Legendary Hero

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In the sky, Luo Lin sat on Neferta's back, looking at the scenery on the ground that swept back quickly, his heart fluctuated.

His destination this time is the Mosalen Bridge Fortress.

Along the way, Neferta introduced the situation of the fortress to Rollin

Because of the joining of the Dragon Legion, this fortress was not directly invaded by the Dark Legion. After three years of development, it has become a real steel fortress.

Towering forests of turrets, strong bridges, almost eternal magic barriers that can resist everything except forbidden spells, and more than 50 ironclad airships have created a daunting pass.

These are just the superficial force of the fortress. Behind the fortress, there are Fakes Island and Northland as backup. These two places provide the fortress with a steady stream of soldiers, food, resources, and various equipment.

If the Allied forces are compared to a fully armed warrior, then the bridge and fortress are the sword and shield in the warrior's hands, while Ficks Island and Northland are the strong body of the warrior.

"Lord Earl (the name Rowling forcibly requested), when you see the fortress, you will definitely be surprised." Neferta said, even as a giant dragon, when he saw the fortress a year ago, he also appeared like this for the mortal world. Shocked by the miracle.

The existence of the fort also strengthened his confidence in fighting against the dark army.

It can be said that the fortress at this time is a major spiritual pillar in the hearts of the allied forces. If the fortress is forced, it is estimated that the entire allied army will lose their fighting spirit like a bereaved dog.

Jasmine who stayed in the dragon's claw also said: "Uncle, you definitely won't recognize it. It can only be described as a 'miracle' now."

Rollin looked forward to these descriptions.

The dragon's flying speed was very fast. About two hours later, he had crossed a distance of more than a thousand kilometers. The Blackwater River appeared on the horizon ahead, and the scene of the Mosalun Fortress also appeared.

Although Neferta talked about how magnificent the fortress was all the way, when Rollin saw the true appearance of the fortress, he was still taken aback.

At this time, the fort was not limited to the Mosalen Bridge, it extended to both sides, and a bustling city appeared on both sides of the bridge.

At the southern end of the bridge, tall city walls shining with magical brilliance were built one after another. There are five walls every one kilometer, extending five kilometers.

Each city wall is at least 30 meters high, the top of the city wall is 20 meters wide, and behind the city walls are towering turrets and magic towers. Over the fortress, there are even whale-like iron-clad airships flying around in a continuous stream. Looking at the number, there are indeed more than 50 ships as Neferta said.

Between the city walls, there are many solid buildings, and there are soldiers coming in and out. It seems that they are all barracks.

"There are 200,000 elite fighters stationed in the fortress. With the help of the armored airship, more than 30,000 fighters can be transported to any point on the Allied front in one day." Neferta said proudly, as if he was one of them Proud to be a member.

However, this scene only surprised Luo Lin. He just didn't expect such a big change, but it was still far from shocking. He had seen too many magnificent scenes. Today's Mo Saren Fortress is just one of them.

The flight was getting closer, he suppressed his emotions, and asked, "Where is Archmage Vianna now?"

As soon as he asked, the dragon Neferta laughed: "Aha, Earl, I'm just waiting for you to ask. Do you see the mage city behind the bridge?"

He seemed to know about Luo Lin and Vianna, which made Luo Lin a little strange, but he refrained from asking. After seeing Vianna, everything became clear.

He looked over, and sure enough, he saw a so-called mage city with a radius of at least 1,000 meters on the other side of the Heishui River, composed of a large number of white mage towers. There were a lot of mage towers, at least fifty or more.

"Each one represents an archmage. Most of the archmages are giant dragons, and I am one of them. Vianna's tower is the eighth on the right side of the main tower, the one with the emerald green tiles, have you seen it?"

"I see." Rollin nodded.

Neferta seemed to have the right to fly freely in the fortress. After he put down the soldiers of the God's Sword of Retribution Legion, he took off again and flew all the way towards the Mage City.

Although the fortress is big, it is nothing to the dragon. In less than half a minute, Neferta arrived outside the mage tower. Here, he landed slowly. When he reached the ground, he lost his dragon form and became He became a handsome young man with blue hair.

He explained politely: "Count, there is a solid barrier above the mage city, and it is impossible to fly. We can only enter through the main entrance."

