Legendary Hero

Chapter 533: The Germination of the Source of Super Magic Power

Almost every larger fortress has a mechanical academy, because mechanical technology is the source of the power of the human race.

Whether the owner of a fortress has ambitions can be seen from the amount of money and materials he has invested in the Mechanical Academy.

Of course, Verando has just become the castle owner not long ago, and there has been no major movement in his territory recently. Ordinary people can't see the thoughts of this young castle owner.

Of course, there are two mechanical colleges in his territory, one in Bluestone Fort and one in Wild Wolf Fort. The young student who proposed the possibility of a 'super source of magic power' this time is in the academy in Bluestone Fort.

The college of Blue Stone Castle is called Blue Castle, because the blue color of the outer wall of the college building is darker than that of the high wall of the castle, showing azure blue, hence the name.

The Blue Fort is located inside the Blue Stone Fortress. It occupies a small area, only more than 300 square meters. The outer wall looks a little dilapidated, and the interior furnishings and various experimental equipment are also obviously outdated.

There are not many students and tutors in the academy, there are only forty people in the academy, and only three tutors.

Before Verandu, the owners of Bluestone Fortress of course knew the importance of the academy, but the mechanical research of the academy required a lot of money, and there was not necessarily a return. In addition, the fortress had been fighting against the Wolf Fort for years, and the funds were already scarce. I was very nervous, so after several castle masters came down, their investment in the academy became less and less.

The less the investment, the less likely the academy will produce results, which makes the castle owner's attention to the academy continue to decline, and the investment is even lower, thus creating a vicious circle.

In fact, according to Rowling's knowledge, this is not only the case in Bluestone Fort, but also in Wild Wolf Fort and other fortresses he knows.

The vitality of mechanical technology is constantly fading.

Naturally, this is also a good thing for the backbone of darkness.

But this time, just a few months after Luo Lin took over, such an achievement broke out in the Blue Castle.

The title of "Children of the World" is not for nothing. Although the strength cannot break through the ordinary world, the luck is absolutely so good.

There is a saying on the earth: "The heaven and the earth all work together", which refers to Luo Lin's current situation.

He is now in the Learning Hall of Blue Castle, and saw the young student who proposed the theory.

This man is called Fidos. He is 23 years old this year. He has a pale face and a thin body. He is less than 1.6 meters tall and is shorter than Verando. It's like flying when the wind blows.

Luo Lin didn't expect this student to look so thin and weak. Looking at him like this, his body was weak, and his pale face was faintly blue, as if he hadn't had enough to eat all year round.

Luo Lin looked carefully at the other bachelors in the hall, and found that more than 50 people, including the tutor, were all about the same thin, with color on their faces, and many bachelors still had patches on their robes.

This scene made Luo Lin sigh in his heart. In the Academy of Truth in the holy land of Siegforth, the bachelors were worshiped as gods, especially the first dean of the academy, Eloin, was even called a saint. King Erwin must respect courtesy and dare not take his advice lightly.

Unexpectedly, in just ten years of war, this group of bachelors would be reduced to this appearance.

Luo Linmomo saw all of this, but there was no emotion on his face. He held the manuscript of Fidos' calculation in his hand, and flipped through it page by page, carefully reading it.

After reading it, he said to Fidos: "You said that there is a strange substance in the world. As long as it is triggered in the right way, it can turn this substance into a source of magic power and release endless magic power. I saw you The calculation process is very complicated, I can't understand the process, but in the conclusion, you describe the source of magic power as 'incomparable, incredible!', I am very interested in this. I want to ask, how do you determine this singularity Does matter exist?"

Fidos rubbed his skinny hands with some embarrassment, licked his bloodless dry lips with his tongue, and stammered: "Yes...it is like this. Although... I haven't found this strange substance directly, but... I have found some indirect signs of its existence. It's like... just like sunlight, we all know that white sunlight can be divided into many colorful colors , in addition to the red light, there is a kind of warm light that we can't see. Our eyes can't see this kind of infrared light, but the abnormal temperature rise of the thermometer used as a comparison can tell us that they do exist. I just Similar evidence was found, and it goes like this..."

At first, he stuttered a bit, but as he spoke, he became intoxicated into his own world, his speech became faster and faster, his accent became more and more vague, and a lot of very professional words came out.

Many bachelors around were listening at first, but their brows were getting tighter and tighter, showing a look of struggling, as if they couldn't keep up with Fidos's thinking rhythm.

When it came to the latter, no one in the entire hall of knowledge could keep up with Fidos's thinking rhythm. This guy was not so much explaining to Rowling as he was talking in his sleep.

