Legendary Hero

Chapter 525 Yangmou

That night, the residents in Bluestone Castle felt the oppressive atmosphere in the castle.

The dull footsteps outside the window from time to time, the occasional sporadic gunfire, and the hesitation caused by the death of the Lord Grillock just now, most of the residents in the castle felt a sense of despair.

Will the sun still be warm tomorrow?

Will Bluestone Castle still be safe tomorrow?

Tomorrow, will the heroic Thales family still be the leaders of Blue Stone Castle?

Most people don't know that many people are silently praying to the God of War, praying that the God of War can take care of his people, praying that the God of War can calm the war on the earth, and let the once rich holy land return.

In the midst of this anxious waiting, dawn dawned.

When the first ray of sunlight hit the fortress, dispelling the darkness that hovered inside the fortress, there were a large number of soldiers riding rickshaws in the streets and alleys to spread the news.

The hoarse voice of the soldier continued to spread in the air inside the castle: "Wilandu, the son of the marshal, is about to succeed to the throne, and the coronation ceremony will be held in the Temple of War!"

Wilando, the fourth son of Marshal Thales, is only ten years old. More than 5,000 residents in Blue Stone Castle know the news.

A ten-year-old child was able to announce his succession the day after the death of Lord Gleelock Castle, which greatly exceeded the expectations of some interested people.

Many people thought that the death of the master of Fort Grelot would be a catastrophe for Bluestone Fort. Even if Bluestone Fort wouldn't collapse because of this disaster, it would at least be in chaos for a while, but they didn't expect it to be safe the next day .

After a while, the official document on the bulletin board of the fortress and more than 20 heads piled up next to it were discovered, which caused an uproar.

More and more people gathered around the bulletin board, looked at the official documents, and at the same time pointed to the heads of the people beside the board.

Someone praised: "I don't know which adult in the castle came up with the idea. This move is really powerful. This Lowe has a gloomy face. I have long seen that he has problems."

Some people were horrified by this method: "The new castle owner seems to be much more ruthless than the Gleelock castle owner."

In the crowd, there was even more conscientious person with horror in their eyes: "I missed my eyes, I didn't expect the fourth son who has been keeping a low profile and nameless to be such a ruthless character!"

This contrast makes some caring people regret it.

They all realized that this Verandu was not simple. The moment when the Lord Greelock was killed in battle yesterday was actually the best time to disturb Bluestone Castle. But at this moment, after just one night, the overall situation has been settled, and there is no chance for outsiders to secretly stir up the storm.

This thunderous method shocked some people's hearts.

The news from the soldiers and the traitor's head on the bulletin board caused a large number of residents in the fort to rush towards the Temple of War in the fort.

At this time, a large number of soldiers have been stationed inside and outside the Temple of War. These soldiers not only guarded the entire temple, but also checked all the sniper shooting points within a radius of one mile, especially the high walls of the fortress. Once again, there are more airships constantly patrolling in the sky.

The three commanders of Bluestone Castle all saw the courage of the young castle owner last night, especially Griman, who just made a mistake, spared no effort, wishing to find out the movements of every mouse in the fortress.

He can't make any mistakes anymore, otherwise, even if the castle owner can forgive him again, other colleagues will not tolerate him, and his subordinates will also look down on him. An incompetent person is not worthy of being the commander of Bluestone Castle.

There are already crowds of people outside the Temple of War God, most of the residents in the castle have arrived, and they want to watch the coronation of the new castle master.

This was done on purpose by Luo Lin. Although doing so would increase the possibility of accidents, he is still young, and his age will inevitably be questioned. At this time, he needs such an opportunity to show himself.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, when the sun filled every corner of Bluestone Fort, he came out of the manor on a ceremonial mechanical engine, and slowly drove towards the Temple of War along the only avenue in the fort.

Luo Lin stood on this mechanical engine similar to a car. He was dressed in a solemn black military uniform, with the revolver that never left his body pinned to his waist. He held the armrest of the engine with both hands, with a solemn expression on his face.

He didn't smile, nor waved, because his third brother had just died in battle, and what he needed most at this time was to walk in a solemn manner.

This trip ceremony is not only a coronation, but also a memory of the brothers who died in battle.

Although he is only ten years old, he is already 1.6 meters tall. Although his face is young, it already resembles Marshal Thales ten years ago, especially when his face is tense now, the natural majesty is exactly the same .

For a moment, the surrounding residents forgot to cheer. They felt a kind of spiritual pressure from the well-formed soldiers and the ten-year-old boy.

The mechanical turbine roared softly, rolled over the ground, and drove towards the Temple of War God. The wind blew the hair of the young new castellan and the military uniform on his body, as if it was baptizing him.

It wasn't until the mechanical engine that Luo Lin was riding drove away that a middle-aged man in the crowd whispered: "It's really strange, just now I thought it was Marshal Thales sitting in the car!"

"Nonsense, Verando is the son of the marshal!"

"The Lord of the new castle is different from the Lord of Greelock. There is something sharp about him, which is scary." Someone commented, and he shrank his head, as if he was frightened.

"You coward, you are frightened by the head on the bulletin board." Someone laughed at him: "It's good that the castle master is strong. Do you want our Blue Stone Castle to be bullied?"


