Legendary Hero

Chapter 515 The Ring of Salvation and the Thorn Bracelet

In the air, the divine power belonging to Allen dissipated faster and faster, and the faintly visible silver radiance in the air was getting weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

Seeing the speed of transformation, Luo Lin was startled, and asked, "How is your strength now?"

"The situation is fine. The main body has not been damaged, but the power in the holy land that has just been transformed from the power of the abyss has been taken away by the origin of the world."

Allen's power is divided into several parts, the largest part being her body. Over the years, she has continuously transformed the power of the abyss in the land of white mist into her divine power. She has been absorbing it, and the scale of power is larger than when she was trapped in the abyss. I don't know how many times, even if it is at the same level as Nordrassil.

The second part of power is scattered in the environment around the Holy Land. This part is quite large in scale, but the concentration of power in the environment is very thin, so the total amount is not as large as Alan's body. This part is taken away by the world's origin The power to walk.

There is also a third part of power, but this part comes from the godhead of her guardian of "knowledge, writing, and craftsman". This part of power is very small, but it is the source of Allen's power. Especially after being deprived of the second part of power, the power of faith of Godhead suddenly became Allen's only source of power.

"Let's go, let's go see the changes in this world." Luo Lin opened his weapon Xingyun Sword, and a small door for one person to enter and exit appeared on the silver ball of light.

Allen walked in and found that the inside of this small ball with a diameter of only three meters was quite spacious. From the inside, the surrounding walls were pure and transparent, with a 360-degree viewing angle without dead ends. In the center of the sphere, an extra chair appeared next to Rowling, and Alan sat on it. The chair instantly wrapped her body and fixed it with moderate strength, which would not make people feel uncomfortable at all.

After she sat down, Luo Lin moved his mind and activated the Xingyun Sword, and saw that the scenery displayed on the light ball suddenly became blurred. This blurring lasted for less than one ten-thousandth of a second. When it was clear, the surrounding scenery had changed drastically, and they had already reached a super high altitude of more than 100,000 meters.

"It's really fast and smooth." Allen admired.

Luo Lin smiled, high-speed movement is only the most basic function of the Xingyun Sword, and only God can do this, because the laws of the world do not allow this kind of movement, but the Xingyun Sword has ignored the laws of the world, he pointed to the front Situation on the ground: "Look, the world is changing."

Today's holy land has a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers. Looking down from the sky, one can see a huge spot of light appearing on the dark land.

Originally, because of the divine power of the moon god, this light spot had been shining with silver light, like another kind of mist, but now, the silver light mist is rapidly fading, the ground becomes clear, the air becomes pure, and the river becomes clearer. It became clear, the alien interference energy was transforming rapidly, and the whole world became orderly.

"The origin has absorbed my power, and it uses these powers to strengthen the laws of the world, do you feel that? These laws are repelling us." Allen perceives the world carefully.

Luo Lin felt this repulsion, they were like bubbles in clear water, being squeezed and pushed by a ubiquitous force, wanting them to stay away from this world.

This is normal.

If a world is regarded as a life, then God is a huge outsider. No life will allow such a huge foreign body to appear inside its body, because every move of God will have a huge impact on the world, and even destroy the world.

However, although the world is awake, he is still very weak. Although the law is repelling the two gods, the repelling power is not strong. Not to mention Alan, even Rollin can easily resist it.

"Look at the border of the Holy Land, the Holy Land is expanding rapidly!" Luo Lin was taken aback.

Allen saw it too, with a wry smile on her face. The pan-consciousness of the origin of the world doesn't know any strategies. His behavior is more like an instinct. It senses a strange power, and it will rush to clear it and take over the white mist. The power of the abyss in the earth.

But the power of the abyss is the power of the demon god Hirsine, he is not the moon god, and his power far surpasses Allen in terms of scale. He has been operating in this land of white mist for a long time, and he has more control over power than Allen.

If Allen didn't have the power transformation skills taught by the Goddess of Life, he wouldn't be able to build the Holy Land at all, let alone transform the white mist.

If Allen, a Luna God with level 53 power, can't do it, the power level may not be higher than Allen, and the extremely weak World Origin may not be better.

Sure enough, the rapid expansion of the Holy Land was stopped in just half a day, and the expansion distance did not exceed 100 kilometers. The world's origin had almost no results in capturing the power of the abyss.

Seen from an altitude of 100,000 meters, the white mist in the land of white mist controlled by Hircine hardly showed any signs of fading. This Demon God firmly controls his power.

"The original consciousness of the world has failed. The current holy land has a diameter of 3,100 kilometers, which is already the limit of its expansion. To continue to expand, it is still necessary to slowly transform the power of the abyss from the talisman under the Temple of Life." Luo Lin said, this is not true To their surprise, the origin of the world has been very, very weak under the long-term suppression of the demon god Hirsing. In addition to Hirsing's containment of him, the result of adding his power has only expanded the Holy Land by 100 kilometers.

