Legendary Hero

Chapter 548: The Demon Who Pulled Out His Heart

Soon, Luo Lin and Jasmine met.

Luo Lin's appearance didn't change much, it was still the same as before, but Luo Lin almost recognized that the thin little girl lying on the ground was the Jasmine he brought back to the Mosaren Bridge back then.

Jasmine is very thin, her cheeks and eye sockets are sunken, her face is even paler, and she doesn't have a smile on her face. When she smiles, she is full of vicissitudes. The little girl with a ruddy face, a cheerful smile, and an innocent and lively look is on her now. Couldn't find any shadows.

From this appearance, it can be seen what kind of life she has lived in the past three years.

General Jasmine, a general who is only eleven years old, has a bitter heart, which Luo Lin, who has seen too much of the world, can easily imagine.

Luo Lin sighed, stepped forward and gently hugged Jasmine's small body.

"Uncle, why did you come back?" Jasmine's voice was so weak that she could hardly hear clearly.

Luo Lin laughed at himself: "I used to think that I could control everything, but fate told me it was wrong, and everyone is following the trend."

Even if he is as strong as the Lord of Darkness and the Goddess of Life, there are things he can't ask for. Why does he, a little demigod, think that he can find what he wants in the ancient century and return unscathed?

In the past, he became a sword master in a short period of time, and he was faintly the number one master in the world of Troll. Before he knew it, he became proud.

Jasmine deeply sympathized with Luo Lin's words. Who in this world can control their own destiny?

She smelled the familiar aura of Luo Lin's body in her nostrils, her heart was at peace, and her tense heartstrings immediately relaxed, her injuries flared up, and she passed out.

Luo Lin's movements became lighter, and he pressed Jasmine's back with one hand, protruding out the tentacles of divine power, carefully repairing the injuries in her body, and at the same time recharged the magic power into the armor bracelet.

While doing this, he looked around the battlefield at the same time. Looking around, he saw that only eight soldiers were alive, one was the adjutant, there were two dwarf musketeers, and the remaining five were human fighters.

The corpses of soldiers were scattered all over the battlefield. Everyone stared and gritted their teeth before death. There was no pain, only anger and hatred.

"Can you still go?" Luo Lin asked.

"Yes!" The surviving warriors replied, looking at Luo Lin with reverence.

"Then let's get out of here..."

"Let me take them away." The giant dragon Neferta interjected, eight people, he can grab two with one dragon claw, and he can easily take them away. He can fly and escape quickly.

"Alright." Luo Lin nodded, and when he was speaking, he saw that the adjutant seemed hesitant to speak, so he asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Yali. Yuan... Your Excellency Marshal, the phaser we snatched this time was secretly taken away by the elf under the arrangement of General Jasmine. Now that you are here, are you going to bring it back? "

Along the way, the giant dragon Neferta had already explained the phaser to Luo Lin, he knew the importance of this thing, nodded and said: "Of course, let's go, let's find the elves. Which direction are they going? "

"North. Some Griffin Knights went to the northeast. In order to distract the attention of the dark army, they carried a box with a phaser." Yali explained.

"We saw those Griffin Riders. They should have returned to the north safely. Now we are looking for elves." Luo Lin came across many gargoyles along the way, and saw Griffin Riders from a distance. At that time, they lured the gargoyle away, and when they were about to catch up and ask these griffin riders, Neferta discovered the battlefield here and hurried over to help, but it was still not fast enough.

Those Griffon riders seemed to be terrified too, they kept running without even noticing the dragon behind them.

So, the giant dragon Neferta took the surviving warriors and flew all the way north. They flew at a very low altitude and observed the situation of the mountains and forests all the way.

In order to let the elves let down their guard, Neferta will emit a dragon cry at a specific frequency every once in a while, which is a signal of safety.

The dragon chant is loud and clear, and can be heard over a very long distance. With the speed and eyesight of a giant dragon, it stands to reason that the elves can be found very quickly.

But Neferta flew with the people for more than twenty miles, but did not get any response.

"Strange!" Neferta said: "The battle just now didn't last long, the elf shouldn't have gone far, why did it disappear?"

Even if he deliberately avoided danger, he had already sent out a safety signal, and he was a giant dragon, so it would definitely be safer to join him and go north.

Along the way, Luo Lin also opened the eyes of the dragon and looked down, but he didn't see any traces of elves in the forest.

"Will there be an accident?" Adjutant Yali asked worriedly.

"Very likely." Luo Lin frowned, lost the phaser, and let the Dark Legion have more reinforcements. This battle is really difficult.

When he was anxious, Luo Lin suddenly saw something abnormal in the forest below, and immediately pointed out the direction: "Nifita, look at that tree!"

Neferta immediately turned around and flew over. The tree was one kilometer away. To him, it took only five or six seconds. After flying there, he lowered his altitude, and everyone could see the scene under the tree clearly.

Under the big tree, an elf was lying down on the ground. There was a huge tear on her back and heart. Looking through the broken bones and pieces of meat, she could find that her heart was missing.

"Damn it, she must have encountered a shadow assassin! Those assassins like to eat their hearts!" Neferta said angrily.

"No, it doesn't look like it was done by a shadow assassin!" Lieutenant Yali shook his head, pointing to the footprints by the tree and said, "Look, there are a lot of fresh footprints here, which don't belong to assassins, and those assassins won't leave any footprints." So many footprints!"

