Legendary Hero

Chapter 534: Building High Walls and Accumulating Grain Widely

After conquering Wild Wolf Castle, Luo Lin, the leader of the two castles, seemed to have fallen silent.

He seemed to be satisfied with his achievements, except for announcing some small reforms in his own territory, he did not start to use troops against the surrounding small fortresses as expected by others.

In the first year, Rollin announced the merger of Bluestone Fort and Wild Wolf Fort. Because the two fortresses are located on the Iron Horse Plain, the trees on the plain are mainly arrow leaf trees, so this new territory is called "Arrow Leaf". collar', Luo Lin claimed to be the Lord of Arrow Leaf.

Later, Luo Lin began to develop business with the iron mine of Wild Wolf Castle as the core, and opened a market in a small town called "Wolf Mountain" around Wild Wolf Castle. 20% of the iron ore produced by the iron mine comes with an arrow leaf collar All the specialties are used for export in exchange for the scarce resources needed by a large number of territories.

Because of this decree, Langshan Town is like a sapling that has been fertilized, and it begins to grow wildly, almost changing every day.

A year later, Wolf Mountain Town became Wolf Mountain City. The prosperity did not belong to Blue Stone Castle and Wild Wolf Castle. It brought a lot of resources and wealth to Luo Lin.

At the end of the year, Rorin, the lord of the Arrowleaf Collar, seemed to have lost all ambition, and he even issued a peace proclamation. The announcement clearly stated that for at least ten years, the Arrow Leaf Leader will not use any excuse to launch any war against the surrounding fortresses.

As soon as this announcement came out, the surrounding castle owners who saw that Jianye Ling was becoming more and more prosperous and powerful all quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After two years of development, the Arrow Leaf Collar is no longer what it used to be. Among the news brought back by various spies, there is a very astonishing statistic, that is, the number of combat airships in the Arrow Leaf Collar is at least 20!

With this kind of power, as long as it is needed, the arrow leaf collar can clean up all the surrounding fortresses in one day, but now that this announcement has appeared, although I don’t know what this Lord Verandu thinks, but the castle owners are nervous. The tight mind naturally relaxed a lot.

With such a relaxation, the wariness and fear of the arrow leaf collar will be reduced, and the restrictions on commercial exchanges between the fortresses will be reduced, and the policy will become more relaxed.

The business between the forts became more and more prosperous, and trading towns continued to appear in the Arrow Leaf Territory. The volume of trade between fortresses has skyrocketed.

Chiye Town in the east of the territory brought Luolin scarce magic crystals, Lakeside Town in the south brought high-quality mirror materials to Luolin, and Blue Lake Town in the northwest provided a large amount of aquatic products for Arrowleaf. All kinds of algae and fish enrich the tables of the residents of the arrow leaf collar.

Originally, the Blue Lake Fortress adjacent to Blue Lake Town had been guarded by arrow leaf collars. The wide Blue Lake was used to train the navy, and any freshwater industry was strictly restricted, only for self-sufficiency. But after the restrictions were relaxed, Blue Lake The owner of the lake fortress discovered that through the deal with the arrow leaf leader, he got a lot of wealth, and after paying some price, he even got some new technologies about combat airships!

So he began to encourage residents to develop the aquatic industry, and now after more than half a year of trading, his territory has become very rich.

Many residents in the territory have put on cotton or even velvet clothes that were unimaginable before, and the dishes that often appeared on their faces disappeared without a trace. Everyone felt the change, so the aquatic products began to develop explosively.

For a while, even if the owner of Blue Lake Fortress couldn't stop this trend, he didn't want to stop it, because he had tasted the sweetness.

The result of bilateral trade is always win-win.

The benefit that Jianye received was that the price of food in the territory continued to drop, and finally remained at a basic point. In the past, a ton of wheat needed 50 silver coins, but now, a ton of wheat only needs 5 silver coins, which is a tenfold reduction.

Although some farmers went bankrupt because of this, the price of food in the entire territory dropped, and no one in the Arrowleaf Territory starved to death.

The bankrupt farmers were only miserable for a while, and they quickly found new jobs to support themselves. The prosperous Arrow Leaf Collar provides a lot of job opportunities for residents. As long as any resident works hard, he will be able to support himself easily.

In the three years since Luo Lin conquered Wild Wolf Fort, there was no battle within a total of more than 300 kilometers of Arrow Leaf Collar and the surrounding fortresses.

The goddess of peace came unexpectedly and gave rich rewards to every resident of this land.

At this moment, compared with the chaotic world outside this land, Luo Lin's arrow-leaf collar is as yearning as heaven.

People continue to come to this rich and peaceful land to take refuge.

At first, the fugitives appeared by chance and unnoticed.

But in the fourth year, this kind of escape became a common phenomenon. In the fifth year, according to statistics, nearly 300,000 people entered the territory of Arrow Leaf through various means to make a living in one year, even surpassing that of Arrow Leaf. Ye Ling's original number of residents.

After these fugitives came in, they basically settled down and never went out again. No one wanted to go back to the miserable situation of precarity, food, and clothing.

Naturally, some people have noticed this situation. Griffin, the chief manager of Bluestone Castle, is most aware of these changes. Compared with Rollin's optimism, he is a little worried.

