Legendary Hero

Chapter 528 Seize the Chance of Victory!

The battle airship that the Lord of the Wild Wolf Castle was riding on was destroyed, and the remaining two battle airships lost their command, and they were in chaos. One of them was destroyed, but the other was forced by the airship of Blue Stone Castle, and landed in Blue Stone. On the platform of the high wall of the fort.

These are things that happened after the overall situation was settled, and Luo Lin didn't pay attention to it.

His arm was seriously injured. The massive blood loss made his head heavy and his whole body was weak. He sat on the ground and could hardly stand up.

"Castle Master, we won." Nolan brought news of victory.

Luo Lin nodded. He felt a little cold in his body. This was a symptom of excessive blood loss. He was not worried. He smiled and stretched out his good hand: "Come on, give me a hand."

Looking at Luo Lin's bloodless face, Nolan felt his eyes sour. All the soldiers were celebrating their victory and their narrow escape, but who would have thought that their spiritual pillar, their leader, Wilando, was only ten years old this year.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!" Luo Lin slightly accentuated his voice.

"Okay. Be careful." Nolan stepped forward and carefully lifted Rollin up from the ground.

"Let me stand up straight, I have to walk down the high wall so that the soldiers can see that I'm fine." Rowling leaned into Nolan's ear and whispered.

Being carried off the city wall and walking down the city wall by yourself give people a different impression. The former is seriously injured and may be finished at any time, then the whole Blue Stone Fort will be full of emotions and thoughts. Those who are capable will even start to prepare for themselves. back road.

This undermines the current good situation.

If he walks on his own, it will only be a minor injury, and it will be good to rest for a while. With his performance on the battlefield today, no one dares to think about it. Now the situation can continue to improve and become better.

Although this is just an inconspicuous detail, Luo Lin must prevent it from being used by those who want to.

Nolan nodded, gently pressed Rollin's waist with one hand, and dragged Rollin's arm with the other hand. It seemed that he was just supporting him, but in fact he bore most of the weight of Rollin's body.

Luo Lin's arm was simply tied tightly, and the blood was still oozing out. He looked miserable, but he had a relaxed smile on his face, and as he walked forward, he picked up the loudspeaker stone and said, "Okay , my soldiers, look, those sons of bitches in Wild Wolf Fort have been beaten to the ground by us!"

His voice was not loud and weak, but his tone was relaxed and cheerful, and anyone could hear the joy in his words.

After the victory, the soldiers were easily infected. At first, there were soldiers who were worried that the castle owner would be seriously injured, but now they were relieved when they saw his appearance. He can walk, talk, and laugh easily. It should just be out of the way. minor injuries.

"Verando!" Some soldiers shouted, one at first, then several people, and soon, the voice spread throughout the high walls of the fortress, and the high walls rang out with loud shouts.

At this moment, even the usually reserved and serious officers and commanders called out the castle master's name.

In the battle just now, many soldiers saw Luo Lin's performance. He has been fighting at the front line without taking a step back. He took down the two airships of Wild Wolf Castle with artillery, and killed the opponent's flagship with sniper rifles. The pilot of the airship sealed the victory in one fell swoop.

Yes, he did not conform to the prudent style of a general, but no one talks about it now, because their castle master led them to victory.

Before this battle, many officers and soldiers did not believe that Verando could lead the Bluestone Fort, because he was only ten years old, and for ordinary children, he was still playing around at this age.

But after the battle, no one doubted it anymore.

For the soldiers, their castle owner was Marshal Thales' fourth son, Wilandu, and the Lord Grilock who had just died in battle had become a thing of the past.

Amidst the cheers, Luo Lin walked down the city wall. Under the city wall, the mechanical cart was already waiting there. Luo Lin climbed into the car, and after closing the door, he immediately slumped on the seat.

Beside him, the Patriarch of the God of War Temple was already waiting in the car. He immediately untied the tourniquet on Luo Lin's arm, took out the holy water, and began to treat Luo Lin's wound.

This was the injury from the airship's continuous cannon. Although it was protected by a special armor, the arm fell from the body without being hit, but the injury was still terrible.

In the eyes of the patriarch, the armor on the part hit by the bullet was distorted and deformed, and it took him a lot of effort to take it off. As soon as the armor was taken off, blood gushed out again, and there was no gushing. It's serious, but it's because of too much blood flow and a sharp drop in blood pressure.

After taking off the battle armor, you can see that the muscles on the arm are almost completely broken, the skin is rolled up, and bones are stabbed out, which looks terrifying.

Although the Patriarch had dealt with countless wounds, he still gasped at this moment. He looked up at Luo Linbai's almost transparent face, shocked in his heart, stopped talking, and began to concentrate on treating the injuries.

First poured holy water to clean the wound, and then started to suture the blood vessels. The holy power was used relentlessly to help the important injury heal.

The way the Patriarch treated the injury was beyond words. After fifteen minutes, he healed all the broken blood vessels, and then began to heal the bones with holy power.

The bones are no different than others, and there will be severe pain when they are combined. The patriarch carefully connected the bones, and at the same time said: "Castle Master, if you can't help it, just shout out, it will be fine soon."

"It's okay. You do what you do." Luo Lin's voice was normal, although there was indeed some pain, but Luo Lin's control over his body was very strong, and he tried his best to suppress the pain within the tolerable range.

The Patriarch looked admiringly, stopped being distracted, and continued to treat the wound.

The mechanical wheeler drove all the way forward, at a slow speed, and tried to drive as smoothly as possible. It originally only took five minutes, but it just drove for half an hour.

