Legendary Hero

552 Individual Plans (1/3)

Luo Lin's peaceful time didn't last long. In less than half an hour, a large number of visitors came to Vianna's mage tower, and all of them were high-ranking figures from the Allied Forces.

Fortunately, this is a mage city, and there are relatively few ordinary people. If it appears in other places in the fortress, it is estimated that it will be known to the whole city in an instant.

Before opening the door, Vianna asked Luo Lin, "Do you have any plans?"

Luo Lin smiled: "Let mortals be mortals."

Vianna understood what he meant, smiled, and opened the door of the mage tower. After a while, Horn, Joseph Martin, the archmages, and the leaders were led to the upper floor of the mage tower by the maid.

Paladin Joseph Martin didn't seem to have changed much, he was still shrouded in brilliance, well, his strength seemed to be stronger. Horn has changed a lot. At a young age, he already has forehead wrinkles, and hoarfrost has appeared on his temples. His strength has also increased a lot. According to the standard of the brain, he is now a 36-level fighter.

As for the other great mages, Luo Lin found that they were all unfamiliar faces, and many of them had the breath of dragon essence, which showed that they were all members of the dragon clan.

The commanders have also changed, and none of the old faces from the past have been seen. These new commanders are younger and stronger. This detail tells Luo Lin that the fight between the light and the dark in the past three years is absolutely extremely fierce. , The able person takes the position, and the old, weak and lack of energy must give way to the young and strong, in order to obtain the greatest chance of victory.

In a flash, Luo Lin saw everyone. When he was observing everyone, the people who came also looked carefully at the Crusader Marshal who had been missing for three years.

The face is very young, but the temperament of the body makes it impossible to judge his real age. A pair of eyes as deep as a deep pool make it impossible to look directly at him, and the vague aura flashing on his body is even more shocking.

Among the people present, the Dragon Clan was the most surprised. They joined the Allied Forces only a year after Luo Lin disappeared. They had never seen the Crusader Marshal with their own eyes, only heard about his deeds.

In the human army, people rated the missing marshal as the most powerful man in the human race. He once competed swords with the undead swordsman Moro Wogan on the Black Water River, and cut off his opponent's head with nine swords in a row. A matchless battle.

The Dragon Clan has an arrogant personality, so they disdain this statement. When they heard that Luo Lin had returned, they all wanted to explore. Unexpectedly, they were immediately shocked by the faint Dragon Clan aura emanating from Luo Lin. .

A great mage of the dragon clan has already muttered in his heart: "Humans really like to put gold on their faces. This is obviously a warrior of my dragon clan, and he is said to be the strongest of the human race."

Not to mention the psychological activities of the dragon archmages, after a short silence, the current Allied Marshal Horn strode up. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a relieved smile: "Marshal, it's good that you come back."

God knows how he has spent the past three years. Although his grasp of the Allied strategy is unmatched, and he has established his prestige through a series of victories over the past three years, as the commander of the Allied Forces, he shoulders the pressure of the fate of the world. Not enough for outsiders.

Horn deliberates every decision carefully, fearing that there will be mistakes. How to take the next step, where is the fate of the Allied Forces, he is thinking every day, and it is difficult to sleep peacefully every night. How to coordinate the arrogant soldiers of the Allied forces when their own strength is not enough to convince the crowd is also difficult. In this case, he still has to spare time to practice his martial arts.

After three years, he was really exhausted. Now that Luo Lin, the orthodox marshal, has returned, although he is somewhat reluctant to be the marshal of the Allied Forces who can dispatch thousands of armies, and although he has been persuaded by his confidantes to make a cautious decision before he came here, after seeing Luo Lin now, his heart More of a relief.

Unexpectedly, Luo Lin shook his head: "No, the Allied Marshal is not me, but you."

"This is just a temporary emergency decision." Horn was taken aback.

"I am no longer suitable to be a marshal."

"But..." Horn said anxiously.

Luo Lin interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said sincerely: "Horn, I have heard about your deeds. You have done a good job, much better than me. I have long seen that you have this ability. I knew it when I was in Daôme. Remember when we were in Vendôme? When I got a small fief just outside the city, and you managed it all the time, and I basically did nothing."

Speaking of Vendome's past, Horn also showed a long-lost look on his face. He laughed: "I was exhausted during that time. I don't know anything, and I have to learn everything."

"But you did a good job, no one can do better than you, can't you?" Luo Lin laughed.

At this time, an archmage wearing a dark red robe said: "Horn, I think what Lord Luo Lin said is not wrong. What the Allied Marshal needs is not strength, but a grasp of the situation of the battle. You Better than anyone I've ever seen."

After finishing speaking, the Archmage turned to introduce himself to Luo Lin: "My name is Monrose, Archmage Flame, and I am also a member of the Dragon Clan."

Rollin nodded to him.

The power of this Monrose is as high as 48, and he is one of the most powerful dragons in the field. His status is very high. He said this, and everyone else agreed with him.

