is already a lot of noise outside, but here is still as calm as a lake in autumn.

Most of Luo Lin's thoughts are on upgrading the virtual soul. It has been more than three months since he got this thing. The situation in the Holy Land has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the function of the virtual soul in his hand has also been greatly improved. .

If it is said that what came into his hands at the beginning was just a basic calculator, the function of the virtual soul in his hands is already equivalent to the mainstream intellectual brain of the earth.

This smart brain still adopts a modular design, and the biggest change is its computing module. Luo Lin has added a large number of sophisticated and efficient logical structures, including a large number of brand-new algorithms.

At this time, he just assembled the latest one and was debugging it.

The appearance of the virtual soul has undergone major changes. It is no longer a simple light ball the size of a fist, but a brain with clear light. There are countless light spots and rays inside this transparent brain, the spots of light are like galaxies, and the rays of light are like cobwebs, so delicate and complicated that it cannot be added.

Luo Lin stood up, and at the same time stretched out his hand to gently guide, and the 'Original Light Brain' followed him and floated to the position beside him.

After it stabilized, Rollin began to activate the thing.

The ultra-complex structure makes its activation method special, and a specific method must be used, otherwise not only will the activation fail, but the rampant magic will destroy the thing.

Magic power invades this virtual soul bit by bit, and the 'stars' in it begin to be lit up one by one. Each 'star' is actually a basic module, and this virtual soul is stacked by building blocks. Although there are three major modules in general, there are small modules under the big module, and there are smaller modules under the small module. There are five layers of stacking in total. When it comes to the most basic modules, the number has reached more than 10,000.

Naturally, such a complex structure requires a lot of original force, almost one-tenth of Rollin's original force, which is a very scary number.

The magic power continued to infiltrate into the depths of this virtual brain. After about ten kinds, the optical brain suddenly shook, and a clear and soft thought came out: "I'm alive."

This is its first thought, followed by the second: "Who am I?"

"You are Eve." Rowling answered it with clear thought fluctuations. This is not the self-awareness generated by the virtual soul, but the configuration program Rowling set earlier.

"I am Eve, confirmed."

"Where am I?" is the second question.

"The Temple of the Goddess of Life, space coordinates (10, 8, 1.5), time coordinates return to the origin and recalculate."

"Setting up, done."

The third question: "Who is my first access user?"

Luo Lin sent out a unique wave of consciousness: "The owner of this wave is the first authority user, who has all control authority, including the self-destruct order."

"Recorded, Eve is officially activated and is currently in normal operation."

Luo Lin was very satisfied with it. He stretched out his hand and pulled the force light group back to the table. There was a magic crystal ball on the table, which was used to hold the virtual soul. Rowling carefully introduced Eve into it.

After the crystal ball, which was originally as clear as water, settled in Eve, it became a stable light group, and a glowing brain was faintly visible floating inside.

"New device detected, connecting...Connection complete. Hello, user."

There are eagle eye magic circles, vocal magic circles, magic power suppliers, a fine mage's hand circle, and floating magic circles on the crystal. Although the magic circles are simple, they are all eternally solidified by Allen, none of which lasted for thousands of years , will not fail.

That is to say, the current Eve can see things, talk, and use the mage's hand to pick up objects from the air, and can also make herself float and move around.

After everything was ready, Luo Lin stood up and waved to the virtual soul Eve: "Follow me."

Eve then floated up, and according to the concept of "floating" set by the program, she floated two meters high and one meter away from Luo Lin, and followed Luo Lin's footsteps step by step.

Luo Lin took it and walked towards the Knowledge Hall of the Temple of Life. He knew that Alan was teaching there. Because of the chaos, the teaching time had been shortened to 2 hours. Counting the time, it should be almost the end now.

Arriving at the door of the Hall of Knowledge, Luo Lin waited patiently by the door without going in to disturb her. About five minutes later, Allen walked out from the door. She saw the ball of light floating behind Luo Lin at a glance. , she just glanced at it casually, but soon, she felt that something was wrong, so she immediately glanced a second time and began to look carefully.

Then, she couldn't move her mind.

After more than five minutes, she turned to look at Luo Lin: "It's really complicated, I can't understand it for a while, please explain to me its function."

If she was willing to spend a few weeks, she would certainly figure out how this thing works, but now that the inventor is here, why should she bother.

Luo Lin smiled and shook his head: "My explanation alone is not intuitive, go, go to the backyard, and I will show you."


The two arrived at the backyard of the Temple of Life, which was not a garden. There are some plants planted here and there, which are various herbs. There are also piles on the ground, and many different kinds of ores are piled up in piles on the west. These are the raw materials used for teaching demonstrations.

