Legendary Hero

Chapter 507 Hircine's Army

When the battle took place in the wilderness outside the holy city, Babar, the servant of the demon god Hirsine, was hiding in the shadows to watch the battle.

The big rout occurred less than ten minutes after the start of the battle, and it also showed a one-sided massacre!

"This is simply too terrifying!" Babar murmured, the giant corpses all over the ground caused him a huge psychological impact.

He never expected that the tall and strong giants would be slaughtered by the halflings transformed by the mud monsters like killing abyss horned rabbits.

He couldn't stay on the battlefield any longer, and seeing the giant warriors in front of him rout and flee, he couldn't control himself and retreated from his hiding place on the edge of the wilderness.

After running for a few steps, he heard a 'whoosh' sound in his ears, and then he felt a tingling pain in his arm. When he turned his head, he saw a wooden arrow stuck in his left arm. Looking further away, The grass was rustling, and a little thing was running away quickly.

"Damn rat!" Babar didn't go after him, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the wooden arrow, and continued to run.

The wooden arrow was poisonous, Babar knew this, but the poison had no effect on him, the divine power belonging to the demon god Hirsine in his body was enough to dissolve all poisons.

Babar knew this, so he ran all the way indifferently. In fact, the arrow poison did not have any effect on him, but he forgot some very important things.

There are two deadliest. One, it is less than ten kilometers away from the holy city. Two, he was bleeding, the dark divine power contained in the blood was in direct contact with the moon god divine power in the ambient air, and began to radiate, he was like a moving torch emitting dark smoke.

So, when Babar ran for more than two kilometers and was about to run out of the wilderness, he saw a woman in a moon-white dress standing on the road in front of him.

This woman was not tall, she was a dwarf compared to a giant, and she was far less mighty than Lord Demon God Hirsing. Standing in front of him, she looked like a little one, as if he could slap her to death just by raising her hand.

But Babar knew that this was just an illusion of appearance, and he had already recognized the identity of the other party.

"Evil God!" Babar said two words, his heart was trembling, and fear seized his internal organs, and he tried his best to maintain the most basic calmness.

"So, you are Hirsine's servant. You are so courageous." Allen smiled, and she stretched out her hand to Babar, and lifted it in the air, and Babar's body not far away was involuntarily suspended. A golden radiance appeared in the surrounding air, and the radiance quickly condensed to form a golden ring, respectively covering Babar's wrist, ankle and neck.

Then, Allen whispered to a small sapling at Babar's feet: "You should grow up."

As soon as the words fell, the saplings began to grow wildly, increasing at a speed of almost five meters per second. In a blink of an eye, in a few seconds, they became a huge tree with a height of hundreds of meters. The trunk of the big tree was thick and straight, and the crown was very high. , the trunk is hardly branched.

As soon as Allen pressed his hand, Babar's body was pressed on the trunk more than 30 meters high, and the rings on his hands, feet and neck were connected into the big tree, completely fixing him to the trunk.

"I will not kill you, you will not die, you can even communicate with your master. But from now on, you will always be on the tree, watched by the followers of the goddess of life, Ms. Gracedy, and become eternal admonition."

At the same time, there were fruits hanging down from the big tree, almost ten centimeters in front of Babar's mouth. The delicious fruits exuded a tempting aroma, which Babar could see and smell, but couldn't reach.

"You have no water to drink, no meat to eat, you will be thirsty, you will be hungry, you will be very thirsty, you will be very hungry, but you will always stay awake. Enjoy these mortal sufferings, mortals."

The greatest pain for mortals is the three words "I can't ask for it", and Allen knows this very well.

When he spoke, Alan had a smile on his face, but in Babar's view, it was a kind of great terror. He struggled loudly: "No, kill me! Kill me!"

His yelling was useless, because the woman had disappeared in place, as if she had never been there.

Babar began to pray: "Master, Master, save me!"

After a while, a response appeared in my mind, but it was an angry curse: "You idiot! Stupid! You are no longer my servant!"

Then, with no further response, Hircine abandoned the servant most simply, and began to look for the next mortal who would serve him.

Soon, he set his sights on Worecha, the giant leader who had already organized a rebel army on the border of the Holy Land.

He gave the order directly in Woreza's mind: "Take your men out, leave the invader's territory, hurry up!"

Later, these guys will definitely be discovered by the other party, and these people are still useful to him, and he still needs their strength.

