Legendary Hero

Chapter 529 Invading Like Fire

Wild Wolf Fort, the fortress of the Murphys family, the entire fortress is built on the mountain, layer upon layer, until the top of the mountain is the Sunshine Castle, the residence of the Murphys family.

The castle stands on the top of the mountain, leaning against a stone wall. The upper end of the stone wall is smooth and flat, which is perfectly integrated with the castle. It has been transformed into a banquet area for the Murphys family to entertain distinguished guests. Because of its height, it can be seen hundreds of miles away, so Known as the Zenith District.

The zenith area of ​​the Murphys family, the entire holy land is famous. When the castle was established, the first generation of Murphys’s family head, as a god, has been following Marshal Thales to fight in the abyss. Marshal Thales once came here. The scenery on this castle is full of praise, and there is a message of "climbing high and looking far, and seeing all the small mountains".

It's a pity that time has passed. The hero who ruled the south of the Holy Land had passed away for ten years. Murphys also died in the melee in the Holy Land, and the owner of Wild Wolf Fort also changed twice.

Murphys had no heirs. After his death, his brother succeeded him. After his brother died in battle, the owner of Wild Wolf Castle became his nephew Wolfe.

When Rollin rushed towards Wild Wolf Fort with his battle airship and army, Wild Wolf Fort didn't know the news of the defeat ahead, not only they didn't know, but also the surrounding forces who were concerned about the dispute between the two fortresses didn't get the news.

Everything happened so fast that people had no time to react.

In fact, everything in Wild Wolf Fort was as usual at this time.

Those who knew that Lord Wolfe was going to Bluestone Fort, such as the manager Dro, Wolfe's wife and two sons, as well as the soldiers on the ground who were following up and preparing to march to Bluestone Fort, were all waiting for the news of the victory ahead.

The owner of Bluestone Castle died in battle, and they passed away as soon as they got the news, and they didn't give their opponents much breathing space. If they can't win in such a good situation, how can they win? Is it possible to let the opponent voluntarily surrender.

In the Zenith area, the manager Dro has already prepared the banquet, because the Lord Wolfe said to him before leaving: 'Set out the food and wine, and prepare to reward my warriors! '

On the top of the spacious stone wall, the busy feet of the servants did not touch the ground, the long banquet table was wiped spotless, the silver tableware shone charmingly in the sun, and all the fine wines that had been preserved for many years were laid out without hesitation. The food exudes a charming aroma. The band in the fortress has already been invited, and they are busy adjusting their instruments in a corner of the zenith area, only waiting for the fortress to play the heroic song when the fortress returns victorious.

The enmity between Wild Wolf Fort and Blue Stone Fort has been settled for six years. In the past six years, the two sides have fought back and forth, and there have been no fewer than a hundred battles and conflicts. No one can do anything to each other, and no one will spare the other. The residents are tired and only hope that this battle will end as soon as possible.

Now that victory is in sight, everyone in the fort is eagerly waiting.

"Here we come, look, we're back!" A servant standing in the Zenith area suddenly shouted, pointing at the black spot on the horizon, with joy in his voice.

The manager Dro immediately ran up. Sure enough, there were five black spots approaching rapidly in the sky. He felt relieved: "Fortunately, only two combat airships were lost. The situation is not bad."

He turned around and shouted loudly: "Okay, okay, the castle master is back, get ready quickly. Phaedro, hurry up, get ready to play music. The tablecloth there is not tidy, pull it up quickly! Why is there so much dust in this corner, don't hurry up Clean it up!"

The servants became more and more busy, and the band began to tune and audition, showing an atmosphere of tension and joy.

"Closer! Closer!"

"Huh~ Why is the color of the airship not right?" Someone asked in surprise.

"What color is not right?" The manager Dro was taken aback, he turned his head to look at the sky, squinted his eyes, and then was shocked: "The blue and white armor is the battle airship of Blue Stone Fort, how is it possible?! "

At this moment, the gate of the Zenith area was pushed open, and a soldier in a black uniform walked in. Dro knew him, he was the guard in the castle.

He rushed over and yelled: "Go, go, there is a report from the tower, it is the battle airship of Bluestone Fort, the owner of the castle has been defeated!"

"......" Zenith area was silent for a while, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, I didn't know how to react.

This scene lasted for five or six seconds, and then a maid suddenly screamed and fled out of the Zenith area with her head in her arms. This ignited panic, and the Zenith area was in chaos. People were shouting, shouting, Run wildly in panic.

