Legendary Hero

Chapter 547 Where the sword passes, everything is invincible (Part 2)

When he reached the sky above the battlefield, the speed of the giant dragon slowed down, and the gargoyles that followed closely behind him immediately dispersed, surrounding the dragon in the middle, ready to besiege from all directions.

This is a common tactic used by gargoyles against giant dragons. They take advantage of their high magic resistance, high speed, and small body speed, plus their advantage in numbers. As long as there are 6 gargoyles in number, they can often defeat the giant dragon.

Now there are 8 gargoyles here. If the dragon does not want to be besieged to death by gargoyles in the sky, there is only one option to land.

On the ground, the attack power of the gargoyle is greatly reduced, and the dragon can often turn defeat into victory. But now, the ground is full of warriors of the Dark Legion. If they land here, they will face more attacks, which is tantamount to suicide!

The two War Demons, the Dwarf Musketeer, the Flo, and the Undead are all ready for battle, waiting for the Frost Dragon in the sky to land.

The human fighters quickly realized that something was wrong.

The adjutant yelled at the sky: "Nifita, go, go, don't slow down, and leave us alone!"

Neferta's stay is to die, just to kill some demons and undead, that's all, such a death is meaningless. Instead of wasting life like this, it is better to go north and return to the Allied territory, which also saves a high-end combat power for the Allied forces.

Jasmine was lying on the ground. She was seriously injured and couldn't move her body, but her mind was clear. Although she couldn't yell out, her thoughts were completely consistent with her adjutant.

The giant dragon's sense of hearing is very sensitive. Jasmine believed that the giant dragon in the sky must have heard her adjutant's words, but for some unknown reason, the giant dragon was still slowing down, and even started to land.

The dragon cooperates so much that the gargoyle easily surrounds the dragon and is about to attack.

"What's going on? Are Neferta's ears broken?" Jasmine couldn't figure it out, so she could only make such an unreliable explanation.

She saw a gargoyle start to make a tentative attack. The ghost suddenly screamed, and then rushed towards the dragon's back. It raised its sharp claws and grabbed the dragon's wings.

The sharp claws of the gargoyle can break gold and crack rocks, and the attack power is amazing. Even the dragon scales can't stop the full force of the gargoyle's claws. If the dragon's wings are attacked, it is inevitable to break!

"Hurry up and hide!" Jasmine yelled in her heart. She saw that the giant dragon did not change its flight path at all. Not only did it not hide, but it even landed. It just landed on the battlefield in such a grandiose manner, as if it had made up its mind to seek death.

Jasmine couldn't understand it, beads of sweat oozed from her anxious forehead.

"Nifita must be crazy!" the adjutant murmured, the faces of the other soldiers were also full of disbelief, and even the Dark Legion was surprised.

The leader of the dwarves said strangely: "Why is he..."

This is no longer brave, but stupid. How could the giant dragon make such an almost mentally retarded mistake?

Just then, an accident happened.

The gargoyle that attacked the dragon's wings flew more than ten meters away from the dragon, and when it was about to launch a powerful attack, there seemed to be a blurred light on the back of the dragon. The ghost's body stopped suddenly, and then, this extremely strong alchemy creature split in two in the air.

"What's the situation?" The dwarf leader was shocked. He had never seen such an attack. He had seen a gargoyle be shot down with one blow, but the gargoyle's body had never been so completely damaged, and it usually remained intact. But now, the gargoyle is cut off directly, how much power does it need? The dwarves could not imagine.

At this time, the giant dragon was still falling, and as his height decreased, those with sharp eyes finally noticed the abnormality on the dragon's back.

There is a person sitting on the dragon's back, which itself is an incredible thing.

The giant dragon is a legendary race with a proud nature. No mortal can sit on their backs. Those who want to do this will definitely face the wrath of the giant dragon. Usually, the result is that they are directly sprayed by the dragon's breath, and the body is like being under high temperature. Like a melted candle, the end was tragic.

But now, not only did this person stand safely on the dragon's back, but the frost giant Neferta he was stepping on didn't seem to have any dissatisfaction. The giant dragon also tried to keep its flight as stable as possible.

A doubt appeared in everyone's mind, who is this person?

No one answered, the dragon continued to land on the battlefield, and gargoyles, creatures with low intelligence, continued to attack, but this time, these annoying gargoyles were on the weak side. no reply.

8 gargoyles, the person standing on the back of the dragon made eight swords, one sword for each, and none of them were lucky. Judging from his movements, it was as light as killing a rabbit.

"Gods above, who is he?" The adjutant sat on the ground with his mouth open, with a look of disbelief on his face. He knew very well how terrifying the gargoyle was. If you can avoid it, you will never confront it unless there is a giant dragon supporting it in the sky.

A Juggernaut might be able to fight against two or three gargoyles at the same time, but no one can fight against eight at the same time, neither the Thunder Sword Saint Edward, the Thorn Sword Saint Coron, nor the Paladin Joseph Martin could do it.

Jasmine was also looking at the giant dragon that kept falling, and her eyes showed doubts. She felt that the figure on the dragon's back looked familiar, but it was too far away, so she couldn't see it clearly.

The leader of the dwarves was also shocked, and he shouted: "War Demon, rush up and stop him! Attack, start attacking, we must kill him!"

There was a hint of fear in the dwarf's voice that he didn't even notice. As the giant dragon landed, the demons felt a huge oppressive force, which forced them to fight back desperately.

At this time, the height of the giant dragon was less than ten meters, and a circle of demons had surrounded the ground. The giant dragon began to exhale, and the blue-white frosty breath gushed out from his mouth continuously, carrying almost endless frost magic power, powerful It has increased several times than before.

