Legendary Hero

Chapter 532 Brother's Plan

The territory of Wild Wolf Fort is about 65 kilometers, and the territory of Blue Stone Fort is about 50 kilometers.

Now that the two forts are united, the diameter of this egg is about 100 kilometers, which is already quite a large territory, wider than the territories of the surrounding forts combined.

The vast territory largely means more people, which means stronger strength, not to mention that Wild Wolf Fort also has a very rich iron mine.

This asymmetry in strength made the surrounding castle owners dare not provoke Luo Lin, and Luo Lin has been focusing on the construction of the territory at this time, and does not want to cause trouble for the time being, so the land is safe for the time being.

During this time.

The members of the Morning Songbird Organization led by Chief Rhodes are traveling around the world, spreading the conspiracy of the demon god and the glory of the past. Their actions are very low-key, but some changes are happening subtly.

In the territory, Luo Lin increased his investment in the School of Mechanics and the Machinery Manufacturing Factory, intending to build newer, stronger and more combat airships.

He is quietly accumulating strength and waiting for changes in the world situation.

While this unified territory was quietly developing, in a manor outside the fort, members of the Murphys family who had been exiled in disguise were also quietly planning to retake their fort.

This manor is located in the center of Wild Wolf Fort and Bluestone Fort. The manor is newly built and it is called Fontainebleau. The land around the manor is newly marked out. There are ten thousand hectares of fertile land. The land visible in the field of vision is the private property of the Murphys family.

Rollin promised Murphys that as long as the Murphys family does not betray his Thales family, this land will always belong to the Murphys family and will be passed on from generation to generation.

This move was also publicized by Rhodes in Wild Wolf Castle, and almost everyone knew about Luo Lin's arrangement.

It was a generous and benevolent act to treat so favorably an adversary who had surrendered to him, to bestow upon him an enviably drooling wealth.

Although some knowledgeable people are worried about their new castle owner Verandu, everyone in Wild Wolf Castle and the surrounding fortresses know the fact that Verandu, the son of Marshal Thales, is a powerful and benevolent castle. host.

Such a fortress is worth following. As for the Murphys family, they have already been defeated.

Because of Rhodes' unremitting publicity, people already knew the course of the battle that day, and everyone knew that Lord Wolfburg was defeated in an upright battle. It is already very good for a loser to keep his family continuation, and now he can still enjoy wealth, which has nothing to say.

This move by Rowling killed many potential talents who were willing to help the Murphys family recover in the bud.

In Fontainebleau.

The two brothers Mino and Mies are in the manor's study. Their faces are gloomy, especially the younger brother Mies, who is gnashing his teeth, his face is ashen, and looks fierce, wishing to choose someone to kill.

He stood by the alchemy crystal window in the study, looking at the verdant fields outside the window. The beautiful scenery not only did not calm him, but aroused his anger even more: "Damn Verando, you thought you made such a prison for us. It will make us grateful, what a dream!"

Before that, the entire Wild Wolf Fort belonged to the Murphys family, but now there are only 10,000 hectares of land left. Such a comparison would make anyone feel unbalanced.

Mino's temper is much deeper. If Mies is a rebellious warrior, he is the commander who strategizes in the camp. His expression is only slightly gloomy. Hearing what his younger brother said, he shook his head slightly: " Verando is very clever, and his behavior is already extreme, if we can really obey him, maybe we can really enjoy wealth in this life."

"Fart!" Mies growled: "Now the whole world is fighting, how can he keep this territory, maybe in a few years, he will be beaten like his father Thales It exploded in the head."

Being contradicted face-to-face, Mino was a little unhappy. He felt that his younger brother had a problem with his brain. Not to mention the present, but that day in the Zenith area, he was so hot-headed that he kept contradicting Verandu, thanks to the character of Verandu. He is not bloodthirsty, otherwise, with his performance at that time, no one can say no to someone shooting his family on the spot.

As the eldest brother, he felt that he had to educate this unruly and wild younger brother, otherwise one day, he would be killed by this guy.

