Legendary Hero

Chapter 531: Going to Failure in Victory (Part 3)

For three days, the situation in Wild Wolf Fort was calm, at least on the surface.

Nothing unexpected happened in Wild Wolf Castle, and the residents in the castle seemed to accept the Thales family as their new castle owners naturally.

When Luo Lin woke up from the Temple of War God, the news made him feel very happy.

Of course, he knew that things were not that simple. The Murphys family had been running Wild Wolf Fort for nearly fifteen years, and there must be many loyalists. The calm at this time was only because the undercurrent under the water had not yet surfaced.

Now, he is sitting in the study of Wild Wolf Castle, checking the information collected by the two right-hand men of Brighton and Nolan in the past three days.

Nolan was in charge of intelligence collection in Wild Wolf Fort, and he got a roster, which recorded the roster of suspicious people in the fort during the past three days, including diehard members of the Murphys family and infiltrators from outside forces, The situation is very complicated.

This list is very important. Rollin read it one by one, and there are 18 names recorded in it. Among them, the three most important are all trusted figures of Wolfe. As for the others, most of them are gathered around these three people. It seems that these people are plotting something.

Luo Lin picked up a pen and drew a red circle on one of the three names, and asked: "This person is the oldest and has the highest position. He should be the most prestigious one among the three. Get rid of it before tomorrow, and then closely monitor the others." people's reactions."

He is not going to kill these people, that is meaningless, a fortress cannot be airtight, there are always some alien forces inside, and there are always people who will infiltrate. When the fortress is strong, they may just collect some information, When the fort is weak, these people turn into vipers.

Kill a group, there will always be new people coming out, and they will come out from some unknown places.

These newly emerged people are in the dark, and their personality and ability are not slowed down, which is even more unfavorable. Now that these people are kept, when new forces try to infiltrate from the dark, it is not Luo Lin who is most sensitive. But these same kind who are also in the shadows. Because in a sense, these people are competitors.

Killing the most powerful one at this time is an act of deterrence, and the underlying meaning is 'I know you, be honest with me. '

Of course, more importantly, Rowling promised not to show off his power to his fellow clansmen, and the people of Wild Wolf Fort had initially decided that killing too many people would create a terrifying atmosphere and turn more potential people into enemies, which is unwise.

"Yes." Nolan nodded and turned to work.

Rollin picked up Brighton's report again. Brighton is investigating the situation in the territory of Wild Wolf Fort these days, and the most important thing is the iron mine of Wild Wolf Castle. This is a strategic resource, and Rollin attaches great importance to it. .

He flipped through the information that Brighton found, carefully reading page by page, and when he finished reading, he asked, "In your opinion, what kind of person is the supervisor of this mine?"

Brighton thought for a while, and concluded: "Greedy and afraid of death, indulge in enjoyment, he doesn't care who he mines for, as long as the treatment is enough. Occasionally, he will deduct some ore and sell it privately, but the amount is not large, and it does not affect output on the books."

"His abilities should be pretty good, right?" Rollin asked. Wolff was willing to entrust the management of such an important place as the mine to such a person who had no relatives or relatives. This person must be outstanding.

"Very good. Before he became the supervisor, he was an engineer in the mine, and he knew the situation in the mine very well. In the past ten years, there has been no major accident in the mine."

"Very good." Luo Lin nodded: "Then he is still the owner of the mine. But he withheld the ore privately, a warning is necessary. You go and tell him to make up for all the ore withheld in the past. …”

Rollin made a shooting gesture.

If this person is in an ordinary position, it is fine to let him go if he can't do it, but the mine is too important to be lost, and the internal mine design should not be leaked, so as not to be destroyed. Naturally, the manager who controls such important information will naturally have to silence him if he can't do it.


Brighton has no resistance to these things, he knows his position, and he is doing the 'dirty work' for the mainstay of Rollin.

The castle owner needs a bright and brilliant image, but there is always darkness in this world, and he is the punishment hand of the castle owner.

