Legendary Hero

Chapter 506 The Tragedy of Primitive Tribes vs. Modern Armed Forces

Allen gave Rollin the task of building a powerful weapon, and Rollin naturally followed suit, but there was a problem.

Because the imaginary enemy of this weapon is a demon god. It is true that Luo Lin can create a powerful virtual soul, but he is still a mortal after all, and he has not ignited the magic fire to break through the last step. It is difficult for the weapon he created to have the power to kill the demon god. The most important thing is the ammunition that is fired.

Allen didn't seem to be in a hurry, and only asked Rollin to build it first, and she promised to give enough powerful ammunition. She is a god. Now that he said so, Luo Lin didn't ask any more questions, and concentrated on his work.

As soon as he concentrated on making weapons, time passed quickly, and the situation in the Holy Land was also changing rapidly.

Alvin, the leader of the Halfling Freedom Brotherhood, exhausted all means and delayed the giant's attack on Siegforth City by one and a half months.

The giant finally ran out of time, assembled an army of more than 10,000 people, and marched towards Siegfors with a huge stone spear

The distance between the two cities does not exceed fifty kilometers, and at the speed of a giant, it can be reached in half a day.

"Kill the filthy rats out of the holy city!"

"Kill those cowards who only know how to attack and escape!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill those locusts!"

Along the way, the giants were yelling similar words. This time, Leonardo himself led the march, and Grian was his deputy. They brought all the young and strong warriors of the giants, leaving only the second-class warriors. The soldiers guarding the Leonardo tower city in the rear.

This march was not so smooth. Halflings with bows and arrows kept hiding behind bushes and trees on the side of the road and attacked them. The number of soldiers was reduced all the way. Seven or eight soldiers would fall every kilometer. They were not shot to death by arrows, but halflings Human arrows have not yet had the power to kill giants, and most of them were poisoned by the poison on the arrows.

"Despicable cowards! Rats in the gutter! Die! Die! Die!" roared the giants, feeling unprecedented anger at this dishonorable death.

"I swear, I will tear these rats to pieces!" Leonardo was furious. He had been restrained before, but seeing his warriors fall one by one, his eyes were bloodshot, become flushed.

The lieutenants and warriors around him also waved the stone spears in their hands, each with their chests and heads high, shouting the battle song belonging to the lizardmen, like a glorious hero, striding towards Siegforth .

Giants are warriors!

Giants respect warriors, all yearn to be warriors, and all yearn to defeat all enemies. They believe in the strength of the body, and they believe in the solid stone spears that have been passed down for thousands of years in their hands.

The city of Siegforth is getting closer and closer, and the spire of the Temple of Life, the tallest building in the city, has appeared in front of it. After walking a little further, there is an empty wilderness, and the holy city is behind the wilderness.

"Speed ​​up, brothers!" Leonardo yelled: "Those ants dare not confront us head-on. There is no obstacle in front of us, and we are going forward!"

"Go forward!" The giant warrior roared in response.

"We will go to victory!" Leonardo raised his heavy stone spear high.

"Victory! Victory!"

Yes, every giant thinks this way, they are never afraid of confronting halflings head-on, these little ones, they don't even use weapons, and giants who are generally over 2.4 meters tall can kick them to death with one kick!

Every giant thought that the halfling's insidious bow and arrow harassment was all there was to it, and there could not be any blocking halfling army in the wilderness ahead, because they were vulnerable.

"They are vulnerable!" Leonardo roared, boosting the morale of the soldiers.

As long as they get to Siegforth City, those dwarfs will have to withdraw voluntarily and become homeless dogs!

The soldiers were about to respond immediately, but by this time, they had already reached the outskirts of the wilderness, and the situation in the wilderness ahead had already been revealed.

On the wilderness, almost countless halflings are neatly lined up. They are arranged in several rows. The halfling in the center is holding a black stick in his hand. There are about two to three thousand halflings in number. The one on the top is the bow and arrow that giants hate most.

The moment the giant appeared, a halfling galloped past the array on a pack beast, shouting, "Get ready! Get ready!"

This halfling should be the commander. Following his voice, the halflings raised the iron rods in their hands and pointed them at the giant.

"Hahahaha~~" The giant warriors laughed loudly. Such a small stick won't grow much longer than their tickling sticks. Are these halflings here to make a joke?

There was also a smile on Leonardo's face, but he was a little afraid of the array of bows and arrows on both sides of the team. There were too many of these archers, and shooting together would be fatal, but Leonardo wasn't too scared. Because the range of bows and arrows is limited, in the time of shooting one arrow, they are enough to cross the distance between the two sides, rush into the enemy's line and start slaughtering!

"Ready to charge!" Leonardo stood at the forefront of the formation, and he began to trot. The guards around him trotted around him, and the giant warriors also ran forward with their leader.

