Legendary Hero

Chapter 555 Abyssal Lord (1/3)

Red Eagle sentry.

When Scarface and Kritov rushed to the dock of the sentry airship, they saw a group of people crowded beside the airship. Standing at the front of the crowd was a magician in a gray robe.

The magician's robe looked very inconspicuous. On the cuffs, there were a few more inconspicuous silver threads. With a scarred face and sharp eyes, he saw five silver threads.

He roughly knows the classification of magicians. A silver line means that this is an official mage, and five silver lines means that the opponent is a fifth-level magician. Such a mage can easily overthrow him.

As long as he goes up one more step, reaching the sixth level, this person will be able to wear a white robe and become a noble white-robed magician.

"A very powerful mage." Scarface commented in his heart, and he quickly noticed that the mage was holding a silver-edged booklet. On the cover of the booklet was a pattern of crossed double swords.

The magician read it against the roster: "Derren Ayre, Second Lieutenant, Musketeer."

"I'm here! I'm here!" A guy raised his hands high and pushed forward desperately from the crowd, looking extremely excited.

When the second lieutenant officer came to the magician, the magician first took out a silver shimmering ring from the box beside him and handed it over, and at the same time explained: "One silver ring of courage, the ring is fixed with 20 power, It can be activated, and after activation, it will produce a magical effect, and the running speed will be at least doubled."

"Wow~~" All the soldiers were amazed, looking at the ring in the hands of the second lieutenant officer, their eyes were hot.

Both Scarface and Kritov stared blankly at the powerful enchanted ring, their hearts pounding, wishing they could get the equipment right away.

But the magician hadn't finished distributing the equipment of the second lieutenant officer, he took out a brass star badge and handed it to Dren El, and continued to explain: "The brass emblem of heroism, enchanting intermediate shield and primary healing. "

Shield technique and healing technique are all life-saving magic. With this emblem, it is equivalent to an extra life on the battlefield. Although a lot of magic equipment has been distributed before, the soldiers are still excited to hear it.

The eyes of Scarface and Kritov are also shining.

Kritov whispered to Scarface, "You seem to be a second lieutenant too?"

"Well, I was just promoted a month ago. But it's just a military rank." Scarface didn't think so.

Although the military ranks of the Allied Forces are precious, no one at Red Eagle Watch has military merits. He has stayed here for more than five months and killed at least twenty demons. The accumulated military merits have allowed him to enter the ranks of officers. Of course, military ranks only represent commanding soldiers The qualification does not mean that you will definitely lead soldiers, because the positions of leading soldiers are very limited.

At this moment, the magician gave the last piece of magic equipment, a well-crafted magic musket, to the second lieutenant just now: "The witcher ice musket, enchanted with ice, can allow musket bullets to carry primary ice power, reducing Slow down the walking speed of the demon. Lieutenant, please put it away."

The second lieutenant was trembling with excitement, stretched out his hands, and carefully took the magic musket. After getting it, he gently stroked the smooth surface of the musket, with a gentle appearance, as if he was stroking the skin of a lover.

"Okay, next one." The magician mechanically read the roster.

There were more than a thousand soldiers in the sentry post, and it took a long time to divide them up one by one before each soldier got their own magic equipment. Everyone had it, even the third-class soldier Crito who had just arrived at the sentry post. The husband was also assigned a weapon and a magic protection ring.

The soldiers in the sentry were all overjoyed, but apart from being happy, they were also puzzled, wondering why the Allied High Command suddenly came to such a super big hand.

The quartermaster at the sentry was also frightened. He privately estimated the value of these magic equipment and concluded that this batch of weapons and equipment was worth at least one hundred thousand gold coins!

What is the concept of one hundred thousand gold coins? This money can be used to build a large armored airship! Although the Red Eagle sentry post is indeed very important, after spending so much money in it, many soldiers still suspect that the people in the high command are out of their minds.

However, before the magician left, he gave an explanation. He looked at the sentry soldiers with a smile, and his voice was soft: "The archmages have invented a brand new magic. The price of magic objects made with this magic is It needs about one percent of the previous ones. So the value of this batch of equipment is about 100 gold coins. Because of this, all the equipment brought by the supply ship in the future will be magic equipment. Everyone, please familiarize yourself with the use of new equipment as soon as possible.”

After the magician finished speaking, he boarded the supply spaceship and left, leaving behind a group of stunned soldiers in the sentry.

Will all be magic equipment in the future? This sounded like a dream, if not for every soldier actually got the magic equipment in their hands, everyone would think it was a lie.

But right now, every fighter is incredibly excited, and everyone can't wait to try out their new gear.

Scarface and Kritov walked back to their posts. Scarface got a sword and a shield, a ring and an Allied insignia that all officers had, a total of four magical equipment.

Others are fine, he likes the magic sword he got the most, and he couldn't help stroking the blade of the magic long sword in his hand lightly along the way, sighing contentedly.

"It's like a dream that I can use such a good magic sword in my life, haha." Scarface grinned.