They can speed up the conversion of the runes, but this is not a good idea, because the people in the Holy Land are not ready yet. Although a lot of new technologies have been developed due to the long-term war, Hircine's lizardman army is also expanding. The overall strength is still evenly matched.

Hircine's mortal power has not yet reached the upper limit. Of course, this limit is almost reached, because Hircine has already started to let the lizardmen tame the giant beasts of the abyss. After the human race's mechanical power developed enough to suppress the abyssal behemoth, Hirsing had no choice but to move.

That is the time for the real decisive battle.

Luo Lin's mind moved again, and the Xingyun Sword took him to a higher sky.

Looking at it from here, the whole world is round, just like a planet. The diameter of this planet exceeds 10,000 kilometers, and its surface area is even more exaggerated. From this point of view, the area of ​​the 3,100-kilometer holy land is only equivalent to the area of ​​a continent in this world, less than one-tenth of its total area, and the rest of the area is under the control of the demon god Hirsing.

The power gap between the two sides is very large, which is an obvious fact.

The original consciousness of the world was obviously aware of this. Not long after the rapid expansion of the Holy Land stopped, Rowling and Allen felt their bodies shake at the same time, and they immediately looked down at the location of the Temple of Life.

In the eyes of mortals, in the Temple of Life, the area where Alan and Luo Lin were located disappeared out of thin air from the holy land, and the entire temple seemed to have never existed, leaving only a flat land with nothing on it.

In the Temple of Life, only the Hall of Gods is left, which contains the statues of the Goddess of Life, God of War, and Moon God, and the talismans that transform the power of the abyss.

The hall of knowledge is also preserved, the residence of the saints, and other parts of the temple are intact, that is, everything related to the true god has been erased from the mortal world.

This is the perspective of a mortal. In Rowling and Allen's view, the origin of the world opened up two unusually spacious folding spaces out of thin air deep in the earth.

Although this space is deep in the earth, it has opened a free space passage for Rollin and Allen. This space is full of an indescribable breath of pure power.

In two mutually independent spaces, three huge temples were raised respectively, including Rollin's and Alan's. The godheads of Rollin and Allen are preserved in this magnificent temple.

The souls of the dead who were kept in the soul container were also awakened, and they were resurrected in this new space.

Luo Lin understood: "The origin recognizes our existence, but does not agree that we continue to mix with mortals. And this space will be our kingdom of God."

Allen felt the breath of power emanating from the Kingdom of God, and his face showed intoxication: "Did you feel that breath? It prepared a gift for us. Do you know what this is? This is the Ze of Salvation, A legendary and precious power."

After finishing speaking, Allen's body disappeared from Luo Lin's Starfall Sword. This was not a teleportation, but because her body was just an ordinary incarnation. She canceled this incarnation directly, and her body had already disappeared. Arrived in the divine kingdom prepared for her by the origin of the world.

Luo Lin was very interested in this so-called Lake of Salvation, and he also entered his own kingdom of God.

This Kingdom of God is very vast, almost boundless. Of course, this is just the result of space folding. It is only an illusion that can only be created when entering it. Its actual volume is not very large. From a high altitude, it is only a hundred kilometers away. That's all.

This piece of land is still desolate, with almost no human traces, but it is full of vitality. The ground is full of flowers, and the trees are full of fruits. Farther away, there is a holy mountain. On the mountain is Luo Lin's Temple of War.

Luo Lin could feel that there were many awakened souls on the holy mountain. They were believers of the God of War in their lifetime, and they were reborn after death. As promised, they were indeed reborn in this beautiful kingdom of God.

Feeling the joy of these believers, Luo Lin also felt happy, and with a thought, he went to the temple prepared for him by the origin of the world.

In the deepest part of the temple, the godhead of the god of war controlled by the brain exists safely. The appearance here has not changed at all, it was moved here out of thin air. The faith connection between Godhead and believers has not been affected in the slightest, and it is still busy responding to believers' prayers.

Right here, Rowling felt the power of the Ze of Salvation that Allen said. He raised his hand, and his mind moved slightly. This power emerged from the void and gathered towards his palm. After a while, the power condensed and became got a ring.

The shape of this ring is very simple. On the surface of the ring that should be inlaid with gemstones, there is a stream of transparent material that emits a shimmer. The material is like water and jade, which is extremely strange.

"Since it is formed by the condensate of the Ze of Salvation, let's call it the Ring of Salvation." Luo Lin smiled and put the ring on his finger.

After putting on the ring, Rowling sensitively felt that his authority in this world had been greatly improved. A stream of information flowed into his mind. After reading it carefully, he found that it was the law of this world.

From the beginning, the law stipulates what God can and cannot do, and sets a bottom line, that is, not to forcibly interfere with the free will of mortal beings.

In this case, Luo Lin discovered that this law did not prohibit him from using the Meteor Sword in the mortal world. When needed, he could use this weapon to join the battle in the mortal world.