Even if this matter is settled, Luo Lin said again: "As for the Brotherhood of Kings... this organization is abominable, keeping them is a disaster, and they should be wiped out! I don't want them to come here for a year. Mess up my territory."

"Yes!" Brighton nodded.

"Okay, you go to work... Oh, call the supervisor Rhodes over."

Brighton withdrew, and after a while, Rhodes, the manager of Wild Wolf Castle, rushed over. As soon as he arrived at the study, he saluted Luo Lin respectfully, and said in a respectful voice, "Master, are you looking for me?"

"Not bad for the announcement! This is your reward, take it." Luo Lin boasted, and then threw a bulging money bag on the table over.

He was referring to Rhodes' propaganda work. At this time, everyone in Wild Wolf Fort knew that Verandu was going to inherit the ambition of Marshal Thales, who had passed away. He wanted to conquer the abyss. Even children could tell it. Meticulous, very suitable for Luo Lin.

"Thank you for the compliment from the Castle Master." Rhodes took the money bag, only feeling heavy, and the subtle and clear sound from it let him know that it contained silver coins. Such a bag, at least more than one hundred silver coins, is a fortune. He was very satisfied with the generous reward.

"I still have a task for you." Luo Lin leaned lazily on the chair, his eyes narrowed slightly, like a beast resting.

"Castle Master, tell me." Rhodes became more and more awed.

"You are a smart person, and the work of a Wild Wolf Castle is just a waste of your talent. I intend to let you form an organization, and the people in the organization will go all over the world to spread the deeds of the abyss. I hope you Can you do the same as what you did in the past three days, even a child can tell the truth about conquering the abyss, can you do it?" Luo Lin asked.

Rhodes was a little surprised, because he knew that he would gain a lot of power in this way, but in his capacity, how could the other party be willing to use him so much?

Seeming to see through his mind, Luo Lin said gently: "A person cannot choose his origin, but he can choose the path he wants to take. For example, if you were born in Blue Stone Castle, with your ability, you will definitely I have made some achievements. And I only value ability, regardless of background, are you willing to help me?"

These words reached Rhode's heart at once, and his once numb heart turned hot. If he were on Earth, he would definitely say, "A man dies for his confidant".

Of course, although he didn't say anything similar, it didn't hinder Rhode's inner excitement. He said solemnly: "Castle Master, I will never let you down!"

"Well, I believe in you." Luo Lin nodded, with a hint of encouragement in his tone.

Although Rhodes knew that Verando was only ten years old, he had the illusion of facing a generous elder, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart: 'No wonder it's really extraordinary to be able to defeat Wolff. '

After releasing the task, Luo Lin gave instructions for the details, and then Rhode hurriedly went to work.

Propagate the deeds and glory of fighting the abyss, publicize the potential genocide crisis in the abyss outside the holy land, and publicize that all the hatred in the holy land is secretly instigated by the demon god.

This organization dedicated to publicizing and singing was named "Morning Bird" by Luo Lin

This is Rowling's move against the Lord of Darkness. It looks plain, but it is actually the most important move!

Luo Lin's move is a strategic arrangement.

The Lord of Darkness is powerful. In every part, it is difficult for Luo Lin to be his opponent. If he confronts him head-on, he will definitely lose both sides.

When everyone's eyes turned to the abyss and the demon god, every time the Lord of Darkness arranges an unexpected coincidence, people's vigilance will be raised a little.

The Lord of Darkness can successfully arrange accidents every time, but every victory he wins is to promote the cooperation of the human race.

When the Lord of Darkness wins enough, when these victories exceed the bottom line of the human race, an opportunity for reunion will appear.

At that time, the hatred between the fortresses will still exist, and the various fortresses will still be afraid of each other, but people will have a common understanding, that is, the abyss of immortality, and the human race will be restless.

So the coalition forces appeared to fight the abyss together.

It would be even better if the Lord of Darkness notices this situation and doesn't intervene. Luo Lin believes that as the son of the world, he can definitely unify the Holy Land easily, and then he will also attack the abyss.

It was Rowling's conspiracy to let the Lord of Darkness go to failure amidst victories step by step.

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