He still remembers when he was a child. At that time, the Dark Legion had not yet invaded, and he was just a child of an ordinary Vendome family. Once playing in the street, he saw a noble warrior galloping across the street on a horse. There was a magic sword on his waist, and the cold sword light left a deep memory on him, and he still remembers it clearly.

He still remembered that he was envious and inferior at the time, and quietly went to someone to inquire about the magic sword, but was laughed at for a while, saying that he would never be able to get that thing in his life.

As a result, he got it now. Look at the sword in his hand. Although it does not have the fancy gem decorations like the nobles' swords, it is extremely well-made and almost flawless. battlefield killer.

There are also two magics attached to this sword, one is primary sharpness and the other is scorching heat.

The former makes the sword extremely sharp, not to mention cutting iron like mud, but it can definitely be done by blowing hair and hair. A fallen leaf flew towards Scarface, and Scarface raised his sword to meet him, but it was useless to use any strength, just heard a soft 'shua', the leaf hit the blade of the sword, and it was neatly divided into two halves, as sharp as an artifact .

Another searing spell is also very useful, demons and undead are afraid of fire. The Searing enchantment will add fire damage to his attacks, and damage bonuses to dark creatures. Also because of this enchantment, the whole sword is surrounded by a faint flame, and at a glance, it looks like a burning flame, which is extremely gorgeous.

But Scarface felt a little regretful: "This light is beautiful because it is beautiful, but it is too bright. It is too conspicuous on the battlefield, which is not good."

If it is conspicuous, it will attract attention, and it may be besieged. In that case, it is absolutely certain to die.

Just as he finished saying this, Scarface was surprised to find that the flame on the sword began to fade slowly until it disappeared. In the end, the whole sword was no different from an ordinary long sword except that it looked sharper. up.

"Could it be broken?" Scarface felt a burst of heartache.

Kritov next to him also encountered the same problem. He looked at the sword in his hand and said, "Hey, why is the sword not lit?"

The young man kept waving the sharp sword in his hand, as if he wanted to reactivate the sword to brighten it, but there was no movement until he aimed the sword at a small tree by the roadside.

There was a soft 'huh' sound, and a red light flashed on the sword. This small tree with a thick wrist was cut off easily, and the fracture was scorched. It was the effect of the power of the flame.

Seeing this scene, Scarface also tried to cut off the branch, and there was also a faint red light flashing, and the branch broke easily, with almost no effort.

He suddenly understood, laughed, holding the magic sword and was unwilling to let it go: "I'll just say, what I can think of, how can the archmage not think about it. What a treasure, my dear treasure!"

The two returned to the position of the observation post and replaced the hound.

On this big tree root, Scarface and Kritov touched their magic equipment fondly, unwilling to relax for a moment, and their faces were smiling like blooming chrysanthemums, and the previous haze disappeared instantly. clean up.

"I really want to fight the devil right away!" Kritov was eager to test his new power.

After getting the sharp weapon, even the experienced veteran like Scarface felt a faint impulse in his heart, eager to go to the battlefield and try the power of his treasure.

"Calm down, calm down, don't be brave!" Scarface immediately realized the problem with his mentality. In this cruel battlefield, he thinks that he doesn't die fast enough!

Seeing that Kritov was still looking excited, he stretched out his hand and patted his arm heavily: "You're looking for death, kid? This is just a magical equipment. Do you think you have obtained a divine weapon?"

"Uh~" Kritov couldn't react.

"There is only one life, so don't fight around, these good equipment are used to save our lives."

He touched his badge and ring and said, "Intermediate shield technique, protective magic, and magical enchantment, which one is not life-saving? We can only guard the Red Eagle sentry when we are alive. No matter how good the equipment is, it is useless after death."

Kritov was stunned for a moment, then calmed down, nodded earnestly and said, "Thank you, I understand."

"It's good to understand. But this is really a good thing." Scarface began to admire his magic equipment again.

Time passed quickly, and the rotation of the two of them was about to end soon. At this moment, Kritov suddenly pointed to a black spot hovering in the southern sky and said, "Brother Glion, look, what is that?"

Scarface squinted his eyes, and stood up in shock after just one glance: "No, it's a gargoyle! Huh? No, there are things in the woods! Hurry up and blow the horn!"

Kritov immediately rushed to the horn stand beside the big tree, took a long breath, and blew the warning horn.

"Woo~" The desolate voice spread far away, and the entire guard post was immediately alarmed.

But this time, the opponents came unexpectedly fast, and they didn't seem to care about being discovered. Within half a minute after the horn sounded, the first demon rushed out of the woods.

Scarface suddenly widened his eyes: "God, it's a steel armored warrior!"

The war demon is the trump card of the demon, and human warriors who are not legends cannot confront it head-on. When the war demon appears, it means that the absolute main force of the demon army is coming to attack.

Almost at the same time, the commander's roar came from the guard post: "Defense!"

They couldn't fight head-on with the main force of the Demon Legion in the wilderness, so they could only rely on strong sentry posts for defensive warfare.

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