Legendary Hero

Chapter 526 Wild Battle (Part 1)

There are also five combat airships in Blue Stone Fort, and these airships have a rough standard specification.

They are 20 meters long, can carry eight crew members, are equipped with solid armor, a high-strength cannon, five rapid-fire cannons, carry tens of thousands of bullets, and are even equipped with a foundation for auxiliary control virtual soul.

At the same time, the combat airship flies fast and turns smoothly in the sky. It is extremely difficult to hit it with heavy firepower on the ground, but it can cause an overwhelming attack advantage against ground forces.

In this troubled world, the combat airship is a strategic killer. Whoever owns more airships will have a stronger airship, a higher status, and a stronger voice.

Wild Wolf Fort dispatched seven combat airships, while Bluestone Fort still had five left, which was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. The owner of Bluestone Fort Greelock has just passed away, and the new owner is only ten years old. People are in panic, and the morale of the soldiers is at a low point. This is the second biggest disadvantage.

The situation is very bad. If you are not careful, Bluestone Castle may be wiped off the map by the other party, and the Thales family will completely cut off the inheritance.

Luo Lin quickly weighed the battle situation, but after much deliberation, he couldn't think of any good solution. The time was too tight, and the opponent was pressing too hard, so he had no chance to make arrangements.

He understands that in the current situation, there is only a fight to the death!

At this time, the three commanders also came to his side, waiting for his decision.

As he walked out of the Temple of War, he issued an order in an orderly manner: "We are the defenders, this is our advantage! Hofstein, you and them are fighting in the air, and I have only one request, never leave the range of the fort's artillery attack!"

"Yes, Castle Master!" Hofstein shouted and went away.



"Go and evacuate the residents in the fortress, and let everyone hide in the underground safety hole!" The battle of the combat airship is very cruel, and the firepower is extremely powerful. Ordinary wooden houses can't protect the bullets of the airship's continuous machine guns. Together, there will be countless casualties.

Any fortress is people-oriented, and if all the people are dead, the fortress will be over.

"Yes!" Griman trotted to carry out the order.

"Dante!" Rollin said to his third commander: "Go to the high wall, pull all the troops, including my guards, to the high wall, set up all the artillery and guns, and support our own airship! We must beat down all those bastards in Wild Wolf Fort!" Luo Lin said viciously.

"Understood!" Dante took the order and left.

The street that was still very lively just now became very chaotic. The soldiers of the guard army kept evacuating people. Some people shouted loudly, some people started to cry, and some children got lost and were looking for their mother. The scene was extremely chaotic.

In this situation, Rowling ordered his guard Brighton: "You take half of the people back to the manor to protect my mother and sister. Remember, if we lose, it means that I have died in battle, and you will ...don't let them be insulted!"

Rollin made a gesture of cutting his throat.

Brighton's eyes immediately turned red. He was an orphan. He begged for food on the street when he was a child. He was hungry and full every day. His life didn't get better until he followed Rollin four years ago, so he was very strange to Rollin. loyalty.

In the past few years, he has never seen his master calm and calm, but he did not expect to say such words at this time, which only shows that this is a real desperate situation.

He only hated himself for not being able to change the situation.

"Why are you crying! Go!" Lin En's eyes were like lightning, full of a wild and terrifying aura like a beast.

Brighton's heart shrank at the sight, he gave a military salute, and took away half of the guards around Rowling.

So far, there were twenty guards around Luo Lin, and Nolan was among them. He turned to the remaining guards and said, "Go, follow me to the high wall!"

He is the owner of the castle now, if he doesn't show his determination to destroy the city and destroy the people, who will fight with him?

When Rollin finally walked up to the high wall, the high wall was already filled with all kinds of heavy weapons, ultra-long-range concentrated guns, anti-aircraft burst guns used to deal with combat airships, long-range artillery, and so on.

The Wolf Castle airship had already appeared in the sky. Judging from the situation, they were still more than 30 kilometers away from the fortress wall, and it would take three minutes to fly here, which was enough for him to boost morale.

Luo Lin decisively jumped into the burlap sacks that the soldiers had piled up for defense.

The warriors on the high wall also noticed his arrival, and they all looked at him quietly. From the eyes of these young warriors, Luo Lin saw fear and retreat.

This is normal, because the opponent has two more airships than them, because their castle master was just killed by the opponent.

Nolan tacitly handed the loudspeaker stone to Luo Lin, and Luo Lin looked at his soldiers and shouted in a voice that sounded like a roar: "I'm here, just say a few words. First, you want to let me go!" Go down the high wall, either win or I will die here. Second, the people in Wild Wolf Fort are all sons of bitches!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Lin looked at his soldiers, and at the five airships that had already taken off in the sky, his eyes were full of evil spirit, no one dared to look at him: "Tell me, are you afraid of Already?!"

"Not afraid!" The soldiers responded sparsely.

"You guys are scared! Even if you yell loudly, you have to draw your tails back! How dare you say you're not afraid?" Luo Lin roared angrily.

"Not afraid!!!" The response this time was earth-shattering.

"Get ready to fight!" Luo Lin jumped off the fortifications, and then drove off the operator on a submachine gun with a rotating base: "Get out of here!"

"Castle Master, this is very dangerous!" The assault artillery fires fiercely, and is often the first target that the opponent's airship will take down.

"There is no safe place on the battlefield!" Luo Lin waved his hand, but still took the special steel helmet handed over by the guard and put it on.

If he dares to sit here, he has the confidence to do so. If the opponent's airship dared to approach him, he would definitely beat the opponent down from the sky!

His actions cheered up the hearts of ordinary sergeants, but the middle-level officers and commanders felt worried, and their thoughts were similar: "Hey, the castle master is still too young and likes to show off. How can he grab such a dangerous man at this time?" Work? "

However, although most of the officers thought so, no one came forward to persuade them, perhaps because of what Luo Lin said just now, or perhaps because of Luo Lin's tough attitude and unruly wildness.