Their speed was getting faster and faster, and soon, the distance between the giant and the halfling reached 300 meters, which was the limit of the shooting distance of the flamethrower.

The halfling's flamethrower was agitated, but Erwin yelled, "Hold on! Hold on! Listen to my orders!"

Shooting at 300 meters is not a good idea, once you scare off the giants, they won't be able to catch up. After these giants suffered a loss once, they will not be so easy to be fooled next time.

Alvin is ambitious, his purpose is not as simple as defeating the giants, what he wants is to kill all these giant warriors!

The distance between the two sides narrowed again, and soon reached 200 meters, and it was still shortening rapidly.

Alvin yelled: "A row, shoot!"

"Bang bang bang bang" the first row of flamethrower fighters, 1000 people, fired almost at the same time.

The moment the sound appeared, a large number of soldiers fell to the ground from the opposite giant who had already started to charge at full speed, including the leader Leonardo!

A huge transparent blood hole appeared on Leonardo's chest. He fell to the ground, feeling the strength in his whole body quickly leave him, and the world in his eyes quickly became dark.

The giant leader lost his life almost without any struggle or pain.

"Second row, shoot!"

"Three rows! Shoot!"

"A row, shoot!"

Bang bang bang muskets sounded non-stop, and the light smoke emitted by the burning flame potion continued to permeate the battlefield. Every time it was fired, the charging giant fell down as if being combed by a round of death combs. .

After four rounds were fired, the giant's charge stopped.

There were screams of pain everywhere in the wilderness, and the leader died, as did the lieutenants of the leader who rushed to the front of the team, and the mighty warrior Grian died, and the corpses of giants were everywhere on the ground.

The things in the hands of the halflings who were less than seventy meters away in front of them were still ringing uninterruptedly. Every time the weapons of these damned devils sounded, a warrior was knocked to the ground, unable to stand up again.

this is too scary! horrible!

"God's punishment! This is God's punishment! The goddess is punishing us!"

"We have desecrated the holy land, and the goddess is angry!"


The courage and honor of the giants were extinguished by the terrible flamethrower, and they began to retreat and run away, running non-stop, running like crazy.

The sound of bang bang bang was still ringing, like the footsteps of the god of death, and the scythe in the hands of the god of death was still continuously harvesting the life of the giant.

In the end, when the giants ran out of the wilderness, no more than 2,000 giants survived, and more than 8,000 giants died in the hands of some "little black sticks" for no reason.

The surviving giants looked at each other, and someone shouted, "Run!"

The giant warriors started to run, some of them ran towards the Leonardo Tower, some ran into the wilderness, they had no organization at all, and there were still halfling archers harassing them on the road, but there were no giants to complain at this time, they only had Fear, I just want to stay away from the terrible wilderness behind me, farther away.

Soon, the surviving giant warriors disappeared without a trace.

This heroic and vigorous war initiated by the giants had just begun, and after a round of charge, it ended in an extremely bloody and cruel way.

In the Temple of Life, Alan and Luo Lin were watching the battle. After watching it, Alan sighed: "It's so fast."

She thought the giant would at least make the halfling suffer, but it turned out to be a one-sided massacre.

Luo Lin pondered: "The giants are nothing to worry about. Without a consistent opponent, the halflings will soon fall into infighting. We have to find a new opponent for them."

"Indeed." Allen nodded: "Do you still remember the holy water?"

"Of course." Rowling nodded.

"I improved it, as long as they drink a small bottle, halflings can enter the abyss for three days and three nights without being corrupted. I will issue an oracle to let them go outside the holy land to hunt the escaped giants and abyssal creatures."

"What's the reward?" Rollins asked.

"Some insignificant divine powers and privileges in the Holy Land. Now the halflings are like a blank sheet of paper, they are easy to be satisfied." Allen said with a smile: "I have to come up with a promotion system... ..I have to hint this idea to that Alwin, let him build a halfling kingdom."

The essence of the kingdom is a promotion system, it does not exist in the real world, it is just an imaginary body constructed in the mind, this imaginary body is very useful, it can easily unite the halflings together.

In this regard, Allen has tens of thousands of years of experience in managing Nordrassil, and she is very good at it. Luo Lin couldn't make any suggestions. After he knew the result of the battle, he continued to build his virtual soul weapon.

Three days later, the halfling Erwin had a dream. In the dream, he was admired by thousands of people, and the giant also surrendered at his feet, licking his toes. In the dream, the goddess took care of him, and the beautiful envoy personally put a gorgeous gemstone crown on his head.

In the dream, everyone called him king. His wife is the most beautiful woman, and everyone is following his orders, even the Temple of Life does not interfere with his affairs.

Early the next morning, Alvin, who woke up from a sweet dream, was still in a daze, but in his heart, there was an uncontrollable ambition.

He wants to make the dream come true, he wants to become the king!

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