Of course, it's useless to try to limit the laws, Rowling can forcibly break through the restrictions of the world's laws.

Therefore, this law is more like a contract between the world and God.

If you follow the contract, the world will not interfere with your behavior; if you violate it, you will become the enemy of the whole world. Not to mention other things, the channel to transmit the power of faith will be cut off immediately by the origin of the world.

Then, new content appeared in the law, which recognized the existence of mechanical technology in the holy land, and opened up the upper limit of energy utilization by mortal creatures.

This is very useful, which represents the strength of the power that the human race can finally control.

Perhaps, the thoughts of mortals can reach unparalleled extremes, even comparable to gods, but their control over the energy of the world is restricted by the laws of the world. For the origin of the world, this may just be the setting of a world constant.

For example, in this modification, the origin of the world only reduced the transmission speed of pure energy in the vacuum by a little, less than 10%. huge.

For example, when mortals understand the laws of the world to a certain depth, they will come into contact with the singularity of the laws. By modifying this constant, the bottleneck of breaking through the singularity is greatly relaxed, and it is easier for mortals to release huge energy through these singularities.

"Very good change." Luo Lin smiled, accepting this change calmly.

The change of the law is only one of the functions of the Ring of Salvation, and this artifact of salvation has many other wonderful functions.

It is actually equivalent to a power key with high authority. With it, this world will allow Rowling to mobilize a huge amount of world energy to save the world when needed.

He can also use it to open the space at any time, and reach any corner of the world in an instant. If he is not afraid of falling into siege, he can even set the exit of the space door in the land of white mist, and the devil can't stop it, because of the space of this world. Most of the control is still on the origin of the world. The Demon God only has absolute control over the space within a hundred kilometers around him.

At this moment, Alan came to him, and Luo Lin greeted her in the outer hall, and he found that she had an extra bracelet on her hand than before.

Noticing Luo Lin's gaze, Allen shook his wrist and said with a smile: "I call it the Thorn Bracelet, as long as I wear it, in this world, except for mobilizing huge power, any power that attacks me will be invalid, and It will bounce back."

"Good stuff. Can it bounce back divine power attacks?"

"As long as it is in this world, it is possible, but only part of it will fail, and very few rebound."

Luo Lin smiled: "Even if it's only part of it, it's enough to give Hirsing a headache."

"What's the function of your ring?" Allen asked. They are allies now. If they want to become long-term allies, they must have a basic understanding of the power of allies and be honest with them.

"Any space door, as long as it is in this world, I can appear anywhere in an instant."

"That's not bad. I'm afraid Hirsing is going to think about strengthening the space." Allen said with a smile.

Even so, it is not yet time for a decisive battle. Their power scale is far inferior to that of Hircine, and they need more time to develop.

With a wave of Luo Lin's hand, a huge light mirror was unfolded in the hall, which showed the situation in the Holy Land. The great changes in the Holy Land, especially the departure of the gods, really caused some chaos in the Grayson Kingdom, and the old King Alvin was even more worried.

However, the chaos was under control, and the servants of the gods all confirmed that the gods were still there, but they had just left the holy city, because they could still obtain holy power from the gods through prayer, which was a clear proof that the gods had not left them.

Looking at the scene, Luo Lin smiled, and did not intend to explain. After a while, the impact of this incident will fade, and after a few generations, the era when gods and men lived together in the mortal world will become a legend.

"Wait, look here." Allen suddenly pointed to the light mirror.

This place zooms in rapidly, but it is the situation where the south of the Holy Land borders the Land of White Mist. Here, Thales has achieved great success after many years of fighting. At the age of 52, he is already the invincible commander of one legion!

Because of the favor of the gods, he is still full of energy, often personally commanding battles, and winning every battle, he has an unparalleled reputation.

In the south of the Holy Land, a city built in his name towered over the land, and a large number of merchants, farmers, and those favored by the gods gathered in Thales City. This place may not be as large as the holy city of Siegfors, but its urban vitality far exceeds that of the holy city that has shown signs of decline.

The location Allen pointed out is inside the commander's mansion in Thales City, where Thales and his confidants are discussing independence from Grayson Kingdom.

"The laws of the world do not allow God's will to interfere with the mortal world. Thales is your envoy. Being a king has too much influence. If he insists on doing so, it may be a tragedy." Allen got peace from her thorn bracelet. Rollins-like breath.

God's sense of time passing is different from that of mortals. They watched the mortal time last for several months at once. Thales wanted to stand on his own, and the trigger was the true God's departure from the holy city.

In the eyes of him and his staff, this is a sign that the royal family has lost its favor. Since Alvin can become king, why can't he, who has conquered the abyss and made countless achievements, not be able to?

"He has his destiny, we just have to watch." Luo Lin sighed.

There is no doubt that Thales will become the invincible God of War in the human epic, but God of War may not necessarily have a good end.

He will not interfere with the final result, this is the fate of mortals.

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