Legendary Hero

Chapter 523 The longest night (2)

Inside the fortress, the castle owner's manor.

Greelock died in battle, and the highest user of the manor automatically became Rollin. There was a stone house with red oil paint on the side of the manor. It was named because of its shape, and it was called the Red Stone House.

The basement of the stone house is the interrogation room.

Rowling arrived here with his guard Brighton and a few guards. After seeing the previously captured assassin, he asked the interrogator: "Have you found out who it is?"

"Young master, he is under the command of Griman." The interrogator said respectfully. This man has been engaged in such shady activities for a long time, and his body is full of gloom. When he spoke, his voice seemed chilly.

"Griman?" Rollin looked at the assassin who had been tortured to the point of death, and the assassin nodded immediately, and said weakly, "Yes, it was Griman, he asked me to come."

Griman is one of the three commanders of the fortress, and his status is very high. If he wants to betray, Bluestone Fortress will definitely suffer serious damage.

However, Luo Lin has reservations about the assassin's answer. The reason is very simple. The assassin had intended to commit suicide before, and he was obviously a dead man. The name he confided at this time is very likely to be used by the master behind him to attack the opponent. means. If he is credulous, he will definitely pay a huge price.

However, Luo Lin did not reveal this level of consideration on the surface. His physical body is only ten years old, and there is still a lot of childishness left on his face. At this moment, his face showed extreme anger, and he said with hatred: " Griman, you damn bastard, you betrayed me! I want to see if you can survive tonight!"

When he was speaking harshly, Luo Lin kept paying attention to the assassin from the corner of his eye. He saw that when he said that, the assassin breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had completed some task, and his whole body was always The tense energy became slack.

Luo Lin's observation ability is very strong, especially after he became a god, it has become an instinct to observe minute details. Although this physical body is limited by strength, this ability is still far beyond that of ordinary people.

Seeing this subtle change in the assassin, he immediately turned around, took the interrogator's whip in his hand, and whipped it towards the assassin with all his strength.

'Snapped! With a sound, the assassin's body was spattered with blood and flesh, and he couldn't help screaming. Then Luo Lin stepped forward, reached out and squeezed the assassin's chin tightly, looking directly into the other's eyes, hehe sneered: "It's not Gerry!" Man, right? Huh!"

This sudden change made the assassin lose his guard. Although he didn't make a sound, his pupils shrank sharply, showing a look of horror, obviously Luo Lin guessed it.

"Don't worry. I won't ask you any more answers, because I don't believe you." Luo Lin didn't give the assassin a chance to spread rumors, he let go, and said to the interrogator: "Look at him, don't let him die gone."

"Yes, Castle Master." The interrogator wisely changed his address.

"Let's go." Luo Lin turned and left the dark place full of blood. There are no useful clues for him here. In fact, the only purpose of this assassin's life is to make the snake in the dark afraid.

There are three commanders in Bluestone Castle, namely Griman, Dante, and Hofster.

The responsibilities of these three people are different. Griman is in charge of fort defense, Dante is in charge of patrolling the territory, and Hofstedt is in charge of commanding the most elite team, following the lord of the castle to expel intruders, such as the Wolf Castle closest to them. intruder.

In the past ten years, although Luo Lin was a young boy with no status, he did not do nothing. Apart from practicing spear skills and accumulating loyal subordinates, the biggest thing he did was to observe the core members in Bluestone Fort.

He can now be sure that there is no problem with these three commanders, they are all loyal people.

What the poisonous snake behind the scenes wanted to do was to sow discord between him and the commander of the army, cut off his left and right arms, and let him cripple himself in martial arts.

This abacus is pretty good. If his suspicious third brother Grilock first took office, it would probably cause a lot of trouble.

But he wasn't Greelock.

After leaving the Redstone House, Luo Lin called to a guard and said, "Send my order to the three commanders and ask them to meet me in the Hall of Lions."

At this critical moment, he must appease these commanders and prevent them from causing discord. Because no matter how loyal a person is, he will choose to protect himself when it comes to his core interests.

"Yes, Castle Master!" The guards were about to take orders and leave.

"Wait!" Luo Lin called out to the guard at the end: "Come back! You don't have to go."

Because of the influence of the Lord of Darkness, anything could go wrong, and if the guard passed on his orders, it might make the commanders realize that the big thing is not good, and that is to force them against them.

At this time and in this situation, it's better to be quiet than to move. Small moves and small mistakes, big moves and big mistakes, maybe in the end he will collapse his own territory.

Luo Lin thought carefully for a while, and then said, "Let's go, let's go back to the manor."

He believed that at such a moment, the three commanders would all have eyeliners on the manor, and his every move would be monitored. If he returned to the manor and did not move any troops, they would not trigger their sensitive nerves. Not much will happen.