When the wheeler finally stopped at the gate of the Castle Lord's Manor, the patriarch also took care of Luo Lin's injury. Under the action of a large amount of holy power, Luo Lin's arm did not show any serious injuries from the appearance. Lin could even move his arms a little.

Of course, it will take at least a week to fully heal and return to normal.

However, the wound was healed, but the lost blood couldn't be replenished for a while, and Luo Lin's vitality was also seriously injured. He wanted to sleep to recover his energy now, but he kept on holding on, because he still had some things to order.

Before getting out of the car, Luo Lin said to the Patriarch: "Give me the awakening spell."

"Master, you need to rest now..."

"You can take a break at any time, but you don't come when you miss the opportunity, you don't know this truth?" Luo Lin said softly.

After a big victory, the soldiers tend to relax, and accidents are most likely to happen in this troubled world. At this time, Luo Lin must take some measures immediately to prevent such accidents from happening.

More importantly, at this time, the owner of Wild Wolf Castle died in battle, and all their battle airships were destroyed. At this time, it was the best time to counterattack and completely defeat Wild Wolf Castle.

How could he go to rest, and then give Wild Wolf Fort a chance to regroup and fight against him?

War is the same as fighting, and it all pays attention to fighting with one effort! Hesitant, how can those who are slack in their hearts seize the opportunity to win, and how to unify the Holy Land?

He had already thought up the specific measures on the way, and what he had to do now was to implement them one by one.

The patriarch sighed, and cast a divine spell on Luo Lin. This magical spell stimulates the potential of life and causes considerable damage to the body. In fact, it is not suitable for seriously injured patients, but the patriarch found that he could not defy the ten-year-old castle. the will of the Lord.

This is very strange.

After casting the magic spell, Luo Lin immediately became excited and his spirits rose. This is a magic spell developed by himself, and he knows the effect best.

For ordinary people, the effect of this magic can only last for three hours, but he has just received the blessing of the God of War and possesses holy power, so the effect of this magic can last for six hours.

Time is still a little tight, he has to act quickly.

After getting out of the car, Luo Lin found that his mother, sister and a group of servants were waiting for him at the door.

Although Luo Lin's body is weak, he can still walk freely under the influence of divine magic. He laughed and walked up: "Mother, sister, it's all right now. We defeated Wild Wolf Fort, and all the airships in Wild Wolf Fort are gone." was wiped out."

Ms. Trisley burst into tears, shedding tears, but her face was extremely relaxed. She looked at the blood on Luo Lin's body and became worried again: "My son, I heard that you were injured. How about it?"

"It's just a small injury." Luo Lin smiled, and he said to his sister Weiwei: "Sister, I still have military affairs to do, but our Bluestone Castle is safe, and now I'm coming back to take Brighton away. You take care Good mother."

"I will, brother." Wei Wei had a relaxed smile on her face. She really didn't expect that this low-key brother would have such ability. God knows, she had already prepared the poisoned wine to kill herself just now.

"Mother, I'm leaving now, you wait for my good news."

"Ah, you still want to fight?" Ms. Trisley was taken aback. She thought, won't it be over if you win this fight?

"The last scene, mother, don't worry, this scene will end soon and there is no danger." Luo Lin explained, winking at Brighton at the side.

Brighton understood, and ran back to the mechanical cart to wait.

Here Luo Lin comforted his physical mother a few words, then waved goodbye and got into the cart again.

The Patriarch was still in the car, and Luo Lin said bluntly: "I am going to attack Wild Wolf Fort now, but you know my body, if there is an accident, it will be very troublesome. So I have to trouble you to fight with me!"

"But I'm a priest of the God of War, so I shouldn't be involved in internal fighting..." The patriarch hurriedly argued that he healed people after the battle out of God's kindness, but fighting with the army only happened when he was fighting in the abyss. The Civil War was never without a priest, it was a customary practice.

Rowling didn't care so much: "You are right. But you are not free now, Brighton, look after the Patriarch and protect his safety."

The unspoken meaning is to let Brighton keep an eye on the Patriarch, and let him travel with the army even if he is forced.

"Yes, Lord." For Brighton, the Lord's words were an irresistible order.

The mechanical cart picked up speed and returned to the city wall. After a while, Hofstein, the commander of the airship, was called over. Luo Lin looked at him and said in a deep voice: "Half an hour, prepare the airship, load the ammunition, and replenish the magic crystal. In two hours, I'm going to drink on the high platform in the Zenith area of ​​Wild Wolf Castle!"

Hofstein was taken aback, and then he felt the wild light in the eyes of the young castle owner, and his heart was suddenly inspired. He silently gave a military salute to Luo Lin, turned around and trotted to carry out the order.

Taking advantage of this time, Rowling called Griman and Dante again. Griman's task was to defend Bluestone Fort, but Dante prepared his army and immediately headed for the fortress of Wild Wolf Fort eighty miles away.

Their combat airships can only subdue the defenders of Wild Wolf Fort with force, but to fully take over Wild Wolf Fort requires the cooperation of the ground army, so Dante is equally important.

Dante also trotted to get ready.

After finishing the order, while there was still some time, Luo Lin leaned on the car seat and began to close his eyes to rest his mind. He had to do everything possible to recharge his energy and prolong the stimulation time of the magic spell.

The patriarch sat quietly on his seat without any resistance, just as he had discovered long ago, he found that he was completely unable to disobey the order of the new castle lord, and he didn't even have any thoughts about it at all, just as he could not disobey He's like a god.

"God, please forgive my infidelity." The patriarch couldn't understand why he was in such a situation.

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