Legendary Hero

Chapter 524 The Longest Night (3)

Griman has a good stature, 1.8 meters tall, with tangled muscles and a weight of more than 150. In the eyes of the people of the halfling era, this is enough to be called a giant, but the human soldiers in the Holy Land today only Can be above average.

In less than half a minute after Luo Lin arrived at the guard camp, Griman greeted him. His attitude was very respectful. He didn't have any weapons on his body, and the epaulets representing the rank of commander were all taken off, leaving his shoulders bare.

"Castle Master, Griman is incompetent and let assassins infiltrate the fortress. I'm ashamed to be the commander of the guards anymore." His face was full of guilt.

Luo Lin laughed secretly in his heart, this guy can act. However, he also knew that this was an expression of loyalty from the other party, and that he handed over the power of disposal to Luo Lin, which meant that he did not have any careful thoughts and recognized the legitimacy of Luo Lin's succession.

This is the time to employ people, and of course Luo Lin would not be foolish enough to change players on the spot.

He has a serious face, although because of his young age, the deterrent effect of this expression is not great, but Griman still did not dare to speak out: "The assassin is a dead man, but after the severe punishment, he still confessed some things, guess what he did?" explain?"

Rollins stared at Griman closely.

Griman felt that there was a huge oppressive force in this gaze, and the sweat oozed from his forehead, his heart was beating violently, and he stammered, "Master, I can't guess."

"He said you, Griman, ordered it." Rollin pressed his hand on the revolver at his waist. If necessary, he could draw the gun and fire six shots in a row within 0.5 seconds. This is the result of years of training.

Griman was already in a panic. He hadn't expected this ten-year-old child to put him under such pressure. In his previous impression, Verando seemed to be an unknown child, and there was no rumor that he had done anything unique. But now, he had the illusion that there was a beast standing in front of him, which made him lose his normal judgment.

"No, Castle Master, I didn't do it! How could I do this! My old Griman has always been loyal to the Thales family, and I will never do such a thing. If I did it, how would I explain to the marshal? "Griman shouted loudly. He felt that his legs were weak and he could hardly stand up. Sweat continued to seep from his back.

Seeing that he was almost scared, Luo Lin slowed down his expression, nodded and said, "I thought so too, so I didn't believe him."

'Huh' Griman took a long breath, feeling that the heavy burden on his back was lifted, and his whole body relaxed.

"Castle Master..." He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it, and he got stuck for a while.

Rollin took the epaulettes from Griman, and clasped his shoulders with his own hands, then reached out and patted him, saying, "Come in with me, I have something to tell you!"

"Yes." Griman instinctively gave a military salute, then obediently followed Rollin and walked into the barracks.

When they arrived at the barracks, Luo Lin waved to the guards and said, "You all go out, Commander Grimman and I have something to say. You two also go out, don't let anyone come in and disturb you."

The guards in the room were all Griman's subordinates, including Griman's diehard loyalists, but they had all witnessed the majesty of the new castle lord just now, so they didn't dare to say anything at this time, and they didn't even dare to look at Griman. He walked out of the house without saying a word.

Soon, only Rollin and Griman were left in the room.

For some reason, Griman found himself feeling uneasy. He was nearly forty years old, and he was frightened and had to be cautious in front of a ten-year-old child. It is unbelievable to think about it, but the pressure is real. exist, Griman tried to shake off, but could not.

"Commander Griman, sit down." A voice came from next to his ear, Griman looked up, and found that the young Lord of the new castle had already sat in his usual seat, and was pointing to a chair beside him.

Griman hurried over and sat down.

"The situation in Bluestone Castle is very dangerous, you must be able to sense it, right?" Luo Lin asked.

Griman nodded: "Yes, once Wild Wolf Fort knows that the master of Fort Gerrylock has died in battle, it will definitely attack desperately. We only have three days at most to prepare."

"Indeed." Rowling agreed with Griman's deduction that this leader still has some skills.

He slowly said: "My father fought all his life, and the victory has always been with him. My family has a rough fate, and now I am the only one left, but even so, I still don't want to shame my father's reputation. I am determined to Restoring my father's glory, but I can't do it alone, I need help, are you willing to help me?"

Griman thought of the invincible Marshal Thales. He used to follow the marshal to fight in the abyss. When he thought of the figure like a god of war, and looked at the face of the young man in front of him, which was very similar to the marshal, his heart felt hot and he couldn't help rushing. Out of the mouth: "Master, I, Griman, swear to follow in your footsteps!"

"Okay!" Rowling lifted his spirits slightly. It seemed that he had read the right person. Although this Griman had a conservative personality, he still had loyalty to Thales in his heart, which was very good.

"I got a message that there is a problem in the Tianyi tailor shop in the fortress, which may be related to the assassins. You know, the guards have to guard the Lion Manor, so I need your guards now. "

As soon as these words came out, Griman's spirit suddenly lifted. The Lord of the new castle needed his help. This was not a verbal statement, but a real action, which showed that the other party trusted him.

He immediately said: "I'm going to organize the manpower now."

"Don't mess it up, I need to find out the inside story alive."

"Absolutely not, don't worry, Castle Master." Griman has experience in this matter, and he answered very confidently.

