Legendary Hero

Chapter 516 Survival logic of a tramp

Thales City.

Novi is a homeless man with no property, let alone a family. He sleeps in a homeless shelter in the city every day, goes out to beg when he is hungry, and huddles in a corner to keep warm when he is cold.

Fortunately, the climate in Thales City is very good, even in the coldest weather, the water will not freeze, so Novy never worried about being frozen to death, and he lived a very happy life.

One of the reasons why he became like this is because other people are lazy. The older he gets, the lazier he gets. When he was young, his heart gradually extinguished and he didn't want to do anything. But the bigger reason is because of his congenitally deformed left leg. This made him walk with a limp and couldn't run fast at all.

The congenital disability and the ridicule of others destroyed his hope for the future step by step.

In his mind, he will always be a homeless man in his life. One day, he will die silently in a corner of Thales City. Even if he dies, no one will pay attention to him. His corpse was rotten, smelly, and affected others, so the city guards came to remove his corpse and hastily buried it.

"I'm like a lonely ghost in the mortal world. No one remembers me, and the gods have abandoned me." This is what Novi said most often.

Whenever the priest of the Goddess of Life hears this sentence, he will angrily reprimand him: "God will not abandon any of his children in the mortal world. You can live in the shelter because you are enjoying the grace of the goddess. Stop saying these words Now, you ungrateful cripple!"

At this time, Nuo Wei obediently shut up for a while, not because he didn't want to refute, but he really wanted to say: 'Since God didn't abandon me, why did he give me such a broken leg? ’, but he always chooses to remain silent, because he won’t even have a place to live at night.

That night, when Novi was limping along a remote alley leading to the shelter, a voice came from the shadow of the alley: "Hey, cripple, do you want to be famous?"

"Don't call me lame! I don't want to be famous either!" Novi didn't care who the speaker was, he didn't care who the other party was, because he had no money, was ugly, and was disabled, so he didn't have to worry about being robbed. If some poor and crazy robbers really set their sights on him, he wouldn't mind throwing him the two copper coins in his trouser pocket.

"I can make your name appear in history and be remembered for a thousand years." The voice came again from behind.

"Crazy!" Novi muttered, and continued to walk forward, but after walking a few steps, he stopped and limped back.

It wasn't that he was moved, but he was very curious about this lunatic, and wanted to hear what method he used to make him, a worthless tramp, remembered by the world for a thousand years.

His curiosity, combined with his boredom, made him walk back.

Novi saw the person in the corner clearly. This person was wearing dirty cowhide armor, a black revolver on his waist, and a wide-brimmed hat on his head. He looked like a down-and-out servant. Dress up as a soldier.

Seeing Novi walking back, this guy smiled: "Why, interested?"

"No, I want to see what a lunatic looks like." Novi looked carefully at the mercenary's face, and said to himself: "I don't look crazy, could it be that my head was kicked by a donkey?"

The mercenary was not angry either, his voice was low, as if bewitched by a devil: "I said, you don't have anything anyway, why don't you try?"

The tramp was taken aback for a moment, thought it over, and replied, "But I still have one life."

"That's true. There are two ways to live your life. One is to be a homeless all your life, and finally die in the gutter. The other is to go back with me. I promise, as long as you do what I say, you will definitely be killed by everyone." Remember, even His Majesty the King who is far away in the capital will know your name." The mercenary's voice was very low and full of temptation, but if the target was those truly worthless and depressed homeless people, no matter how nice the words were, it would be useless , but Novi is a little different, there is still a trace of unextinguished flame in his heart.

Although he is lazy, it is because he is lame and has nothing to do. He also dreamed of conquering the abyss, of making contributions with Marshal Thales, but the reality was too ruthless.

"What on earth do you see in me?" The lame man asked puzzledly, his heart was moved, and now, he just wanted to find out if this opportunity really belonged to him, not because the other party found the wrong person.

"I heard that there was a man in the shelter who once had a unique skill. He could use a bow to shoot down copper coins hanging from a tree a hundred meters away. I wonder if this man is a cripple named Novi?" The mercenary raised his hat brim , the dark green eyes under the hat stared at Novi.

"It was me. But that was in the past, and now I can't do it anymore. I have no strength in my hands and can't hold things steadily." Novi admitted that it was his dream when he was young. Because a cripple will slow down the marching speed, and although his archery skills are good, in this age of martial arts, there are many people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

"That's all right, I'm looking for you. If you still have a little ambition in your heart, come with me." The mercenary didn't say any more, he turned and walked out of the alley. His speed was not fast, obviously Taking care of Novi's broken foot.

