Legendary Hero

Chapter 522 The longest night (1)

Bluestone Fort.

When the owner of the fortress, Gerrylock, died of serious injuries on the city wall, Rollin...it should be said that the current Verandu was practicing musket marksmanship on the shooting range behind the fortress.

It has been developed for more than 30 years, and Allen has been constantly pointing out the maze in the early stage, which has given the race a very complete basic theory. Years of development have accumulated a lot of practical experience, especially the musket craft, which has matured to the point of An extreme.

It is similar to the principle of the earth guns and goblin muskets, but it is a unique method when it falls on the real thing.

"Bang bang bang" Luo Lin fired continuously. There were six bullets in the small revolver in his hand, and he poured them clean in one go. The recoil of the musket made his wrist slightly numb.

Almost at the same time, clear bullet holes appeared on the paper target that was moving irregularly and at high speed eighty meters away, and each bullet hole was on the forehead and between the eyebrows without any error.

The bullets have been fired. Luo Lin turned on the wheel and started to load the bullets one by one. His movements are not fast, but there is absolutely no unnecessary movement. If someone records with a timer, he can find that he loaded each bullet. The time spent is the same. Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, they can only see the smooth and flowing movements.

Two seconds later, the bullet was loaded, and there was a soft 'click', and Luo Lin reloaded the gun, ready to continue practicing spear skills.

One advantage of human muskets is that the barrel can be used for a long time. There are two reasons. One is the precise control of the fire magic power. The fire magic power is rarely wasted. For example, now, six bullets are fired at high speed. Just lukewarm. The second is that there is no rifling, and all guns are smoothbore, but the bullet will still rotate at a high speed after being ejected from the chamber. What realizes the rotation is the spiral magic rune in the barrel, which greatly reduces the wear of the bullet on the barrel.

And he learned spear skills, of course, not to go to the battlefield and fight people desperately, but to give himself an extra bargaining chip for self-protection.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger and shoot, Luo Lin heard some noise coming from the exit of the shooting range, frowned slightly, and turned his head to look, only to see Godolphin, the head of the fortress, walking over with a few servants.

Seeing this situation, Luo Lin's heart moved, and he said to the guard beside him: "Go and ask, what happened?"

"Yes, master." The guard saluted Luo Lin meticulously. He was responsible for protecting and maintaining the safety of Master Lando, and followed him at least twelve hours a day. In his eyes, the castle master's younger brother is very easy-going and usually loves to laugh, but he has an unspeakable power that makes it difficult to treat him as an immature child.

‘The son of Marshal Thales is indeed different from ordinary people. "This is how the guard explained it.

Then, he raised the musket in his hand, pointed the muzzle at the ground, and walked towards the housekeeper Godolphin slowly. After more than ten meters away, he shouted: "My lord, what's the matter? The young master is practicing the firearm." , if it’s not important, let’s talk about it later.”

Griffin glanced at Verandu behind the guard, and saw that the young master who had just turned ten was already 1.6 meters tall, about the same size as an average adult. Fired his musket repeatedly, without even looking at him.

His appearance immediately reminded Griffin of the rules of Blue Stone Castle. Strictly speaking, it was already rude for him to rush in with his servants. He hastily corrected his attitude and said, "Go and report to Verando." Young master, just say something happened to the castle owner, Madam told him to go back quickly."

Something happened to the owner of the castle. In these years, an accident is basically tantamount to death in battle. The guard was also shocked, but he did not forget his duty, and continued to ask: "Did you bring Madam's personal letter?"

The manager was startled, and then remembered that there was indeed such a rule in Bluestone Castle, it was a means to prevent traitors from making trouble, and it was also a lesson learned from the assassination of Marshal Thales. In Bluestone Fort, no one would believe you if you just pass a message, and then obediently follow you. However, most of these rules apply to the lower levels, and high-level members of the fortress like Godolphin have never made such requests.

"There is no letter. The lady is too sad, and she only confesses verbally, so I can't write a letter." Godolphin said truthfully.

"Then you wait. I'll go and report." Jin Wei didn't overbearing, he ordered a word, and ran back to the shooting range to ask his young master's opinion.

After a while, the guards ran back and gave Godolphin a military salute: "The young master said he knew, let you go back first, and he will arrive later."

"Aren't you with us?" Godolphin was a little strange, he keenly felt that Master Verandu didn't trust him very much.

"No, the young master said, now is an extraordinary period, and your goals are too big, your whereabouts are too obvious, it is not a good thing to be with you."

Hearing this, Godolphin was puzzled at first, but he quickly recalled it, and then his heart was shaken. He remembered the tragedy of Marshal Thales that day, and then he fully understood.

Now that the owner of the castle is seriously injured and died, this young master Verandu has become the only legal heir of the owner of the castle. Be the first to strike first.

If not guarded against, the Marshal's tragedy repeat is not impossible.

Feeling ashamed, Godolphin bowed to Master Verandu in the distance, and then retreated from the shooting range.

As soon as he left, Luo Lin said to another guard beside him: "Nolan, go and follow them quietly. See if there are any special people along the way. If there are, I want to know who is standing behind these people. Remember Hold on, don't expose yourself unless you have to."