"Then you go do it."

"Yes." Griman went out in high spirits. After a while, the guards moved out and surrounded Tianyi Tailor.

The door of the barracks opened, Luo Lin walked out, and said to the two confidantes at the door: "Come on, let's go and have a look."

It was already half past six in the afternoon. It was winter, the days were short and the nights were long. A vague shadow, like a predator lurking in the night.

Luo Lin led his bodyguards to follow not far behind the guards. After walking for more than a hundred meters, a black shadow came over in the dark night. It was Luo Lin's bodyguards. There were about 30 people. They took Luo Lin Guard in the middle.

Luo Lin was very cautious, held up an umbrella, and hid under the umbrella to watch the situation ahead.

Soon, there was a shout of anger in the dark night, and then the guards rushed into the Tianyi tailor shop one by one. After a while, there were shouts of anger inside, followed by several gunshots, and then a tragic attack. There were not many screams and gunshots, and they stopped soon. It should have been done.

This is normal, it's just a small tailor shop, and the commander of the first army will go out in person. If the opponent still makes money, then the commander will be the end.

In the dark night, Rowling heard Griman curse a few times, and seemed to have discovered something unexpected. After a while, he returned to the barracks, and the soldiers behind him escorted a dozen tailors and carried With a long wooden box.

When Griman arrived, Rowling stopped him: "Commander Griman, what did you find?"

Griman was startled, and immediately stepped forward, first gave a military salute to Luo Lin, and then waved to the soldiers behind him: "Bring me up, and the box."

Let’s not look at people, but look at things, the box is opened, and there are three high-precision sniper rifles inside, all of which are contraband for the fortress. There was a stack of ledgers stuffed beside the musket. Luo Lin looked through them and found that they were all written in code words. The specific code words had to be pried out from the mouths of these prisoners.

Rollins patted Griman on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Castle Master, this is my dereliction of duty, please punish me!" Griman said solemnly, the inside of the fortress is not big, but such a big mess happened, he, the defense commander, couldn't justify it.

"Punishment will be left in advance. I will formally succeed to the throne tomorrow. During this period of time, I need the absolute safety of the fortress, and there must be no turmoil. Can you do it?" Rowling stared into Griman's eyes.

"Yes!" Griman responded loudly. The young master Verandu in front of him reminded him of Marshal Thales, just as decisive and as powerful. The similar look and feel made him feel as if he had returned to the past, and he couldn't help responding to Rollin in the same way he responded to the marshal.

"Okay." Rowling waved at Griman's soldiers and ordered: "Take all these people to the Redstone House for interrogation, and clean the fortress tonight!"

The soldiers immediately turned around and escorted the prisoners one by one to the red stone house. In the red stone room, the gloomy interrogator looked at these guys with a serious smile on his face, as if he was looking at lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Luo Lin didn't watch this guy's bloody interrogation. He waited patiently outside the redstone house. In the middle of the night, the result came out. The interrogator handed him the deciphered codebook with a bloody body. There was a list in it. There are more than 50 names of the bribed people in Bluestone Fort and the territory, including officials, soldiers, and businessmen, almost all over the entire territory, and more than 20 of them have infiltrated into Bluestone Fortress.

What surprised Rowling even more was that the real mastermind behind the scenes was not Wild Wolf Fort, but the fleeing Brotherhood of Kings who was beaten by General Gudanke.

"The Brotherhood of the King, entered and degenerated into the Assassin Organization." Rollin sighed secretly, looking at the list in his hand, the most shocking guy was a combat airship captain named 'Singer', Fort Gerrylock The airship on which the main battle died belonged to him.

That is to say, his eldest brother was not really killed in battle, but was assassinated. No wonder his injuries made even the Mu capital helpless.

Luo Lin waved the list, and said to Nolan next to him, "Take this list, make multiple copies, and announce it to the whole city tomorrow. Also, go and tell Griman that I hope to see all the traitors in the city tomorrow." His head is hung next to the list board."

"Yes!" Nolan took the order and left.

Rollin turned to Brighton again and said, "Take my magic seal, hand over the transcribed list to Hofster and Dante, and tell them not to let anyone on the list go, but only Kill the people on the list, don't implicate the innocent."

Hofstedt and Dante are the other two commanders of Bluestone Fort. Only by consolidating their strength can they eliminate all King Brotherhood forces in his territory in the fastest time.

Brighton solemnly accepted Rowling's seal and took the order to leave.

Seeing the figures of the two disappear into the darkness, Luo Lin looked up at the dark sky without a single star, and sighed: "It seems that a lot of blood will be shed tonight."

If he has already mastered a lot of power and has a lot of cards in his hands, he may choose to negotiate with the Brotherhood of Kings to resolve the matter relatively peacefully, and even benefit from it.

But it is not possible now, he has not yet become the castle owner, and he is too young, so he is naturally not trusted.

At this time, he must use iron and blood methods to show a tough attitude, so that the Brotherhood of Kings will have more concerns when planning to assassinate him in the future, and weigh the price that will be paid after the assassination fails. At the same time, he also wants to use this action to let the people in his territory realize his strength and will.

In this troubled world, what people need is a strong and iron-blooded commander, not a benevolent monarch.

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