A guard beside Luo Lin frowned, trying to stop Fidos from going mad, but Luo Lin reached out to stop him, and said softly, "Listen to him."

In this hall, he is the only one who can capture the brilliance of this Fidos' thinking, no, to be precise, he is a god.

Although Fidos' speech eloquence is really terrible, the logic of his expression is very rigorous and full of a sense of concise beauty.

From these vague chatter, Luo Lin saw the brilliance of truth flowing in it.

Half an hour later, Fidos finished speaking. He was not a fool. When he came out of the frenzy and saw the confused faces of the people around him, he knew that no one understood what he said.

This discovery made the little man's face paler and more transparent. Even these fellow scholars couldn't understand what he said, so the castle owner must not understand it even more. Facing something that he doesn't understand at all, why should the castle owner give him financial support?

'Ah, my mouth is so stupid! ’ Fidos also saw the obvious disdainful faces of the guards around the castle lord, and his heart became more and more frustrated, wishing to slap his own mouth.

The bachelors in their college can't even eat enough to eat. They really need the financial support of the castle owner. I thought that the discovery of this super magic power source would arouse the interest of the castle owner, but now it seems that there is little hope. .

Just when he was about to cry in frustration, Rowling spoke up. He patted the calculation paper in his hand and smiled gently: "I've read Pritoken's "History of the Holy Land", which describes the saints. Arrowin's. According to the history books, Arrowin was a dwarf with a dull and demented appearance. When he entered the Academy of Truth, he was a humble servant of the giant race. Now, you, Phydos, don't seem to look any different than Eroin is smart."

Fidos didn't understand the meaning of Luo Lin's words. He thought it was a mockery, and said in fear, "No, no, the wisdom of the saints is like the sea. How dare I compare with him. Castle master, please don't laugh at me. gone."

The faces of the surrounding scholars also showed disappointment. Really, they thought that Fidos should be able to help the academy get an experimental fund with the gimmicky name of 'Super Magic Power Source' this time, so that they They can continue to experiment, and if they can find the strange substances predicted by those mathematical formulas, then they can make a big comeback!

But now, this good expectation seems to be in vain.

But at this moment, their young castle owner shook his head and said with a smile: "To be honest, I didn't understand your words very well, but this does not prevent me from recognizing the value of this discovery. Let's do it, in the next five years , I will invest 1,000 gold coins in this academy every year, and if anyone can find the strange substance predicted by the theory, I will reward him with an extra 200 gold coins!"

At this time, the holy land is in troubled times, and gold is precious in troubled times. Putting 1 gold coin here on the earth, the purchasing power is roughly equivalent to 10,000 US dollars in the late 1920s. 1,000 gold coins are an absolute huge sum of money!

Fidos opened his eyes wide and looked at the castle owner in front of him with his mouth open, speechless for a moment. Even in his most exaggerated expectations, he did not expect to get a huge sum of 1,000 gold coins.

"Fortress...this...this..." Fidos was speechless.

Luo Lin waved his hand: "The first batch of funds will arrive tomorrow. The conditions here are too crude. Make a good improvement here, change your clothes into new ones, and have enough food for every meal. Don't waste on these. I I don’t want my bachelors to starve and freeze their bodies to find new strength for me.”

"Castle Master..." The emotional bachelor's eyes were red, and some female bachelors even cried. Finally, the castle master finally began to pay attention to them.

Naturally, Luo Lin would not show any sentimental attitude. He returned the calculation manuscript to Fidos, patted the young bachelor's thin shoulder, and said in a heavy tone, "The Holy Land is so difficult, all parties are fighting, and the situation in the territory is not good. Not optimistic, I just hope that the 'super magic power source' you mentioned won't come too late."

It was this heaviness that aroused the fire in Fidos' heart.

Of course he knows the situation of the territory. Every year there are wars, and everyone’s life is difficult. All the gold coins of the castle owner are used to improve the force. Funds from gold coins... He knew that the territory's annual income would never exceed 10,000 gold coins.

He felt the responsibility on his shoulders. This responsibility did not overwhelm his thin body. On the contrary, he faced up to the difficulties and promised loudly: "Castle Master, don't worry, I will never let you down!"

"I believe in you." The corners of Luo Lin's lips were slightly curved, and there was a touch of softness on his young but resolute face, full of heart-wrenching strange charm.

At this moment, Fidos realized that his future life would be full of burning passion. The castle owner has given his promise, and he will definitely fulfill his promise!

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