Luo Lin stretched out his hand to wave at the ore, and more than a dozen kinds of ore, such as iron ore, mithril ore, and rare gold ore, flew towards him and fell into his hands.

This is not magic, but some techniques of using the force. The force in Rowling's body is already very, very large, close to the peak limit of mortals. Alan will often teach him some small skills of the force. one of them.

After getting the ore, Luo Lin's force began to penetrate each ore, extracting the metal contained in it from a large pile of impurities.

I saw clusters of stone powder coming down, and a large piece of metal was in Luo Lin's hands. Under the wrapping of the original force, the metal quickly deformed, and soon became a goblin magic gun far finer than the halfling's flamethrower. .

This smelting technique was extracted by Luo Lin from the evolution of the dragon essence, and it is also a basic usage of the original force.

After making a musket, Luo Lin took out bullets, filled the musket, threw it into the air, and said, "Eve, go on."

The delicate mage's hand on the crystal ball worked, the spell was as delicate as a human hand, and it held the magic musket securely.

"You let it shoot?" Allen had already roughly seen it.

Luo Lin smiled, noncommittal, he pointed to a big tree a kilometer away and said to Eve, "I'm sure about that tree."

"The target has been confirmed."

"Detecting fallen leaves."

"The fallen leaves have been found."

"Starting now, once a large number of fallen leaves appear, your goal is to shoot down those fallen leaves with less than five main veins, and complete them before the fallen leaves fall to the ground." Rowling gave a very harsh order, and then said to Allen: " Give that tree a gust of wind, not too strong, but not too weak, at least one hundred leaves must be blown off."

"This order is beyond the limit of mortals." Allen said.

From a distance of one thousand meters, identifying the target within a few seconds of the irregularly flying fallen leaves falling to the ground, and then shooting them down with a musket is not something that mortals can do. Alan is sure that Luo Lin can't do it by himself I realized that even if it was her, unless she used divine power to forcibly increase her thinking speed, it would be enough.

"Try it, will there be any loss?" Luo Lin spread his hands.

"Okay." Alan thought, and a gust of wind blew towards the tree. In an instant, the fallen leaves fluttered and danced with the wind. There were at least one hundred and fifty leaves.

At the same time, the virtual soul Eve shot.

At this moment, the magic power it consumed increased greatly, and the crystal ball containing her emitted an almost dazzling light, and at the same time, lines of fire shot out from the precision magic gun it controlled.

'Puff puff puff' There are leaves turning into flames and disappearing from a thousand meters away. The positions of these hit leaves are irregular, and they are flying around. At such a distance, even Allen can barely see them. Judging from their appearance, it seems that they are indeed the kind with fewer than five leaf branches.

Five seconds later, the last leaf fell to the ground, and Eve began to report the results: "There are 17 fallen leaves on the target, and 16 were hit."

Although it was not completely shot down, the result was already amazing, as you can tell from Alan's expression, she was shocked.

"Are there 17? I only see 14."

"Eve, show the target!" Luo Lin snapped his fingers.

There was light coming from the crystal ball, showing a record of all the targets she had shot down, each one different, seventeen indeed. The actual number of targets may be a little more than that, but certainly not much more.

Luo Lin smiled and said: "This is the power of a virtual soul. If ten virtual souls are linked to form an attacking ball formation."

While speaking, Luo Lin showed a trace of original force in his hand, and drew a specific image in the air: "In the center of the attacking ball array, a core virtual soul is used to coordinate the attack. Then, as long as it is equipped with a powerful magic gun Or a cannon, even if the Demon God himself came, it would probably be able to smash it into ashes."

That's what the goblins did back then. A mothership, dozens of personal flying machines, and how many summoned strongmen were all beaten into fly ash. Even Sha'er, who is good at speed, was beaten out of breath. He appeared in time, and fell in an instant.

Of course, this attack method also has obvious disadvantages. In the plane world, it is almost invincible. But once it leaves the plane and enters the endless void, the rules change drastically and the void flows turbulently, it will be invalid.

No matter how powerful it is, it is just a mortal weapon.

Alan obviously also remembered what happened to Nordrassil, she frowned and said: "This weapon is too complicated. At the speed of progress of a halfling, it will not take hundreds of years to build it. From this point of view, only you Here we go."

She thought about it and explained: "Saving halflings is for the sublimation of this world, but halflings can deal with ordinary abyssal creatures. Some powerful opponents still need us to deal with them ourselves. For example, that demon god, he Although his strength level is not high, but his strength is very large. In a real fight, I may not be his opponent. It is good to have more strength against him."

Luo Lin nodded to express his understanding: "I will do my best to create a weapon array that is strong enough to fight against demon gods!"

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