On this day, he participated in the official banquet held by Rollin in the Zenith area of ​​Wild Wolf Castle. During the banquet, he reported to Rollin what he knew without worry.

"Lord, there have always been conflicts in the territory recently, and it seems that there is a trend of intensification."

The steward spoke very cautiously. Although Lord Verandu, who was sitting at the top, had been very gentle in the past few years, and even issued a peace announcement, as the steward, he knew the real means of the young lord.

The years of peace in the territory not only did not make Griffin feel contemptuous, but added awe.

It has been five years, and Luo Lin's physical body is already fifteen years old. Compared with before, his body has become much taller and stronger, and the immature look on his face has completely faded away.

When communicating with the officials of the territory, his eyes are always slightly squinted, and the lines on his face are very soft, as if there is a hint of a smile.

Hearing this, he smiled and said: "I know about this matter, there will be no big trouble, you don't have to worry, the guards will handle it."

As the number of asylum seekers increases, they will encroach on the living space of the local residents, and conflicts will naturally arise between the two parties, but these conflicts have always been within the controllable range.

The reason is simple. This piece of land has a radius of more than 300 kilometers, but there are only less than 700,000 people living there. The population density is very low, far from the level of life and death.

The reason for this situation now is that someone is secretly provoking trouble. Nolan will naturally clean up these instigators.

He raised his wine glass and smiled to his main pipe: "Today is the Harvest Festival, let's not talk about business, just drink as much as you want."

What else can Griffin do? He vaguely knew that during this period of time, some people would definitely have accidents.

Together with other officials, he raised his wine glass to respond to the castle owner. When the glasses were handed over for a while, there was a lot of voices and it was extremely lively.

When the wine was half drunk, Luo Lin retreated, and the officials became more relaxed, enjoying the harvest festival which was getting bigger and bigger every year.

After leaving the Zenith area, Rollin boarded the special airship specially built for him by the School of Mechanical Engineering: Guardian No. 1. In just five minutes, he returned to the study in Blue Stone Castle and started to deal with today's business.

There were a bunch of encrypted reports on the desk, Luo Lin looked through them one by one, and when he found one of them, he smiled slightly.

The letter said that the two brothers of the Murphys family of Wild Wolf Fort gathered some people and began to fornicate the former ministers of Wild Wolf Fort with the intention of inciting rebellion.

But in the end, the two brothers had an accident. None of the old officials who were considered loyal to the family paid any attention to them. Not only did they ignore them, they also quietly reported the situation to Luo Lin's spy office.

No one is stupid. Luo Lin has managed the territory for the past few years. From the outside, his methods are ordinary, but anyone who has experienced it can feel the huge changes.

Everyone can feel that this territory has been built by Verando like an iron barrel, and just a little bit of power exposed by it is enough to make people put away all their thoughts.

Rebellion at this time is simply asking for death.

After looking at this report and thinking for a while, Luo Lin wrote an instruction: 'After the conspiracy is revealed and the peasants, women and children know about it, execute the first offender by shooting! "

It's not that he is unkind, it's that Brother Murphys is unwise and unrighteous. At this time, the two people were executed by shooting, not to mention killing the grass and roots, everyone would applaud and applaud.

The ten thousand hectares of fertile land bestowed to the Murphys family many years ago happened to be taken back at this time.

One sentence sealed the fate of the two brothers, and Rowling began to read the next document, but it was from Brighton. The document was about a great lord of Novus in the east of Arrowleaf.

This Novus is the fifth son of King Alvin, and he owns a territory called Galewind Territory, with a radius of more than 400 kilometers. He is one of the five lords in the Holy Land.

Recently, this great lord has been in frequent contact with the surrounding lords, and secretly signed some non-aggression agreements, but he has not contacted the Arrow Leaf collar, and at the same time, the military forces in his territory are constantly being dispatched.

Brighton therefore deduced that Novus was going to use troops against the Arrow Leaf Leader for a simple reason, because most of the refugees in the Gale Leaf had fled to the Arrow Leaf Leader. It made Novus very unhappy.

Looking at this document, Luo Lin sighed softly, knowing that this battle was inevitable, and he had to prepare for it.

He began to write down some orders, and asked the attendants to send them to the commanders in the territory one by one, starting the preliminary preparations for the war. After finishing, Luo Lin continued to read the documents.

After flipping through a few copies, he saw a document with the logo of the Blue Castle Institute of Mechanics printed on it. He opened it and glanced at it, and Luo Lin's eyes suddenly lit up.

The document was sent by Fidos. Fidos is now the dean of Blue Castle College. He led his bachelor team to find the substance that can stimulate the super magic power source.

Over the years, because of this research, Bluecastle Academy has obtained many unexpected gains, all of which have been applied to military equipment, greatly enhancing the strength of the army led by Arrow Leaf.

But compared with the bright moon in the sky, the super magic power source, these small improvements are just shining stars, and the stars can never compete with the bright moon.

Now, Fidos has finally found this substance that can be used as a source of eternal magic power, and has a complete set of methods to successfully activate the magic power in it.

Years of heavy investment was finally not in vain, and it finally bears fruitful results!

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