"Yes, master." The guard was wearing a very ordinary leather armor, dressed like a mercenary, he was extremely agile, and quickly went out from another small door of the shooting range, and rode a human turbine, Walking through the alleys silently, he quietly followed the mechanical carriage of Chief Gedolphin.

"Brighton, let's go back." Rowling said to the guard who sent him the message.

He has two guards, Nolan and Brighton, who were selected by him through observation. Since childhood, he has subtly influenced the two of them at the spiritual level. Up to now, it is basically impossible for these two to betray him. , is his most reliable right-hand man.

Of course, it is only the most reliable, not absolutely reliable, Rowling is always prepared to be betrayed by the closest person.

Just because his opponent is Romilson, the unfathomable Lord of Darkness.

In the past ten years, from childhood to adulthood, he has experienced hundreds of assassinations, and the mastermind behind one assassination was even his brother Greelock who had just died.

This is enough to explain the danger of this mission.

The guards walked beside Luo Lin, while other ordinary guards surrounded Luo Lin. There is a small detail here, that is, the color tone of Luo Lin's clothes is the same as that of his guards, and there are only some differences in some small details. And all of them are wearing hats.

This little trick is quite useful, and it can make it impossible for potential opponents to tell who is the real target in a short time.

Walking to the side door of the shooting range, the guard Brighton signaled to the other ordinary guards. A dozen guards immediately took a step ahead and walked up to Rowling. One of them took the first step, opened the door, and walked out first.

As soon as he took two steps, he heard a soft 'bang', and immediately a dent appeared on the anti-magic metal armor worn by the guard, and a flattened bullet was stuck in the crater, and the guard Shocked by the force of the bullet, he spat out a mouthful of blood. He was knocked back a few steps and fell to the ground.

Brighton was not surprised. He immediately judged some basic information about the opponent: "It's a sniper, using the third-generation Black Hawk sniper rifle with a range of 300 to 400 meters. The opponent is hiding on a high wall."

After deducing this information, Brighton waved his hands to the three guards beside him, and issued different orders with gestures.

Moments later, the two guards rushed out the door and walked towards the high wall. The third guard ran up to the tower next to the shooting range, took out the Sagittarius 15th generation musket, and began to scan the assassin hiding on the high wall.

The guards didn't keep Luo Lin waiting for a long time. About three minutes later, the guards on the tower opened fire. There was a crisp sound of 'snap', and a man dressed as a soldier fell to the ground on the high wall of the guards. His legs were beaten. One shot, no death.

This guy wanted to commit suicide immediately, but the other two guards had spotted him a long time ago, rushed out and subdued him.

Then Brighton said, "Master, get in the car."

While the magical power of the 'hissing' sounded softly, three identical mechanical carriages made of heavy steel drove over, and Luo Lin randomly got on one, and the convoy started, changing the order several times on the way. After about five minutes, the convoy drove away. Entered the fort garden and stopped at the gate of the Taylors family manor.

A guard got out of the car first and opened an umbrella for Luo Lin. Then Luo Lin got out of the car and walked all the way into the hall of the manor villa.

In the past, when this physical third brother was still the owner of the castle, Luo Lin would be disarmed when he entered the manor. This time, the manor guards still habitually came to get the revolver on Rollin's belt.

Luo Lin glared at him, the guard jumped in fright, and then realized that the situation had changed, he withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

Manager Godolphin has already arrived at the manor. When he saw Luo Lin, he immediately greeted him and asked, "Master, madam wants to see you."

"En." Rollin nodded, and waved to Brighton, who followed closely behind him, walking all the way to Marshal Taylor's wife's room.

Mrs. Trisley is Luo Lin's physical mother. She is just an ordinary woman. After seeing Luo Lin, she cried and told him to pay attention to safety. His elder sister Weiwei in this physical body should appear stronger, but it is also very limited.

In short, at this time, Luo Lin, that is, Master Verandu, became the last hope of the Thales family.

Luo Lin listened patiently and accompanied her until she finally fell asleep. He said to his sister, "Take good care of your mother."

Weiwei nodded slightly. It could be seen from the girl's eyes that she was full of hesitation and uncertainty about the future. She couldn't find a sense of security from anyone around her.

This is not a problem that can be solved in a short time, and Luo Lin can't do anything about it. After exiting the room, he regained his calm mood.

The manager, Godolphin, was already waiting at the door, and greeted him, "Young master, time is running out, it's time to succeed."

In these troubled times, a fort cannot be left without an owner, and any ritual of mourning the dead will be omitted. Luo Lin knew this, he thought for a while, and said, "Go and prepare, I will succeed tomorrow!"

"Yes." Godolphin was surprised by the calmness of the ten-year-old child, but it was a good thing, and he immediately went to prepare.

Rowling immediately said to Brighton: "Come on, let's meet that assassin and see who is the mouse in the fortress."

He knew that the Thales family was facing internal and external troubles at this moment, but the foreign troubles Night Wolf Castle had just fought hard against Blue Stone Castle, and now they should retreat to heal their wounds.

However, the news that the owner of Bluestone Castle was killed cannot be concealed, and it will be known to the opponent soon, so Night Wolf Castle will definitely attack desperately while Bluestone Castle has no owner.

Therefore, there is not much time left for Luo Lin to suppress the internal troubles and cleanse the internal thieves, every minute is very precious, and from now to tomorrow's succession ceremony, the residents in Blue Stone Castle will experience the longest night !

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