The reason is very simple, because Rollin poured the magic power in his body into Neferta's body. Rollin was once a frost dragon, and the magic power in his body and the frost dragon can be perfectly integrated without any rejection.

Neferta only felt that she seemed to have the power to destroy the world, the dragon's breath was sprayed all the way, under the attack of the frost magic power up to level 49, no matter if it was a demon or an undead, as long as it was sprayed, even if it was just the residue of the dragon's breath When Feng touched him, he immediately fell to the ground and completely lost his combat effectiveness.

Just after landing at a height of ten meters, a circle of ice sculptures that used to be demons appeared underneath, and there were no survivors. One of the war demons rushed too fast, and was also sprayed by the dragon's breath. His ending was no different from other demons, and he also became an ice sculpture, but this ice sculpture was bigger.

"...how is this possible!" The dwarf leader didn't want to believe this result. When will the breath of this young dragon be invincible?

Under the breath of the dragon, more than half of the demon warriors died, and hundreds of undead were sprayed out.

However, Neferta's physical strength is still not strong enough to carry the level 49 frost magic power for a long time. After spraying wildly, he must stop attacking, otherwise the high-level frost magic power will cause huge damage to his throat.

"Boom!" The dragon landed on the ground, and the person on his back jumped up, over fifty meters, towards the last living War Demon.

Zhan Mo had just seen the attack power of this man, so he raised his magic shield to defend.

The man's movements remained unchanged, and the sword in his hand was still slashing down. Just when the blade was about to hit the shield, a large number of translucent air vortexes suddenly appeared in the air around his body, and the sword in his hand also glowed. The icy white light, with a large number of swirls in the white light, is beautiful and dangerous.

"噗!" All the creatures on the battlefield heard this voice, and they also saw a white light passing through the body of War Demon.

Then, the man rushed to the next target, and when he rushed more than 20 meters away, the war demon standing still behind him made a "crash" sound, and the whole person, including the shield in his hand, brushed The ground is divided into two halves, just like the previous gargoyle, especially the thick and solid magic shield, with a smooth fracture like a mirror, nakedly showing the terrifying power of this human warrior.

The heart of the leader of the dwarves has been filled with fear. As the race that understands magic mechanical technology best among demons, he understands the strength of that magic shield best. Such a shield can resist all attacks from their opponents, even if it is a giant dragon. A full blow can only slightly deform the shield.

Now, how powerful does this human warrior have to be to split a shield in half with one sword?

On the ground, Jasmine finally recognized Luo Lin, not from his face, but from the vortex that appeared in the air before.

The sword energy is like a vortex, and the sword is like a landslide and tsunami, invincible. This is the power of her martial arts instructor, Maple Leaf Sword Master, and the missing Silver Crusade Marshal Luo Lin.

"It's the Maple Leaf Sword Master!" Some surviving human fighters also recognized it, and they shouted, with surprise, shock and joy in their voices.

Jasmine's adjutant couldn't believe all of this. He struggled to get to Jasmine's side and asked anxiously, "Is it him? Is it the Marshal?"

Jasmine nodded very positively, she would not admit it wrong, there is no second warrior in this world with such sharp sword skills.

Just when everyone was surprised, the invincible swordsman and the frost dragon had swept away all the vlo demons and began to wipe out the dwarves behind the dark army.

The dwarves used muskets, and they also shot, but they soon discovered that the sharp muskets in their hands could not break through the dragon's scales.

The dragon scales of this giant dragon showed a blue-white color, which was far stronger than the dragon scales of ordinary dragons. The attack of the musket could only cause some insignificant scorched marks on it.

As for that warrior, his moving speed was too fast, and he was too small to aim at all. Even if some attacks were lucky, they were easily blocked by the opponent's sword in his hand.

Use a sword to block the attack of the musket. If someone had told the leader of the dwarves this way before, he would have called him a brainless idiot, but now, the fact happened before his eyes. Looking at the blurry figure that was approaching rapidly, the leader of the dwarves was filled with suffocating fear.

"It's too scary!" This was the last thought in his mind, just as it surfaced, a black shadow appeared before his eyes, and then a light shot towards his face, and after that, he didn't know anything.

Luo Lin and Neferta, one man and one dragon cooperated to attack, and destroyed a demon team in an instant.

After cutting off the last demon's neck, Luo Lin stopped, the sword trembled slightly, and the black blood stained on the sword was turned into a mist by the burst of power, the sword light flashed again, and the cloud pattern sword disappeared. But Luo Lin took back the dragon space.

Neferta, the giant frost dragon, came over. He now believed in Luo Lin's identity. He bowed his head in awe and said, "Marshal, is it really you?"

He has been completely conquered by Luo Lin's power. He can feel the almost eternal power of the dragon in the opponent's body. He can feel that this person is his own clan, no, not just the same clan, it should be someone from the clan. The supreme power who can't hide from the world.

So his current attitude is very humble, just like facing an elder in the clan.

Luo Lin waved his hand: "The marshal is a thing of the past. The current marshal is Horn. But I am indeed Luo Lin. Come on, let's see how many people are still alive."

After going through so many things, Luo Lin figured it out a long time ago. He is a swordsman and a ranger, and he is not suitable to be a leader who manages all kinds of affairs and commands thousands of troops.

The true king and the immortal cannot coexist, even if he wants to continue to be the marshal, with his demigod power, the original consciousness of the Troll world will not allow it.

He understands that this time he came back, one is for Vianna, and the other is to impart the knowledge of the derivative magic he obtained.

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