"Don't talk nonsense..."

"You're the only coward!" Mies looked at his elder brother mockingly.

"Idiot!" Mino directly grabbed the lampstand on the table and waited. The lampstand was made of silver and had some weight. Mies dodged hastily and was almost hit.

Mino's face was livid: "If you don't have enough strength to talk wildly, this is no different from courting death. It is the most stupid behavior. If you really want to court death, go to Wild Wolf Castle to assassinate Verandu by yourself, and don't drag me!"

"..." Mies was left speechless by his elder brother's words. It's not that he didn't want to refute, but he was shocked by his elder brother's furious appearance. Although he was full of anger in his heart, he didn't dare to explode.

Seeing that his younger brother was silent, Mino's anger slowed down a little, and he said in a slow tone: "Wild Wolf Fort belongs to our Murphys family after all, and it is only a temporary failure now. One day, we will defeat the Thales family." , Take back everything that belongs to us. But now the time is not ripe, we must accumulate our own strength!"

This makes sense, Mies listened to it, nodded and said: "Brother, what are you going to do?"

"To do business, you must have money first. This 10,000 hectares of fertile land can provide us with a lot of money. In Wild Wolf Fort, there are still some officials who are still loyal to our family. As long as we have strength, they will defect to us. These, this is the capital for our brothers to start anew."

Minuo was confident, he had already thought about everything, and he continued: "I will only prepare a small part of this land to grow food. The rest will be planted with purple agate berries for wine making, which will be brewed in the future." The fine wines produced can be sold for more money. I have calculated that if everything goes well, we will only need five years to accumulate wealth. If there is any opportunity in this land, we will be able to take advantage of the situation to regain our wealth. s things."

Mies never thought about this, his heart was only filled with hatred for Verandu, and he thought about revenge, but he didn't think carefully about how to revenge, except for the verbal harsh words.

At this time, listening to the elder brother's careful talk, he couldn't help swallowing, and his disdain for the elder brother also eased a lot: "Then do as the elder brother said. It's just that the mother's side may not be easy to say."

Their mother seemed frightened, and her repeated warnings to the brothers to be honest and not think about it were depressing to listen to.

Mino waved his hand and said with a smile: "Mother is just an ordinary woman, what does she know? We just need to keep things secret."

He took out a letter and praised it: "This is Captain Grote's letter. He told me that no matter what, he finally ended up in the Murphys family. This is good news."

Mies also laughed: "Captain Grote is a truly loyal and noble warrior, thousands of times nobler than that traitor Rhodes. I heard that the traitor Rhodes was even given a high position by Verandu, such a traitor, Wiran Dare to use the speed, he is not far from failure."

On this point, Mino agreed with his younger brother. He said with a smile, "Verando is still young after all, and he doesn't understand the sinister nature of human beings. He will suffer in the future."

The relationship between the two brothers became harmonious, and they began to talk about their future plans tacitly.

What the two of them didn't know was that outside the study, an ordinary-looking servant was lying on the door, quietly listening to the voice coming from inside the door. As he listened, a sneer appeared on his lips.

"Two little boys who haven't even been on the battlefield dare to look down on the son of the marshal. How boring!"

At this time, footsteps were heard behind him, and the servant immediately stood up straight, as if nothing had happened. After a while, a cleaning maid passed by the corridor, and when the two bodies intertwined, they exchanged a Dark eyes.

Yes, this maid is also an eyeliner set by Lord Brighton.

When the two brothers of the Murphys family were planning what they thought was a secret comeback plan, they didn't know that above their heads, the corner of the eyes of the young castle owner whom they despised was always on them.

The plan of the two brothers was destined to be a farce from the very beginning.

At this very moment, Verando, the object of their contempt, was inspecting the Mechanical Academy, because a young student in the Academy used a lot of rigorous logical calculations to deduce the possibility of the existence of a 'super magic power source'.

This magic power source will be able to provide almost endless magic power output, and many technical bottlenecks will be broken by it, so many weapons with great power will be able to evolve.

Rollin attached great importance to this achievement.

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