Legendary Hero

Chapter 520: The True King (Part 3)

For Rowling and Allen, the goddess of life is very easy to contact, and as the power of the Holy Land expands and the power of the abyss weakens, this connection becomes easier and easier.

Perhaps one day, an incarnation of the goddess will come to this world in person.

Of course, the Goddess of Life's temple is in the mortal world, because she didn't have her own body, so the origin of the world didn't set her up in the depths of the earth. If she wants to contact the goddess, she has to go to the temple of the holy city Siegforth.

Now, the body of the true god cannot enter the mortal world, so Rowling and Allen can only use the avatar.

It's very simple, just a flash of thought, Siegforth City, in an unnoticed corner outside the Temple of Life, there are two more people silently, a man and a woman, the man is Luo Lin, and the woman is naturally the moon god Ai Lun, the two of them had ordinary faces. They were wearing long robes and skirts that ordinary civilians often wear, and their faces were slightly weathered, just like those travelers from all over the world who came to the temple for pilgrimage.

Of course, this avatar is just an energy body, which looks like a mortal, but actually has no weight, similar to a phantom.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and walked towards the Temple of Life not far away.

As usual, the temple was very busy, and there were countless pilgrims who came from thousands of miles just to see the glory of the goddess with their own eyes. The goddess did not disappoint them either, and every mortal who came here would feel the light of the gods.

This light shines directly into their souls, washing away all the dirt in their souls, and everyone can feel that their thoughts have become pure and their souls have become peaceful. This wonderful peace often makes pilgrims linger for a long time.

This is the Temple of Life in the eyes of mortals. In Luo Lin's eyes, the entire Temple of Life is enveloped by a pure and fresh force. Above the Temple of Life, there is a huge beam of light that goes straight into the sky. The scene is extremely magnificent.

The two walked into the temple slowly. The priests in the temple glanced at them casually and then looked away. No one noticed the difference between the two people in front of them.

There were many pilgrims to the statue of the Goddess of Life, and everyone lined up in an orderly manner. Luo Lin and Allen also waited patiently in the line like ordinary people.

However, waiting is just an appearance, and the souls of the three gods have already started a secret communication in this hall.

God seldom spoke false words in his communication. After a simple greeting, Luo Lin revealed the abnormal situation he found.

"Lord God, as you can see, there is nothing wrong with the behavior of these mortals, and there is no place where they break the rules of the mortal world. The situation leads to destruction and failure, which violates the common sense of survival of life."

Any life has a survival instinct, which is almost the strongest impulse of life. Without mentioning these processes and details, just talking about the results, it is absolutely impossible for the origin of the world to commit suicide, although the behavior of these mortals looks like they are committing suicide.

However, Rowling and Allen's strength was limited. Although they felt something strange, they couldn't see through the mystery hidden in this matter.

This time, the Goddess of Life's response was a beat slower than before, and after two seconds, her response arrived: "The movement of the awakening of the world's origin is a bit louder."

"You mean?" Allen asked.

"Romilson discovered the anomaly in the Land of White Mist. Although because of me, he couldn't spare his hands to deal with the situation with all his strength, it did not affect his secret layout. This kind of subtle and secret method is exactly what Romilson Just like the darkness, his methods are never known. Rollin, it's very good that you can detect the abnormality shortly after it happened." Gracedi, the goddess of life, praised Rollin.

"Then how did he completely hide the truth from the origin of the world?" Luo Lin asked with a frown.

According to his understanding of the origin of the world, this kind of general consciousness may not be sensitive to what happens in the endless void, but it is very sensitive to what happens in his body, and rarely makes mistakes. With Luo Lin's means at the moment, there is no way to hide the origin of the world and walk in the world.

"I don't know Romilson's method." The Goddess of Life responded, "But this matter must be remedied, otherwise if this continues, the entire Holy Land will be dragged into the abyss of civil war consumption, and the achievements of these decades will be wiped out." Make nothing."

"Lord God, what should we do?" Allen and Rollin asked at the same time.

This time the opponent is the mysterious Immortal, who is the master of the abyss and thousands of fallen worlds. Although the opponent did not use all their strength, they dare not show their strength in the face of this kind of power. They can only let the Immortal Goddess of Life advise .

The goddess of life fell into silence again. The silence lasted for a full five seconds, and then an answer came: "Romilson has his way, and I have mine. Based on the signs of intrusion discovered by Luo Lin, I have just reached a contract with the origin of the world in the land of white mist. According to the contract, a true king will be born in the land of white mist in one year to correct the mistakes that occurred after being disturbed this time."

"True king? Son of the world?" Allen was taken aback. Of course, the children of the world are also mortals, but they are deeply loved by the force of the world, and the mighty power of heaven and earth is exerted on them. This kind of mortals, even gods, cannot harm them.

Of course, if this god has the power to destroy the entire world, that's another story. Unfortunately, Romilsson is such a powerhouse.

Luo Lin thought deeper, he frowned and said: "If the Lord of Darkness continues to interfere, I am afraid that the life experience of this Son of Face will be very difficult. During his growth process, there will be many forces beyond the original will of the world. , will continue to harm this person. Lord God, our task is to protect his growth?"

"Not all." The goddess of life continued: "Protection is Alan's task. And you, Luo Lin, one of your incarnations will enter the mortal world and be born as a child of the world. The origin of the world in the land of white mist recognizes your wisdom, It needs your wisdom to overcome this difficulty. Part of the contract is that you, the avatar, will sever all ties with the power of the kingdom of God. If you succeed, you will receive a huge gift of the Force, if you fail... "

Needless to say, the consequences of failure are that the Holy Land will be subverted and the world will fall again. The two gods trapped in the abyss will bear the wrath of the Lord of Darkness and either fall or become demon gods.

At this moment, salvation is self-help.

"Why me?" Rollin asked.

"Two reasons. One, as a god, Alan has more experience than you. Two, you know far more about the mortal world than Alan, and you have the experience of becoming a commander, which is very useful. As a world that can change the fate of the world Son, after you are born, you will have all the wisdom and experience at this moment, but this is only known to you, but not to mortals."

In other words, Rowling will keep his memory and be born.

This is not a hypocritical moment. The Goddess of Life explained the reason. Without a better way, Alan and Rowling could only accept this task.

"Remember, there are mortal rules in the mortal world. When you appear in the mortal world, you will be restricted and unable to break the rules of the mortal world. If Romilson does not want to attract the continuous attention of the source of the world, he will not use any extraordinary means to deal with you , but it remains a daunting task."

"We get it."

"Go get ready."

At this moment, it was Luo Lin and Alan's turn to go on a pilgrimage. The two saluted the statue of the Goddess of Life respectfully. The moment they bowed, two brilliant beams of light descended from the sky and landed on the two of them.

The pilgrims and priests in the hall suddenly opened their eyes wide and watched this miraculous scene. They all knelt down and shouted: "A miracle."

In the beam of light, Allen felt the intention of the goddess. She turned around and looked at the believers. Due to the brilliance, her figure was extremely holy, and a melodious and sacred voice came out: "The holy land is in trouble, and the real king will appear!"

Following these words, the radiance became more and more intense, and the figures of the two divine envoys gradually faded away in the beam of light until they disappeared.

In the temple, the priests and pilgrims were still full of emotions. They knelt on the ground and stayed together for a long time.

The Temple of Life showed a miracle, and with the gimmick of the miracle, the news that the real king was about to appear quickly began to spread in the Holy Land.

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