"I understand, you lead the way."

There is a low white wall outside the Mage City, and there is a statue at the main entrance, but it is a warrior with a sword. Luo Lin laughed dumbfounded after seeing it. This warrior looks like him. There is a statue of a warrior in the Mage City. This is really nondescript.

Neferta followed Rowling's gaze, and shook her head and laughed: "In fact, there are statues first, and then there is the mage city. Because you are the founder of the fortress, and Mage Vianna insisted, it is preserved down."

Luo Lin nodded, looked away, and followed Neferta all the way.

There are not many people in the mage city, but the people who come and go exude magical energy, and they should be all mages. These people all knew Neferta, and everyone had some doubts about Neferta personally bringing a human warrior into the Mage City.

Of course, no one recognized Luo Lin's identity, because it was too shocking.

Neferta brought Rollin all the way to the Vianna Mage Tower, and then he smiled and said, "Count, then I won't disturb your meeting. I have to go to the high command to report the detailed process of snatching the phase instrument."

"You go." Luo Lin nodded, and after Neferta left, he walked forward slowly, reached the door of the mage tower, raised his hand and tapped lightly.

The light on the door flashed and disappeared silently, and a hall appeared behind the door. When Luo Lin walked in, the magic light flashed slightly behind him, and the disappeared door reappeared.

There were children's laughter in the hall. Just as he was surprised, Luo Lin saw two little guys running out from behind a pillar nimbly, laughing as they ran.

The two little things, a boy and a girl, look exactly alike. They look like they are only two or three years old, but their movements are very flexible. From the two of them, Luo Lin felt a very familiar breath of dragon essence.

Being able to transform into a human form, as well as the essence of the dragon, shows that these two little guys are pure-blooded dragons. Luo Lin's heart moved slightly, and his heart started beating.

He looked carefully, and found Vianna's shadow on the faces of the two pink and jade-carved little guys, as well as his shadow.

The two little guys also saw Luo Lin, and ran over bouncing, babbling, and the little boy asked childishly, "Uncle, who are you looking for?"

Luo Lin didn't answer. He squatted down and reached out to gently stroke the little boy's face. Maybe he felt the connection between the blood in Luo Lin's body, and the little boy didn't dodge.

There was a noise at the entrance of the stairs, Luo Lin looked up, and saw the figure he had been dreaming of was standing there quietly, his eyes were like stars, his skin was as white as a moon, his waist was as slim as a willow, and he was wearing a long emerald green dress. There is a touch of maturity and charm on her body, it is Vianna.

"I'm back." With tears in her eyes, her voice was as calm as possible, but there was still a slight tremor.

"I'm back." Luo Lin calmed down instead, stretched out his arms, picked up the two little guys, and walked over.

"What's the name?"

"I haven't named it yet, I'm going to wait for you to come back."

"Oh, then I have to think about it." Luo Lin smiled gently, walked up to Vianna, and kissed her smooth forehead lightly.

Then the two walked side by side towards the upper floor of the Mage Tower. Along the way, they encountered maids from the dragon tribe. When each maid saw Luo Lin, she suddenly stared round her eyes and looked at him incredulously. He hastily saluted the returning home host.

"I found a solution to derivative magic." Luo Lin said.

"I'm not surprised, but let's not talk about it now, okay?" Vianna understands Luo Lin's character best. He has grown up to this day, and as long as he returns to her alive, he has never let her down. What I want is not the answer to the derivative magic, but Luo Lin.

Luo Lin nodded, and when he arrived at the upper hall of the Mage Tower, Luo Lin put down the two little guys. The two little ones immediately shrank behind their mother, quietly peeping at this strange yet familiar uncle.

"Father came back from a long journey, call him father." Vianna held the little guy's hand.

"Father." "Father." The little guy called out naturally. Judging from what Vianna said, she should often talk about him with them.

Luo Lin felt that his heart was about to melt, and he was satisfied without any regrets.

The Luo Lin family is reunited here, enjoying themselves happily.

On the other side, Luo Lin, the missing Marshal of the Silver Crusade, suddenly returned, but it caused a huge shock in the upper floors of the bridge fortress.

Allied Marshal Horn, paladins, archmages, and commanders all rushed towards Vianna's mage tower as soon as they got the news.

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