After returning to the manor, Luo Lin waited patiently in the bedroom where he used to stay when he was a child.

The manager has already returned to the manor, but his other guard, Nolan, has not returned yet. He must have discovered something. Whether he can find new clues about the viper behind the scenes lies on Nolan.

Nolan didn't keep Rollin waiting. He came back around six o'clock in the afternoon. When he arrived in Rollin's room, he reported his discovery in a low voice: "Fortress Lord, there is a problem with the Tianyi tailor shop in the fortress. I followed it. People eventually disappeared in this tailor shop. I observed from a distance and found that although their shop assistants seemed normal, they communicated with gestures similar to code words."

"Tianyi Tailor?" Luo Lin tapped his fingers on the table lightly. He knew that this tailor shop had excellent craftsmanship. The clothes of officials and wealthy businessmen in the fortress were all custom-made in this shop, even his clothes. All from the work of the master tailor of this shop.

Because of this, the tailors in this shop have the freedom to enter the homes of various dignitaries and nobles, because they want to measure people... Thinking of this, Luo Lin was terrified. Don't you have a clear picture of the upper class of the society?

What was even more frightening was that Luo Lin still remembered that before he went to the shooting range, a tailor from Tianyi Tailor had just measured him, so he knew he was going to the shooting range.

Rowling was almost sure of the problem. He thought for a while and said, "Go, call Brighton, and you two will go find Commander Gerryman with me!"

"Castle Master, will there be too few people? In case Commander Grimman has any ideas..." Nolan persuaded tactfully.

"There will be problems if you bring too much. Let's go quietly!" Luo Lin patted his revolver: "I think my spear skills should be able to deal with some accidents."

Of course Nolan knew about the spear skills of this young and excessive castle owner, so he felt relieved and stopped persuading him.

Soon, the three of them set off from the back door of the manor and walked towards the guard camp led by Gerryman.


Guard camp.

Up to now, the Lord Grillock has been killed in battle for more than three hours. During these three hours, the interior of the Bluestone Fortress was calm and there was no abnormality.

But calmness is only the atmosphere felt by ordinary people. For Commander Griman, many things happened in the past three hours or so that made his heart skip a beat.

The most frightening thing was that a guard reported to him that an assassin had assassinated Master Verandu on the high wall of the fortress. As a result, the assassin was caught on the spot, or captured alive, and brought into the red stone house in the castle owner's manor.

One must know that he was in charge of the internal defense of the fortress. Now that an assassin appeared, the one who assassinated was the future fortress owner. He was most responsible, which was serious dereliction of duty.

Time passed by, and there was no movement in the fortress, which made him feel at ease, but at the same time, he also felt tremendous pressure.

He had already decided in his heart that if there was any movement from the guards in the manor, it would most likely be aimed at him. At this time when the old and new castle owners are changing, the new castle owner may choose to kill to vent his anger on impulse.

If the new castellan was older, he would not have such worries, but he is only ten years old, what can he know?

Just in case, he had to deal with it, and he also had to deal with it. Although the former owner of the castle, Grillock, treated him fairly well, he had his own family, and he had to think about the future of the family.

How to deal with it?

Griman already had an answer in his heart. He was just the commander of the guards and could not fight against the guards. He himself has no ambitions, he just wants everything to be safe. But he still has some die-hard loyalists, and the net is broken. He took one or two airships and took refuge in Wild Wolf Castle, but there was no problem at all.

Just now, his deputy, Govan, had advised him to make preparations, because someone saw Master Verandu entering the Redstone House. Obviously, this must be some important news from the assassin in the Redstone House.

"What news will it be?" Griman didn't know, he was in a state of panic.

Just when he was almost out of breath due to the invisible pressure, a guard suddenly came to report: "Commander, the Castle Master is here."

"The castle owner? Which castle owner?" Griman didn't realize it for a moment. Isn't the castle owner dead?

"It's the master of Castle Verandu." The guard said, although there was no formal succession ceremony, all the soldiers had tacitly accepted that Verandu was the master, because he was the only surviving son of the great Marshal Thales.

Although Verando was a posthumous child, it is actually not very clear to say it, but no one doubts this, because Verando's appearance is 70% like that of the deceased Marshal Thales, so there is no doubt at all.

It was also because of Marshal Thales' remaining prestige that Griman couldn't have any thoughts, because most of his soldiers were loyal to Marshal Thales, and he could only get a small number of people to join him at most.

"He brought the soldiers here?" Griman stood up suddenly, his face pale.

"No, I just brought two guards." The guard said.

"Ah? Okay, hurry up, welcome!" Griman immediately felt the pressure in his heart dissipate.

The fact that only three people came showed that Verando had no intention of embarrassing him. For the assassination, he would at most just reprimand him, and perhaps punish him, but this was the punishment that should be given. He did make a mistake, he admitted it.

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