With the situation like this, Horn could only smile wryly: "Thank you very much for your trust, alas~"

He thought he could take the burden off his shoulders, but in the end it was still on his shoulders.

In fact, compared to standing on the cusp of the storm with heavy burdens on his shoulders, he preferred to work behind Luo Lin's back in the past. That way, he would have no pressure in his heart, and let Luo Lin carry all the big winds and waves. He just needs to concentrate on doing everything well. It works.

But without mentioning anything else, it is really not a wise move to change coaches just before the battle, and he can only accept it.

So far, the duties of the marshal have been preliminarily agreed upon, and Luo Lin began to talk about two really important things.

The first thing is the issue of derivative magic, which is the biggest purpose of his going to sea.

"Horn, I think you also know that I went to sea to find a solution to the problem of copying large objects with derivative magic, right?"

"Of course." Horn was excited, his eyes lit up, and he vaguely guessed the answer.

The archmages present were also refreshed. They all knew about the problem of deriving magic, but they couldn't find a solution. Now that Luo Lin came back, did he find a solution?

If this problem can be solved, then the Allied Forces will gain a huge strategic advantage out of thin air. If there are no other changes, they will win this battle of light and darkness!

Looking at the anticipation on everyone's faces, Luo Lin smiled and said, "Actually, I did find the answer."

The archmages were immediately excited. They understood magic, and it was because of this that they deeply understood the difficulty of this question. Now that Luo Lin had found the answer, not to mention anything else, just satisfying the curiosity of the mages to explore magic made them eager to solve the problem. eager to get an answer.

Unexpectedly, Luo Lin shook his head: "I will sort out the material-derived magic information, and you will get it soon. But the most urgent thing right now is the matter of the phase meter. Something unexpected happened. Change. I think Neferta should tell everyone, right?"

Neferta is also an archmage, and he is also present, but he is at the bottom of the ranking and has not spoken.

It was still the dragon mage Monrose in the dark red robe who spoke, he nodded and said: "We already know about the phase meter. Fortunately, no one can get it now. If you can create a way to find it, it will be even more important." alright."

"Of course, this is the second thing I've come back to do. Time is precious, how about we start now?" Luo Lin said.

The archmages looked at each other and nodded, they had no problem.

As for Horn, seeing that this was a problem with the mages and he couldn't intervene, he bid farewell to Luo Lin. All he had to do was to wait for these mages to produce results.

Then these achievements will become his new chips. As the marshal, what he has to do is to use these magical achievements on the battlefield to achieve more victories.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Rowling stepped forward, stretched out his hand and patted Horn on the shoulder. After such a pat, a pure magical power without any attributes mixed with martial arts information was transmitted to Horn's body.

Seeing that Horn was amazed by the changes in his body, Rowling smiled and said, "You are now the marshal of the Allied Forces, but as a soldier, your strength is not very good. When you have time, practice hard."

The magic power he passed directly raised Horn to level 39, and the martial arts information is the essence he summed up. As long as Horn practiced regularly, within a few months, he would be able to consolidate his current strength. After a year or two, It is not uncommon to be promoted to a legend.

Horn felt warm in his heart, and said with a smile, "I remember."

After Horn and his party left, Rowling and the archmages began to build the equipment for finding the phase meter. After Vianna settled the two children, she also joined in.

The archmages are all erudite people, working so hard and making rapid progress.

But what Luo Lin didn't know was that his greatest opponent in the ancient century did not let him go, and the dark army under the command of the Lord of Darkness was also accumulating new power.

In Vendome in the south, Barclay, the demigod who ignited the divine fire with the help of the Lord of Darkness, was not idle. He gathered a group of elite dwarves and continued to search for a new way to open the space portal.

With the help of the divine fire, Barclay has a new understanding of space, and these new knowledge are integrated with the magical mechanical technology accumulated by the dwarves, resulting in new changes that no one expected.

In Vendome's Grand Mage Tower, the Dark Prophet held a mercury-like ball in his hand, and respectfully said to the Great Demon King Barclay: "Your Majesty, under your guidance, we have successfully created the Force Spike .”

Barclay held the ball in his hand, carefully observed and enjoyed it, and smiled with satisfaction: "It's very good, but one spike is not enough. To break through the blockade of the world's force, at least fifty spikes are needed to form an array. It will do. How long do you expect to build successfully?"

"One spike in two days, if fifty, with some manufacturing skills, it can be completed in about two months."

"Very good!" Buckley was very happy.

Although the original force spikes are not as powerful as the phase meter, they can also be used to cut space. Using the spike array can temporarily break through the blockade of the original force of the plane and open the space door for a short time.

Although the number of demons transmitted through such a space gate is limited, if all the demons transmitted in are powerful, the strength of their dark legion will be greatly supplemented.

"Perhaps, I have to send some abyss lords in." Buckley thought to himself.

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