In any case, the goal of Rowling's public coronation ceremony this time has been achieved.

Under the aura he deliberately created, most of the residents of Bluestone Castle recognized his succession, and very few people raised doubts because of his ten-year-old age.

In fact, those who were motivated to cause trouble were killed last night.

In the main hall of the God of War Temple, standing under his own statue, Luo Lin lowered his head slightly, and the patriarch of the God of War Temple put the dark golden Serkin diamond-encrusted crown on his forehead with great care.

"May the God of War bless you." The Patriarch recited the prayer of blessing.

Immediately, a beam of golden-red light with a killing aura fell from the void, covering Luo Lin's body in the light.

In the radiance, power continuously poured into Luo Lin's body, strengthening his power.

Of course, this power is not divine power. Luo Lin's physical body has already severed contact with divine power, otherwise it will cause resistance from the source of life.

This is the blessing of holy power, a blessing that every fortress owner who believes in the god of war will receive, similar to the gods before the troubled times and the Warring States period.

This blessing will allow him to have the power of a lizardman, and will allow him to not be corrupted by the rotten breath after entering the abyss of white mist.

When the golden-red brilliance slowly faded, the patriarch said softly, "May the turmoil in the world cease, and may the people of God conquer the abyss."

This sentence is the blessing of the God of War. The Goddess of Life and the Moon God have similar blessings. They all have the same meaning, that is, to hope that the civil war in the Holy Land will end and return to the glorious cause of fighting the abyss together more than ten years ago.

Although the wish is beautiful, the reality is very cruel.

In the past ten years, countless heroes have worked hard to end all of this. Their method is to conquer and compete with each other, trying to conquer everyone and build a unified human kingdom.

So far, no one has succeeded, and the entire land has been plunged into an almost never-ending war.

On the surface, the root cause of the current situation can be described in five words: there are many heroes in the world.

Everyone is a hero, everyone does not fall behind, no one submits to others, everyone strives to win, but no one wins, which wastes the power of the human race in vain.

The lizardman empire in the Land of White Mist seems to be bound by the gods. In the past ten years, they have been sitting on the mountain watching the tigers fight, never actively attacking humans, and not putting pressure on the humans at all, which made a large number of people forget about the danger of the lizard people.

In this troubled world, the human race is looking forward to a true hero!

Rowling knew why such a situation was formed. It was not that mortals had no real heroes, but because the Lord of Darkness would destroy any chance that might change the current balance and chaos through some key accidents.

In this seemingly ordinary situation, there is a terrifying will of the immortal.

No matter how heroic a mortal is, how can he fight against a god who is like fate?

For ten years, Luo Lin has been thinking about how to break the deadlock of the Lord of Darkness, and now he has some countermeasures in his mind.

Against the Lord of Darkness, all kinds of conspiracies are useless, because conspiracy requires luck, and the randomness is too large, which gives the Lord of Darkness a huge room for manipulation. Any accident may destroy the good situation.

You can only use Yangmou!

Yangmou is nothing more than changing the situation, and changing the situation must focus on the overall situation!

Step by step, the stitches are tight, just like silkworms weaving cocoons. One silk thread may be nothing, but a large number of silk threads gather together to form an extremely strong cocoon.

Rollin's first thread was to defeat Wild Wolf Fort.

There are two reasons. First, Wild Wolf Fort is a bad neighbor. If it is not eliminated, Blue Stone Fort will never be stable. Second, Wild Wolf Fort holds a rich iron ore, which is a strategic advantage and must be obtained.

How to defeat Wild Wolf Fort is the most important question for Rollin at the moment.

Thoughts were surging in his mind, but Luo Lin did not forget what was going on. He bowed slightly to the God of War statue and completed the coronation ceremony. At this time, he is the Lord of the new castle.

Then, he turned around and, as the new castellan, escorted the body of his third brother Grilock to the Hall of Valor behind the Temple of War.

This is the place where the castle owners and commanders who died in battle placed their coffins. Thales' body is here, placed in the center of the Hall of Valor. Next to him are his two sons who died in battle. What Rollin has to do now is to place his third son, Greelock, on his right hand.

Watching this scene, the audience was silent.

The Thales family is a new family. There are no more than five males in the direct line. Now four have fallen, and only the last one is left. People have to lament the cruelty of fate.

The Patriarch of the God of War Temple stood behind Verandu, looking at the still thin and immature back of the ten-year-old new castellan, heaved a long sigh in his heart, and prayed silently: "God of War, may you take care of your people, may you Have mercy on the last members of Thales. May you protect the blood of the Thales family forever."

But as soon as he finished praying, Grielock's body hadn't been placed on Rowling's side, Dante, the commander in charge of the territory patrol, strode in and reported to Rowling: "Castle Master, the airship team of Night Wolf Castle The attack is coming, 7 ships are coming, and their entire army is dispatched!"

Come so fast! Luo Lin was startled, and immediately understood that at this moment, the effect of any strategy would fade infinitely, and the most important strategy is to meet on a narrow road and the brave wins.

A real war depends not only on strategy and equipment, but also on the wildness of battle!

Luo Lin stood up suddenly, and ordered in a deep voice: "Get ready to meet the enemy!"

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