Legendary Hero

Chapter 521 Warring States

Ten years later.

The passage of time in the mortal world is just a blink of an eye in the eyes of God. Before this moment, the Holy Land was thriving, and every day was stronger than the previous day. At the beginning of this moment, Marshal Thales was killed, and the Holy Land fell into civil strife.

When this moment is over, ten years later, the Holy Land has completely fallen into the flames of war.

Five years ago, His Majesty King Irwin passed away, but the eldest son of the kingdom was disabled in a traffic accident three days before his succession, and lost the qualification to become king.

There are three remaining heirs of the right age. The three are fighting openly and secretly, and no one will accept the other. One year later, the Kingdom of Grayson is split into three, but they are still fighting with each other. No one recognizes the other, and everyone wants to be orthodox. King Grayson.

The situation in the Southern Gorok Kingdom is very bad. General Gudanke and General Delgan confronted each other for three years. In an assassination, Delgan was killed, but this did not appease the anger of Marshal Thales' diehards. A new leader soon appeared and continued to confront Gudanke.

In the next seven years, Gudanke has been trying to drive the loyalists of Marshal Thales out of Thales City. In the fifth year, he succeeded. The loyalists in Thales City were basically eliminated, but these loyalists were far Not killed.

They dispersed into the surrounding towns, calling themselves the Brotherhood of the King, and calling the forces led by General Gudanke the Kingslayer, openly and secretly resisting the rule of Durgan.

But this is just a noble statement. The core members of the so-called Brotherhood may be the elites of the human race, but because of Gudanke's years of siege, most of the new members the Brotherhood has absorbed are jobless vagrants, gangsters, and hooligans.

Gradually, the Brotherhood became a disease in the south of the Holy Land. In order to maintain their strength against Gudanke and maintain their own survival, they did all sorts of evil things, such as trafficking women and children, forcing girls into prostitution, robbery, and forcing civilians to mine mines regardless of life or death.

As an opponent of the Brotherhood, General Gudanke's reputation is not so good. He planned to assassinate the great Marshal Thales and became a regicide, which caused the newly established Gorok Kingdom to fall into such a chaotic situation. Every victim They would curse him to die in the middle of the night.

The current situation is evolving in a chaotic situation. Ten years later, the holy land is already full of bandits and warlords.

In order to protect themselves, the big families had to form private armies, build fortresses, and defend their property with strong walls and troops.

In the entire holy land, there are many fortresses, each doing their own thing and attacking each other. In the history of the human race, it is called the "Warring States Rebellion".

In the south, the Thales family left by Marshal Thales is such a big family.

The leader of the family, Marshal Thales, was killed. The family stayed in Thales City at first, but half a year later, they voluntarily withdrew from Thales City and settled in a manor 300 kilometers north of Thales City

Out of respect for the great Marshal Thales, no one dared to openly block the way of this family.

Even General Gudanke did not do anything. In order to clear his innocence, he personally sent troops to escort the Thales family to the manor safely, and announced that the 50 kilometers of land around the manor would be owned by the Thales family forever.

This manor, the fifty kilometers of land became the foundation for the Thales family to gain a foothold in the troubled times.

Three years later, a strong fortress was built here. Because the anti-magic technology used in the outer wall of the fortress made the wall appear light blue, the fortress was called 'Blue Stone Fort'.

The outermost layer of Bluestone Fort is a trapezoidal city wall as high as fifteen meters. It is extremely strong, and the highly resistant wall can block dozens of bombardments from the latest God of War artillery. Of course, in this year and month, few people have the ability to make God of War artillery, so Bluestone Fortress is very safe.

On this day, there was a sudden commotion from the guards on the high wall of the castle. They saw five battle airships more than 20 meters long flying towards the high wall of the castle in the sky.

The airship has the lion emblem of Bluestone Fort on it, and it is the battle airship of Bluestone Fort. Half a day ago, the airship team of Bluestone Fort set off to the border of the territory to face the invading Wild Wolf Fort fleet. There were nine airships that set off at that time, but four of them fell during the First World War.

These airships are obviously damaged, and there are many scorched marks on the hull of the hull. Blood-red flickering lights appeared on one of the airships. It rushed to the forefront, and as soon as it docked on the airship position on the high wall, the door was knocked open from the inside, and two strong soldiers rushed down carrying a stretcher.

They rushed and shouted: "Go to the pastor! Where is the pastor? The castle master is injured!"

A blood man was lying on the stretcher. There was a huge blood hole on the right shoulder of the blood man. Although it was blocked by a white cloth, blood could still be seen gushing out of the hole. Judging from the clothes on this man, he is the third son of Marshal Thales, Grilllock, and the latest owner of Blue Stone Castle. He is only sixteen years old this year, and he has just been on the throne for one year.