Worecha didn't have any room to resist. He immediately drove the giants out of the Holy Land overnight. As soon as these thousands of giants left the shroud of the Holy Land, the breath of the abyss immediately entangled upwards, and the giants' bodies became taller. Stronger, the tail reappeared, and the skin epidermis was covered with scales.

In less than a day, they became lizardmen again.

"Go, take your warriors to conquer the Lizardmen and form them into a large army!" Hircine continued to order.

He knew that a fearsome mortal army was looming in the invader's domain, and he had to be prepared. Since he couldn't command existences at the level of abyssal behemoths, he built a powerful army with middle-level lizardmen to integrate the mortal forces in his territory to the greatest extent.

He also gave Vorecha his reward.

A surge of divine power emerged from the abyss and poured into Vorecha's body. From the perspective of the lizardmen around him, they saw a dense white mist surrounding Vorecha. In the white mist, Vorecha's body began to grow taller, and the scales on his skin became pitch black, and the crippled Severed limbs began to regenerate.

Until the end, when the white mist disappeared, Worecha had become a nearly five-meter-tall, extremely strong lizardman. His scales and armor were black and blue, his eyes were bright red, and the stone spear in his hand Surrounded by a black breath, it is like an artifact.

Worecha felt the almost endless power in his body. He looked around at the lizardmen around his body. Everything he saw was filled with awe-inspiring expressions and eyes. Spear: "My brothers, go, follow me to conquer the abyss!"

The lizard people roared loudly, followed their powerful leader, and strode into the abyss.

Hircine looked at this army in the void, but knew that it was far from enough. Those halflings were good at using tools. They extracted iron from ore, made bows and arrows from wood, and made murderous weapons from iron and fire. up the scale.

And his lizardman has nothing but the stone spear in his hand. Even if he is powerful and fierce in close combat, it is useless if he can't get close to the opponent.

Hircine fell into thought as he recalled the battle he had seen through the eyes of his servant Babar. To be honest, the principle of the weapon held by the halfling is very simple, he can understand it at a glance, but he understands the same thing, his servants can't understand it.

Abyssal creatures have violent personalities and wild styles of behavior. It is impossible for them to calm down and make these delicate things. Not a small breakthrough.

Thinking of this, Hircine already had a plan in mind: "It is impossible to follow the same development path as the opponent. Since my fighters believe in their own strength, then I will let their strength reach the extreme!"

It's not a good idea to increase physical strength and give power directly. Even if he is a god, even if he has very huge power, the power is not so squandered.

"In this way, I should develop believers among the lizard people and set up a dark priest."

Cultivate priests, release divine spells to assist the battle during battles to enhance the power and defense of the lizardmen, and disable the divine spells after the battle is over, which can maximize the utilization of power.

Having determined the combat strategy of priests cooperating with warriors and using magic to fight against halfling firearms, the demon god Hirsine opened up a new field. In this field, based on the basic model, he began to explore and determine the divine spells that priests should use.

"These halflings are small, good at hiding, and good at sneak attacks. Their firearms have a long attack range and have an advantage. If they are successfully attacked, my fighters will be in an extremely disadvantaged state. Therefore, an effective detection magic is needed. "

Detect magic, although this thing does not provide power, it is indeed a very important strategic magic, and it was the first one to be fixed by Hirsing.

"Halflings' firearms have huge lethality and horrific wounds, which can easily cause huge psychological pressure on the soldiers. If there are too many casualties, they will collapse. Therefore, a fearless magic is needed."

The second magic spell: Fearlessness is also settled as a basic magic spell.

"The first two magic spells ensured the battle. Now we want to reduce the death rate. We need a magic spell to increase the defense... Well, let's call it steel and iron."


After a series of magic spells were finalized, Hirsing finally thought: "I still need a general agent for priests, and this agent needs an authoritative certificate. This certificate must be powerful, but it cannot be against my warrior king. I I have to get him an artifact... yes, this artifact is called the Horn of the Abyss."

As a god, even the tiniest amount of divine power, even if the divine power is diluted many times, still has enormous power over mortals.

Therefore, these so-called priestly magic arts are not a big burden for Hircine, because he has the life and soul of the entire land of white mist as his backing.

As for the Horn of the Abyss, Hirsing quickly figured out what this artifact should do.

"I'll just assemble a large-scale group fearlessness technique on it. It doesn't consume much, but it's powerful enough to establish the status of the chief priest."

Hircine made serious plans and began to form his own army of lizardmen in the land of white mist to fight against the halflings!

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