Legendary Hero

549 Messenger Of Doom (1/3)

The person disappeared out of thin air, and there were signs of disturbance in the space, but the calculation result of the intelligent brain said that the teleportation distance of the opponent did not exceed 3 kilometers, which means that the opponent is still in this forest.

With such an inference, Rowling immediately said to the giant dragon Neferta: "I can feel that the other party didn't run far. Let's split up and search south!"

Luo Lin's power is extremely powerful. Now that he said that, Neferta was overjoyed. He had no doubts at all, spread his wings into the sky, and began to search for the south.

Luo Lin didn't rush to search, he asked the elf who had just been rescued: "How is your health now? Can you walk?"

The female elf nodded: "I feel good now, and it seems that my physical fatigue has dissipated. Thank you for saving me."

She didn't know how badly she was injured. She was very grateful to Luo Lin, but she was not shocked, because healing was a very common power.

Since the other party was fine, Luo Lin felt relieved, pointed in the direction of Jasmine and the others and said, "General Jasmine is over there, go and meet them."

"Well, my lord, may I know your name?"

"You will know. Go quickly." Luo Lin didn't delay any longer. He increased his speed and rushed towards the dragon in different directions. The divine power surged in his body, and he fully enhanced his five senses, sensing everything within a radius of one mile. The wind is blowing.

He searched all the way, and the forward speed was maintained at about 100 meters per second. After running for more than a minute, Luo Lin suddenly stopped.

There are no traces of any living demons in the forest, but the place where he is now has an inexplicable smell, and it always feels that something is wrong.

Luo Lin was very strange, he began to walk back and forth in this area, searching for the ultimate source of this discordant feeling.

After searching for four minutes, he heard the sound of the dragon's wings flapping. When he looked up, Neferta had arrived. He was a little frustrated: "Marshal, I have searched all over this area, and there is no demon that the elf said."

With the vision of a giant dragon, when flying in the sky, the area of ​​a few kilometers can be seen at a glance. It took him four minutes to find it, so he must have searched very, very carefully.

Luo Lin didn't speak, he was still turning around in this area, the divine power in his body had already raised his perception of this area to the highest level, Neferta looked puzzled and wanted to ask, but Luo Lin waved his hand to stop him,

Finally, when turning under a big tree, Rowling found the source of the discord.

He pointed to the air under the big tree and said, "This place is abnormal, there is something hidden!"

"Is there nothing?" Neferta saw nothing but a cloud of air, and he wondered if Luo Lin was hallucinating.

"You don't understand." Luo Lin took out the cloud pattern sword and explained: "There is a problem with the space here. The space is not broken, but shrinks inward, like a tied pocket, the pocket of the pocket The mouth is tied very tight and the opening is very, very small so you can't see it."

The change of space is most intuitively explained by the dimension theory of previous life. For example, in this tied pocket, the two-dimensional hole is a hole on the paper, but the space is three-dimensional, and the hole is displayed as a ball.

If the bag is tied tightly, the ball will be small. It can be as small as a microscopic particle. For such a small thing, mortals will not be able to notice the difference between this ball and ordinary microscopic particles, but Luo Lin can easily feel it with the help of divine power. This is a dissonance.

There is still a difference between the space hole and ordinary particles. The biggest difference is that it disturbs the space far more than ordinary particles, so as soon as Luo Lin arrived here, he felt abnormal space disturbance.

In the ancient century, when he was still the god of war, he was powerful, and his brain would perform various calculations while dealing with believers. Luo Lin himself is also building a powerful combat weapon, the Xingyun Sword, which requires a lot of knowledge and principles.

The more powerful the weapon, the more difficult the principles involved, and it will eventually involve the manipulation of space and time.

Time is too complicated, and Luo Lin has not explored much, but in terms of space principles, he can now be called a master.

In today's Troll world, although Luo Lin's divine power is greatly restricted and cannot fully reproduce the power of the Xingyun sword, but with the help of divine power and cloud pattern sword, it is enough to deal with this demon hidden in the shrinking space.

Divine power was injected into the cloud-pattern sword, and the sword body, which was made of high-strength metal, immediately became translucent and crystal-clear, emitting a faint golden-red brilliance, and showing great coercion.

Although Neferta beside him was a legendary dragon, he still couldn't bear the pressure at close range. He subconsciously took a few steps back and looked at the sword in Luo Lin's hand in horror.

The cloud-pattern sword stabbed out slowly, the speed was very slow, and the sword was very stable. After the tip of the sword advanced about 20 centimeters in the air, it seemed that it encountered something, and suddenly there was an abnormal twist.

At first, the distortion was only the tip of the sword, but soon, the tip of the sword disappeared into the air, and the twist extended backwards, wherever it extended, the body of the sword disappeared. Finally, the entire sword disappeared into the air, only the sword The handle is still held in Luo Lin's hand.

Then, Luo Lin drank softly: "Open!"

The golden-red light on the sword suddenly lit up, and a large number of swirling vortexes faintly appeared in it. Under the inconceivable gaze of the giant dragon Neferta, a distorted light with a diameter of nearly two meters appeared in the originally empty air. The ball, on the edge of the light sphere, is entangled with strands of golden-red light, and these lights maintain the stability of the light sphere.