Because of the serious injuries, Grillouk's face was as pale as paper, and he almost lost consciousness. Although his big eyes were open, the spirit in them had almost disappeared.

After a while, three Priests of the Temple of War wearing red trim and white robes rushed up to the city wall led by a man in a dark blue uniform.

"Put the castle owner on the ground quickly! Tent, quickly set up a tent to protect the castle owner from the wind!" The priest who rushed to the front roared as soon as he arrived. He is the Patriarch of the Temple of War and has a high prestige. No one can challenge his authority.

The soldiers immediately complied, and within a minute, a marching tent was set up, and the priest had already rushed into the tent and began to treat Grilock's injuries.

Soon, there was already a large circle of people outside the tent. Five minutes later, a woman with gray temples was escorted by several elite guards to the high wall. As soon as she came, the soldiers on the high wall He automatically made way for her.

This woman is none other than Marshal Thales' widow, Madam Trisley.

Ten years ago, she was still a graceful woman, living a carefree, peaceful and peaceful life, but all the happiness has ended with the death of her husband. Today, ten years later, the tormented woman is obviously old, with more gray hair and obvious wrinkles on her forehead.

At this time, her face was as pale as paper, with tears in the corners of her eyes. As soon as she came, she asked the man in the dark blue uniform: "Gederson, how is the castle master?"

Godolphin is the general manager of Bluestone Castle. He is responsible for managing the civil and government affairs in the castle, and at the same time gives some suggestions to the castle owner.

Ten years ago, he was responsible for the construction of the Bluestone Castle, and he managed the Bluestone Castle in an orderly manner without making any mistakes. He is a very wise middle-aged man and has been deeply relied on by the castle owners of all generations.

His complexion was also extremely ugly. He was silent for a long time before shaking his head: "Ma'am, it's hard to say."

Mrs. Trisley's body shook and she almost fell down. Fortunately, a girl in a blue skirt beside her reached out to support her in time. The girl comforted her in a low voice: "Mother, brother will be fine."

This girl is Weiwei, the youngest daughter of Marshal Thales. She is fourteen years old and has grown into a beautiful girl.

The little girl who grew up in adversity was precocious, and she knew deeply what it meant for her brother to die in battle. The death of the only adult male in the Thales family will lead to the complete decline of the family.

"Brother, you must survive!" Although she was extremely anxious, the girl tried her best not to let it show, because she still had to take care of her mother.

The lady closed her eyes in pain, and silently prayed to the goddess of life she believed in, hoping that the goddess could hear her voice and not let her experience the pain of bereavement for the third time.

Ten years ago, her husband died, six years ago, her eldest son died in battle, and three years ago, her second son also died in battle. Could it be that her third son is also going to... She is no longer Dare to think about it.

"God, when will our family's bad luck end?" Madam thought painfully.

At this moment, she suddenly felt heart palpitations, as if her soul had been torn off by force. She raised her head as if feeling something, and saw that the curtain of the tent in front of her had been lifted, and the Patriarch left. He came out with blood on his hands, and without saying a word, he just shook his head.

The madam felt her eyes go dark, and she fainted to the ground amidst the exclamation. The elite soldiers who escorted her to the high wall immediately brought a stretcher, and accompanied by a priest, they sent the madam back to the castle.

The patriarch washed his hands and explained the situation to the chief steward Gedolphin: "The wound on the castle master's shoulder caused him to lose too much blood, but it was not a fatal injury. The real fatality was the metal shrapnel inserted above his chest, It damaged his heart and robbed him of all life....it took too long and there was nothing I could do."

Godolphin's face was heavy, and he said in pain: "The Marshal is an invincible god of war, why did his family suffer such bad luck?! Could it be that God is jealous of him?"

He watched Thales' sons grow up, one by one, from infants to adults, and finally died in battle at a young age. He experienced it all himself. This kind of heartache is indescribable.

"Be careful, Gedolphin, God will not be jealous of a mortal, mortals are His people, and a father will not be jealous of his son's achievements." The Patriarch warned solemnly.

Godolphin knew he had slipped, and he bowed to the Patriarch to apologize.

Grilock died in battle again, leaving only the last descendant of Thales, and that was the marshal's posthumous youngest son, Verando, who just turned ten years old this year.

Thinking of the boy with the black eyes, Godolphin lifted his spirits slightly: "Fortunately, the Marshal's blood has not been cut off yet!"

But he was full of worry immediately: "But, Verando is too young."

The soldiers of Blue Stone Fort are unruly, the generals are fierce, and there are powerful enemies around Wild Wolf Fort. It is impossible without a strong commander.

Grilock died in battle, whether the withered Thales family can continue to rule Bluestone Castle, and whether the various commanders will recognize Verandu as their leader is hard to say.

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