"Unfamiliar footprints, never seen before. The situation is very bad." Neferta's eyes narrowed.

Luo Lin was also observing the ground, and he had already found many clues: "Here, the other two elves are not dead, they escaped... they ran in that direction."

Neferta immediately wanted to chase after them, but Luo Lin shouted: "No, I'll go after them, you take them back."

"No, Marshal, you go after them, we can go back by ourselves!" Adjutant Yali hurriedly said, the phase meter is the most important, it involves the fate of the allied forces, and their lives can be sacrificed at any time.

Luo Lin thought for a while, and looked at Jasmine in his arms. He had roughly treated Jasmine's injuries, and she was fine. The magic power of the battle armor bracelet was also full. Jasmine would wake up soon. With her With the power behind the armor, she should be able to take her soldiers back to the north.

If the giant dragon is with him, the two of them can also take care of each other, especially when encountering an opponent who can fly, if the opponent wants to escape, Neferta can also lead him to chase all the way, which can save him a lot of strength.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Nefita, let's land. Jasmine is about to wake up."

The dragon landed on the ground and put the soldiers down, while Luo Lin handed Jasmine to the soldiers, and after a brief instruction, he and Neferta continued to search along the traces.

Neferta flew all the way at low altitude. After flying for about half a minute, they saw the corpse of the second elf. Many arrows.

Like the previous corpse, this elf's heart was also missing.

Luo Lin stepped forward and felt the elf's body with the back of his hand. It was still warm. Although the person died, there was still a lot of vitality left in the body. The brain quickly gave the time of death.

"40 to 55 seconds ago."

Luo Lin scanned the scene and found a new clue within five seconds. He pointed in one direction and said, "Over there, the third elf might not be dead yet!"

This time, he didn't sit on the dragon's back, he just jumped off, activated the wind fighting skill, and shouted: "Follow!"

Then he galloped all the way, and in the eyes of the giant dragon Neferta, he saw Luo Lin's figure flashing, and a strong wind blew around him, and he disappeared.

"So fast!" Neferta was startled, and hastily followed.

On the other side, Luo Lin was speeding like lightning in the mountains and forests, and his speed had surpassed the sound. After about three seconds of fighting, he suddenly heard a scream from a thousand meters ahead.

Listening to the sound, this scream was made temporarily by a female elf!

Luo Lin frowned, his magic power intensified, and his speed increased. In almost two seconds, he rushed to the place where the sound came from.

This is a mountain corner. A female elf fell on the edge of a rock, with blood dripping from her mouth, and the light in her eyes was still condensed. She was not dead yet, but her heart was not taken out. It may be that the assassin sensed Luo Lin's arrival and ran away in a hurry. The reason.

Looking around, there was only a series of footprints, which stretched out for more than 30 meters, and suddenly disappeared. No matter how hard Luo Lin searched, he couldn't find any traces.

He couldn't find any new clues for a while, and he didn't see the phaser-like object in Neferta's description. He could only temporarily give up searching, landed, and pressed his hand on the wound under the female elf's left rib. The tentacles of divine power protruded out. Start healing her.

The most serious injury in this female elf's body was her heart. A concentrated force invaded it, almost shaking her heart into minced meat. If Luo Lin hadn't arrived in time, no one could save her.

Luo Lin used the skill of copying objects with derivative magic, and with a slight change, he recreated a brand new heart for the female elf.

While treating the wound, Luo Lin felt more clues in this environment. The superficial clues such as footprints and breath were completely gone, but there was an abnormal disturbance in the space of this place, that is to say, just now , the opponent opened the space door and fled.

Open the space door... Luo Lin frowned slightly, and he gave an order to the brain in his heart: "Collect clues of space disturbance, I want to know the destination of the space door."

If it was before, Luo Lin didn't have this ability, but now, he is burning with divine fire in his body, very sensitive to space and time, the most basic structure of the plane, and has the ability to detect their changes, supplemented by a brain , a fairly accurate result can be obtained.

"Received the order." The intelligent brain started high-intensity calculations, and now Luo Lin can easily bear the consumption.

At this time, Neferta rushed over, and at the same time, the female elf also woke up. As soon as she woke up, she saw a human race and a giant dragon, both members of the Allied Forces. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted anxiously Get up: "He stole the phaser! His speed is too fast, I have no time to destroy it!"

"Who is he?" Rollin asked.

"A demon race that I don't know. It can turn into a beast that runs on all fours. It can also turn into a human form. There is a green fire on its head. My arrows can't hit him at all. He can also speak the common language and illusion. It's scary, it's terrible!" The elf's face was full of fear, and his speech was a little incoherent.

"The phaser was snatched back by the devil, and all the clues are gone. He must have used the teleportation function of the phaser. The phaser is already usable, which is too bad!" Neferta looked anxious.

The phaser is useful, and the demon has regained it. In the near future, the portal will definitely open, and new demon legions will flood into the world, and the allied forces will know nothing about the principle of the phaser. By then, everything will be over!

The female elf archer obviously realized this too. Tears of remorse flowed from the eyes of this strong warrior, and he murmured: "I made a big mistake, I should destroy it."

At this moment, the intelligent brain running at high speed came up with the calculation result: "The disturbance shows that there is no long-distance teleportation nearby. If there is teleportation, the distance should be less than three kilometers!"

Luo Lin was taken aback, somewhat unable to understand what was going on.

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