This is more than that, as more and more golden threads are added, the ball of light begins to expand continuously.

Neferta on the side felt an invisible repulsive force, constantly pushing him back. He tried to grab the ground to keep his body stable, but soon he found that it was impossible!

He found that, in fact, his body did not move, and part of the perspective in his eyes did not move, especially the part behind him. Look, his body is receding.

This perceptual dislocation was beyond Neferta's understanding of the world, and he was horrified to the extreme.

Luo Lin stared at the ball of light in front of him, with a serious look on his face: ""I am releasing the shrinking space, and correspondingly, the space in this area has increased, so you will retreat. Be prepared, the devil may escape at any moment! "

"Yes, Marshal!" Neferta was in awe, and her voice became more humble.

Just when the diameter of the ball of light expanded to a range of about five meters, a sharp roar suddenly came from inside, followed by a black shadow rushing out of the ball of light.

Luo Lin was releasing the space with all his strength, unable to attack, he dodged to the side, dodging the sharp claws swung by the black shadow, the giant dragon Neferta behind him had been preparing for a long time, immediately raised his dragon claws, and slammed at The black shadow fanned over.

"Bang!" With a solid slap, the black shadow was sent flying, and the dagger-like dragon's claw cut out a lot of flesh and blood from his body.

"Roar!" The demon screamed in pain, his whole body flew ten meters away, and hit a rock. There was a "crash", and the gravel splashed everywhere. After everything calmed down, he saw a demon lying on the gravel, His body was twisted, and many bones were obviously broken by Neferta's palm.

The demon's skin was grayish brown, about two meters tall, with a tail like a crocodile, a head like a murloc, feet like a goat, and hands like sharp claws. It was extremely ugly.

"This is a brand new demon, I've never seen it before." Neferta looked at this thing in amazement.

Luo recalled that because he had fought against the Lord of Darkness in the abyss all year round, he knew a lot about the demons under him. Soon, he found the corresponding type of demon in his memory.

"It's the Messenger of Doom." Luo Lin walked up and poked at the struggling demon on the ground with his sword. The demon was obviously terrified of Luo Lin, and he didn't dare to resist at all, and kept backing away.

"The physical strength of the doom messenger is not strong, but he has a unique talent. They are born to control the space. This talent helps to become a perfect assassin. As long as they appear, there will be unpredictable bad luck." Luo Lin explained, pointing the sword in his hand at the demon's throat, and asked in a deep voice, "Say, where is the phaser?"

"Glotataloga." An inexplicable voice came out of the devil's mouth.

"It's Abyssal Language!" Neferta said.

Luo Lin shook his head: "He spoke in Devil's language."

In the legend of Troll, the hometown of demons is a plane world called Tymor. Rollins already knew that Tymor is actually an abyss world, but this world is somewhat special.

In the world of Taymor, there is no demon god who controls everything, and the origin of the world of this plane is not controlled by humans. In fact, Taymor is a born dark plane.

The Goddess of Life suspects that the Lord of Darkness is most likely an abyssal plane modeled on the Taymor plane, because all abyssal languages ​​are actually variants of the demonic language.

Fortunately, Luo Lin could understand, this demon could not understand Common Language, what he said just now meant that he wanted to surrender and forgive him.

Luo Lin changed his mouth and said in the devil's language: "Where is the phase meter?"

There was a look of extreme fear on the demon's face. He seemed to want to open his mouth to tell Luo Lin the secret of the phase meter to save his life, but he opened his mouth, but didn't say a word. Immediately afterwards, the dark magic power in his body began It surged at a terrifying speed, and then exploded.

The first thing to explode was the demon's brain. With a 'boom', the brain, and even the soul enshrined in the brain, were shattered by the magic power of the riot, without reservation.

"Damn it, it's a dark contract. The contract forbids him to say anything about the phaser!" Luo Lin frowned.

"Where did the phaser go?" Neferta regarded Rollin as an all-knowing person.

"It must have been hidden by this demon in a certain shrinking space at the last moment. This space is very small and very stable. It should be in a free state and will move around. It is very difficult to find." Luo Lin carefully sensed the surrounding space, But nothing was gained.

After all, his divine power is still restrained. If he was outside the main material plane without any restraints, he should be able to easily find this free space, but now it is very difficult.

"What can we do?" Neferta's understanding of what Rowling said was limited to the superficial meaning. As for how the space shrinks? How to dissociate? He has no idea.

"Don't worry. We can't find it, and the Dark Legion is also hard to find. The longer the time passes, the harder it is to find. When the Dark Legion knows the news of the disappearance of the phaser, this shrinking space may wander to any corner of the world."

Looking for a free space with little spatial disturbance that is almost no different from microscopic particles in the whole world, the chance is hundreds of millions of times smaller than finding a needle in a haystack.

After thinking about it, Luo Lin said, "Let's go, let's meet Jasmine and go back to the north first. I know some principles of space, and maybe I can create some devices that attract free space."

Neferta had already blindly trusted Rollin, and immediately agreed.

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