Novi hesitated for less than a second, then he followed. He was a bum, he had nothing else to lose, and now he had such a big opportunity, why not do it?

A down-and-out mercenary, a homeless man, just walked in the streets of Thales one after the other. Finally, the mercenary led Novi into a wooden building.

The owner of this wooden building is a young widow in her twenties (the living conditions of the human race are very good, and the average life expectancy is rapidly increasing). I was dumbfounded.

It's not that he has never seen a beautiful woman, but he has never been in a beautiful woman's home. Usually, he would just see these beauties on the street, and then go back to the shelter and reflect on them.

There seemed to be a fragrance floating in the air in the wooden building. Nuo Wei was so intoxicated by the smoke, he twitched his big nose, wishing to absorb all the fragrance in the room in one breath.

The widow made the bum look even more agitated by arranging for the filthy Novi to be bathed and put on clean clothes.

Finally, the mercenary led him into a secret room.

The secret room was very spacious, and there was a wooden table inside. On the wooden frame on the table was a murder weapon that was one meter long and shone with a faint blue metallic luster.

"This is..." Novi has seen something similar before. This is a magic musket, but this musket looks really scary. It is equipped with a sight that looks very precise at first glance. His bullets were about as long as Novi's middle finger, and each bullet shimmered like a flame, which made people feel the great power contained in it.

"This is a contraband, and you will be shot if you are found!"

He still has some common sense. The power of this high-precision musket is terrifying. It can take the life of a target thousands of meters away. The government has always been very strict with this powerful weapon. Each weapon has a special label. If it is found lost, there will definitely be an undercurrent in the entire Thales City until the weapon is found again.

"Don't worry, it's from the right place, no one will check it." The mercenary smiled, picked up the musket on the table, and said with a smile: "This is the latest model, the 6th generation of the Lizard Hunter, and the initial velocity of the bullet is 1000 meters per second. , the magic power of the bullet is 45, the effective shooting range is 1500 meters, and within 1000 meters, it can penetrate the defensive magic blessed by the lizardman's five-pointed priest."

It wasn't until this moment that Novi really felt that what he had done might be a really big event, and there must be a huge shady hidden in this matter. He took a step back instinctively, with a slight retreat in his heart.

"There is no way to retreat here, Novi." The mercenary grinned, his teeth gleaming coldly.

"If I want to quit, will you kill me?" Novi asked.

"Obviously. This musket cannot see the light, and any possibility of letting it see the light must be stifled." The mercenary pressed the revolver on his waist, and if he made a mistake, he would shoot and then go find it one person.

Novi's heart trembled when he heard it, and then he was ready to do it. He doesn't care anymore, why don't he just do this one, although he knows that after he finishes doing it, he won't live long, but he is dying, if he has a chance to be brilliant, he will go all out, even if this brilliant way may It will make people scold, but he doesn't care!

"I did it!"

"Happy, it's a man!" The mercenary laughed, and said, "You have a month, and during this time, I will train you how to use it and bring out the true power of this beast."

"I have one more condition," Novi said.

"Talk about it. But I don't like negotiating terms with people." The mercenary narrowed his eyes, which showed a dangerous light.

Novi the vagabond felt the pressure, he swallowed his saliva, and went all out: "I don't have a woman in my life, and I haven't done that. I know, I will definitely be dead after this. I don't care about the future." things, but I've lived my life, and I've got to taste it."

"Ha, so that's the thing. It's human nature. The widow just now was called Marisa. Her husband died in battle outside the abyss. In order to live decently, she occasionally took over the job. You will sleep with her this month. Alright, I'll pay you the fee for warming the bed." The mercenary said generously.

Novi recalled the plump body and beautiful face of the widow before, and his heart warmed up: "Don't worry, I will definitely do my best!"


What happened in the dark corners of Thales City is unknown. In the highest mansion of Thales City, officials and servants are busy decorating the Commander’s Mansion, because Marshal Thales will hold a grand ceremony in a month. ceremony.

Although the marshal didn't say why the ceremony was held, none of the servants dared to talk, and they worked meticulously.

The entire city of Thales also seemed very peaceful. Ordinary people didn't feel much change in their lives, but those who cared found that the team directly under the Marshal had unknowingly dialed back, and the city's surveillance level had improved a lot invisibly.

In Thales City, the undercurrent is raging.

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