The battle airship of Bluestone Castle actually reached the top of the head, which means that the Lord Wolfe has died in battle, and all the battle airships of Wild Wolf Castle have been shot down, which means that they have almost no counterattack in the face of the attack of Bluestone Fort Power.

In fact, the owner of the castle was accidentally killed, the pack of wolves lost their heads, and the entire Wild Wolf Castle was in chaos. A commander was preparing firepower for air defense, but found that he could only gather less than half of the soldiers, and the rest of the soldiers were missing. , Some were unable to be contacted, while others simply took off their military uniforms and hid.

Without the containment of air power, just relying on the artillery fire on the ground is simply desperate. If the castle owner is here, they can still fight. Now that the castle owner is finished, who are they fighting for? Naturally, it is the best policy to go.

The speed of the combat airships was very fast. They were flying at an altitude of thousands of meters. Four of them had blue and white armor, and one was black. This was the Wolf Castle airship that was forced down.

When the airship reached the sky above Wild Wolf Fort, there was a flame shooting out from below the airship, and the target was the anti-aircraft firepower on the ground.

"Boom boom boom" continuous explosion sounded, and the huge sound wave instantly shattered the festive atmosphere of Wild Wolf Fort, and the whole fort fell into complete panic.

The streets were full of fleeing crowds, and the soldiers also ran away from their garrison positions, looking for places to hide, no matter how angry the officer was, they would not show up.

The small fort does not have any perfect military regulations and military system, and there is no such thing as a supervising team. They run away and run away. When the Wolf Castle changes its owner, they come out again. They are still good men, and no one will hold them accountable. responsibility.

Five airships raged over the sky of Wild Wolf Fort. Twenty minutes later, the entire fortress was dead, and almost all living people hid. The city was initially occupied.

In the airship, Luo Lin looked at the situation in Wild Wolf Fort, and asked the liaison officer on the airship: "How long will it take for the ground troops to arrive?"

When they came all the way, they also met the ground troops of Wild Wolf Fort. There were about a thousand people. They should be preparing to take Wolfe to occupy Bluestone Fort. Unfortunately, Wolfe failed.

There were only more than a thousand people. Their five airships scattered after shooting back and forth a few times. They died or fled. They were not a threat at all, not enough to stop Dante's troops from coming.

The liaison officer looked at the pattern on the magic light and shadow in front of him, and immediately reported: "Commander Dante is 30 kilometers away, and will arrive in twenty minutes."

The troops on the ground all use large mechanical turbines, and their speed is incomparable to that of combat airships. However, if they fly all the way unimpeded, there will be no problem at 80 kilometers per hour.

But in fact, there is a plain between Wild Wolf Fort and Bluestone Fort, the traffic conditions are very good, and Dante has not encountered any obstacles, he is rushing all the way!

"Very good. Climb to an altitude of 5,000 meters and hover at an economical cruising speed." Luo Lin gave the order. Without the support from the ground, they landed rashly, and they would most likely be killed.

"Yes, Lord."

Then Luo Lin closed his eyes and rested his mind. He could feel the magic effect in his body fading. He should still be able to last for 4 hours now.

After 4 hours, occupy Wild Wolf Fort, arrange everything, and then he can recover from his injuries with peace of mind.

The patriarch at the side looked at the new castle lord, feeling both entangled and admired in his heart, with extremely complicated emotions.

After the combat airship hovered for 18 minutes, Dante's troops appeared as scheduled. He led more than 800 people and ten large mechanical turbines, and ran all the way, with smoke and dust billowing on the road, like a group of beasts ready to hunt.

Then there is the takeover process.

The process went very smoothly, without any accidents. Wild Wolf Fort was completely leaderless. Half an hour later, the light on the airship landing platform on the ground turned green, indicating that everything was safe.


After receiving the observer's report, he said two words without even opening his eyes to see it, as if all this was taken for granted.

At this time, if there is an accident, it will be unless the Lord of Darkness intervenes recklessly. If that is the case, then Luo Lin has nothing to do.

However, if the Lord of Darkness really invested most of his power, Luo Lin bet that he would definitely be sniped by the Goddess of Life in another place in the endless void, and he would lose more in the end.

It's not worth the cost, so unless he's crazy, he won't do it.

Half an hour later, Rollin boarded the Zenith area of ​​Wild Wolf Fort.

Looking at the delicious food and wine on the long table in front of him, he smiled, and praised Delo, the manager of Wild Wolf Castle, who was collected by the soldiers and brought him to him: "The banquet is already prepared, what can you do?" bad!"

The manager Delo showed a smile as if he was crying. This matter is really...really...he just felt like he swallowed a block of ice suddenly in the hot summer, even My heart is so cold.

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