In short, the officers did not dare to speak out against it.

The airship of Wild Wolf Fort was getting closer and closer, and the airship of Blue Stone Fort entered into a fighting state, and began to seize the altitude and attack angle.

Yesterday, the airship of Wild Wolf Fort just had a fight with Bluestone Fort, and their airship was not unscathed, not to mention the armor pits on it, and there are many cracks that have not been repaired completely, just like the airship of Bluestone Fort tattered.

In the most recent airship, Wolf, the owner of Wild Wolf Castle, came in person. He had to come in person, because as the owner of a fortress, it is absolutely impossible to hand over military power to outsiders. If this thing is to be handed over, there will inevitably be a tragic tragedy.

The Thales family of Bluestone Castle is also aware of this point, so the castle owner will personally conquer each time. As a result, three castle owners have been killed in consecutive battles in the past ten years. In fact, Wild Wolf Castle is similar, they are slightly better, and two of them died in battle.

Looking at the high wall in front of him, Wolfe grinned grinningly and said, "It's been ten years, we've fought like this, and today we're finally going to decide the winner!"

He was so happy.

There is also a feud between Wild Wolf Castle and Bluestone Castle. Wolfe's father and elder brother were killed by the artillery fire of Bluestone Castle. Unless one party dies, this deadlock cannot be untied.

Yesterday, under God of War's favor, Greelock was killed by a cannonball. God knows how happy he was when he heard the news. He almost shed tears of joy.

So he attacked with all his strength, and he swore that he would take this opportunity to completely capture Blue Stone Fort!

The airship kept approaching each other, and the situation on the high wall became more and more clear. Wolf pointed to the two rotating assault artillery on the high wall, one left and one right, and said: "Fly closer and use the artillery to kill them!"

These two things on the high wall pose the greatest threat to the airship.

Unexpectedly, the pilot of the airship immediately shook his head: "Master, you can't use artillery. It takes a stable time to launch the artillery, and it is easy to be locked and attacked by the opponent's airship."

"Idiot, then use a submachine gun!" Wolf said angrily.

"Yes, Castle Master!"

At this time, the distance between the two sides was less than 1,000 meters. With the speed of the combat airship at nearly 200 meters per second, they could fly over in five seconds, and the airship from Blue Stone Fort had already greeted them.

Wolfe issued an order: "Prepare to meet the enemy and start air combat. Number 2, kill the opponent's rotating artillery!"

"Number 2 understands!"

A battle airship speeds up and flies towards the left rotating cannon. The pilot of this battle airship is an absolute master. Shoot distance, then attack.

Three thick bright lines of '咚咚咚' flashed, and the rotary submachine gun on the left immediately misfired, and the operator on it was directly torn in half by the powerful bullet.

No. 2 blew a whistle of victory, swept over the high wall at high speed, and then made a roundabout, preparing to engage the rotating assault artillery on the other side.

At this time, the airships of the two sides had already started fighting, all kinds of metal heat were flying randomly in the sky, and the sound of dense explosions was not interrupted for a moment. Flames, dust, and blood screamed in the sky and bloomed on the high walls.

The battle reached its most intense peak from the very beginning.

On the high wall, Nolan locked his head and hid behind the burlap sandbag, begging bitterly: "Castle Master, come down quickly, the other party is after you. It's too dangerous!"

He just saw the driver on the high wall opposite was directly torn to pieces by bullets, and he absolutely didn't want this to happen to the young master who had just taken office for less than a day.

"Shut up!" Of course, Luo Lin saw the battle airship approaching him. He pinched the control switch, rotated the muzzle of the artillery, and constantly adjusted the elevation angle of the artillery to keep aiming at the battle airship flying towards him.

"Hmph, let's see who kills whom!"

The range of the submachine gun was obviously farther than that of the opponent's machine gun, and Luo Lin fired first.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The barrel of the rotating cannon began to roar, and the sound of the explosion was continuous. The flames from the muzzle were more than one meter long. Cheng's body kept shaking, wantonly venting the wild murderous aura of this mechanical beast.

"Dangdangdangdang" A dense sound of metal collisions spread into the No. 2 combat airship. No matter how thick the armor of the airship is, it is still limited in order to meet the needs of flight, and it is impossible to block the artillery attack.

In just an instant, large transparent holes appeared under the airship, and shrapnel and flames raged in the interior of the airship.

Three seconds later, the magic circuit in the battle airship lost control due to extensive damage, and exploded in the air!

With a loud "boom", the surging magic power in the airship exploded and directly formed a blue-white fireball nearly five meters in length. The shock wave visible to the naked eye spread rapidly around the fireball, and the huge sound spread. The battle was silent.

"...Really?" Wolf opened his eyes wide, and this idea appeared in the minds of many soldiers who saw this scene at the same time.

It is a bit exaggerated that the artillery directly exploded the high-speed flying and flexible airship.

"Continue!" As soon as Luo Lin pressed the operation button, he wildly swung the rotating cannon in one direction, just like a car flicking its tail at high speed on the earth. Then, he aimed at an enemy airship, desperately Start pouring artillery fire.

This time, the distance between him and the opponent was a bit far, and the artillery hit rate was not high, so he was escaped by the opponent.

But this hostile airship escaped Rollin's attack, but not the pursuit of the Bluestone Fort airship. It should be said that it was frightened by Luo Lin's artillery fire, and failed to pay attention to the attack from the sky for a while, so that it easily fell into the opponent's firepower network.

"Boom!" The second Wild Wolf Fort airship was hit and crashed.

At this time, the battle started in less than two minutes!

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